Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Big Time Brainwash!!

The classic musician...Peter Gabriel

Oh...yes!  I feel like we could write for hours on end, and how much we've learned on today.  We won't...hopefully...but our life is really getting like coincidental in some ways.

Today, was a day of rest.  Boy, I had to fight that a little bit cuz wanted to do some things out and about, and exercise, but led to believe "one sweet day" more of rest, will do nothing but help us in tha long run, thus we rested...sorta.

Man, this morning, what was going on with this Tour de Miami bike race or whatever was going on.  We've never seen the city of Miami, and our hood of South Beach, so affected by wheels.  Had buses going past my showroom basically, and it looked so weird, like I was in a Ghostbusters movie or something.  Traffic going in circles, so then I thought I'd hit up 41st and take the highway over to tha mainland...that was lined up with cones as well!  They really must've expanded that race throughout tha city, if u were out on this morning, u know what I'm talking about...I could only imagine what tha Tour De France must be like, to see yellow shirts zooming by u as u're hanging the laundry out ur window on the clothesline.  Crazy...

We can go a zillion ways on this but...I love real life!  I love real people!  and when u combine the two, man, I'm in MJ's sneaker closet for real!  Been watching Hulu online, and they got some good, was kind of addicted to it...first off, came upon this movie, called Beyond Biba.  I thought it was mad interesting, cuz the description told of a fashion icon of sorts, which I didn't know too much about, Ms. Barbara Hulanicki .  So I'm like, ok, I love fashion and can always learn about legends.  So I get myself together, and as the movie opens, I'm like, "What???"....I'm looking and then we say, "That's the 'hood."  The film begins with a beach shot, down here in South Beach.  A surprise, then the movie begins to talk about the Biba  brand and how iconic it was/is in London.  London and Miami, now u know I'm hooked!!  I felt a need for a nap, so I hit pause...after Crest Whitening out for a little bit...we woke up and reloaded this interesting was pure awesomeness!!  Talking about London fashion back in the 70s and stuff, and then it talked about Ms. Hulanicki's relationship with Miami, more specifically the renaissance of South Beach in the 80s.  I really, really didn't know she had such a hand in all these restarants and clubs like 'Woody's on the Beach', just crazy.  Also, talked about Upper Eastside renovation on Biscayne Boulvard.  This was a gem of a surprise.  And then...this guy is interviewing her on the Monopoly boardwalk on Ocean Drive.  He mentions his name, and I'm like, "that sounds familiar?"  We then looked immediately to our right, and he's the author of the book we've been reading for months now (it's booty thick in size!)...none other than Mr. Gerald Posner who penned Miami Babylon!   Wow!  Love 2 learn and great watch if u like fashion and tha M.I.A!

Hulu also has a great series titled, A Day In The day, we'll be on there for sure.  But until then, this diary is the closest (unless u're hanging out wit us while we're living it up!) thing to that...Like, we iterated and reiterated, we love real things and I watched several episodes on today following the likes of Mr. Will i. Am from the Black Eyed Peas music group...Mr. Mario Batali, the famed cook...I just had a pen and paper in my hand, as I like to write down nuggets dipped in golden sauce.  There were many...but the feature person that had me so excited was...

Mr. Thierry Guetta...aka Mr. Brainwash.

I knew from the beginning of the episode that this was gonna be my guy.  He looked like he was enjoying life all the way to the fullest, and I'm not gonna spoil it for those of u who want to watch it.  Matter of fact, here's a treat...if u like having fun, love art, and love life check out tha link below.  20 minutes doesn't do this guy justice!!

A Day In The Life of Mr. Brainwash

We wrote down some of his quotations from the episode, cuz they London Daily Mirror our feelings on life at the can relate to these:

"I never know what a day's gonna be til the end of the day."

"I don't know what I'm looking for,'s finding me."

"I don't's not gonna make me stop." (On what people think)

"Even if they don't want to see it, they gonna be obliged to see it."

"Everyone has a diamond inside just have to polish it, u have to believe.  'Oh, u believe", then u have 2 polish it, and in one moment, it's gonna shine...and people will come 2 u, and see that light." right.  U know there's been a reoccurring theme that we've been hearing from different people, like they are talking to us, in some ways, directly.  The three themes involve:
-U are where u are (sometimes destiny directs ur path, whether u know it or not...ain't that in a JT song??)
- Take risks
- Not caring what people think

It's wild how much we've heard that in tha last 32 hours, from athletes to ministers to cooks to actors...I dig bro, cuz we need to hear that.  I'm not tha only one who has goals, and stuff...the difference is how much are u willing to a) risk or b) sacrifice or c) take despite no success, just to reach ur goal.  Yesterday, the Lakers won, and Kay Bryant missed his first 15 shots....yet, he still happen to hit the one in the 4th that led to victory.  They asked him why he was able to shoot, not alone make that shot, after missing so many...he used the term "being stubborn"  I looked up the definition of 'stubborn':  I like the '1st loser' definition which stated:

"Fixed or set in purpose or opinion."

I feel this in our bones, so I have to get it off our chest tonight...for me, if no one else...

As the whole launching of our diary which, good Lord willing, will hit our first birthday at the end of the month.  Should throw a cyber-bash!  Invite Laura Croft, Jessica Rabbit, Cita from BET and them girls from those Final Fantasy video games, be the great jump off for real!!...but anyway, our whole diary if u read what the online version, has been about not giving up...the realization that adversity will come...and keep going no matter what!

I was so ecstatic, while looking at these gents and dolls talk about something which I believe so heavily in, but seemingly no one wants to talk about it.   Today, as our mind was running like Usain Bolt (the Olympics are this Summer...huh.), I thought specifically how all these stories I tell about my relationships or run-ins with can that directly affect or is it affecting our love life?  I have a super cool life...but at times I wonder if a girl reads all this drama, does that make me seem like I'm just all about the Pootie Tang  or could mean that a lot of girls like to have great fun, and enjoy life, and they saw/see/will see that in us! Huh!  I'm contemplating, alright I meet somebody, do u mention our diary, and how would she feel about the stories she would read...u want my whole take on it.  (Huge Blow) Alright, here we go....

The three themes aforementioned really sum it all up....I'm learning not to look for things, but let things and people come to us, and they are.  Big time!  As I said before, u should want people or lovers or animals to love u for who u are.  The entire you!  This stuff I write about isn't baggage, it's what makes us unique, and many of those experiences have allowed us to grow more into a state of 'not worrying what people think' per se...or not afraid to expose ourself in a way that is....different.

That's why I state this over and over and over to "embrace the struggle" or "push through it".  That's not just stuff I read from The Secret, that's the secret that Vickie's across the universe have opened up to me.  I know how it feels to reach certain lows in life...$12 in ur pocket and u have a week to go b4 u get paid...or having girl after girl diss u for someone who makes u go, "Really?"...Instead of going out with somebody who's own a Porsche for years and has never drove it, u rather go out with someone who's possess with getting a Porsche and is light-years away from purchasing it.  This is deep talk.  And I used to get upset about that kind of stuff.  The feeling of rejection can be tough...the feeling of rejection can be even tougher when 99.7% of the world likes u, yet u keep on running into that .3% who u really want, yet they don't want you.  Think about that.

Half the time, I don't know if I'm a lunatic for writing about these stories (and believe u me, there's more!!!) or if I'm just a that point where I don't care.  I'm at the middle of both, cuz as our life is growing and getting more attention...I feel a need to share this stuff.  So as u see us on TV, u will not be like, "Austino has it so easy...", ah contraire mon frere...before any success, there's a struggle....externally, within urself, everything.  I battle it everyday, but with prayer, encouraging words from people who've been there, u get that.  U're not always gonna get a pat on tha back or somebody to tell u "keep going"...u look for family or even friends and they got their own thing going on.  So u much conjure up motivation, egotistical statements to make u realize that u can make it no matter what ur bank account says, or ur ex-love thought or magazine covers suggest...there's only one you.  Only one....without u, the world wouldn't be tha same.

I don't write this for attention.  I used to think, man I should pub this thing out to everyone, cuz I KNOW it's so unique, and it won't be anything like it in our lifetime...same concept, perhaps...same stories, absolutely not...person who has the insanity to write about them...c'mon now!....but if u let things develop, u find out that things would move ur way, instead of chasing it.  If ur a girl who has "the bomb", the guys will come, maybe not on Saturday night, but perhaps as u drop ur keys on a otherwise boring Tuesday evening...u just never know.

This may be my last diary, who knows, if it is or if it's not, just realize cherish the day, appreciate the little things in life, don't make money define "who u are", and just have fun...I haven't made it in no way, shape or form...but we have experienced some Neve Campbell Wild Things and if I have to be the real life litmus test for love and fun and true living, just so one person can look back and say, "That was it.", then so be it.  Somebody has to show how 2 really have fun in the galaxy....I feel like it's us...and just think about's all's all real...and it's an experience never to be duplicated, so I suggest u get ur popcorn out just like us, cuz it's getting crazy y'all.

I wonder why we talking about all this stuff...eye don't know...perhaps we high on something, perhaps it's Peter Gabriel in tha background...or perhaps everything in our life has left us more possessed than ever...or shall I simply say we've become...


Austino Galaxia...from our soul.

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