Friday, April 20, 2012

The "No" In Luv's Recipe.

Miss Chef...Rachael Ray

What should we say on this evening?  Humm...

We are learning more than ever to just live in tha moment.  Not to dwell too much on the we say in sports, "Not get too high on wins...not get too low in 'losses'" is just so important, not just in our life, but all of ours to just cherish the present...

As of late, we've been, I don't know...I feel like we are more polished than ever, and I believe a lot of that is due to all these experiences we've been had as of late.  I feel like we are just ready for whatever is about to jump off, and share the fun lifestyle that we have.  Trust me, it's ultra-unique!!  I've always been saying how we just wanna have fun, THAT'S IT!  Our type of fun varies so much, and I'm not gonna get into that cuz u can read our old diary entries to see what we talking about.  Its always more...huh, someone just mentioned a person representing their "brand" as a person.  Meaning what we do, or say or how we act, is a "brand" to the globe.  Wasn't that Jigga that said, "I'm not a business man, but a!!!  I like that, I like that a lot.  I know I should be telling some wild stories, and showing a few pics, like this one guy sleeping outside of Tantra with his index finger in his mouth...huh, that used to be this homegirl's spot!  Anyway, I write spur of tha moment, whatever we feel real time, that's what u get.  We krazy beyond words, so just roll wit it!

Being a brand.  I'm stuck on this, cuz it's so true.  What you do, how u talk, where u go to eat, all of that represents u, and puts u out either as a dot-com bust or a conglomerate (Yes, I did spell that right on the first try!!)....boy, I should play that Busta Rhymes jam, but not tonight...As of late, I've been thinking about our life and how it's represented.  Whether in real life, or through our diary, or whatever.  I remember hearing  that "Image is Reality".  But I think a little more about the things I do...and who I do.  (Wink!)  But for real, one thing about our diary or our videos on Youtube or through this website, is that, years and probably decades from now, u can pull this up, and since its so personal, with every word being from our heart, everything cross of the "t" says something about us.  Everything...I love music, and a lot of the links in our diary are songs from all genres from hip-hop to jazz to lots of R&B to Pop.  We listen to such a diverse range...I try not to put too many songs with profanity in it, but is that real?  Once again, I want this to be the ultimate diary of our lifetime.  So that everytime u read our diary and become a part of our Galaxia, u feel who we are.  I think Pharrell once said, "I'm part Howard Hughes,  part holy, part horny!"  Sums us up in many ways.

Earlier today I was thinking about a few things...a few girls.  I was like...might as well say it...have I goofed up in the past to ask, innocently, two girls to hang out, who I later found out are actually close friends with each other.  C'mon y'all!  I'm not the only person who has been in this situation whether be girl or guy.  Girls date guys and then there friends all the time.  I haven't gone that far, plus ain't their an MTV Guy Code about that type of  "puff puff passing?!!"  That type of stuff used to really get me to stay up at night, but now I don't even care about the past in many ways, just because the future is so glowing.  As we talk about this brand, I'm learning to let things happen and not force feed sweet peas to people to like us or date us or kick it or whatever.  I'm about to get it in and talk honest, I feel it...

I'm a strong believer that when somebody wants to do something, they will make time, effort and get their piggy banks in order to make it occur.  I'm talking about this, maybe somebody needs to here this either on tonight or if they reading this in 2017 (Hi!)...don't get frustrated about not...or somebody u dig, not neccessarily diggin' on you back.  I can't resist TLC on that one!  But it's so true...we go around being mad at people just because they don't replicate the same lust u have for them.  My only advice is to be urself, and time will reveal, if it's all meant to be or not.  Forget it, I'm gonna write tonight, I still got an hour or so before the Lakers play so...once again, here we go!

Don't even wanna write about this, but whatever (The official phrase of Austino Galaxia!  I'll take the proceeds gladly!)...Everything we've gone through love wise or whatever has made us better...EVERYTHING...that may have meant us not catching a disease, or us not having a shorty I wasn't really ready for...sometimes we look so hard short-term.  What a person is rockin' today?  Or what position they have on a job...I gotta say this...we have to get beyond judging a person's position in the workforce as the definition of them as a human being...especially now.  And let me take it a step forward, the job or money u make on the job, doesn't necessarily represent how much dineros one has in the bank!  I take the example of hoop hero Michael Jordan, how everyone in his last years with the Bulls talked about him make $37 Million or so per year...but nobody remembers him not even being in the top tier of those getting paid, just a few years earlier, as the Bulls were winning championships.  Those who really know, recall he made more money off the court endorsements and stuff, than he did by actually slam dunking donuts through the hoop!  So, this goes out to myself, and mi tres zero cinco friends ("I luv u Miami!!") that just because a doll or dude is working part-time or at a fast-food joint, doesn't necessarily mean he or she is broke.  They may just have more money than you.  And that paragraph was personal!

But as I was saying. our love life has been so unique.  As I began this diary, I recall mentioning that I was gonna write a book based Cirque Soleil on our love life!  (Boy, that's good stuff!  Lol!)  I don't know if people thought I was serious...believe me, if we say it, we mean it!  It's a tv show in tha making, and we STILL have stories to tell....but getting back to the point, one reason we were moved to talk about our life, especially one as personal as our dating or relationship aspect, is because I wanted to show how certain so-call episodes can make u become better and not bitter.  I have every reason in the world to hate women and all that they stand for...except for my Moms, Grandma, Aunts and cousins...other than that I should dedicate this whole diary and fill it for hate, just because of the silliness we've endured through...

But I want, even if I don't want to, show that if we can survive folks walking the other way from you...not calling you on months on end after a night of a lifetime...(Did that come out right?)...or being introduced to boyfriends even though u know the beauty likes you like a moth to a flame caught by the fire...u learn that's the way love goes, and even though u didn't understand it or u may cry some tears or you wanna cause your cousins up in the middle of the night and be like, "I know you slammin' some wings right now, by the way, did u get the guapo sauce?  If u did pleeze save me a few, but u gotta hit tha Turnpike and get this right now!!!" So real when I say that...

There are times where not getting what you want, may been the best thing to ever happen to you!  Huh!  People change man...not just physically.  And yes, I once was the victim of the future digi-love projection table.  What's that u ask?  I'll tell you...that's when u sitting at a table, accross from that certain someone, eating pasta, even though u ain't 'posed to eat that when in the company of the opposite sex, but u trying to be Johnny Bravo about it, and be like Bone Crusher and act like u "Neva Scared!!"  So that person begins to talk, and for a split second u black/white/yellow or brownout (depending who u with that night!) and begin to think if "this thang" is real,  and what is she gonna look like in a wedding dress...Is she gonna go into a depression mode and start eating Bonbons after they cancel Hot in Cleveland...Wonder if that trick she does with her tongue stop being routine or become as rare as Big Foot sighting!  All those things run through ur mind for that Lil Wayne a-milli...a-milli...a-milli...a-milli-second!  U think about her body, and all this stuff, and we know guys never change.  Why do I feel like at least three girls just said "Buffalo Chips" right now!  Just kidding, but that's how us guys are...girls do it too, just in different ways.

But not getting that dime may allow you to catch a quarter...while on the other hand, after getting that dime, and seeing that it doesn't go as deep as it once did...I'm borderline about to get my domain name pulled from   this Cyberspace!! still hold on to it, even though a new crisp dollar bill is waiting for you.  How I got onto this, who knows...but I'm learning not to force things when it comes to dating or whatever.  I'm really getting outta a good way.  And I think God has molded me to become this way, just because of all the stuff we've been through, and all the temptation islands that will pop out of our sea of fun!  U have to be ready and prepared...for anything.  That's why I'll say it again and again until freakin' Webster puts it in his embrace the struggle.    And it  for dag sure better not be Emmanuel Lewis , who wrote this dictionary, or we all got the Burberry wool pull over our eyes!

The struggle...the rejection...makes the story just a little more sweeter.  I'll write this and then get back to my regular scheduled programs...Breakups...Mario give me some theme music for this...Breakups are difficult, just from what I've seen on Vh1, shoot, they can send folks to put sugar...ha ha!  U go from pouring sugar on a person to them putting sugar in ur tank!  And then they'll key up ur car, nickname ur ride after a female dog in spray paint, and then will post the pictures on Facebook with the picture of them on the car, and under the group of friends, which u notice all are wearing  "Cheat once...Don't turn the key if  I was you!" on all of their tee-shirts and bras! It's wild out here...U gotta be careful...but once u get through those moments, and it may take months or even a year or so, u'll look back and say, "I'm glad it happened..." cuz now I'm stronger, better and more determined to show who we really are.

I know we are...we about fun.  And if u thought the original version of us, was goofy.  Now u have a remixed and remastered version...This is our diary, so forgive me if I say this, but...somehow....some reason, I really believe without a shadow of a doubt, that...

We're now about to top the charts...And be up there for a very, very long time.  So get ready.

Austino Galaxia...Producer, Co-Writer and...of course.. on the tambourines!!

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