Monday, April 23, 2012

"Pussycat Tales!"

Oh, Tha Pussycat Dolls, the good old days!!...this was the song!

Just gonna jot a few things down on what has been a learnful type day...I love to learn about life and different things, so I got 2 give a shout out to Ms. A for the insight on 2day.  It was like listening to a sensei...  Great stuff...really good stuff...


I'm at the crib, walking out to get my clothes fixed up, washed and stuff...I walk in, and I see none other than one of the living South Beach Legends himself..."Cat Daddy!!" chillin' inside looking out the I get my quarters (Why don't washing machines use silver dollars??), and go back and find two of the $2 machines available, yes...and get to pouring in my spanish liquid detergent...hey, it was on sale, so I don't give a darn what the name of it is, or what's in it, as long as it gets my over and undies all tidied up, and so I won't have to continue flipping my draws inside out!! Ha,ha!! Oh man...So I close the machines up, and I'm like almost in awe, and get a little nervous feeling inside of us, cuz I'm like 1.5 feet away from feline royalty.  "Cat Daddy" as I've mentioned before is like some kind of magical cat that has puss..I mean cats coming from all walks around tha beach.  I've never seen anything like it in our life...matter of fact the only thing close to it, was at this one party I attended where I walked in with two ladies on each arm, and let's just say it was a heck of a night, and I had a whole new love for Italians....but this dude....

So after my nervous feeling (Which doesn't happen two often) went away...what the heck was that noise?  On the Rick Ross, I felt like I just heard a cat or something trying to break into my place...that's for real...I didn't know cat burglars were real!!!...I'm like do I say something of do I just chill...Immediately I went into Diane Sawyer mood and flipped on my Dateline  imaginary investigator cap on, and was like, "I gotta ask tha Cat Daddy what's up!"  I felt like I was approaching a guy who u didn't know if a) spoke English, b) talked sasquatch, of if 1 after 2) this guy was gonna try and jump me and I would have to hit him over the head with my broken laundry basket.

I walk over to him on the still, and straight up ask, "Excuse Me, but I gotta ask, why do so many cats like you?!!"  He gave me huge smile, showing his one tooth...which was cool, means he's lived, and not existed in this life...He smiled and laughed, then he said in broken English that, "I've done this for awhile, not just for 10-15 years!"  I then tell him how I always see him with the cats, and them coming to him outta the club, after tea parties, they tip-toe, run, it's a sight, and I think one day, maybe if I'm under the influence, I'm gonna hide out in the green dumpster, stick my phone to videotape this guy cuz he needs his own show on Animal Planet or something...

I give him a tap, and then ask further, "Just how these cats come over to you?"  He shyly smiles, and then talks in a Secret Service or should I say in a  Agencia Federal de Investigacion tone..."Well, you got to talk to them, and love them."  Then Cat Daddy pulls out a white plastic bag, that has cat food inside!  This guy is too much, and ain't Holy Molying around down here!  He come prepared...He then walked out the door, and flipped up his jacket collar like the Fonze, and seemingly as I watched my hero cross the street, it felt like watching the modern day John Wayne ride into the sunset!  Felt like it was in slow motion...heck, I'm getting emotional just thinking about it!

After capturing that moment in my heart and mind, I go outside to hug the corner outside at 6th and Meridian.  I keep saying that's the spot to see the real South Beach 'hood.  We chillin' with my black sunglasses on (I still don't like black ones, I'm gonna get my color lenses on, real soon!)  This guy with his girl, as they walked by gave a "What's up, boss!" to us...I responded with the usual, "What's Up, What's Up!"  Then a few minutes later, I see this European gent walking to us in a black tee shirt and some shorts...he come up to me and begins to speak in his heavy Russian accent and says to us, "Due...u knows...where 2 get smoke?"  I'm like, Ok, just because I'm a black dude, hugging the block, with dark sunglasses on , a San Francisco Giants hat on, and Chicago Bulls red away shorts on (that'll always be my childhood team!  Both of them actually) with some limited edition Nike kicks from Barney's Co-Op doesn't mean I sling dope, or Snoop's favorite plant!!...Hold on, did y'all hear about Snoop Dizzle coming out with a book u can actually roll up and smoke??  Hope it's paperback, cuz folks ain't paying Lebron prices nowadays they looking for those D Wade joints!  And......that's probably gonna get me arrested next time the MBPD sees me walking out on Collins Ave.!!

I just told my man, "Naw, man...I don't smoke."  And I said it kinda backing away just in case this was part of the CIA sting operation going on in Columbia right now, so I'm talking in a way that makes my voice seem like it's been computerized and in code words that even a Fifty Cent magic stick couldn't figure out!  !G-I-D U-O-Y (Backwards!)  This is why u gotta love the M.I.A., folks don't care down here...Us down here would actually speed up past a cop car...guys would stare down a girl in such a haunting way, it's almost like they are trying to hypnotize chicks to get at them...wait a ma-nute-tay...I may just try that, I know this one girl I really, really want to hypnotize...I should just walk up to her, and just dead stock stare her in the eyes for like 5 minutes, with a glaze in my eye like I just got out of prison, to see if this thang really works!!  I'm up for anything nowadays, I might just dress up like the Dalia Lama and walk around with Billy Goat Gruff to figure some of these beautiful ladies out!!  Oh is fun.

Shout out to all those who are joining our Galaxia for the first's growing, and getting wilder, and we have some surprises in store.  Our goal is to bring the most real, fun diary out there.  Our lifestyle is truly one of a kind, full of surprises and fun and lots of stories and activities.  We like to reinvent ourself, so expect the unexpected...u've been forewarned!

Gotta go 2 sleep,
Piece, luv and please eases tha pain, trust us on that!
Austino Galaxia, aka "Kitty Litter"

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