Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Check into a Checkmate."

Chess Champion...Mr. Bobby Fischer.

Let me first start this off...Sir Prince Rogers Nelson...I'm so sorry for not placing u on our future legendary list of those gents who have had experiences with the most beautiful angels in the world...I need a name for this list...bro u're definitely in the top 3 on this exclusive list which includes ourself in tha top tier, with an argument only to be settled by Cupid himself...welcome to tha club!  Or r u saying those words to us??!!

Ok...not the way u expect us to begin on today, this holiday Easter Sunday, but we write real.  So many memories from Easter's past from church services to classic hoops games (remember that Bulls/Celtics one from like '91 when Jordan had a 3 taken away cuz it came after the buzzer...Bird was still playing...double ot...check it out.)

I'm back...I actually had to watch those highlights, good I was watching those shots and stuff, from that game I just thought about how those were the innocent years, before the Bulls actually won the Championship later that year.  It's just something to watch someone or an act develop before the rest of the world knows about them.  I know this sounds selfish and personal to write about this, but for one, this is our diary so I HAVE to write whatever comes to our heart ant mind, it ain't for show, and also it's so true.  I know reading a recent article about Lady Gaga how she performed for Miami Music Week just a few years and had like nobody come and see her, now she's everywhere and the cameras go star struck just by her outfit entering tha room.  One of my homegirls told me I should go to Churchill's down here in Miami, because of their open mics and stuff...I should because u never know who u might see perform and may end up being the one in the future.  I like that geeky kind of stuff.

We kind of stuck on this so let's continue...I believe with all our heart that it's never too late.  As long as their is time on tha clock, u can still be who u want to be...I cringe when people just give up on other people.  "They just don't get it" or "I'm threw with them."...things do happen, but what if God were to say that to us, at least me personally.  I know with my Orange County (California of course!) preppy attitude, I'll be in big time trouble.  It's not even about spiritual, just...ah...I attempt to see the positivity in people. Perhaps that's a downfall, cuz I may see more in a person, than a person does themself.  But, I just always believe there's hope.  Gotta write now...

So what comes first confidence or success?  Great question...It truly depends on the person, in our opinion, suceess definitely can breed confidence...But as of late, I'm learning that confidence, or just taking that initial step, especially if u haven't had the success yet, is the grand salami of life.  Boy if I could eat a Fried Bologna sandwich, like in the old days, wit sandwich spread....ok, back to life...sometimes ur great breakthrough is just one step, relationships, everything...Now that's what I've been backyard wrestling with as of recently, when to be aggressive, if we should be...and when to let things happen.  If u build Rome, they should come in 7 days...isn't that how the saying goes??  It's a thin line believe me, do u shoot the ball every time u touch it or get the rest of ur team involved?  Do u raise ur hand in class since u know the answers or give somebody else in class a shot?  Do u ask a girl out the first time u see her, or do u hope that u pass her again just to see if the first time she looked good, wasn't just a mirage of beauty for that one particular's serious.

I heard somebody once say that if you profess yourself to be something then life has it's way of putting YOU in situations to test if you are really just a potato bag of words or if u, urself, walk the walk.  It's easy to say, "bro, keep ur head up", but what about when u have a bad day urself.  Or "Girl, there are other men in the sea", then u experience a breakup, and u wanna lay in the fetal position for days, right after u told ur homegirl  otherwise...guess that's why not too many wanna step up to the plate and be themselves, cuz it puts them in vulnerable situations.  As I was growing up, folks were mad quick to utter, "Do as I say, not as I do."  Had a health teacher telling us students, "not to smoke" and us kids were like, "Pleassee...u got a pack of cancer sticks in ur pocket, RIGHT NOW!!" And he did!  So all his credibility was thrown out the 4th story window.  I'm not knocking the act, but knocking the anti-words associated with the act.  Get it...

That's why I give so much props for those select few who keep a personal diary.  Cuz one day somebody will read it, and see that person for who they really are.  And I'll always have a special heart for those who have the lunatic-city of posting a diary for the world to see...cuz it's different.  Just mad different, and then if u're as honest as u can can open u up to some stuff.  I'll say keep a personal one, for a long time, then share who u are with the world, cuz I shake my head seemingly every day like, "why in the galaxia am I sharing this info or stories with folks who may not even care or hate u anyway."  I still don't know why we say what we say, but almost as we wrote earlier today, as a super-fan of documentaries and auto-biographies, I just think it would be ever, ever so cool and unique to have a up and personal feeling from someone who is on the journey to the quote unquote top, than just have the person talk after they've reached their goals.

 I guess that's why we write, even when we don't want to.  I guess the Christmas Birthday Boy wanted us to capture our feelings as they are.  I mean just think about it, wouldn't u loved to hear Bill Gates' feelings regarding money b4 he made the ducketts?  Or hear how Oprah really felt when trying to get her own talk show?  Or why Oscar the Grouch got stuck living in a garbage can? I mean there has to be a reason, dude didn't pay his rent, we all know Sesame Street is prime real estate!  Or did Mrs. Grouch caught him creeping around with Miss Piggy from "the other show" (even though I couldn't be mad at that cuz Miss Piggy do got it going on...I mean if I was a puppet I'll....)  But wouldn't u wanna know the real scoop?!!!

This is all in our Galaxia of fun, but a lot of the things we discussed have double meanings and are quite serious, u know....I have no idea what our personal future holds. I really don't...We are at a point where...How should I put this in a clean and relevant way?...There's a small battle within us, as we write, hoping to find that innocence we once had.  Does that make since?  Sometimes when u've experienced so many unique things u don't get as enthused as u once did over some things.  A "Yes" doesn't have the same value it once did.  Example:  U in like grade school, and a "yes" from a girl u liked would have made u giddy like someone who just won the Powerball lottery, and if u got her number as well, oh shucks! Now, a "yes" is still cool, but our personal experiences make us realize that just because u get a "yes" to hang out doesn't actually mean u'll hang out!  I know I'm right about that, and other guys and dolls who have lived and not just existed in life, can give me a high-5 on that as well.

Not to say that I'm jaded or anything...but for somebody of our infinite possibility nature, u really have to pray and make life fun, cuz I can get bored, y'all.  And that ain't fun.  That's why when they say folks, especially those who are in the spotlight are on drugs and stuff, I'm not one who's like, "u stupid" happens...easily.  Why do u think so many kids who come from a family who have material wealth get in trouble or get into the drug game and throw snow parties with snow bunnies...they get bored with how life is, and search for an alternative thrill.  U can have whatever u want, whenever u want, so what happens if I do this or try different from myself, just naturally born and experienced driven thrill seekers who are searching for the right medium to fulfill their thirst.  It's becoming a endangered species, those who aren't afraid to get out of themselves and try new things or hang out with different people or just say "hi" to a passing stranger.  Nowadays it's so easily to be consumed with our inner circles at work, on Social networks, who we date which under popular demand has become dating "friends of friends" instead of just going out to a party, by urself, not knowing anybody but the host, and just see what happens.  (Talking 2 myself on that one)

So, change is coming from our side, big time...we have a mad cool life, by many Burt Bacharach standards, but we still haven't really gotten started...yet.  We say that with all the confidence in the world...sorry, galaxia, because it's sorta true.  There's an untapped area of fun yet to be reached.  We're close, but close ain't good enough for us anymore....sometimes it's like Kob once said to the effect of, "It's not the opportunity that gets me excited, it's the winning with the opportunity that excites me."

#Winning huh...sooner or later, push has to come to shove, and the level of fun has to burst open like never before.  I know it's not everything, but u do have moments in ur life where it's now or never.  Is this relationship ever  gonna turn into a marriage?  Am I really learning from this professor or do I need to switch courses and save my time and money?  That's where we are in our life, at tha moment.  I can be real right, that's what diaries should be.  In saying that, I expect some of the best moments in our life to appear, and some of the best stories to tell to be told.  I think I've got it now....just hang in there if u have a closet full of designer clothes yet nowhere to where them, u will one day...or those who keep spending wisely yet u still can't get the dress u've always wanted, u will...soon.  Or the guy who feels like all the sexy girls like nobody but "bad boys" just wait, keep opening up doors for the ladies, and believe me one will come, don't change who u are.

This diary entry is the beginning of something special...get ready....It all just hit us...we've just entered"

The Era of Winning.

And if u've thought I've been out of control before....u have no idea what's in store.  But that's ok...You know why?

Cuz...neither do we!

Austino The Galaxia.  (Mr. Sheen, u got some room in the party suite, cuz here I come!!)

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