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Today was the first game at the ever-becoming World Famous American Airlines Arena since the tragedy of last year's Finals lost to the Mavs. (They beat both my squads last year- the Lakers ) Just walking by the locker room, literally, with all the celebrating, media and cameras and the joyous sounds of winning the championship....ok, I gotta keep this real time. I was gonna write about my night working at the arena, the game, the atmosphere which was playoff like for a preseason game, the dolls, all this and that, but there will be plenty of game day stories this year.
My heart is still thinking about our last diary and a convo with my friend, L-Boogey, just confirmed that this love this is becoming an epidemic conversation piece nowadays. He's engaged, so it's great to hear his thoughts from his point of view. Some of which coincides with our thoughts. He gave a great quote on how Personality is how you want people to see you, while Character is who you are when nobody's around. Really and truly good stuff.
Also, discussed true love and how its ever fading nowadays. He commented on something that we've been writing about how this ideal mate (this goes for the youngin's in high school and jr. high as well), thinking has been brainwashed to a point that if some person doesn't fit a certain qualification then you won't even give a person a chance for one date. Ahhh...that person likes the Jets...Her boobs are too small...he's cool but he wears a uniform on his job...that girl rocks Forever 21, when I like my girls to rock 7 jeans...all these things, and I'm gonna get loose on this, cuz I know it's true. I been a victim of it myself. Its only now, after years of my A la carte build-a-babe thinking, that I'm more open than ever cuz I know. I need to say this about the Heat game tonight. Have to...there were a crazy amount of girls/women at the game where I was at. Tough to put into words. Very attractive...tall, 4 inch heels, short, Haitian, Twins, Indian, thick, petite, geeky glasses, EVERYTHING, and that's no understatement. Wild for a preseason game. But u know what got me...99% of these physically good looking girls had NO man with them. No joke. These girls were really either by themselves or with another girl. Isn't something wrong with that, that all these girls who could be classified as "dimes" physically, NONE of them really had a man on her arm. And u wonder why I'm writing about this.
My guy tonight was also questioning about taking the "status" of a person over the true character of a person. And have we as an society focused so much on what a person has instead of what a person is on the inside. Now we all say, I'm not like that, but if we be real with ourself then all of us would be guilty at one time or another. I didn't approach this one girl years ago, because her feet were dirty. U know, when u wear sandals, I was looking at the bottom of her feet. Now, this was a very sexy, plus size Indian doll, and she liked us some...she was a manager of a retail store down here in Miami and she might have been a good catch. But, her dusty rhodes boats made me not approach her in that manner, cuz of my stereotypes. Perhaps she likes to walk barefoot, or before coming to class she hangs out at the beach. Doesn't mean she's a dirty girl. It's two minutes after Midnight now, and I gotta tell what's on our heart. Who knows, I may not make it to see the other side of the morning, so...I gotta write. This is bigger than our blog, lives are being affected, effected, by our thoughts on love and relationships.
Also had a great discussion on God when it comes to Love. And a very enticing talk on is there a such a thing as a "soul mate"? I think there is. Matter of fact, I really believe that I'm interacting with someone who could be classified as a soul mate, but she has a man. So the ? is posed, is a soul mate someone you actually supposed to be with? One thing through all these years I can honestly say is that we've gone through all the steps. The steps get more interesting as u climb the mountain. U really start to run into people who u are like, man, she likes that too. U like hoops?!! U know who Jon B. is?!! Pancakes are your favorite too...all these similarities in interests, but let me boldly say that just because u may have a Cripps gang of stuff in common doesn't necessarily mean that he/she's "the one". I can say that with pure truth. Its all personal as well. Some people like someone who's just like them. While others like someone who is the total opposite of who they are. Am I lying? That choice I have no opinion on. What do I prefer? This is about to get personal but what the heck, this is a diary right!!!
Ok, for fun, I wrote down, earlier this summer, what I would like to have in a perfect mate. Ladies get your pen and paper out, one day, u're gonna thank me for releasing this list. Here's what it entailed (huge blow!!):
- Love of God
- Enjoys Music
- Working out is part of lifestyle
- Great Fashion sense
- Likes to act goofy and laff
- Super sense of humor
- Has to like going to the beach
- Likes the cities of London and/or Los Angeles (may be future homes, so u have to)
- Sports lover (Basketball in particular)
So what does all this have to do with tonite. Glad u ask? As crazy as this list is, on the 5 train, I actually came across several people in which filled these tidbits. So what did this let me know...it let me know that it's actually possible. Now, as of December 19th, 12:21am, I'm not with any of them. So what I'm trying to say, from absolute experience is that a) just because, once again, u have everything checked off ur list, don't mean u gonna be playing a lifelong game of naked twister with this person and b) I've learned that true friendships or relationships are not defined by pre-determined criteria.
That's why the courting process is so crucial, because it allows u to ask questions and just learn about people. I L-O-V-E talking to different people and gaining so much insight on what life's about. Not just strickly on love, but life in general...I read in a book 2nite how "There are no shortcuts to greatness." I think that...I know that can be applied to relationships as well. Where I get in trouble is trying to skip the steps. This girl's favorite color is purple (as is mine), she rocks Burberry with Louis bags, and she thinks Barry Bonds is the best baseball player of all time, thus I know she's who I'm gonna marry!! Naw man, get to know this beauty, what makes her smile, what makes her upset, is she a morning person? Does she shower in the morning or at night? What do u think about this #Occupy movement? Once u get to know her then make an assumption to whether she'll be in our Galaxia or not. But we (guys and girls) have to be open to initial contact... verbally of course. Open.
I'm done. Like I said, I didn't want to write on this, but...God has put so much crazy experiences in our life, and I don't profess to know it all, but by golly if I didn't learn something from years, and all these cameo appearances, shame on me. My diary is real, nothing to hide, this is who I am, who've I'm become, and am becoming. I know this is special to have these thoughts plastered through cyberspace for the world to see. But...our journey is unique. And mark my words one day, and I have a feeling its coming sooner than I think...things are really jumping off right now. I simply want to share our emotions and stories through it all. Why wait! Now is the time...Now the story of legend is being developed. Where it ends up...that's the fun part.
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