Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mr. Sofia Vergara.

Ms. Vergara herself
Today was a difficult diary post to write.  Because today is a day in which I really want to get real personal like I used to do.  When I wrote in the hard copy of my diary, I really got loose...if u only knew.  Talking about feelings on things and people (did u see that... or this baffone had the nerve to tell me )  But today, I really want to express myself concerning some things.  So this is really for me.  No telling what I may say after all is written and done.

Man o Man.  These last 24 hours have been nothing short of insane.  Tonight was a "me night" in which I just had to take care on some things.  From being delayed up in Chicago to all kinds of stuff.  I have a real...real good story to tell about this one airport trip home...of course it involves some kind of woman, but that will be told at a later time.  A lot of stories to tell...still...then getting in super late...waking up after --- hours of sleep to go to the great dinero factory...then zoom home via the turnpike to get back over to the beach...drop of, don't even know I dropped off anything, used the bathroom, then walked up to get a workout in (Much love to our Trainers...that's personal), and come back to run some errands....Sooo....

While I was doing my laundry in my spot, as u might know if u've been reading our diary, off of 6th and Meridian, thinking about so much I've have to express...I was watching the Fall/Winter fashion runways come to life out on the streets as the temperature dipped to a freezing temperature of about 61 degrees earlier today.  I glanced up at the TV which was tuned into the Spanish channel Univision, which was showing its patented novela...a thought then hit our mind.

I think we may be the the male version of the actress Ms. Sofia Vergara.  Jokes aside... Let's dig in some on this observation.  I mentioned this before, but this girl has been slept on for so many years.  Not days, not months, but like decades man.  Remember glancing by some Spanish TV stations back up north growing up, and seeing her on that comedy show Fuera de Serie back in the day.  This was like '95.  Hey, I know some Espana...or is it espanol?  Just kidding...But I could tell that she had something unique about her beyond her physical build.  (Doesn't everybody say that after somebody becomes famous...'oh, when he was a kid, he held his spoon and slammed it down, sending the Gerber's flying and that's when I knew  he would become a Supreme Court Judge!!')  As I'm thinking about it, what about that show Caliente.  I L-U-V to dance, so u know I had to five finger discount a few moves!  Especially this one...but getting back to Gloria.  She's been in a lot of tiny roles here and there,  but there were roles that built up to bigger roles.  Paying ur dues iz what tha gangtas holla on tha streets.  Now, she's becoming even more well known, which I think is awesome!  Cuz is shows that dedication, perseverance, and the ultimate Menage in success.

So today, was a day, I was fighting patience.  As I've been stating, things are turning, not that they've been the dumps in the first place.  But just because u have a million dollars, it's still nice to find a five-dollar bill on the ground.  Ya dig!!  This jazz song been on my mind, tonight, C'mon Lalah and Mr. Sample.  Today was a day of restraint in some aspects.  Sometimes the great Gizzle in the sky wants u to relax and let things come to u, instead of chasing it.  Like I once heard, that feather philosophy.  A feather is falling from the sky, and you're trying to grab it, but every time u try to grab it, the feather flys away...when in actuality the best method is to just hold your hand out, and watch it drop effortlessly and softly into your hand.  That hit home...

I have to say something about this...been saying that we've preparing for a dream team of sorts, of cool, beautiful (inside and out), and fun people who I know enjoy life, or WILL enjoy life when they hang out with us.  I don't know if I should say this, but how do you truly approach a super cool and intelligent  girl, who has an air of "I've seen it all" yet is really hotter than what she thinks?  Can I tell it like I want to...sometimes u just come accross people who u know, man if me and homeboy could talk it'll be crazy or if this girl just hung out, man...I'm not the only one.  There are several people who are coming into our surroundings on a seemingly hourly basis.  Not kidding...but this one 'diamond in the rough', I just have a feeling, would really, what's the right word, should I go ghetto or intellectual when describing'll be a nice connection.  I'm not pumping anything up, but when u know from a friend perspective...they say beautiful women have a hard time making friends, and from what I've heard or seen, it's true.  Not so easy for certain guys as well, sometimes it ain't all about dating and finding the look of love.  Some guys are just wanting to have fun in a connecting kind of way.   I can attest especially after all the "love" experiences that have popped up.  Not even "love" more like...can't even describe it.  Shall see what happens.  I guess I'll just have to stop, look, and listen to my heart with with others...

My life is so crazy.  Sometimes its a blessing...sometimes it feels like a....but one thing that's for certain it's unique and entertaining.  Just never know....I say that as my mind drifts...Mr. Sofia Vergara.  But will there ever be a Mrs. Austin Williams.  Think that's the ultimate title right there...matter of fact, I know it is.


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