Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Next Level.

Sir Alex Rodriguez...Thanks.

Time to crank it up!  Feel refreshed beyond repair and ready 2 go....

I think tha thing that inspires us can be those moments or days where u just realize that when things happen to you, that are not of your liking...that can only one thing to us...that we're super close to where we wanna be and that I need to Lil Jon get crunked and take it up to another level.  We're writing this late nite style, so we may just get loose.  Guess that's a warning...

Yesterday, was one of those gut wrenching days we our soul was battling within about why all this is happening in tha manner that it has?  Or why does life just have to be so algebraic complicated when ALL we wanna do is just have fun...Our life is blessed and special beyond compare, but seemingly we reached a point where things were starting to become a burden and not just enjoyment.  I wonder if I'm the only one who's been at those crossroads.  I probably could've hung up a lot of things, and just quit and stopped writing, cuz since my drug of choice is fun, once the hit isn't as strong as it once was that's when it's time to walk away...from everything!  Not kidding...I'm probably or not probably the ultimate when it comes to the impossible being possible.  I always believe there's hope for something or somebody, cuz u just never know.  The end doesn't necessarily mean tha end.  I'm the type of person who doesn't run away from situations but my personality is that of which, I'll be like "I'm up" and just head out on the first Amtrak smoking and send for my things later, and just go and stop at the first place that has a tree and car outside the train stop.  Being honest...this isn't for show, or just 2 fill up a diary post.  This is A DIARY.  So whatever we feel, we have to write cuz, even if it wasn't out there for the Galaxia to see, this is what we will be writing about anyway.  May make us seem crazy or bi-personality or stupid...but who cares what folks think.  We're unique, and our life is real, dude.

So 2day was a reflective type of day.  I haven't even been outside to take out the garbage or anything....I wonder, does that make me peculiar not wanting food in my garbage can.  Like, I always put food related trash in another bag, like a Fresh Market plastic bag instead of dumping wrappers and paper plates in2 my main trash source.  That's normal, isn't it?...Just thinking about our life, and all it entails, I can sense a...responsibility coming upon our shoulders.  And just sensing that our life is different, and that no matter what I do to try 2 fit in or be just won't be the case.  I'm a team guy, love to interact with people from different backgrounds and everything.  But as of late, it's like the Coach has separated us in a sense.  The girls u once dug, are no longer on ur radar, and no matter what u do to make amends or go back, as my Grandpa once said, "It'll never be tha same."  Does that mean we have lost our mojo or hit a drought? just means that we have become the ultimate free agent...I'm about to get into trouble for this stuff tonight, but...

Today, I read in old article from the style issue of Wall Street Journal Magazine that I kept, mainly cuz it had our guy, David Beckham on the cover.  But inside it had an article on the "playboys" of old.  Just how men back in tha day used to be so polished, not just in having money, but were culturally smart and could do and talk about any issue.  Not just sports or Pop music, but hit home a little bit, and I wondered, "Are we the last of a dying breed?"  (Ha, ha!!)  But soul for real, I begin to think about our diary, and all the stories that we've told concerning love and girls, if u really think about it, could we be writing a diary from a Playboy's perspective?  Notice I didn't say Playa's perspective, but could everything we've been through actually...well, Galaxia what is a playboy?  This diary entry is gonna be truthful 2nite, I feel it...

Well I agree with the article I read ("Death of The Playboy"), in which that type of guy is really a gentleman, and treats people with manners and just loves to interact and enjoy the finer things of life...and has exquisite taste in all that life brings including the ladies, I guess... I think one thing that gets us in trouble, and I'm talking about guys, is that we try to "play" girls instead of being honest with them and let them make the choice if they want to be with you or if its not a good match.  I'm starting to be Barnum and Bailey over-the-top with our honesty.  I know its good to have a little game...but at this stage I think it's better to be honest and for that person to get their dreams realized with us, than for me to Christmas wrap to a doll, and she end up with a Halloween ending!  Not joking dude...

I luv to have fun and romanticize at the highest level...I have no idea where this discussion came from, but we're here, to romanticize at a Mt. Everest level, but after all our experiences and real life episodes I want everything about my life to be authentic and real...I have a strong ego, and sometimes that makes it interesting.  It's like u have a million dollars in tha bank, so why should u ask someone for $5, when they should be asking you...that's how we've been built in a cents.  (Oh, that's good!) I survived some stuff, and I know others have as well...I think once u look back and realize that you survived crazy drama or mystery-filled text messages or date, u should take pride and just say "Hey, all things happened to us to make us better, and now I really cherish myself even more.  Cuz if this stuff happened to us, we must be something special."  I'm not the only one who has dealt with matters of tha heart, and for dag gone sure won't be tha last.  Our story is so ever...weird though.  Like really weird, like it has been larger than life in a sense...guess that's part of our job to share our stories, and show that "If we can survive, so can you."  Can I get a Amen?!!

This diary has just taken another life of its own.  And its about to continue...don't know why we telling this stuff, but...I can hip hop diss-tinctively remember certain landmarks in our life that were wake-up calls that told us, "Time to go to work, and up the ante, cuz 'They don't know."....

I remember...the most famous words written in our diary, cuz u know what that means...I remember me having a mad crush on this one girl down here in Miami.  Like in a, "If I could get her...I may let her drive my Miracle Whip", and I'm for Skin-a-max sure ain't talking about no Mayo or my ride..."O-K!!"  (Said with a snap!)  But I thought she would be perfect wifey material.  Just how she said our name, and how we interacted with each other...Have I told this story b4?  Don't think so, so many huh!...She was from some small South American country, and she reminded me of....let me see...she had naturally tan skin, a really attractive face, and a thick body shape...her style is what really got to us as well.  She may still have one of the most coolest style portfolios that I've seen from a girl.  She was one of the first ones who wore the trendy jeans with holes in them, like 60's big knee out holes! (That's kind of played out rite now...)  Then she would rock those hanging shoulder blouses, which would show either her bra or the strap from her Cami top.  She dressed like this girl in that Musiq Soulchild "Buddy" video...  Just a stylish baby girl...and I really liked that.

And then u put on top of it, that I knew some of her family as well, like her Moms.  And her mother was mad cool, and kinda, cough, cough, I didn't have to put on my 10 yr. projection of what she might look like, cuz I saw she had good genes.  Matter of fact, I probably should have went Arthur Fonzarelli on her, especially after this one time she approached me in this workout outfit that had her shorts up so high and her bu...let me just say, I almost dropped and gave her 50 right there!  And in this case, I do mean giving up the Washington's just for blessing my eyes and memory with such a visual presentation!...Oh, I need to stuff a sock either in my mouth or outside on my door know right about now!....but both of them were mad cool people.

So one day, I just made up the bed in our mind that I would have to approach this girl.  And just lay it all on tha line.  One way or another...I got her phone number.  That's a story in and of itself, I got her number...but not directly from her.  Now I was cool with her, and I thought about should we just cold turkey call this homegirl or what should we do?  It kind of reminds me of that A. Keys classic where she calls up Mos was kind of like that.  I get to my crib and ...Why do I tell these stories?!!  They are so embarrassing...I have my hands over my face right I get to my crib, and I had it all planned out.  Ladies, see us guys have a program of events of how, or we should, of how we gonna do things.  U don't wanna call super late , if it's u're first time "interacting", cuz that's like scary, yet u don't wanna be 2 early, so u, as funny as it sounds, u try to put on some alien type of glasses on where u try to picture what tha girl is or will be doing around what time, so u will call then. So u bumping into things at ur place, while imagining ok, it's 7:30, she should be watching American Idol right now, so let me hit her up around that 3rd commercial break, when...Like I'm the only one who does this stuff!!

Anyway, I take a huge deep breath and dial those digits...she gave a "Hello"...and I respond...and she keeps saying, "Hello...hello."  And she hung up!  Oh no!  It was like our phone signals didn't match...not making this up...then, our phone rings, and I hear a "Hello...did somebody just call my phone."  "And I say, Hello --------, this is Austin."  And then one of the craziest moment occurred that I ever experienced...her response was, "Who?"  I was like OMG, what???  I just freakin' saw you...but y'all I was a little devastated, cuz she showed all these signs like she was feeling for me, even spoke like, "Hi, Austin" and stuff, waving to me when she saw me, talked to her, and now this?   So the conversation was not good at all...matter of fact all the air went out of my balloon like "pueeeeewww".  Oh man.

I talked to her like the next day and stuff, and...just confusing stuff.  The thing that got us though, was how could she NOT KNOW who we were after I didn't approach her again, and I did see and talk to her many times after that, but something occurred within.  We made a promise to ourself, that even though we know who we were, and were confident in who we were becoming...we have to take it up another notch.  Whether in knowledge, workouts, style...I really took this one personal, just b/c it was so Johnny Depp strange in how quickly the events changed.  We just prayed that never again will this happen. 

Ha!  Little did we know what other unique trials were still left to experience.  But before all this recollection, we said how we hit another one of those Tour De Galaxia stage markers in our life, where changes occurred, and things actually turn out for the better, cuz it gave us an unforeseen fire to get better and footstool our way up to another level.  We find inspiration in tha silliest, or some find it silly, of things and instances.  When u feel like u've seen so many things, and people u need to look deep within to stay motivated.  It may take somebody walking past you without speaking or it may take seeing a guy holding hands with tha doll that you want to get u motivated for whatever.  God knows that's what pushes me to heights I couldn't reach otherwise.  All of lives are filled with opportunities for motivation, if we really just look within.  

So now, we're ready to see what's next and how we can improve on ourself and our lifestyle.  We have an idea, let's just see how it all develops.  Just have a feeling of a rubber band that's been pulled back as far as it can

It's time to release...and this time it'll be more than just an ordinary fling.

Pinkie Promise That!
Austino Galaxia...Never Before...Never Again.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

One Two-Faced Day.

Two-Face...a true Batman villian.

Alright.  In-ta-rest-ing emotion right now is at a unique point.  We are half way upset about some things...while the other half of us is at peace and waiting for our life to play itself out.  I'm being forced to stay in most of this weekend because of my ride still recovering from getting wacked upside its backside, so our plans of going up to Palm Beach went into flames...but that's ok.  They claim everything happens for a reason, so let it be...ain't that a Beatles song?

Boy, that song is so perfect right now, needed to hear that.  The NBA Playoffs started on today.  Life is so much like sports bro, u gotta love it.  As u advance through the playoffs the challenges you have to go through get more difficult as u move on.  Life is tha same way, as u grow as a person and move past different obstacles or even people that may have stood in ur way, new challenges await, but if u've learned along tha way, u have nothing to fear cuz u're prepared.  Right now in our life, as in tha lives of many others, we all are feeling like, why doesn't what's gonna happen just happen?  Why does life have to play itself out in such a crazy drama...and we are so much of a person of action...being patient is one of our strong points, but that's being tested to 75 mph speed limit, or has the government changed that to 65?  Maybe that's our problem, I'm so used to going 75 mph, that when The Great Lawmaker in tha sky  tries to slow us down, I don't want to.  I was on the toliet this afternoon, just thinking...what?  I'm telling it like it is!...I was on tha toliet like I'm willing to bet no person since my birth has been waiting so long for certain things to happen than us.  I know we all experience things in our life, but sometimes I feel like life can be ridiculous, really.  You have those moments, and u have to push on, but sometimes u just have to come to grips that you may never "fit in" so to speak, no matter what you do...or u just have to realize that sometimes the things that happen to you, are just for you...somehow I feel a story coming, from where I don't know, we'll see how tonight develops...

That's why we think how we think...just realizing the steps.  This all is a journey y'all.  And even though we been blessed in every way possible, almost at least, u just know that there is another scene in our movie in which tha script has been left in a manila envelope on The Director's desk, and u just wanna be like, "Why not give it to us?"  We've been playing all these small roles, we ready, give us a shot at Pee Wee's Big Top!

I'm always talking about relationships and girls and stuff in this diary.  I just feel different. It's almost like u've seen so many types of beauty that now we are looking for the total package.  That's a good thing, but looking and not letting it play out can make it even harder.  Especially when u feel like u're being looked upon in a way that puts u or make u feel like...

I was watching the episode of The Franchise with the Miami Marlins.  And the manager Ozzie Guillen made a comment how he wants the team to be hated, cuz when people hate somebody it's cuz people think you f'in good.  That sunk in a little bit...eye've talked about being hated on before, even recently, but it's on our heart, and it's our MTV Diary, so "u think you know, but u have no idea."  I'm gonna get personal tonight, but I KNOW somebody else feels this way like, I got tha money, social life, and all this, but I want a little change in my life.  Not necessarily go on a Middle Eastern soul search or anything, jus...although have u seen tha babes over there when they are not wearing those hijabs, oh my!  Attractive...I guess that's one of my problems I see beauty in so many people, races and colors.  U think if I begin to narrow down my thirst for life and getting to actually know people and change...that'll make me feel better?


That's what makes us unique though...I heard a word today that I like a lot...Authentic.  And know they weren't talking about Louis V bags or a pair of Jordan's, although they making it tough to tell the difference nowadays.  I bet somebody could make a killing by just deciphering...I'm on my "A" game when I start 2 use those words!!...just deciphering real LV bags from the fake ones.  He or she will really bring in the dough.  What I'm going through right now is 2 stay true to our values and level of fun, and seeing where it all leads.  I'm a snob at heart, that's why when I say "lose tha attitude" and all this ABC Afternoon Special type of talk, I'm mainly talking to myself.  All jokes aside.  I want so much out of life...folks have no idea.  I'm a competitive person bro...sometimes I wonder if others want "it" as bad as I do.  I expect a commitment to excellence from myself.  I mean that's why the Raiders are my favorite football team, duh!  I have a lot of the "Raider Nation" 'tude within us.  I'm grimy and wild, and love to have a ball, get my dance on at a party, and just be..ourself.  That's what makes us all so special, when we are authentic to ourselves.

It's going to be newsmaking to see where our life heads in the next few hours or so...not only is our diary going to be...well I can't tell just yet...but our life itself.  Been fighting through a lot of stuff as of late...just because somebody makes something look easy doesn't mean that it is easy.  I'm about to say something that may make u stop reading this diary...but doesn't anyone else ever feel like they are being taken for granted?  Like u know there ain't nobody else who's going to do what u do in tha manner that u do, and u like its become an expectation instead of...that could mean u being in a relationship and u always cooking for somebody, and they never say "ta-ta" yet expect u to show ur "ta-tahs"!  Or you playin' a sport and u breaking three school records, and barely hear anything, yet another person comes close to breaking a record, perhaps yours on top of that, and they getting the toast of tha town, and livin' a life only rival by Austino Galaxia!  I think in life we have forgotten to give due or at least...ah...

This is tough to about this, we celebrate the wrong things instead of the right things, and we have taken some acts as an expectation, and have gotten spoiled by greatness.  Maybe it's with so many things going on in life, like watching reality show marathons or what not,'s like knowing...difficult finding words. Ok, I was watching the Heat/Knicks playoff game and somebody hits a free throw.  Nobody even claps on the bench like they used to for their teammate.  I know I'm right, and I have every right to talk about this...I'm not saying they aren't cheering for their teammate but what I'm saying is that action carries a "it's not a big deal" type of attitude, when if u lean wit it and rock wit it some, u'll realize that that one point could be the difference in winning and losing the game. See what we saying.  Before I go on I need a song, how about a classic from...Maroon 5.  Surprised u huh!!

But that's what I'm saying, the smallest things can make the biggest impacts on the world.  The people u may look the other way upon, could just be the ones who become the decision makers and slash or trend setters in tha future.  We have tended to focus so much internally instead of externally.  I need to step my game up, and I will.  I'm fighting right now do...eye shouldn't be saying this, but our diary gives exclusive thoughts into our head...but I'm wondering should I stay in South Beach or is it time for a move elsewhere.  Maybe, which I'm starting to believe, I need to stay here in the land of the beautiful people, but make some adjustments to our lifestyle that's been 1000 already.  (That's my financial play on words! Wink!)  But all of us have or eventually will reach that point where u look deep within and find urself, and just hope it's good enough to get everything u've been wanting in life.  To make it all simple, u wonder if all the sacrifices, all the talk about just having fun in life has made a true difference, and that all the feeling of being just a punching bag full of rejection, exclusion, and "wait til next time" will actually produce a champion.

Am I depressed?  No.  But u just wanna rock n' roll some.  I just know what life has to offer.  And what and who is possibly in front of us at the beginning of the light.  I'm gonna have fun, and this and that.  Just some moments, u wonder why the route in ur life has been so difficult and so mysterious.  I'm tha most simple complex guy in the world.  I've gotten through the complex so many times, now we just want pure simplicity.  But as the feeling continues I have to think upon some things tonight, gather up and perhaps count up my pennies, and just wait this thing out.  I feel like I'm always the last one to receive things in life...still waiting for my tax return, as usual.  But...that's ok.  Cuz sometimes being last is good, cuz u can learn so much from those who's number has come up before you.  U never know what a moment may bring forth, and we're more than ready.

I got one more run in us.  Sooner or later something has to give?  Right?!  Since I'm a lover of libraries, I guess there's only one thing to say to that...

We're due.

Austino Galaxia.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Think I'm fresh out...Bam!!!"

Funky Finger Productions...Love this skit from In Living Color!

We keep on saying that our life is a movie...not is a movie!  Today was another day that confirmed that...2day is our 1st Anniversary of our Austino Galaxia website, and if today is any indication, it's gonna be a wild season of fun, banging, and everything in between...enjoy!

Today, began with us having or waking up early.  But today we woke up not only early but we woke up with a slammmin' headache.  We woke up like what's going on?  I didn't even go out last night, yet I felt like I was in tha DJ booth wit the music still booming in our head.  After staggering outta bed, I was trying to figure out what can I take to chase this headache away?  Is there some kind of beverage or some kind of combination of the intake of a dream pill with a fantasy drink to make this Macho Madness go away! I ate my Eggo waffles (Nutri-Grain Blueberry, of course!), and began our day.

I was driving on the A1A past the giant yachts and tour boats, trying to find some good music.  But in some way, as I was listening to some jams from Michael Jackson's Dangerous album.  We was good thinking about different things and people, as usual.  Yet something just didn't feel right...something.

Got to tha place where people come together to earn green income, and was...ok.  Then my stomach began to hurt.  So I go from my head, now to my stomach...If a doll had of walked up to me singing that freaky "my neck, my back" hood classic, I probably woulda thought it was luv at first sight!  All to no now I'm battling why is my stomach feeling like somebody is having a tug-of-war game at a company picnic inside of me?!  What's going on...Y!!!!!  I hold up pretty well...then we got to thinking about why things have to be so hard, and how come it seems like nothing can just happen and flow easy. We don't ask for much,all we want in life are just cool friends, nice condo, money in tha bank, modern furniture, a 2013 European Sportsride, a pack of socks, new kitchen utensils, cable companies to let consumer pick channels a-la-carte, a private plane, rest, new white Miami Floridians personalized jersey, free gas, and to be able to see every NBA game this!  Other than that I'm soooo low-maintenance.

All that started to go through our mind, all the while thinking about if a person is tough to "get" does that mean he/she worth the challenge or does that mean it's not meant to be?  Good question...I too brutely honest right now I know....But there's a few people who know where I'm coming from.  I ate some lunch, in which lots of people say I eat a lot...not really, I just eat enough gas to fuel up our spaceship that's all!!  Remember, we travel in a "Galaxia" so u need a special amount of gas!  (Wink, Wink!) We made it through a intriguing morning and beginning of the afternoon and then....

I was heading home...and for some reason, no lie, nothing felt really good.  In terms of finding music on our Whiteberry to play in our ride...nothing felt good at all.  I was just like I gotta get home and meditate and pray on getting our mind right before I get our workout on.   I'm looking around and folks are just driving so reckless, just so Miami....I'm on US-1 going North, just hitting it, playing the jazz group Fourplay's rendition of "Between The Sheets" featuring Chaka Khan.  So I'm riding, and see this stoplight ahead...then I look in my rearview mirror, and this guy is looking down, I look ahead and...


Yep, our life has just hit another scene, now I"m personally starring in a crash scene...I just look ahead, really calm considering, maybe it's that Zen Master of Fun type of stuff that's being implemented in our soul...I simply look behind me and was like, "U wanna pull over?"  He was like, "It's just a bump"...uh huh, we ain't gonna go out like this, so we say let's pull over...we both were in the middle lane, and we then pulled over onto a side street near Coconut Grove.  After pulling over, a cop happened to go the other way, and he signaled the cop down, he came over...and it just became a drama.  I got off the car, Thank God for that...but our back began to hurt some, even the driver who star-struck us said he saw our body sauce "jerk" in our ride.  I wanted to sit down, but...another cop came to take the initial ones place as he had to go to another accident up tha guy was talking to us about this and that...Los Angeles and stuff, which was cool, but I just wanted to get home, plus my a-noon was now changed completely, and on top of that I'm Master-P'd wishing that I hadda kept my neckbrace and cane in my car so we both could head straight 2 People's Court and see the Big Wap!  Tow trucks, ambulances, people heckling tha u gonna heckle a cop while he's helping somebody?  That's like Santa Claus getting booed...oops I forgot Phily did do that one year, but still??  Miami life...and mine's getting more wild.

So I head home try to call the crib, and tha folks to let them know the 411 on our real life episode of Reno 911!  No answer, so I just left a message...I'm laying in bed just wanting to rest our body and back in particular, I knew sooner or later my back was gonna be thrown out, but this wasn't what I had in mind, even though a cop uniform and handcuffs may have been worn in our vision!  Then I call our insurance place, and then I call homedude's insurance place.  Tha shorty who picked up kind of jumble up her greeting, Thynou fcoallinrg nmae si ..."  We laughed, and she was a little...cough, cough...friendly.  If my back wasn't resting and if I wasn't trying to get this all sorted out, I probably would have DMX slipped in a "What u wearing?" line, but I only do that stuff after 11pm, and since I don't have $2.99 a minute to burn, for once in our life, I wanted to make this thing quick...but that wasn't gonna happen.

Shorty had to ask us ALL these questions...What u drive?  What's ur Address?  Health?  Do you think Kayne and Kim are really together? ...all this stuff bro.  We tell her a little bit about us...she talks about our car, and her language is like she wants 2 go for a spin.  "That's nice isn't it?"  Telling u she was getting...then she tells us, "So you're building a nice story..."  For a second I begin to think she's about to ask us out, we just kind of laugh..."You're ok" as in a dream life kind of sense...I then think, if only more could think like you my Latina Sweetness...I'm such a bad boy aren't eye?!!  She gives me these details, and basically tells me I gotta wait another week for somebody can look at my stuff...not that stuff, my car fool, get ur head outta the gutter!

So now I got to go cop some  Big Ray Charles sunglasses, a fake mustache, a green poker visor, and get some black Hefty bags to ghetto-rize tint my windows, so that nobody can see me with my back bumper Minaj Nicked up!  Well be ok...but life is wild ain't it?!!!

U just never know in our life...I want so many folks to become a part of our Galaxia cuz it's special, and something never to be duplicated is occuring right now.  I keep saying it, but it's truly once-in-a-lifetime.  No doubt about it...and here's a small's only about to get better.

I gotta go.  And rest our body.  OBTW...we're a brand now!  A true brand, jokes aside...the next level has arrived.

I need some rest.

Austino Galaxia...TM.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Anybody want to challenge right now!!!

T'was the day before Galaxia's Diary's birthday...Wow!  Yes, u heard is April 25th, the last day in Year One of  Can u believe that it has been almost a year since we've released ourselves to the Galaxia!  To those who's been with us since tha beginning, much, much love to ya!  For those who have joined us along tha way, hope u've been enjoying tha ride!  And if you haven't read any of our earlier diary entries, I suggest if u have time, to scroll down, all the way down to the bottom to catch some very, very revealing stories about our life, love and everything in between.  We've changed, and although some segments have darted in and out of our online diary, we've become so much...better, through it all.  That's why I'm so strong in telling folks to start their own diary or journal.  We've been at this thing for almost 12 years now.  Keeping hard copies, and last year decided to go Nasdaq and release our brand and share it with Wall Street, and abroad...or two!  U may not be as crazy or emotional insane and free as us, but just jot something.  It's so unique to look back on times with ur Grandparents or a day at the job or that guy or gal u used to like in school or now u think that person is so beyond ur comprehension...or even write about meeting that special someone, who just might end up being tha one. How cool is it to have an actual artifact from special events or days, that truly capture ur emotions, instead of relying purely on memory flash cards in ur mind.  Give it a try, u won't regret it!

I'm a little pumped up right now, almost like a Ball Park Frank, just because...our diary is so personal to us.  If u think it's easy to write about yo...ok, check this out! My boy Billy Boy just called talking about our 13th edition of Billy and Austin Spring Jams CD.  Great stuff! But almost at the same time as twins, my ceramic dish, somehow, someway did a Dominique Dawes backflip over outside of my dish holder and onto the floor, and all we hear is Snap, Crackle and Pop!! It was loud now I'm out of two pots and pans, I just got rid of a pan cuz it had a Target plastic bag attached on the side, as I was making my meal as hot as a 3pm day in Scottsdale.  That's suprisingly one of the few things that u cannot do with a Target bag!  Is pooper scooper on the checklist?!!  So I'm so ghetto, right now, I got a cupboard and freezer full of my favorites (I had to rack up on Publix on the Wednesday before that one-a-month or two  sale ends..), yet I only got one pot and pan to cook all this stuff...but hey, at least I'm still fly!!

As I was saying,if u think its easy to reveal crazy and sometimes painful stories about your life...think deuces on that...But a funny thing has happened along this journey of our public viewing of our life, we've reached a point where even though we may not wanna talk about certain things or people, now we like, who cares, this is our diary and we gonna write this thang how we feel and how our life is playing out.  If we wish that God was eating Skippy on a particular day he created, we have to write that...if we feel like a day has been fun, so be it as well...Our hope is to make our diary so real (It might be too real!)  Cuz it's some real issues going on in our life, daily really, and I'm sure some of the difficulties and also party joys I feel, others are going through as well.  That's what this is for.

I have to say something about this, as seemingly I always do...our love life.

There has been a LOT of CNN roundtable disc...actually more like a People Magazine correspondent sneaking in 5 minutes on the Today show type of talk about our loves of past, present and future.  We still cringe when we write about those experiences, yet and still those are what has made us into who we are and how we treat females at the present time.  I say embrace the struggle which is something we all should do in all aspects in life, but the thing that has our swag up so ultra-high is the knowledge that no and I mean NONE steps have been stepped along tha way.  We may have wanted to jump ahead of schedule and question a lot of things like, how can this number of girls like u, yet u keep coming upon the 2% who actually might not dig u, or things just don't work out or are flat out intimidated to just simply say "No, not interested."  One thing about us is that yes we're unique and real and whatever, but we are really just the ultimate kid who wants to have fun.  That's all, nothing more, nothing less.  So there's been so much misunderstanding about us or hurting our feelings or that I'm just in training for a upcoming La Perla smelling contest in Paris or, it ain't like that!

One thing, and I'm gonna write tonight, cuz as we go into the next spectrum of our Galaxia, eye want all minds focused on having fun, and if that means I gotta make a fool of myself tonight by writing from our heart, so be it...there are a lot of people out here who are misunderstood.  Lots...a pretty girl who has a certain dress, who happens to be pretty and smart as well, is thought of as stuck up, when she's the coolest and most down to Earth doll walking around.  Guys who has is hear in a 70's afro, with a white tee, and sweats on, get thought of as a thug, when he's a teacher at a high what I pray, and I know it's difficult (my hand is raised) is not to look at everybody as somebody who is or does things like somebody else who has broke ur heart.  So as snobby as this sounds, everybody is truly different...and when u talk about us and how we are, u really better be ready, cuz we're kind of rare in that we've been through the tough lessons and texts full of mind-confusion and all the open ended responses through social networks that even though I truly have every right to spit flames of hate, we've really, through God, has embrace all drama and have decided to let it work for us a greater work, and make us better and let us have even MORE FUN!  One thing keeping a diary can do, if u let it, is it can show that whatever happens to you in terms of success wasn't no accident.  And u can look back, or someone can and be like, "she paid her dues".  Nowadays we look at the sizzle not knowing how long it took for the burn to actually cook.  That' so true...

As we go along, for however longer we go, we want to show that life can be fun, through it all...and I'm starting to really believe that's what I'm put on Earth for.  Man, I sound like Mr. A-Rod right now! You just reach a point where u know nobody can...or nobody can make u share any more tears than u already have...didn't say u wouldn't cry, but it's not about tha people's more about tha situations of life...but u reach that point of the Golden Time of The Day where u just realize what life can offer...that can only come through trials, pain, and the Great Playcaller in the sky bringing u to things that even though u hate, unknowingly they make u feel unstoppable.  I'm learning on a daily basis, and by no means have I grasp this thing called life, but think about it, if I haven't grown each day and especially since April 25th, 2011, then I don't need to have the dream life, I'm about to partake in, and there's no reason for me to open myself up and share our lifestyle, that's been nothing short than a Hollywood blockbuster.  Just being honest...want u 2 c us in this.  U may hate us, u may love us, or just are curious, but we want u to say u know what..."This is something (not someone) special, and it's fun, and I wanna join in!"

We got a lot of things in store...some old favorites are going to be making a return as well as some other surprises depending on how we feel.  As this is growing, and it is trust me, the goal is to keep it as authentic as possible.  If one person is reading this, we want them to feel like the reading something Cosmic, that they won't ever feel again.  A dream of ours is to make our diary a personal heart to heart event. That u can stories made up.  And "yes" we still have many that have yet to be told involving hoops to money to fashion to working on the beach for four Summers to relationships...I hope u didn't think we ran outta gas.  No way!  I hope lessons can be learned from our revealings and show that no matter what u can make it through, cuz if we can survive, then so can u!  I know how it feels to feel alone or without cash or getting those calls that go like, "I love your resume but..." (I still remember that one from my favorite football team, the Oakland Raiders, she was nice but...)  To be successful...Man, Kylie looks right in this the yellow shoes and this song as well!...But to be successful u have to have a short memory and push on...but a clue is the truly successful also have a memory of Dumbo and not forget the lessons, cuz the great ones call on those lessons and feeling of T-Pain to push them even to a higher level when they think there is nothing else to prove.

It may just be me, but there's always something to prove.  Always.  To urself.  To somebody else.

Always motivation to become...the best.

I'm done...special thanks to this super cool and pretty homegirl who hooked my up with Gloria Estefan's Little Miss Havana CD...u know who u are, u didn't have to do it girl!  And as I like Miss Estefan's music, and with Pharrell doing just about the entire album, it's a gift I'll always appreciate.


Let the Fun Begin.

Fight. Plus. Belief. Equals. Success.  Over.  Fun.
Austino we go!

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Pussycat Tales!"

Oh, Tha Pussycat Dolls, the good old days!!...this was the song!

Just gonna jot a few things down on what has been a learnful type day...I love to learn about life and different things, so I got 2 give a shout out to Ms. A for the insight on 2day.  It was like listening to a sensei...  Great stuff...really good stuff...


I'm at the crib, walking out to get my clothes fixed up, washed and stuff...I walk in, and I see none other than one of the living South Beach Legends himself..."Cat Daddy!!" chillin' inside looking out the I get my quarters (Why don't washing machines use silver dollars??), and go back and find two of the $2 machines available, yes...and get to pouring in my spanish liquid detergent...hey, it was on sale, so I don't give a darn what the name of it is, or what's in it, as long as it gets my over and undies all tidied up, and so I won't have to continue flipping my draws inside out!! Ha,ha!! Oh man...So I close the machines up, and I'm like almost in awe, and get a little nervous feeling inside of us, cuz I'm like 1.5 feet away from feline royalty.  "Cat Daddy" as I've mentioned before is like some kind of magical cat that has puss..I mean cats coming from all walks around tha beach.  I've never seen anything like it in our life...matter of fact the only thing close to it, was at this one party I attended where I walked in with two ladies on each arm, and let's just say it was a heck of a night, and I had a whole new love for Italians....but this dude....

So after my nervous feeling (Which doesn't happen two often) went away...what the heck was that noise?  On the Rick Ross, I felt like I just heard a cat or something trying to break into my place...that's for real...I didn't know cat burglars were real!!!...I'm like do I say something of do I just chill...Immediately I went into Diane Sawyer mood and flipped on my Dateline  imaginary investigator cap on, and was like, "I gotta ask tha Cat Daddy what's up!"  I felt like I was approaching a guy who u didn't know if a) spoke English, b) talked sasquatch, of if 1 after 2) this guy was gonna try and jump me and I would have to hit him over the head with my broken laundry basket.

I walk over to him on the still, and straight up ask, "Excuse Me, but I gotta ask, why do so many cats like you?!!"  He gave me huge smile, showing his one tooth...which was cool, means he's lived, and not existed in this life...He smiled and laughed, then he said in broken English that, "I've done this for awhile, not just for 10-15 years!"  I then tell him how I always see him with the cats, and them coming to him outta the club, after tea parties, they tip-toe, run, it's a sight, and I think one day, maybe if I'm under the influence, I'm gonna hide out in the green dumpster, stick my phone to videotape this guy cuz he needs his own show on Animal Planet or something...

I give him a tap, and then ask further, "Just how these cats come over to you?"  He shyly smiles, and then talks in a Secret Service or should I say in a  Agencia Federal de Investigacion tone..."Well, you got to talk to them, and love them."  Then Cat Daddy pulls out a white plastic bag, that has cat food inside!  This guy is too much, and ain't Holy Molying around down here!  He come prepared...He then walked out the door, and flipped up his jacket collar like the Fonze, and seemingly as I watched my hero cross the street, it felt like watching the modern day John Wayne ride into the sunset!  Felt like it was in slow motion...heck, I'm getting emotional just thinking about it!

After capturing that moment in my heart and mind, I go outside to hug the corner outside at 6th and Meridian.  I keep saying that's the spot to see the real South Beach 'hood.  We chillin' with my black sunglasses on (I still don't like black ones, I'm gonna get my color lenses on, real soon!)  This guy with his girl, as they walked by gave a "What's up, boss!" to us...I responded with the usual, "What's Up, What's Up!"  Then a few minutes later, I see this European gent walking to us in a black tee shirt and some shorts...he come up to me and begins to speak in his heavy Russian accent and says to us, "Due...u knows...where 2 get smoke?"  I'm like, Ok, just because I'm a black dude, hugging the block, with dark sunglasses on , a San Francisco Giants hat on, and Chicago Bulls red away shorts on (that'll always be my childhood team!  Both of them actually) with some limited edition Nike kicks from Barney's Co-Op doesn't mean I sling dope, or Snoop's favorite plant!!...Hold on, did y'all hear about Snoop Dizzle coming out with a book u can actually roll up and smoke??  Hope it's paperback, cuz folks ain't paying Lebron prices nowadays they looking for those D Wade joints!  And......that's probably gonna get me arrested next time the MBPD sees me walking out on Collins Ave.!!

I just told my man, "Naw, man...I don't smoke."  And I said it kinda backing away just in case this was part of the CIA sting operation going on in Columbia right now, so I'm talking in a way that makes my voice seem like it's been computerized and in code words that even a Fifty Cent magic stick couldn't figure out!  !G-I-D U-O-Y (Backwards!)  This is why u gotta love the M.I.A., folks don't care down here...Us down here would actually speed up past a cop car...guys would stare down a girl in such a haunting way, it's almost like they are trying to hypnotize chicks to get at them...wait a ma-nute-tay...I may just try that, I know this one girl I really, really want to hypnotize...I should just walk up to her, and just dead stock stare her in the eyes for like 5 minutes, with a glaze in my eye like I just got out of prison, to see if this thang really works!!  I'm up for anything nowadays, I might just dress up like the Dalia Lama and walk around with Billy Goat Gruff to figure some of these beautiful ladies out!!  Oh is fun.

Shout out to all those who are joining our Galaxia for the first's growing, and getting wilder, and we have some surprises in store.  Our goal is to bring the most real, fun diary out there.  Our lifestyle is truly one of a kind, full of surprises and fun and lots of stories and activities.  We like to reinvent ourself, so expect the unexpected...u've been forewarned!

Gotta go 2 sleep,
Piece, luv and please eases tha pain, trust us on that!
Austino Galaxia, aka "Kitty Litter"

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"A Grand Theft Snobbery"

Judge Gee favorite TV Court Show of them all!!

Today is gonna be a fun already has been.  I'm learning so much about our self, that's it's not even funny.  Have a lot of things to get to 2day, so we'll write a little bit, early on this afternoon.

"When u've never experienced something, u want it even the more."

Not today, don't get started on that this Sunday morning...but u know what it's so true, dude.  Right now, we are learning to enjoy life, and sometimes u have to do that under different circumstances that you didn't think you'll have to.  You may be disappointed that you didn't get nosebleed seats to a concert, but somehow u end up with front-row tix!  Just never know what the future can hold, so sometimes u have to take a breath, let it "breathe", and let things work themselves out, and here's a secret...they always do.  

My personality is so much fast-lane yet beach laid-back.  As of late, we've been just a little bit anxious.  All of us have those moments's almost like the night before u supposed to go on a date with that special someone...u ready to go that night, but u have to relax, and not get ahead of urself u know.  I know we've been talking kind of 'reckless' as of late, on our diary, but...we are so one of a kind.  I don't say that in a snobby way, either...I just know.   Right now we are in fun to tha max type mode, but as of late we've been trying to figure out who to share our lifestyle with?  Know "a few" people, but I wanna get to know so people anew.  People who aren't afraid to act silly or just have the pure joy of life while rockin' their Prada or Sloppy Joe's Jeans...that has been interesting.

Ok, y'all do I go diary style right now, and keep it 100?  Or do I talk like I'm on 20/20 Nightline and write what I should say?? 

U know me, I don't really mind, cuz I don't have nothing to lose anyway, so let's talk.  Does anybody else feel like it's sometimes to find real people down here in tha M.I.A?  When I say real, I mean the kind where folks say the gonna call u, and they actually do...or they claim they gonna hang out next Saturday, and that Friday that call u to make sure it's on?   Miami is a unique city, and while I still have nothing for love for it,  It can sometimes be a should I say...fantasized fakeness.  Now, I don't think that it happens just in Miami, but just in life in general.  We have turned into a society where the flash is more impressive than the actual photo itself.  Eye shouldn't be talking about this...I just don't want us 2 keep looking at images as if that's the end be all....

And BELIEVE U ME...I don't write from the attitude of somebody who is urinine-nized poor or anything...but sometimes u just can't let what u have define u....Late last night, I came upon this 60 Minutes piece about folks living out of their cars.  I mean cars, and have to look for parking lots at night, and just all this stuff, that I wouldn't dream of having to go through.  They showing eating out of cans of food and their clothes and all that...And here I am living on the fantasy isle called South Beach, and have food for days, and have clothes that I forgot eye even had, and got the nerve to have an attitude?  Just because I haven't gone on a shopping spree in a few months?  Or just's awesome to have great things, and to enjoy them to tha mighty max...I just want us, and I'm talking mainly to myself, cuz I have some really spoiled bratty moments where I think the world and GOD owes me everything, and stomp around use language the Popeye doesn't even use...I need to count the blessings I do have, and look at life as is, and not as an entitlement.  

Which leads me to the moment right now...Man, that wind is blowing so wicked outside now.  I know the other day, The 'hood just reeked of the smell of the ocean water,..anyways...I wonder if other people run into some of the same trouble...naw, wrong word...challenges...that eye run into on a constant basis.  I'm gonna be real so...

I know down here in Miami, there are a LOT of physically attractive people in their own way.  Sometimes I feel like I'm running into each and every one of them in an hours time...which is fine.  Miami is known for it's beauty and sexy vibe.  From the minute folks step off the plane and get Dirt Devil sucked into that 305 humidity, it makes u feel confident and like ur in another world.  Miami even has it's own look.  Just look at sporting events or pictures, there's a certain tint, especially on a Summer afternoon, that makes our city Heavenly. That's why it's nicknamed, "Heaven's Waiting Room."  South Beach even has a deeper sense of sensuality and fun.  More on that later...

One thing that differentuates, spelled wrong but who cares...Miami from any other place is that there are so many different people from around the country and from around the globe. Not everybody, but some folks where they came from some reason really believe they are the icing on life's cake, so when they move down to Miami (Guess I myself can be included!), we can begin to put up these walls and pseudo-confident...or Artificial Swag (Have to copyright that one day.) attitudes that can make finding real people almost like trying to look for a needle not just in the haystack, but in the freakin' whole barn!!  I mean the entire property, with the scarecrow included!  And of course, even the scarecrow is rockin' black Dior sunglasses, with his red/black plaid shirt being from new collection from The Webster being sold at Target,  then his jeans being Versace Jeans Couture, followed by boating shoes from Sperry and a straw hat given to him from Anna Wintour herself as she was going through her old attic! So if scary face is wearing that get-up, u know what the rest of the place!  

I come from humble beginnings...boy, that sounds like a E! True Hollywood Story intro!...and I realize that it's different down in the Republic of Miami.  It has to change though...I need to change...I'm a person of top-shelf, I guess, high-style taste.   I know a kid I used to read through fashion magazines like GQ and not only look at the clothes but just looking at the ads, and it allowed us to dream of what life could be, and I think that's super awesome.  I think that's one think that's lacking within our young generation today.  The lack of dreaming..."Ah, a college degree doesn't mean anything anymore." ...or..."This is how life is always gonna be, economy is horrible, jobs are super scarce..."  It's like life has changed to such and such is "one in a million" instead of believing that "I'M GOING TO BE that one in a million."  There's a difference...a big difference...and Miss Aaliyah show em what I mean!!

I don't think it was ALWAYS like this down here in the Magic City.  I believed that like in the 60s and stuff, there was a different attitude when it came to wealth and beauty.  If I had to choose one era which I think was the sexiest...maybe I can't actually answer that question because in the 70s, u had a "free attitude" but eye love the clothes, the 80s had great music, dance and breakthroughs designer wise, the 90s were awesome with...ahh, I love the neon colors of the late 90s and how girls dressed makeup wise, and even wearing sneakers to class, and the guys were just sporty chill, yet weren't afraid to spend dough on shirts that only had like 3 or four letters on it (I.E.- DKNY, D&G, Ck), and then the 2000's, which sounds weird even to say that, but u had the hip-hop era, tha retro looks of yesteryear with a twist, but earlier that decade folks were more cool with each other.  Where was I heading...oh...but like in tha 60s and early 70s there was, in my opinion, more natural beauty.  And more of money and fame being just a part of one's life, instead of being the x-chromosome of it.  (Or is it the Y?!)  In our opinion, of course...

My plan, through the crossing of our toes, is to have the most fun life, but share it in a way that is cool, and not just "Making it Rain" on folks or slapping people with a rubber banded roll filled with Benjamins...I still wonder how I ended up down here on the sands of the beach here in Miami.  I almost feel like I just rolled up on that land by a big wave.  I enjoy the 'hood, it's really nothing like it in the Galaxia...and I plan on continuing to enjoy my stay however short or long that may be...but I know I'm not the only person who is tired of the plastic attitudes...that's so two years ago.  U know...And I'm starting to believe that if I can harbor my ego in some respects to just have fun, and joke around and live life and share our personality, there's no person in the world who shouldn't do tha same!  NO ONE. LOL!  That's a conceited statement right there!  But...just have fun, enjoy ur toys, don't make ur WAGs feel like one, and realize that life is short, so u betta live...

Just drop the attitude...please.

Austino Galaxia

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Egon Spengler."

The Real Ghostbusters..Love that Cartoon!...Egon Spengler (Pictured)

Let's finish this thing off by writing from our heart, and we'll get into our new formats some other time.  The 21st of April.  Of course, that's the best number in the world and Galaxia, the number #21.  My fav of all-time.  I wonder, what is it about that number that just brings a peaceful smile to me.  Huh...u know what I feel like doing something a little bit different, as I'm cooking some of my meals for the upcoming days.  I'm starting to sound like a personal chef and celebrity client aren't eye?!!  But how about briefly let's dig into that number 21 to see what it means...Wasn't gonna do this, but that's the Adriana Lima about keeping never know where it may lead.

Let's see...

Am I crossing the limit by looking at this, like is this some kind of sooth reader type stuff?  Let's see...this one website defines the number 21 as being:
- Energetic, Charismatic, and Communitive as some positive traits
- Restlessness, Overly-Sensitive, and Glib are listed as some negative ones...what in the heck does Glib mean?

Let's see...
Glib is defined as...
Definition Number One:
a) marked by ease and informality
b) showing little forethought or preparation
c) lacking depth or substance

I giggled as I skip to definition Numbero Three:
- Marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful...let's move on!

But I like to learn about myself.  Why do eye do what eye do or think how I think...I believe that we all should at least wonder where some of our tastes and distastes come from...I knew this one girl, who I thought was...I know, another girl story, this is a mini-one though, like a two sentence episode...but this girl was, some people thought she was kind of "out there" like in a Jetsons type of way, yet resembled a beach girl...I thought she had a lot of ...appeal to her.  Anyway, 2 make a long story short, she used to eat this Jalapeno Sub Sandwich, that I could not stand the smell of.  It was like "Eh!!"  And then I think she like had Ketchup on it, I couldn't deal with it, but I wonder how did she get that taste for that thang?!!  Some of u reading this may like that Sugar Ray Leonard combination, but not tha kid!  Then again I don't have weird eye???  Humm....let's see:

- I eat Jim Dandy Grits with Almond Slices and this great Sugar Substitute called Natra Taste's easy on tha pimples!

- Milk almost (Unless I'm at the crib with that family) has to be at least a week fresh before I drink it...not kidding, once it goes under 10,080 minutes 'Used By' just ain't good anymore.  Is that mental?  Stop shaking ur head 'Yes!'

- I know I'm not the only one who does this...I eat waffles with no syrup or sometimes just tha waffles!  Probably would eat tha box it came in too!! But I hear they use Milk ingredients that expire under a week's time...which goes back to my above statement.  Can't do it!!...U know this one time I was working a job and the lady in charge said I was the only person to use the Sugar-Free Syrup in the whole party.  That was interesting...sometimes u'll be surprise how good healthy eating can be.  Not joking...

- Let me see what else do I do regularly that makes me normal...I cannot stand running pasta.  Like that flimsy kind...I like my pasta like I like my women...Steaming hot...with a little cheese, and those which are bendable but don't break!! (Huge Smile!) Ah man....I just like getting my mouth in trouble don't I!!  No wonder #21 is my favorite numbre!!

- There's some other eating habits I do like:  I'm borderline possessive when it comes to my hands being clean before I eat.  I'll wash them time after time before I eat tha food.  Touch a remote control, Wash 'em...this is when I'm not at my showroom...but when I'm out, I don't like eating with dirty hands.  That's the only reason I didn't try out for Survivor.  If they had've had a Kohler sink in tha tee-pees, I would have auditioned and probably 68 plus one everything in sight!  What if...

- I won't eat at Ruby Tuesday's ever again.  That's not so-called weird, but it'll take a heck of a party and a smorgasbord of food to drag Galaxia in there again.

- One more food tidbit about us...before you date us (Ha ha!), I feel like this is a lost episode of Love Connection gone bad, where the audience is grabbing the voting devices, and I'm smiling in the upper left hand corner thinking I'm bout to get my free date from NBC on, only to find out that I'm getting 1% of the vote.  And the only reason my brother voted for me, is because I told him if he didn't I was gonna leave him out in LA!

There's a lot of smoothies with no yogurt or ordering McDonald's Grill Chicken Snack Wraps with "No Sauce and Added Pickles"...Our eating habits are of legend....

What about the rest of I want to expose ourself, a little bit...Well diary, u the only one who is gonna know about this stuff so why not talk about our weirdness...

- I still take kids vitamins...Religiously!!  Duh, I'm a kid!
- I think the Sleep Timer on the television is one of the greatest inventions of all time.  I put that up there with the Old George Foreman Grill.
- I don't wear socks a lot when at home...but then again who does, we are in Miami!!
- A pet peeve of mind is not having a made up's almost blasphemous for me to get back into some warm covers.  I also LOVE pillows and I sleep with three pillows, occasionally a fourth one may be needed!...I tell u, one day u gonna have to pay to hear all this stuff, so cherish it while it's free of charge!!  You'll get that one while laying in bed tonight!!

- When going to Miami Heat games, I sometimes, wear the Heat White home shorts under my jeans...just because I guess or in case Coach Spo calls my number...which is...u better know it by now!!  Another weird Heat fact, I used to actually drive my Vespa to American Airlines Arena, and I took the same route, parked it on the same pole under the arena (I know I was the only person in the country who had scooter access like we did, who else drove Vespas to NBA games?!!), and I also took the same route to my seats...What I do during Intros and was a routine choreographed by Fred Astaire!

- I think it's been ten years since I've taken a bath or bathe!!  But for real, a while, I think the last time was when they had those like foamy toys where even though they are like .5 inches in diameter, once u throw them in the water, they grow into a ship or teddy bear or something!

- I've never seen The Hangover in it's entirety nor...nor have I seen...Please Lord don't let this hurt my chances with a Movie Doll....any of the Mission Impossible movies....The Titanic, Harry Potter flicks (Nor read the book.), or X-Men movies.  And for the record I highly prefer Matinees.  Just saying...

Talked too much today, and I just hit the wrong button on my page so the font is different, as are we, but a few more normalities.

- I'm still a geek when it comes to school supplies.  And Yes, there is a difference between Bic and Papermate...and not too many things in the Galaxia would get me more excited than getting a new notebook.  And four tha record, I haven't seen that movie either!!  I'm such a geek.

- There is no allowance of putting ur feet up on the dashboard of my ride.  That is just unacceptable, as is smoking...I could be like one of my family members who insists you sit a certain way while riding in the passengers seat of his car.  And that is pure fact b/c I asked him!!  Luv u Cuzin' Spencer!!

- When I see a girl, one of the first things I notice are what kind of shoes she's wearing.  And then I work my way up and out from there.

Alright enough revelations of ourself for one diary post.  Some may be able to relate, some may not...some may never talk to us again!!  But hey, it's us...100%...and there's only one...only one!

Enjoy tha night,
Austino "Mo' Money" Galaxia. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

The "No" In Luv's Recipe.

Miss Chef...Rachael Ray

What should we say on this evening?  Humm...

We are learning more than ever to just live in tha moment.  Not to dwell too much on the we say in sports, "Not get too high on wins...not get too low in 'losses'" is just so important, not just in our life, but all of ours to just cherish the present...

As of late, we've been, I don't know...I feel like we are more polished than ever, and I believe a lot of that is due to all these experiences we've been had as of late.  I feel like we are just ready for whatever is about to jump off, and share the fun lifestyle that we have.  Trust me, it's ultra-unique!!  I've always been saying how we just wanna have fun, THAT'S IT!  Our type of fun varies so much, and I'm not gonna get into that cuz u can read our old diary entries to see what we talking about.  Its always more...huh, someone just mentioned a person representing their "brand" as a person.  Meaning what we do, or say or how we act, is a "brand" to the globe.  Wasn't that Jigga that said, "I'm not a business man, but a!!!  I like that, I like that a lot.  I know I should be telling some wild stories, and showing a few pics, like this one guy sleeping outside of Tantra with his index finger in his mouth...huh, that used to be this homegirl's spot!  Anyway, I write spur of tha moment, whatever we feel real time, that's what u get.  We krazy beyond words, so just roll wit it!

Being a brand.  I'm stuck on this, cuz it's so true.  What you do, how u talk, where u go to eat, all of that represents u, and puts u out either as a dot-com bust or a conglomerate (Yes, I did spell that right on the first try!!)....boy, I should play that Busta Rhymes jam, but not tonight...As of late, I've been thinking about our life and how it's represented.  Whether in real life, or through our diary, or whatever.  I remember hearing  that "Image is Reality".  But I think a little more about the things I do...and who I do.  (Wink!)  But for real, one thing about our diary or our videos on Youtube or through this website, is that, years and probably decades from now, u can pull this up, and since its so personal, with every word being from our heart, everything cross of the "t" says something about us.  Everything...I love music, and a lot of the links in our diary are songs from all genres from hip-hop to jazz to lots of R&B to Pop.  We listen to such a diverse range...I try not to put too many songs with profanity in it, but is that real?  Once again, I want this to be the ultimate diary of our lifetime.  So that everytime u read our diary and become a part of our Galaxia, u feel who we are.  I think Pharrell once said, "I'm part Howard Hughes,  part holy, part horny!"  Sums us up in many ways.

Earlier today I was thinking about a few things...a few girls.  I was like...might as well say it...have I goofed up in the past to ask, innocently, two girls to hang out, who I later found out are actually close friends with each other.  C'mon y'all!  I'm not the only person who has been in this situation whether be girl or guy.  Girls date guys and then there friends all the time.  I haven't gone that far, plus ain't their an MTV Guy Code about that type of  "puff puff passing?!!"  That type of stuff used to really get me to stay up at night, but now I don't even care about the past in many ways, just because the future is so glowing.  As we talk about this brand, I'm learning to let things happen and not force feed sweet peas to people to like us or date us or kick it or whatever.  I'm about to get it in and talk honest, I feel it...

I'm a strong believer that when somebody wants to do something, they will make time, effort and get their piggy banks in order to make it occur.  I'm talking about this, maybe somebody needs to here this either on tonight or if they reading this in 2017 (Hi!)...don't get frustrated about not...or somebody u dig, not neccessarily diggin' on you back.  I can't resist TLC on that one!  But it's so true...we go around being mad at people just because they don't replicate the same lust u have for them.  My only advice is to be urself, and time will reveal, if it's all meant to be or not.  Forget it, I'm gonna write tonight, I still got an hour or so before the Lakers play so...once again, here we go!

Don't even wanna write about this, but whatever (The official phrase of Austino Galaxia!  I'll take the proceeds gladly!)...Everything we've gone through love wise or whatever has made us better...EVERYTHING...that may have meant us not catching a disease, or us not having a shorty I wasn't really ready for...sometimes we look so hard short-term.  What a person is rockin' today?  Or what position they have on a job...I gotta say this...we have to get beyond judging a person's position in the workforce as the definition of them as a human being...especially now.  And let me take it a step forward, the job or money u make on the job, doesn't necessarily represent how much dineros one has in the bank!  I take the example of hoop hero Michael Jordan, how everyone in his last years with the Bulls talked about him make $37 Million or so per year...but nobody remembers him not even being in the top tier of those getting paid, just a few years earlier, as the Bulls were winning championships.  Those who really know, recall he made more money off the court endorsements and stuff, than he did by actually slam dunking donuts through the hoop!  So, this goes out to myself, and mi tres zero cinco friends ("I luv u Miami!!") that just because a doll or dude is working part-time or at a fast-food joint, doesn't necessarily mean he or she is broke.  They may just have more money than you.  And that paragraph was personal!

But as I was saying. our love life has been so unique.  As I began this diary, I recall mentioning that I was gonna write a book based Cirque Soleil on our love life!  (Boy, that's good stuff!  Lol!)  I don't know if people thought I was serious...believe me, if we say it, we mean it!  It's a tv show in tha making, and we STILL have stories to tell....but getting back to the point, one reason we were moved to talk about our life, especially one as personal as our dating or relationship aspect, is because I wanted to show how certain so-call episodes can make u become better and not bitter.  I have every reason in the world to hate women and all that they stand for...except for my Moms, Grandma, Aunts and cousins...other than that I should dedicate this whole diary and fill it for hate, just because of the silliness we've endured through...

But I want, even if I don't want to, show that if we can survive folks walking the other way from you...not calling you on months on end after a night of a lifetime...(Did that come out right?)...or being introduced to boyfriends even though u know the beauty likes you like a moth to a flame caught by the fire...u learn that's the way love goes, and even though u didn't understand it or u may cry some tears or you wanna cause your cousins up in the middle of the night and be like, "I know you slammin' some wings right now, by the way, did u get the guapo sauce?  If u did pleeze save me a few, but u gotta hit tha Turnpike and get this right now!!!" So real when I say that...

There are times where not getting what you want, may been the best thing to ever happen to you!  Huh!  People change man...not just physically.  And yes, I once was the victim of the future digi-love projection table.  What's that u ask?  I'll tell you...that's when u sitting at a table, accross from that certain someone, eating pasta, even though u ain't 'posed to eat that when in the company of the opposite sex, but u trying to be Johnny Bravo about it, and be like Bone Crusher and act like u "Neva Scared!!"  So that person begins to talk, and for a split second u black/white/yellow or brownout (depending who u with that night!) and begin to think if "this thang" is real,  and what is she gonna look like in a wedding dress...Is she gonna go into a depression mode and start eating Bonbons after they cancel Hot in Cleveland...Wonder if that trick she does with her tongue stop being routine or become as rare as Big Foot sighting!  All those things run through ur mind for that Lil Wayne a-milli...a-milli...a-milli...a-milli-second!  U think about her body, and all this stuff, and we know guys never change.  Why do I feel like at least three girls just said "Buffalo Chips" right now!  Just kidding, but that's how us guys are...girls do it too, just in different ways.

But not getting that dime may allow you to catch a quarter...while on the other hand, after getting that dime, and seeing that it doesn't go as deep as it once did...I'm borderline about to get my domain name pulled from   this Cyberspace!! still hold on to it, even though a new crisp dollar bill is waiting for you.  How I got onto this, who knows...but I'm learning not to force things when it comes to dating or whatever.  I'm really getting outta a good way.  And I think God has molded me to become this way, just because of all the stuff we've been through, and all the temptation islands that will pop out of our sea of fun!  U have to be ready and prepared...for anything.  That's why I'll say it again and again until freakin' Webster puts it in his embrace the struggle.    And it  for dag sure better not be Emmanuel Lewis , who wrote this dictionary, or we all got the Burberry wool pull over our eyes!

The struggle...the rejection...makes the story just a little more sweeter.  I'll write this and then get back to my regular scheduled programs...Breakups...Mario give me some theme music for this...Breakups are difficult, just from what I've seen on Vh1, shoot, they can send folks to put sugar...ha ha!  U go from pouring sugar on a person to them putting sugar in ur tank!  And then they'll key up ur car, nickname ur ride after a female dog in spray paint, and then will post the pictures on Facebook with the picture of them on the car, and under the group of friends, which u notice all are wearing  "Cheat once...Don't turn the key if  I was you!" on all of their tee-shirts and bras! It's wild out here...U gotta be careful...but once u get through those moments, and it may take months or even a year or so, u'll look back and say, "I'm glad it happened..." cuz now I'm stronger, better and more determined to show who we really are.

I know we are...we about fun.  And if u thought the original version of us, was goofy.  Now u have a remixed and remastered version...This is our diary, so forgive me if I say this, but...somehow....some reason, I really believe without a shadow of a doubt, that...

We're now about to top the charts...And be up there for a very, very long time.  So get ready.

Austino Galaxia...Producer, Co-Writer and...of course.. on the tambourines!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"27 Dresses and 28 Suits!"

Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses...And Yes I like this movie!!

Oh boy...gonna be so honest right now and say I really don't know Y I'm writing right now...I really need to be doing my dishes, taking a shower (Drawing a heart on the misty mirror of course!), and getting some rest...but just see what unfolds...

Our day started so early, folks just wouldn't understand...I remember being up awoke around during the 2am hour...I specifically remember the time of 3:38 am to be specific...I woke up and had some trouble going back to sleep.  Then got to thinking about all that's going on in our life.  Heck, that stuff shouldn't even let me go to sleep!  Just too to thinking about how our life is going...thinking about how a guy full of love, senses so much "hate" around us for some unknown reasons.  Just silly dudette...but sometimes u get "hated' just for being u, for being a dreamer or a lover and a fighter...that's another one I should write that down to for next year's Amor conference I'm gonna hold at the Fountainbleau next February.  Couples need not apply!...

Then I started to think about our love life...Why in the Galaxia did I do that?!!  Thinking about ALLLLLLLL....(yawn!)....ALLLLL the stuff that seemingly surrounds our life.  Thinking about why did I have to go through that girl or this girl.  (Note:  I didn't say run through...just clearing up things.)  Or why do things just have to be so difficult for us and what surrounds our life on this ultimate level that makes us feel the mountain tops of life, while other times feel the true depths of life as well.  I'm the most simple yet complex guy around.  So what if I like lots of pulp in my orange juice or if I like to do geeky things in the morning and enjoy other activities in the nighttime, which can be as diverse as a sexy night on tha town to just going through Utube and watching tv shows or clips.  But sometimes u get the feeling that no matter how hard u try, u begin to wonder...

Ok, I've been on this journey for so long...I feel sometimes like we've put this hustler's effort into living a Trump lifestyle, but sometimes u wonder if we are on the right Tom Brady route.  This morning, I had the feeling like a guy walking in the desert and u see the signs indicating that ur destination is within short walking distance, but ur a little tired of the journey and just wanna get to the city.  I think I thought about Vegas, in that metaphor.  Maybe that's the wrong city since it's considered 2 b "Sin City", perhaps the problem right there and I'm NOT going in the right direction!! Oh man, I got even more problems than I thought!!

But after our funky mood, the Great Set Up Man in the sky seemingly led me to believe that everything is alright...and to "Forget the past and move on!" Also, that now is a new season for us, so get ready!  I'm being too revealing tonight, I know, but like I said, I'm writing this diary like is just us two, so...I felt a little bit better, just more like, keep pushing, just keep pushing!

I think all of us...I said, eye was gonna share pics and videos, and here I am writing, sorry for that...but we all feel that sometimes ur working too hard for the success level of destination.  Especially when u feel like other people are getting blessed and bestowed things, and they are doing less work. That can be so frustrating, and it happens all the time.  When I was on the basketball teams, all my life, especially in college, many players on my squads were be like why am I busting my tail in practice, when I don't even get the chance to play in the games...I sense a story...

Ok, here we go with another insight to our was my Senior year at the legendary Rockford College up in Illinois.   Ur last year, I planned on graduating on time, within four years, all the wile playing hoops.  (All of my guys did tha same!).  But Senior year, is so weird.  Ur half way in between studying hard and the other half on where and what in the world am I gonna do with my life?  I had a LOT of things going on, and felt a little stressed out...perhaps our Junior year, which was tha bomb!!  People really don't understand!  The Real World has nothing on us.  We lived in suites on campus, inside the...cough, dorm!  (I'm still rubbing my hands thinking about it!)  My guys throwing "Wife Beater and Thong" parties!!  All the while using campus facilities tha 'hood we call that....clout!! (Read Definition #1)  It's amazing what u can do with sharpie pens and blue lights!  So much fun, so many....protecting the innocent!  Let's just say, I still remember that Sunday when my Pops and Moms entered our alcohol scented dorm on a Sunday.  I like go outside to meet them outside my dorm room (Which, and my roommate JB would agree, had the best view on campus...we saw EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY!)  So I go outside get the family hugs, and as we walking back, I spot a pair of Calvin Klein underwear on the grass next to to the door.  I look, and I'm like, "That's mine!"  So I pick up my Marky Marks and my Pops immediately said, "What kind of party did u all have last night?!!"  It got wild, and I'm sure I'll talk more about tha "get togethers of students who happen to hold red plastic cups" another time....but that describes my Junior year.

So Junior year, I have a lot of expectations on our life...gonna knock this thing out the park like Jeter did the other day...our basketball team is coming off our best season, and this year I'm voted as one of the captains of tha squad with  another 2/5's of my 'dynasty' friends...Senior year got off...a little interesting....

I think I still had a love hangover from the previous school year and Summer, which was my final year working at the beach off of Lake Michigan.  I wanted every single question answered before I left my flip flops in the sand, and u bet that was a Summer never to be forgotten, can u say play wrestling with pretty girls in tha sand!!...Oh, boy, I'm getting more into quick sand tonight! ...but that's another time.  Senior year I was wondering where our unique love life would wind up.  I remember...

Well a few things, but this one girl...she was in this Social Studies type of class, but man, she was absolutely beautiful...I mean that, her face, at the time was flawless...she had a very slim yet thick body, with curly black hair...she reminded me of...tough to compare...Megan Fox maybe, but this girls face was more angelic, and had pretty brown she used to sit in front of the class with this other guy.  And the funny thing was that we actually had the very next class together.  I didn't talk to her during this class though...but...

After the class, we would seemingly always meet up to walk over to the other building to get our work in.  We would talk, and she would tell things about how she actually went to Bible School her whole life until college.  Which I thought was mad cool, cuz she was not only mad cool, but was a unique combination of being hot and beautiful.  So we would walk and talk...she had a boyfriend, by the way...which I think went to another school, not the after our chit chat, I would take an alternative route to class...I was so stupid back then!  I think the boyfriend thing kinda..scared me...cuz girls with boyfriends sometimes just to mix and match socks with us.  But she was so kool, perhaps the ultimate really, and I miss out on a great chance in making a friend.  So take advantage guys of opportunities...but check this out, the story (like all of ours) has another surprise twist...

So me and one of my dudes end up going to the graduation party bash at the end of the year.  Found out that the girl who I used to talk to in the above paragraph was friends with the girl who's party it was!  It was a lot of folks there...lots.  My guy told me that old girl Danica Patrick made a pit-stop at the get-together as well, cuz she was a close friend of our homegirl.  I also remember this girl having the best pedicure I've ever was like freakin' revolutionary at the time.  She had the end of her toes like dipped in white frosting so just the tips of her nails were white, and to go along with her "super-tan" and my dawg referred to her as "the girl with the toes".  Us guys are so wild...we don't usually describe girls by their body parts!! (Wink, Wink!)

I was inside of this place, by the juke box about to put some Duran, Duran on when my homegirl from class walked in...We was like, "What's Up" and this and that...she got to asking what me and my guy were doing after the party.  She had a man, but dude, she was kind of wild, now that I think about it!!  I probably we tell her, we haven't made our mind up yet.  So then this Heavenly beauty hits me with this playgirl line, "U got my number don't you?"  I'm like, "I actually don't."  She then is like, "Oh...well my number is.......".  She says to call her and this and that...and I got to end that portion of the diary right there, just because, at least for right now.  But it's amazing how things happen if it's meant to was this dime who was totally one of the most kool and attractive girls we've met....I thought I was goofing up tha play, by being my egotistical self I guess...but in the end, she ended up coming to us...anyway!  And believe me, she was top shelf material...with a boyfriend.  How do I end up in this predicaments?!!

I have no idea, how I got into all that...eye guess this was a story for all of us, and especially me.  That sometimes when u think that an episode has ended or that u messed up or may not be on the right road...if u remain patient, be true to who u are, no matter how Gonzo  that may has it's way of bringing certain opprotunies to you.  And what you thought to be a period in ur life, was nothing but a comma.  Boy , I'm getting let me get my pen and paper ready to get a list of folks I need to call...let me see....

Kristina...Amy...Gabriella...Julie....Starla...Desire....(as I touch my tongue with my pen...)...Brandi...Carolin...Anybody know the character limit on diaries?...Gabee...another Amy...Elizab...

I guess the lesson for tonight, is don't give up because u never know what is around the corner.
No one needed to hear that more than us...

Thanxs Diary.
Austino Galaxia.