Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Ready Or Ready!!"

The Fugees...remember this joint.

"Happiness isn't something you's something you create." - Pastor J. McGizzy

Oh, what a night.

U know, we've been doing some thinking.  Are we too real?  I mean, have we internally, and externally reach a point in our life where I'm being too honest about ourself? Anybody, who is/has/will know us, especially now circa 2k12, will know that it's on more than ever.  Our dye....a-ree....has been very detailed.  I've been thinking, are the subjects too intense?  Should I stop talking about life as it happens and just sit back a tell aqua-down stories about Jack and Jill fairy tales?  Or should I stop being positive, talking about fun, or even mentioning a word here and there about God?  How about this question, even though, our life is in a turning point of stages, should I just shut this thang down and become....normal?  I can tell, we about to get it in tonight...

First off...Billy Boy, I'm gonna get that list to you for our annual Spring Jams CD (12 years and running)...but for now I have to keep it 100, and write about what's been going on....Earlier today, we listened to this playlist that we have on our computer titiled "MIA" which is a collection of some songs that make us or remind us of our times here in Miami.  Who woulda thought all the drama that would have unfolded as we got off that plane back in Summer 2005.  If I would have known then what I know now, would I have even gotten off of it?!!  So much...good times....tuff days....lonely nights...u name it, and we've experienced it so far.  And know we are at this point in our life where we see change, yet sometimes don't feel it.  Our faith in our core beliefs and values are being tested to tha Energizer Max...u have a life in which many would die to have...sometimes I feel like, as I once heard, yeah it's cool to be us for a day or even a week, but what about a month?  What about when u have to decide how to spend all this cash?  Or when somebody's just a lot of stuff, that goes unhidden...YET I know that other people can relate to our journey, whether they want to admit it or not.

Restraint.  That is something that goes hand and hand with patience, and one in which I've been forced to encounter.  And it hasn't been off the "I'm bout to cuss u out" type either.  Just remaining calm even nature we are a semi-patient person.  Over the last, I say, decade or so, we've been forced to wait in line it seems.  It can be so for instance, our diary...I'm starting to believe that no one walking this Earth has stories like us...and they haven't been by choice either!  There are days where u like, Man, I wish our life can blow up in the manner and vision that I so clearly can see.  All these other folks are talking nonsense and getting their quince minutes of fame, without even doing something positive or affecting peoples lives...guess we're being prepared for 2 hours worth huh?!  But it's difficult to be patient in life.  Really is, especially when u feel like u've been more patient than anybody u know, and now u tell me I have to wait in line to get my piece of the pie, when I slept outside before the bakery even opened?!!  And this guy who just woke up, he gets to "cut" through all the cold and rain I endured, and I still gotta wait.  Is that right?

Is our confidence high?  U betcha...but I'm dealing with the fact that sometimes the hottest girl in the room doesn't always get to asked to that's where I'm at, and u wonde...stop reading, right now, if u don't feel like u gonna wanna hear this heart written words....u wonder, are u doing the right thing?  Or are u on the right path?  Or flat out is it even worth it?  You may live here or there, or have the Beckham abs or have multiple bank accounts around the world (we gonna open up another one, probably in a week or so), but at the end of the day, u wonder, is this really satisfying me?

I was around town, having a good time, but I could sense that "the hype" surrounding our life can lead to some very egotistical thoughts and actions...and we all know pride cometh before the fall...that's why we keep preaching, I guess, about enjoying life and having fun.  That's the motivating factor for us to get outta bed, that today could be a very enjoyable day to have fun...period.  This is real talk.  Like tonight is a night before a lot of stuff hits another level.  May need to get a personal assistant for real!  And a chef....I'm ready to Wok 'n Roll Express, more than ever...just because I realize how much we've grown do to what we've been through.  Experiences, especially painful ones, can really be such a motivating factor...if u let it.  I used to not want to let things happen...definitely with our social life.  "OMG!  Why did I ask this girl out, when God u KNEW she was gonna say "no", just a flat out waste of time." ...but at the moment, u didn't know how things work out or how they can...change.

I'm the ultimate risk taker in many ways, that's another reason why being patient can be so Tim Burton-some...lost my train of thought...oh well, must've not been important...we starting to see how precious life can be, and how certain things can be the premium fuel in ur sportscar of choice. Oh that's so good!...cuz once u move up in ur driving vehicle of choice, the fuel u need to go, must change as well!!  So u are no longer going through just the basic 1st grade trials of life, u gonna need so true experiences and/or pain, to fill ur gas tank as u take on the ride of ur life.  I can stop writing just on that alone....oh yeah, y'all!

Deep, deep, deep...when u really think about it.  Let me stop right there...I've been doing too much "thinking" instead of just living.  I get in a thang where u want everything to be so...purrfect!  I keep more lists than a Dean than all the Ivy League schools combined, bro!  Write down what I need (how come nobody's hustling a pack of socks at stop lights when u actually need to pick up a few pairs!!), write down all kinds of stuff, where I need to go and do...and who I need to do.  (Just joking!)  I talk a lot in freakish ways I know, and I've thought about who's reading this...but u know what, this is who we are.  I mean, that's one of the things we say when it comes to love and relationships...appreciate them, celebrate them, and learn about them mentally, physically and spiritually.  I mean, I love the great Love Guru in the sky with all my heart and soul, but when I'm with that special someone, I'm not gonna be playing, "What a friend we have in Jesus" in my tapedeck!!  I'm probably gonna be playing somethin'... like this.

We don't play when it comes to that, u better believe that...real brief...I was thinking about our diary, as it's so personal, but so released for anybody from Tokyo all the way to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, can read this thang, whenever and however they want too, is all that we write about gonna come back and haunt us?  Like with future loves (did I just write that plural?) or with jobs or with the media...u tell ur diary...ur diary, if u really write, is a true definition of who u are as a person...that's why I encourage everyone to do...something.  I think shrinks...I mean psychologists suggest that to their patients.  Write down ur emotions, say what's bothering u or what ur dreams may not be in such goofy detail as this, but believe me it helps out...a lot.

I'm at a point in our life, as u should be as well, where u can't be just go hangman'ed up on how people look or look upon u, as long as u're being true to urself.  I'm not gonna be untrue to all the lessons learned or how I feel "in the moment" or even if I myspeled some words in the dream is to have the most real diary available to the Galaxia.  We've lived a unique life...some times I don't feel like writing, but we are moved to jot down something....Why, I don't know. Maybe because u just never know when this is all gonna come to a stoppage.  U might type in ur address bar,, and see those pictures shoot by, only to find a picture of us sitting at a press conference podium announcing our retirement.  It's very real as I say that...but until then...

I'm gonna do our best to bring u into our Galaxia...and just hope u enjoy the visit....and perhaps, just perhaps...

U might stay.

Austino Galaxia.

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