Saturday, December 31, 2011

With a Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!

John Witherspoon aka "Pops" on Wayans Bros.

The last calendar day of this year.  A very mixed feeling do I have as we move on.  Actually, we life really is not determined by the number on the calendar, but more so by seasons, and I'm not talking about the Four Seasons Hotels.  The last few seasons we've had every possible negative (turned positive) emotion in our life, bro and bro-ettes.  Its nothing like doing everything u can to turn things around in a way that you've dreamed about, only to keep running into dead ends.  It's like that mouse trying to find his way in a maze.  Hitting wall after wall after John begin to think, "@#!$ it just cannot be this hard can it?"  Think u think about things, if u could've changed anything, but I don't feel like I coulda nor shoulda.  Everything has been a very humbling experience.  I'm one of the most competitive and in many ways most positively egomaniacs around.  I may not show it all the time, but when things don't go the way I would have hoped or thought they should have went, after top shelf effort, u bet u Fanny Mae, inside I'm steaming.  Especially if...

As I'm been saying, a lot of motivation has been created as of lately.  Today was interesting.  I feel very good cuz we've survived the most painful season of our life.  Yet the unknown is a little scary.  EVERY day is something new or someone new.  A new sight and sound.  Its like I'm running into every beautiful woman in the world, and u debate now, a) what is game. b) is all this for real or just a mirage of interactions? c) can it for once just be so simple.  Talking from our perspective.  It's wild man.  Quick shoutout to my guy Carlos.  Welcome to the show, dawg, it's only gonna get wilder.  Great inspiring words on life, sports and love dude.  Much love....

Our life is so funny and indescribable.  I guess that's what makes it so diary worthy.   U never know what u're gonna get.  They say nothing good comes easy.  Who is they?  Tonight is a fun night for real.  But gotta jot just some...Lot of emotion in us, for some reason.  You move on, but u sense all u've been through, this 'season'.  It's really like my ego has just been suppressed, and if any1 who's had that feeling of 'where's the relief?', u know how we've felt.  That's why I've been writing, and will be living in such a different way.  How u may ask?  Let's see...

"Lux" has been the theme for our life at the moment.  It comes from the inside out.  Our life is hitting another level, can't overstate that.  I've been "embracing" (word of the moment if u follow us on twitter @austinogalaxia) our life, like for us to go through all we've gone through, we must be special and something/one must be on the horizon.  Like in sports, if the coach stops talking to u as a player, then u know u're in trouble.  So for us having to deal with things money-wise, or with chicks or with different jobs, must mean that the great Coach in the sky must care.  As He does for all of us.  

As of late, been thinking about..."Why are we even here in Miami?"  I get asked that question so much, by a plethora variety of people and strangers.  And when they ask it's as if they are telling me, "you don't really belong in a place like this."  Heck, sometimes I don't even know why this country kid is down here in .  There's only a few cities I would like to live:  Los Angeles, London, and Toronto are the main ones.  I'm gonna write honest some before I get loose tonight, so Yogi Bear with us.  That feeling of not belonging or like everything's so different for u, even when u try to fit in can get to us at tymes.  We just wanna shout, "I just a kid dude!"  But it's nothing u can do...the thing that has happened is the drive to get better, and better and better.  My soul gets a little upset cuz I feel like my route at times is so much tougher than others.  I look at some folks and it's like, "why is it seemingly easy for them, when I got fight tooth and freakin' hangnail, just to get a shot at certain things."  Why does 100,000 follow this person on twitter, when all they are talking about is nonsense and junk, when we talk about fun and positive and we have this many 'following' us.  Just food for thought.  

Not done....I really since  that my life is going into the direction of becoming a sort of guilty pleasure.  Like u may not like us, or even admit it, but at the end of the rainbow, u'll be like, "u know what, u gotta give him credit cuz he don't care".  Which is the level that I could only reach after going through h.e. double hockey sticks.  There is such a petite line between genius and insanity.  So when I talk about certain things like having fun all the time, even through the tough moments.  Or take care and cherish ur girl, its not to be some kind of holier than though guy, I say it cuz either I've been there...I wish I was there...or I know what it feels not to have there.  (that's a crazy sentence.)  I was talking to...this is gonna be long, but hey, its been a loooong year....ooops!  season I shall say as the Ocean Drive concert is banging outside my window now.  I was talking to Moms about this recent wedding I attended and how the groom really didn't even hit the dance floor.  I was like how are u gonna have YOUR special day...and I think about all the girls/ ladies/ women that I've had the (gulp!) pleasure of going through in our life, and we like we better dance for days at our wedding!! Earned that right man, enjoy ur lady dude...smh.

After saying all that...there's nothing left to say that it's bout to be a scintillating about what's happening and about to happen in our life.  It's nothing like realizing that u've been kitchen prepped and ready for anything.  They talk about Lebron this year for the Heat, I remember him talking about his first trip to Cleveland last year and how nothing could be as hostile and ruff as that environment.  You get confidence, knowing that if you could survive that, u can handle anything.  That's how I feel.  When u feel that way, that's when things happen and begin to shift your way.  (I know this Kitchen Nightmares episode ain't in South Bend, Indiana right now!?!  That's 30 mins from my crib!) 

Ok, that's enough.  Now its time to have our type of fun tonite.  Appreciate so many for their support and kind words.  My only goal is to make this the most fun season reason  to be desperate or anything.  Gonna just wild out and see what happens.  The law of physics is in our favor.  As is the law of attraction.  And more importantly we're just gonna trust the Lord for fun...why do I think this is bout to be so enjoyable.  I'll write about it as it happens.  Stay tuned, this will be good.

Let success be your guide.
Austino Amor Galaxia.  

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