Thursday, April 12, 2012

Short and Sweet.

Our Logo.

Alrighty's halftime of the Heat/Bulls game...doing something different, once again, watching the game online via TNT's really a cool way to watch the game.  They got different camera angles of the game, that focus on Lebron, Dee Wade, and Derek they scan the crowd, show inside the huddles during timeouts, u see so much more...all at the same time!!  I got four cameras going on the screen...mad cool.  It feels like I'm up inside the UC (United Center)...reminds me of those good ol' days going over to Chicago with tha family so many nights to see Jordan, Pippen and Rodman 'nem play...Love hoops, I once thought about calling to get the replica of the United Center...maybe one day I can get the American Airlines Arena one they have up in the offices...u never know...

There's a supreme fire burning inside of me right now...and no I'm not about to stop, drop, and butter roll it out right now...I just should be lived to have fun.  I know I keep saying that, but I so strongly believe u should work hard and have hard first.  Why not work hard and have fun at the same time???  I was watching this documentary on Hulu, called 49 Up...some folks may have seen it, not us cuz I live such a sheltered life where the last good movie I saw was Free Willy!....but guys and gals, I was borderline excited as I'm watching it, and almost scared!!  This documentary is about seven kids from London in which a guy interviewed them every 7 years of their basically he got them when they were kids, and followed them all the way up to the age of forty-nine.  He has video interviews through their childhoods to college years to marriages and divorces to where they were at now (or when the movie was released).  I'm like, "Whoa!" To see the physical changes yet they look the same in a see them talk about their new lives, with kids, and as grandparents, and to hear their dreams at the age of lucky 7 and how their lives took some wild twists and turns...whew!  Too much, but woke us up even more.

Hit us right in the chest like a Tyson punch!  Why??  Cuz this is exactly what we are talking about, how life blows by so fast, before u know it, it's like...over! But to see all that transformations right in ur face, it's cool, but I don't know if I need to watch the rest of it.  I'm just a kid, and probably, well not probably, will never grow up....just because I'm a lifetime member of the Toys R' Us crew...platinum status, by the way.  Age is nothing but in the mind.  It's a thought process.  If u keep saying ur getting up there in age, guess what then, u are...if u think u don't have a shot in the world in reaching ur dreams, even though it's never too late, guess what, with that negative energy, u may not have a shot.  Life is a hard journey, believe me I know.  I tackle with mental motivations and challenges every day.  Do u do this or that?  Rest or go out for a fun night on the sand?  Ask her out or let her come to u?  Wear black Armani undies or no undies?...Sometimes it's good to be Commando in Chief of this galaxy!!  (Just kidding on that one!)  But...

As we been saying, embrace the struggle and "Staying the Course" (Thanks Coach Spo!), really been our rallying cry.  Now our life is about how to kick our life up to another level.  I think how u respond to things possibly going ur way can tell more about urself, than when things are going all heywire jackman!  (Is that a real person?!) We all have to find our motivation somehow, someway...I know I've been sound like a Joyce Meyer's blog entry but I have to write how we been feeling, and that's how we've been feeling.  As we say, I get kind of not lazy, but can get into....Oooh!  Oooh! check this word out I read today...can get into a state of entitlement.  U feel like life owes u the world just because u do this or that, that is when complacency steps in.  That's why all these challenges in our life has occurred, just trying to spread the message of hanging in there, during tough times, and realize that the end isn't necessarily the end, we should know that by all those Rocky movies!!

I haven't talked about girls yet...huh.  Should I tell a story tonight, we still have some more....naw...I've talked too much as of late about relationships, probably waaay too much.  Whatever, it's who we are, and if u gonna be real, might as well be real, correct.

I gotta get some rest...I have soooooo much going on right now, that these last 12 minutes of this Heat game might be the most peace I can get before the TMZ lifestyle really kicks in...and believe me, u have no idea, it's a lot of fun stuff coming up!

Let me repeat...Lots! I don't even wanna think about I won't.

Austino Galaxia.

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