Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Paparazzi...A Future Friend.

Mr. JFK, Jr.
A unique type day.  First off, I still really don't know what day it is.  Was today Saturday?  It sure nuff felt like it.  Busy everywhere, traffic everywhere.  Crazy!  Came back to the beach hood and it was bedlam  !  I'm like, "What?"  It was truly a beach day, but cops patrolling the streets, people out in bathing suits just walking around, it looked like a race or something was going on.  The MetLife Blimp was out.   It really did, as we tweeted earlier, feel like Spring Break.  Cool, but wild...

Miami is a serious hotbed for our friends from Europe.  We talk about South America and the Latin American influence on the city.  But the area is really becoming a place of paradise for Europeans, slowly but surely.  I keep on saying that, but I want to give the real scoop of what's going on.  I love different cultures...Its tough to put into words living in a city which is a real destination for the country.  And living in a neighborhood which is a destination for the world.  Just think about this, cuz I do...people from all over the globe come to this 3.5 mile island to kick it, shop, party, whatever.  Not too many places hold that distinction.  Then u throw in the beach.  This is really becoming the city of the future.  It really is.  Love it or hate it, it's a spot to be.

Shout out to my homegirl Liz.  Awesome to talk and see u homie, we will talk again...very soon.  (Wink!)  Today, was just filled with wild stuff.  I was driving down I-95 South this morning, I look ahead as I was in the middle lane, and it looked like a piece of a tire was in the lane, but as I drove by, it was a freakin' muskrat looking creature, watching us, in the middle of the highway, as I zoomed by!  U can't even make this stuff up!!  So much to write...this woman, man...this chick had on a cami top, but u could see her bra straps underneath.  I put this on a pack of Now and Later's, that I was walking and she was fondling her left boob, by putting her hand inside her bra!?!  Now, I've seen females fix their materials, that's natural.  But to actually be inside of the bra, in a packed retail setting, I'm like...are u kidding me!!  And before that I saw this girl just...I don't know if I should write all this, but our life is wild and these stories are true.  This girl in purple was bending down as I as walking, but in a very provocative way...let me stop.  Let's just say, today was another example of "Touch Me, Tease Me" !!

That's why, and I really believe this, that our life is moving in a swift and fun direction.  I don't say this in a "look at me" type way, but in a "let's all join the journey" type of way, cuz even I myself don't know what to expect .  Our photo above is of one of my favorite style icons, JFK, Jr.  Now, let's get a little more personal....

Growing up, we grew up in the era where the paparazzi, was really coming into prominence.  Chasing celebrities and all this stuff was the thing.  I used to come home from Jr. High School, and turn on shows like:  A Current Affair, Inside Edition of course my favorite Hard Copy.  I don't know why I was drawn so much into the shows.  Perhaps the Lord was using these shows to prepare us, so that whenever the spotlight turned our way, we'll be well prepared, and some what know what and what not to do.  They showed, talking bout  Hard Copy  used to show some stuff.  People dealing dope from the back of cars, folks getting the 'caught up' job in hotel rooms.  People don't believe me, but watching that show was the first time I knew anything about the drug, X.  (Ecstasy)  I remember the first time I saw someone on it, and I knew it, was at this discoteca up north on the dance floor.  A pretty girl just spaced out...sad sight really.

Hold on, since we're talking about the 90s, I'm feeling this song from Total...What about you, what about me...

Back then the main people being talked about were:  Michael Jackson, Madonna, Charlie Sheen (huh.) , Eddie Murphy, O.J. Simpson, those oh, Anna Nicole Smith too...they were a different type of celebrity who actually embraced the fame in some ways, whether they admit it or not.  But one person who stood out 2 me , was Mr. John F. Kennedy, Jr.  I was peeping out everyone's style, but his was so cool.  Like all the attention was part of the game, and it really didn't phased him.  I used to laugh how he used to ride his bike down the busy streets of NYC with a scarf over a suit and NO sunglasses on.  Just smooth.  A lot of girls used to be crazy about him, but in a weird sense like a..."Hey John" type of way, like he was everybody's friend in a sense.  I liked that a lot.  He kind of influenced my thinking when I first came to Miami.  I wanted to just cruise around the city on a chill tip.  Everybody had cars, but no one (back then) really was rocking the Vespas, thank the Lord, and my loving parents for the opportunity to experience that.  25,000 'Grey Ghost' miles later I still have a special place for those days, even though I have a nice ride, now.

So how does all this tie in?  People going to stop reading this cuz I keep repeating myself, but so be it, this is a DIARY, and I refuse to let anything take away from my present thoughts.  A lot of real Paparazzi type stuff has been happening to us.  Been saying our life is picking up in every conceivable way.  On the scooter, man, just being at a stoplight, and being in the right lane, while a car pulls slowly behind u in the left lane like 7-8 behind you, and u just know they're looking at u.  Or having girls tell u that your scooter would be "good to have sex on"...all while ur driving, and while they are chest-to-back with their man on his motorcycle.  Crazy. Or pulling up in our ride (car) and having someone just take a picture of you while ur outside at a light in front of the Bayside Marketplace Mall.  And it's a nighttime at that.  I could and will go on, but not now.

The point is that I've always dreamed that whenever I become very well position in the tongue of this galaxy, that I would be determined to live in a way to make sure others feel how much fun life can be.  This Heat/Magic preseason game getting close, Heat up by 6...make that 4...Even though I can be the biggest smug, I just want to just have fun in life.  All these experiences that I write about from having dineros to social life to everything has taught us so much.  I just feel...ready.  So whoever may read this, just hold out through whatever u're going through.  It will turn in ur favor if u hold on.  I say this hoping but yet knowing that everything is working itself out.  Not going to preach God this or God that, but as I write, it'll show what's been happening.  JFK, Jr....good ol' days.  And to all the Mr.'s and Mrs.' Paparazzi's out there.  I want to introduce myself.  My name is Austin.  You may not know it now,  but very soon... I'm gonna become your future best friend.  Trust me on this.


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