Thursday, April 5, 2012

"And Now Your Host..."

I WILL host SNL one day!

So where do we start?...a story? a song? with a face full of snob?  How do we start this diary posting on this day?......all indicators say just type, so...

As we've been saying over and over and over and over again, our life is really taking a unique and special life of our own.  We are just a silly boy who loves to crack jokes, enjoy great company, and eat his oatmeal and be threw with it....But we really, now more than ever 50 sense a dramatic change in the..air.  Our life has always been...different.  People have told us 2 our pretty little face...OMG!  The other day I saw a small tickling of a pimple come over our right eyebrow, and it took all I had not to contact every single Cosmetology babe I know, and we do know a lot of them, to come over to my place and perform an emergency face cleansings!!  U think I'm joking, I'm was willing to buy the avocados myself!!...but yeah, folks have told us to our face, "u're weird!!"  I guess our normal seems ecentric, I mean what so crazy about us knowing the lyrics to several Spice Girls songs or us secretly thinking that big feet are sexy, especially topped with some honey!...(should I keep on going...)...I think I heard somebody say, "Please"'s so weird about us eating 2 varieties of children's vitamins or us back in tha day making some classic voicemail messages that sound like blockbuster movies featuring us, ask our friends, our vmails were really movies in ur ear...I mean what's so different about that?!

I remember watching that old Michael Jackson interview with that British interviewer, as he was talking to Mike about climbing up in trees and Mike dropping that classic line, "You don't climb trees??!!"  And meant it?  Sometimes the things u think are normal, folks see as "waay out there!"  I can tell this is gonna be a revelation type of day, so, I ain't scared, one day u gonna laugh ur butt off, like eye can't believe he said that...whatever u has anyone ever thought about just being a kid, eating jelly beans and just tumbling through the grass...or what it would feel like to be the opposite gender (If I was a girl...what!!! I'll be a bad chick dude!) Could u imagine, us being a chick who loves fashion, sports and music....who love to dance their booty off, and yet could hold a convo about art or life, c'mon now!!  I'll have so much Mean Girls hate among other ladies, I could probably bottle it up and sell it at a Sinead O'Conner reunion concert!  And yet I probably, or I know I'll be chased so much by the guys!  That'll be out of control...guess God knew.

Everything happens for a reason.  Coach Spo, said a great phrase after the Heat won over OKC last night..."that's somebody else's truth."  I know I'm suppose to be telling a crazy story at the moment bout our life, but let this flow...I keep reiterating that it seems like folks are supernaturally talking to us, and they repeatedly have the same theme of "not caring what others think."  Perhaps that's the key to success in life, and all walks of it.  I used to ponder what is the key to love...a lot.  Maybe it just might be the unforesakingly (I love making up words!) idea, that being ur self come rain or shine, is what helps u be u.  My Grandpa used to say, "If there were more people like me then this world would be a better place!"...Let me take it a step further, "If there were minus one person like me, this world would definitely be a worse place!"  What makes us unique?

I wasn't even gonna write "really" tonight, I was just gonna make a cameo since we didn't write yesterday...chill...cook these chicken thighs...listen to some Prince...and get my episodes of The Only Way is Essex on! (I just knew homegirl was gonna break up with that dude last episode!!  Sorry I'm still on Season One...)  But, we are learning so much to just!  As each and every one of us should...laugh at urself...u'll be surprised how many times I fall out of my stool here inside my showroom, and land on my back!  I giggle, cuz I know I'm goofy at times...just be walking down the street, swag all at a Phoenix, A Zee temp, then all of a sudden, just trip...and then try to play it off cuz this cinnamon skinned doll it just about to walk by rockin' them Joe's and high heels just right....y'all know I don't care....I'm not frontin'.

I always talk about having fun, but how many times do we just enjoy ourself.  And I'm for dag gone sure not talking about with no American Apparel stripe sock and with a copy of  Madonna's controversial book showing on ur Kindle!! (Censors excuse me for that one...but as I recall Article X and Courtney Love Verse 3 of our agreement says I get one of those per diary, so there it is!!)....But hey, u deserve it.  The other day, I talked about eating food and working it off the next day...if eating a cupcake, is gonna stop u from going awol and attacking...

Hold it!....I sense a storytime segment...ok...

I remember (Oh, I love that phrase!!)....being in college.  Me and my guys aka The Dynasty used to have a lot of fun, may have Scrabble Dabbled some with such a variety of girls we could create our own tower of Babel! problem saying that, if ur blessed to experience college, u know it's wild, emotions and H-Moans, can run wild! (Ok, Censors I get two!  U got to be a freak to get that one!)  Why am I getting myself in trouble by saying all this...oh well, u'll luv me one day!  So feelings can run out of control like a set of American Pie, and folks wanted their pie, by the slice, with whip cream on top! So no matter how u cut it, nothing would get in the way of somebody having their sweet tooth fulfilled!

Oh yes, these are the years where folks move away from home, and let down their hair some.  And if one of ur friends did somebody wrong, they end up taking it out on you!!  Just on GP!   I think I already told the story of one girl running up on me with a knife looking for one of my guys.  I didn't have my Female Justice League all set, I was still in tryouts a la mode, so I could make any calls to be like, "Ladies, U have an assignment!"...what else...this girl once tried to run myself, and this other girl off the side of the road as we were walking back to my dorm, in her SUV.  Kicking up rocks...I don't do drugs shorty, duhh!!  Interesting times...girls out in tha parking lot, keying up cars.  Is this what we are paying dag gone near $30 plus G's a year for?...let me see what else have we seen, this one girl loved to watch TV on the Big Screen in the common area of the just to make sure no one else could watch something she didn't approve of....she simply...took the remote control to class!!  I Billy Tha Kid u not!  Sitting on her desk, and to top it all off, this Intro to Thievehood novice would do all that to watch the Teletubbies!! U can't even make this stuff up!!

I had my share of many crazy moments of all genders and sexes...there are only two aren't they?? I know I'm metrosexual three and a half days out the week, and I'm including all eight of them!!...but yeah...this is a true diary tonight, so don't tell anybody these stories ok, shhh!!! So many...I recall these two girls performing the ENTIRE routine of Janet Jackson's "If" for just me and one of my guys!  Felt like Carson Daly when Mya broke him off back in tha day! Not gonna say 2 much...but sometimes u just have to laugh about life, and about urself.  But u need to LIVE to do that.  Go out, have fun, enjoy a cafe conversation...those are the times u'll remember down the line....ok, that was interesting in a cool way...a beautiful (and I don't call everybody that!) woman just knocked on my apartment door, seeing if I had an interest in selling my Vespa scooter...huh...we shall see, great convo wit her.

But yeah, just enjoying life...I have to say this and then I'm out to get our mind right on this evening...u don't have to spend a grizzip about of Pillsbury dough to have fun...a Jiffy Mix box of it will simply do!  With the way life is today, money is in the forefront of many of our decisions, and I'm no exception.  I talk with one of my dudes today about dating somebody out of the area...and I think about that...a I drive up I-95 up through Fort Lauderdale or up to Boca Raton (be quiet Austino, don't tell any stories about the girls up there!), just about if we could actually date somebody that far from the 33139.  I know I'm not wrong, people are basing the turkey decisions not on the heart but on the price of gas.  Sounds silly but true.  Ok, I live in South Beach, so it's several miles even over to say Coral Gables, some folks would rather talk via Skype, and have that convo than get in tha car and go through 11 miles each way of highway roads.  And I'm not mad at that if u can handle it...we are not!  Skype is mad cool...but we say that of how money is affecting our hearts even more subtle and in ways we never thought it cool.

I'm learning by the minute that fun should not be determined by how much money is in ur pocket.  Well, I hear somebody say, "Galaxia, that's easy for u to say, u seem to live a wealthy life."....but I'm learning it's not the money that determines how much fun u have.  Look at it this many times have u gone shopping with a wad of cash or credit cards or funky two dollars in ur pocket, u buy this and that, but the item that gave u the most joy was that item that was on "sale" and was perhaps the least expensive of all the gear u bought!  Shooot...I go to vintage, I mean REAL vintage stores, not just no Salvation Army , and come out with some Diesel belts for $1 or some great books to read that cost  50 cents each, and man, I'll be happier than Gomer Pyle at an auto show!! U don't even have to spend money...just walking down the street..I said one day I was gonna approach every single girl I say for a day who I found to be attractive in one way or another...u talking about a diary post to write about, still may do that...but by being completely honest, which is what true fun is all about.

I've talked way too much, and probably should not have said what we've said tonight, but u know what...we are determined to make sure somebody enjoys life...I refuse to just sit by, and try to stack up money like Richie Rich, and not try to share in all the blessings and excitement that surrounds our life.  It's's fun...and it's ours.

U only get why not enjoy it, and please laugh at yourself.

Or perhaps just simply...laugh!

Austino Galaxia.

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