Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Anybody want to challenge right now!!!

T'was the day before Galaxia's Diary's birthday...Wow!  Yes, u heard is April 25th, the last day in Year One of  Can u believe that it has been almost a year since we've released ourselves to the Galaxia!  To those who's been with us since tha beginning, much, much love to ya!  For those who have joined us along tha way, hope u've been enjoying tha ride!  And if you haven't read any of our earlier diary entries, I suggest if u have time, to scroll down, all the way down to the bottom to catch some very, very revealing stories about our life, love and everything in between.  We've changed, and although some segments have darted in and out of our online diary, we've become so much...better, through it all.  That's why I'm so strong in telling folks to start their own diary or journal.  We've been at this thing for almost 12 years now.  Keeping hard copies, and last year decided to go Nasdaq and release our brand and share it with Wall Street, and abroad...or two!  U may not be as crazy or emotional insane and free as us, but just jot something.  It's so unique to look back on times with ur Grandparents or a day at the job or that guy or gal u used to like in school or now u think that person is so beyond ur comprehension...or even write about meeting that special someone, who just might end up being tha one. How cool is it to have an actual artifact from special events or days, that truly capture ur emotions, instead of relying purely on memory flash cards in ur mind.  Give it a try, u won't regret it!

I'm a little pumped up right now, almost like a Ball Park Frank, just because...our diary is so personal to us.  If u think it's easy to write about yo...ok, check this out! My boy Billy Boy just called talking about our 13th edition of Billy and Austin Spring Jams CD.  Great stuff! But almost at the same time as twins, my ceramic dish, somehow, someway did a Dominique Dawes backflip over outside of my dish holder and onto the floor, and all we hear is Snap, Crackle and Pop!! It was loud now I'm out of two pots and pans, I just got rid of a pan cuz it had a Target plastic bag attached on the side, as I was making my meal as hot as a 3pm day in Scottsdale.  That's suprisingly one of the few things that u cannot do with a Target bag!  Is pooper scooper on the checklist?!!  So I'm so ghetto, right now, I got a cupboard and freezer full of my favorites (I had to rack up on Publix on the Wednesday before that one-a-month or two  sale ends..), yet I only got one pot and pan to cook all this stuff...but hey, at least I'm still fly!!

As I was saying,if u think its easy to reveal crazy and sometimes painful stories about your life...think deuces on that...But a funny thing has happened along this journey of our public viewing of our life, we've reached a point where even though we may not wanna talk about certain things or people, now we like, who cares, this is our diary and we gonna write this thang how we feel and how our life is playing out.  If we wish that God was eating Skippy on a particular day he created, we have to write that...if we feel like a day has been fun, so be it as well...Our hope is to make our diary so real (It might be too real!)  Cuz it's some real issues going on in our life, daily really, and I'm sure some of the difficulties and also party joys I feel, others are going through as well.  That's what this is for.

I have to say something about this, as seemingly I always do...our love life.

There has been a LOT of CNN roundtable disc...actually more like a People Magazine correspondent sneaking in 5 minutes on the Today show type of talk about our loves of past, present and future.  We still cringe when we write about those experiences, yet and still those are what has made us into who we are and how we treat females at the present time.  I say embrace the struggle which is something we all should do in all aspects in life, but the thing that has our swag up so ultra-high is the knowledge that no and I mean NONE steps have been stepped along tha way.  We may have wanted to jump ahead of schedule and question a lot of things like, how can this number of girls like u, yet u keep coming upon the 2% who actually might not dig u, or things just don't work out or are flat out intimidated to just simply say "No, not interested."  One thing about us is that yes we're unique and real and whatever, but we are really just the ultimate kid who wants to have fun.  That's all, nothing more, nothing less.  So there's been so much misunderstanding about us or hurting our feelings or that I'm just in training for a upcoming La Perla smelling contest in Paris or, it ain't like that!

One thing, and I'm gonna write tonight, cuz as we go into the next spectrum of our Galaxia, eye want all minds focused on having fun, and if that means I gotta make a fool of myself tonight by writing from our heart, so be it...there are a lot of people out here who are misunderstood.  Lots...a pretty girl who has a certain dress, who happens to be pretty and smart as well, is thought of as stuck up, when she's the coolest and most down to Earth doll walking around.  Guys who has is hear in a 70's afro, with a white tee, and sweats on, get thought of as a thug, when he's a teacher at a high what I pray, and I know it's difficult (my hand is raised) is not to look at everybody as somebody who is or does things like somebody else who has broke ur heart.  So as snobby as this sounds, everybody is truly different...and when u talk about us and how we are, u really better be ready, cuz we're kind of rare in that we've been through the tough lessons and texts full of mind-confusion and all the open ended responses through social networks that even though I truly have every right to spit flames of hate, we've really, through God, has embrace all drama and have decided to let it work for us a greater work, and make us better and let us have even MORE FUN!  One thing keeping a diary can do, if u let it, is it can show that whatever happens to you in terms of success wasn't no accident.  And u can look back, or someone can and be like, "she paid her dues".  Nowadays we look at the sizzle not knowing how long it took for the burn to actually cook.  That' so true...

As we go along, for however longer we go, we want to show that life can be fun, through it all...and I'm starting to really believe that's what I'm put on Earth for.  Man, I sound like Mr. A-Rod right now! You just reach a point where u know nobody can...or nobody can make u share any more tears than u already have...didn't say u wouldn't cry, but it's not about tha people's more about tha situations of life...but u reach that point of the Golden Time of The Day where u just realize what life can offer...that can only come through trials, pain, and the Great Playcaller in the sky bringing u to things that even though u hate, unknowingly they make u feel unstoppable.  I'm learning on a daily basis, and by no means have I grasp this thing called life, but think about it, if I haven't grown each day and especially since April 25th, 2011, then I don't need to have the dream life, I'm about to partake in, and there's no reason for me to open myself up and share our lifestyle, that's been nothing short than a Hollywood blockbuster.  Just being honest...want u 2 c us in this.  U may hate us, u may love us, or just are curious, but we want u to say u know what..."This is something (not someone) special, and it's fun, and I wanna join in!"

We got a lot of things in store...some old favorites are going to be making a return as well as some other surprises depending on how we feel.  As this is growing, and it is trust me, the goal is to keep it as authentic as possible.  If one person is reading this, we want them to feel like the reading something Cosmic, that they won't ever feel again.  A dream of ours is to make our diary a personal heart to heart event. That u can stories made up.  And "yes" we still have many that have yet to be told involving hoops to money to fashion to working on the beach for four Summers to relationships...I hope u didn't think we ran outta gas.  No way!  I hope lessons can be learned from our revealings and show that no matter what u can make it through, cuz if we can survive, then so can u!  I know how it feels to feel alone or without cash or getting those calls that go like, "I love your resume but..." (I still remember that one from my favorite football team, the Oakland Raiders, she was nice but...)  To be successful...Man, Kylie looks right in this the yellow shoes and this song as well!...But to be successful u have to have a short memory and push on...but a clue is the truly successful also have a memory of Dumbo and not forget the lessons, cuz the great ones call on those lessons and feeling of T-Pain to push them even to a higher level when they think there is nothing else to prove.

It may just be me, but there's always something to prove.  Always.  To urself.  To somebody else.

Always motivation to become...the best.

I'm done...special thanks to this super cool and pretty homegirl who hooked my up with Gloria Estefan's Little Miss Havana CD...u know who u are, u didn't have to do it girl!  And as I like Miss Estefan's music, and with Pharrell doing just about the entire album, it's a gift I'll always appreciate.


Let the Fun Begin.

Fight. Plus. Belief. Equals. Success.  Over.  Fun.
Austino we go!

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