Saturday, December 10, 2011


One of my favorite shows...ever!
I had mixed feelings about even writing something, but after almost pulling an Alec Baldwin at this Subway off of Washington and Lincoln Road, I just had to dabble about something.  As I tweeted, almost got into a bru hah u gonna say that I can't get my Western Egg White sandwich, as a footlong, for $5 when I'm looking dead at the sign that says, "December $5 Footlong Western Egg & Cheese".  She told me it was gonna be $3 extra, and I can't get it as a footlong, all this hebby jeeby, I walked out laughing, and without a sammich.  (I got it at another location here in South Beach). Funny stuff.

Man, its like all of Europe is down here in the hood now.  It's definitely an hotspot for Europeans.  I used to see ads daily as I read the London Times online.  I briefly chatted with this gal after I got done stretching.  The convo was spurred by her having this book by Mitch Album next to her as she was working on her abs.  Cute talk, but she had a strong European accent that...I keep on running in to Europe's best huh!...very obvious.  But its AMAZING how many Italians, Sweeds, English friends are running around the MIA and South Beach in particular.  It's crazy...but its fun as well!  Personally, I'm 3/8's European anyway, it seems, so I like the vibe that's in the air.  Very fortunate and blessed to run into so many people, from so many different places.  Awesome with a capital A!!! (speaking of which, my bro had to be hot as IU knocked off his Kentucky Wildcats 2day up in Assembly Hall.  I have to get the scoop on what really happened up there.

Told of the cool gal I talked to 2day, but in actuality I'm really, REALLY meeting some cool and sexy people.  I mean not only people who take care of themselves physically, but their personalities are off the charts.   Mad cool...sometimes u think, that cool, fun people are an endangered species.  But, u get suprised, u cannot tell a book by its cover.  I was talking in length with another cool, young girl (I talk 2 guys too, but..."guy talk" is...private...wrong word...boring at the moment a little that what I want to talk with guys has changed over time, so, there u have it)

Anyway, this mad girl was uniquely cool.  Of Cuban ethnicity, eclectic musical tastes (underground), different shopping habits ("I don't like to shop"), just a one-of-a kind doll who likes basic fun in life.  So refreshing when u run into people like that.  Guy or girl.  I'm meeting the type of people I want to associate with (and don't want to).  I keep on saying that our life is about to escalate so I think, or know that the Lord is really giving us some good scrimmages before this game begins.  From a friends standpoint, learning who to trust, and not be so open with everybody cuz u never know who may have hidden agendas or slick mouths or whatever, all of us been through it.  I'm no exception.  On the relationship side, I think everything we've been through has allowed us to see everything we want in the people we date or whatever. I've learned more than ever, how beauty comes in SO many different packages:  tall, short, thick, plus size, A-Cup, hourglass, athletic, International, California name it, we've seen it.  And our eyes have been open to not just look at the physical thang, but really knowing people on a friend level and go from there.  My biggest thing, and I put this on everything, is what is the fun factor with these girls.  If I say let's go to Palm Beach tonight, and its 8pm at night would they be down?  Can they enjoy a walk and talk under the Miami night skyline the same as an evening dinner at The Forge?...just got done talking to the crib.  Love the fam so much! ....but yeah, fun factor is super high.  Is great to look good, talk good and have a little swagger about you , but at the end of the day (the phrase of 2011), can I have silly fun with that person.

The above mentioned show, Hotel Babylon, is one of my favs, from the BBC network.  Read the book also, which was great.  European style in its drama and stuff.  I live in a Babylonian type 'hood and lifestyle.  Let's see how all this pans out.  Don't ever take life for granted.  A lesson that is burning inside.  A lesson learned.  A lesson appreciated.


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