Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"27 Dresses and 28 Suits!"

Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses...And Yes I like this movie!!

Oh boy...gonna be so honest right now and say I really don't know Y I'm writing right now...I really need to be doing my dishes, taking a shower (Drawing a heart on the misty mirror of course!), and getting some rest...but just see what unfolds...

Our day started so early, folks just wouldn't understand...I remember being up awoke around during the 2am hour...I specifically remember the time of 3:38 am to be specific...I woke up and had some trouble going back to sleep.  Then got to thinking about all that's going on in our life.  Heck, that stuff shouldn't even let me go to sleep!  Just too to thinking about how our life is going...thinking about how a guy full of love, senses so much "hate" around us for some unknown reasons.  Just silly dudette...but sometimes u get "hated' just for being u, for being a dreamer or a lover and a fighter...that's another one I should write that down to for next year's Amor conference I'm gonna hold at the Fountainbleau next February.  Couples need not apply!...

Then I started to think about our love life...Why in the Galaxia did I do that?!!  Thinking about ALLLLLLLL....(yawn!)....ALLLLL the stuff that seemingly surrounds our life.  Thinking about why did I have to go through that girl or this girl.  (Note:  I didn't say run through...just clearing up things.)  Or why do things just have to be so difficult for us and what surrounds our life on this ultimate level that makes us feel the mountain tops of life, while other times feel the true depths of life as well.  I'm the most simple yet complex guy around.  So what if I like lots of pulp in my orange juice or if I like to do geeky things in the morning and enjoy other activities in the nighttime, which can be as diverse as a sexy night on tha town to just going through Utube and watching tv shows or clips.  But sometimes u get the feeling that no matter how hard u try, u begin to wonder...

Ok, I've been on this journey for so long...I feel sometimes like we've put this hustler's effort into living a Trump lifestyle, but sometimes u wonder if we are on the right Tom Brady route.  This morning, I had the feeling like a guy walking in the desert and u see the signs indicating that ur destination is within short walking distance, but ur a little tired of the journey and just wanna get to the city.  I think I thought about Vegas, in that metaphor.  Maybe that's the wrong city since it's considered 2 b "Sin City", perhaps the problem right there and I'm NOT going in the right direction!! Oh man, I got even more problems than I thought!!

But after our funky mood, the Great Set Up Man in the sky seemingly led me to believe that everything is alright...and to "Forget the past and move on!" Also, that now is a new season for us, so get ready!  I'm being too revealing tonight, I know, but like I said, I'm writing this diary like is just us two, so...I felt a little bit better, just more like, keep pushing, just keep pushing!

I think all of us...I said, eye was gonna share pics and videos, and here I am writing, sorry for that...but we all feel that sometimes ur working too hard for the success level of destination.  Especially when u feel like other people are getting blessed and bestowed things, and they are doing less work. That can be so frustrating, and it happens all the time.  When I was on the basketball teams, all my life, especially in college, many players on my squads were be like why am I busting my tail in practice, when I don't even get the chance to play in the games...I sense a story...

Ok, here we go with another insight to our was my Senior year at the legendary Rockford College up in Illinois.   Ur last year, I planned on graduating on time, within four years, all the wile playing hoops.  (All of my guys did tha same!).  But Senior year, is so weird.  Ur half way in between studying hard and the other half on where and what in the world am I gonna do with my life?  I had a LOT of things going on, and felt a little stressed out...perhaps our Junior year, which was tha bomb!!  People really don't understand!  The Real World has nothing on us.  We lived in suites on campus, inside the...cough, dorm!  (I'm still rubbing my hands thinking about it!)  My guys throwing "Wife Beater and Thong" parties!!  All the while using campus facilities tha 'hood we call that....clout!! (Read Definition #1)  It's amazing what u can do with sharpie pens and blue lights!  So much fun, so many....protecting the innocent!  Let's just say, I still remember that Sunday when my Pops and Moms entered our alcohol scented dorm on a Sunday.  I like go outside to meet them outside my dorm room (Which, and my roommate JB would agree, had the best view on campus...we saw EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY!)  So I go outside get the family hugs, and as we walking back, I spot a pair of Calvin Klein underwear on the grass next to to the door.  I look, and I'm like, "That's mine!"  So I pick up my Marky Marks and my Pops immediately said, "What kind of party did u all have last night?!!"  It got wild, and I'm sure I'll talk more about tha "get togethers of students who happen to hold red plastic cups" another time....but that describes my Junior year.

So Junior year, I have a lot of expectations on our life...gonna knock this thing out the park like Jeter did the other day...our basketball team is coming off our best season, and this year I'm voted as one of the captains of tha squad with  another 2/5's of my 'dynasty' friends...Senior year got off...a little interesting....

I think I still had a love hangover from the previous school year and Summer, which was my final year working at the beach off of Lake Michigan.  I wanted every single question answered before I left my flip flops in the sand, and u bet that was a Summer never to be forgotten, can u say play wrestling with pretty girls in tha sand!!...Oh, boy, I'm getting more into quick sand tonight! ...but that's another time.  Senior year I was wondering where our unique love life would wind up.  I remember...

Well a few things, but this one girl...she was in this Social Studies type of class, but man, she was absolutely beautiful...I mean that, her face, at the time was flawless...she had a very slim yet thick body, with curly black hair...she reminded me of...tough to compare...Megan Fox maybe, but this girls face was more angelic, and had pretty brown she used to sit in front of the class with this other guy.  And the funny thing was that we actually had the very next class together.  I didn't talk to her during this class though...but...

After the class, we would seemingly always meet up to walk over to the other building to get our work in.  We would talk, and she would tell things about how she actually went to Bible School her whole life until college.  Which I thought was mad cool, cuz she was not only mad cool, but was a unique combination of being hot and beautiful.  So we would walk and talk...she had a boyfriend, by the way...which I think went to another school, not the after our chit chat, I would take an alternative route to class...I was so stupid back then!  I think the boyfriend thing kinda..scared me...cuz girls with boyfriends sometimes just to mix and match socks with us.  But she was so kool, perhaps the ultimate really, and I miss out on a great chance in making a friend.  So take advantage guys of opportunities...but check this out, the story (like all of ours) has another surprise twist...

So me and one of my dudes end up going to the graduation party bash at the end of the year.  Found out that the girl who I used to talk to in the above paragraph was friends with the girl who's party it was!  It was a lot of folks there...lots.  My guy told me that old girl Danica Patrick made a pit-stop at the get-together as well, cuz she was a close friend of our homegirl.  I also remember this girl having the best pedicure I've ever was like freakin' revolutionary at the time.  She had the end of her toes like dipped in white frosting so just the tips of her nails were white, and to go along with her "super-tan" and my dawg referred to her as "the girl with the toes".  Us guys are so wild...we don't usually describe girls by their body parts!! (Wink, Wink!)

I was inside of this place, by the juke box about to put some Duran, Duran on when my homegirl from class walked in...We was like, "What's Up" and this and that...she got to asking what me and my guy were doing after the party.  She had a man, but dude, she was kind of wild, now that I think about it!!  I probably we tell her, we haven't made our mind up yet.  So then this Heavenly beauty hits me with this playgirl line, "U got my number don't you?"  I'm like, "I actually don't."  She then is like, "Oh...well my number is.......".  She says to call her and this and that...and I got to end that portion of the diary right there, just because, at least for right now.  But it's amazing how things happen if it's meant to was this dime who was totally one of the most kool and attractive girls we've met....I thought I was goofing up tha play, by being my egotistical self I guess...but in the end, she ended up coming to us...anyway!  And believe me, she was top shelf material...with a boyfriend.  How do I end up in this predicaments?!!

I have no idea, how I got into all that...eye guess this was a story for all of us, and especially me.  That sometimes when u think that an episode has ended or that u messed up or may not be on the right road...if u remain patient, be true to who u are, no matter how Gonzo  that may has it's way of bringing certain opprotunies to you.  And what you thought to be a period in ur life, was nothing but a comma.  Boy , I'm getting let me get my pen and paper ready to get a list of folks I need to call...let me see....

Kristina...Amy...Gabriella...Julie....Starla...Desire....(as I touch my tongue with my pen...)...Brandi...Carolin...Anybody know the character limit on diaries?...Gabee...another Amy...Elizab...

I guess the lesson for tonight, is don't give up because u never know what is around the corner.
No one needed to hear that more than us...

Thanxs Diary.
Austino Galaxia.

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