Sunday, April 22, 2012

"A Grand Theft Snobbery"

Judge Gee favorite TV Court Show of them all!!

Today is gonna be a fun already has been.  I'm learning so much about our self, that's it's not even funny.  Have a lot of things to get to 2day, so we'll write a little bit, early on this afternoon.

"When u've never experienced something, u want it even the more."

Not today, don't get started on that this Sunday morning...but u know what it's so true, dude.  Right now, we are learning to enjoy life, and sometimes u have to do that under different circumstances that you didn't think you'll have to.  You may be disappointed that you didn't get nosebleed seats to a concert, but somehow u end up with front-row tix!  Just never know what the future can hold, so sometimes u have to take a breath, let it "breathe", and let things work themselves out, and here's a secret...they always do.  

My personality is so much fast-lane yet beach laid-back.  As of late, we've been just a little bit anxious.  All of us have those moments's almost like the night before u supposed to go on a date with that special someone...u ready to go that night, but u have to relax, and not get ahead of urself u know.  I know we've been talking kind of 'reckless' as of late, on our diary, but...we are so one of a kind.  I don't say that in a snobby way, either...I just know.   Right now we are in fun to tha max type mode, but as of late we've been trying to figure out who to share our lifestyle with?  Know "a few" people, but I wanna get to know so people anew.  People who aren't afraid to act silly or just have the pure joy of life while rockin' their Prada or Sloppy Joe's Jeans...that has been interesting.

Ok, y'all do I go diary style right now, and keep it 100?  Or do I talk like I'm on 20/20 Nightline and write what I should say?? 

U know me, I don't really mind, cuz I don't have nothing to lose anyway, so let's talk.  Does anybody else feel like it's sometimes to find real people down here in tha M.I.A?  When I say real, I mean the kind where folks say the gonna call u, and they actually do...or they claim they gonna hang out next Saturday, and that Friday that call u to make sure it's on?   Miami is a unique city, and while I still have nothing for love for it,  It can sometimes be a should I say...fantasized fakeness.  Now, I don't think that it happens just in Miami, but just in life in general.  We have turned into a society where the flash is more impressive than the actual photo itself.  Eye shouldn't be talking about this...I just don't want us 2 keep looking at images as if that's the end be all....

And BELIEVE U ME...I don't write from the attitude of somebody who is urinine-nized poor or anything...but sometimes u just can't let what u have define u....Late last night, I came upon this 60 Minutes piece about folks living out of their cars.  I mean cars, and have to look for parking lots at night, and just all this stuff, that I wouldn't dream of having to go through.  They showing eating out of cans of food and their clothes and all that...And here I am living on the fantasy isle called South Beach, and have food for days, and have clothes that I forgot eye even had, and got the nerve to have an attitude?  Just because I haven't gone on a shopping spree in a few months?  Or just's awesome to have great things, and to enjoy them to tha mighty max...I just want us, and I'm talking mainly to myself, cuz I have some really spoiled bratty moments where I think the world and GOD owes me everything, and stomp around use language the Popeye doesn't even use...I need to count the blessings I do have, and look at life as is, and not as an entitlement.  

Which leads me to the moment right now...Man, that wind is blowing so wicked outside now.  I know the other day, The 'hood just reeked of the smell of the ocean water,..anyways...I wonder if other people run into some of the same trouble...naw, wrong word...challenges...that eye run into on a constant basis.  I'm gonna be real so...

I know down here in Miami, there are a LOT of physically attractive people in their own way.  Sometimes I feel like I'm running into each and every one of them in an hours time...which is fine.  Miami is known for it's beauty and sexy vibe.  From the minute folks step off the plane and get Dirt Devil sucked into that 305 humidity, it makes u feel confident and like ur in another world.  Miami even has it's own look.  Just look at sporting events or pictures, there's a certain tint, especially on a Summer afternoon, that makes our city Heavenly. That's why it's nicknamed, "Heaven's Waiting Room."  South Beach even has a deeper sense of sensuality and fun.  More on that later...

One thing that differentuates, spelled wrong but who cares...Miami from any other place is that there are so many different people from around the country and from around the globe. Not everybody, but some folks where they came from some reason really believe they are the icing on life's cake, so when they move down to Miami (Guess I myself can be included!), we can begin to put up these walls and pseudo-confident...or Artificial Swag (Have to copyright that one day.) attitudes that can make finding real people almost like trying to look for a needle not just in the haystack, but in the freakin' whole barn!!  I mean the entire property, with the scarecrow included!  And of course, even the scarecrow is rockin' black Dior sunglasses, with his red/black plaid shirt being from new collection from The Webster being sold at Target,  then his jeans being Versace Jeans Couture, followed by boating shoes from Sperry and a straw hat given to him from Anna Wintour herself as she was going through her old attic! So if scary face is wearing that get-up, u know what the rest of the place!  

I come from humble beginnings...boy, that sounds like a E! True Hollywood Story intro!...and I realize that it's different down in the Republic of Miami.  It has to change though...I need to change...I'm a person of top-shelf, I guess, high-style taste.   I know a kid I used to read through fashion magazines like GQ and not only look at the clothes but just looking at the ads, and it allowed us to dream of what life could be, and I think that's super awesome.  I think that's one think that's lacking within our young generation today.  The lack of dreaming..."Ah, a college degree doesn't mean anything anymore." ...or..."This is how life is always gonna be, economy is horrible, jobs are super scarce..."  It's like life has changed to such and such is "one in a million" instead of believing that "I'M GOING TO BE that one in a million."  There's a difference...a big difference...and Miss Aaliyah show em what I mean!!

I don't think it was ALWAYS like this down here in the Magic City.  I believed that like in the 60s and stuff, there was a different attitude when it came to wealth and beauty.  If I had to choose one era which I think was the sexiest...maybe I can't actually answer that question because in the 70s, u had a "free attitude" but eye love the clothes, the 80s had great music, dance and breakthroughs designer wise, the 90s were awesome with...ahh, I love the neon colors of the late 90s and how girls dressed makeup wise, and even wearing sneakers to class, and the guys were just sporty chill, yet weren't afraid to spend dough on shirts that only had like 3 or four letters on it (I.E.- DKNY, D&G, Ck), and then the 2000's, which sounds weird even to say that, but u had the hip-hop era, tha retro looks of yesteryear with a twist, but earlier that decade folks were more cool with each other.  Where was I heading...oh...but like in tha 60s and early 70s there was, in my opinion, more natural beauty.  And more of money and fame being just a part of one's life, instead of being the x-chromosome of it.  (Or is it the Y?!)  In our opinion, of course...

My plan, through the crossing of our toes, is to have the most fun life, but share it in a way that is cool, and not just "Making it Rain" on folks or slapping people with a rubber banded roll filled with Benjamins...I still wonder how I ended up down here on the sands of the beach here in Miami.  I almost feel like I just rolled up on that land by a big wave.  I enjoy the 'hood, it's really nothing like it in the Galaxia...and I plan on continuing to enjoy my stay however short or long that may be...but I know I'm not the only person who is tired of the plastic attitudes...that's so two years ago.  U know...And I'm starting to believe that if I can harbor my ego in some respects to just have fun, and joke around and live life and share our personality, there's no person in the world who shouldn't do tha same!  NO ONE. LOL!  That's a conceited statement right there!  But...just have fun, enjoy ur toys, don't make ur WAGs feel like one, and realize that life is short, so u betta live...

Just drop the attitude...please.

Austino Galaxia

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