Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hooray For...
Ha...Ha...Ha!!!  Lots of laughing and giggling throughout the day, and on this evening.  Earlier I was startled by an tidbit that resembled an old episode of Tales From The Crypt.  It happens, but it's not everyday you see a hand jump out at you at 6:30 am in the morning.  Especially, since earlier in the morning, I locked myself out of my apartment building.  I took the trash and 'green' things out (I'm so anal about food and junk being in my place), next thing I know it I feel my pockets and begin 2 think "----", I forgot my keys inside of my place.  It's mad early in the morning, and it wouldn't be kosher deli, to go and start knocking on people's windows so early in the morning.  So, I txt my boss and co-worker, Pete, like it's may be one b4 I make it in to work.  So, I walk around the building, looking through the front door, like a girl looking at 'something blue' in the Tiffany's window.  Then to top it all off, it was cold, according to Magic City standards, like 63 degrees or something.  It's so funny, cuz back up north my magic temperature was 60 degrees.  No matter if in Nov. or late March, once it hit that temp., I was pulling out the shorts and was in total beach mode.  Now, once it hits that degree mark, I'm looking for the nearest puffy combs!   Amazing how life can change, and change you.  Anyhow, after some time, this doll from apartment 1 came out her door with a zipper fleece sweater on and some boyfriend shorts and let us in.  Think she was still sleep really, thank God for the hookup and thought now I have a great icebreaker when I see her again.  "Excuse me...but you were the one who..."

Today was cool.  Just love hearing other peoples' experiences, and more importantly I just wanna have fun.  I'm like a male Cyndi Lauper...great quote from Chef Ramsey:

"You should not be personal, nostalgia over something that didn't work."

Hollywood.  Big Albert got $254 of them thangs to go out west and play for the Angels.  Can't blame him, StL without LaRussa is gonna be different this year, plus nothing like starting "new".  The same ol', same ol' can get booooring.  Speaking of which, staying on the Golden coast, please don't trade my boy Gasol Lakers...I like CP3, but paragraph...

This is what I'm dealing with now in my own E! True Hollywood Story...the sense that just because you didn't reach certain goals you may have set in the past, is that a reason to blow the entire journey up.  Lakers didn't win last year, Pau Spain didn't have a good playoffs, and coming off of 2 titles and 3 trips to the Finals, it's like WWCP3 now.  In our life, I think about a lot of stuff, and it's hard to decide.  Did you have an off month?  Will these results become a trend?  Should I change my swing or just realize it's part of the process? Some very difficult questions, especially if you feel like this was the way you were taught that success would come to you.  If you do A, and follow through with B, and resist C, then AB=Success, U won't be PO'd, and you'll be LOL, and you'll be thanking G-O-D that you survived all KO possibilities...sounds simple.  But that's in all walks of life we were programmed with certain thinking...send resume, get interview, give call back, job hard, try out for team, make team, playing time, superstar...see girl, ask girl out politely, girl accepts, u and girl date, white picket fence with circle hold in middle...but what happens when seemingly that formula doesn't work?  Is it you?  You stomp ur feet like, "I did EVERYTHING right, I know.."  Just like my coach said, or my grandma told me too, yet why didn't it go through as planned?

Life is like a movie, I know ours is...I'm trying to capture all these moments and lessons, cuz I KNOW not too many have gone through the manner of scripts like we have.  Someone may be like, stop talking about being positive in hopeless situations, or getting rejected by chicks or not getting the job or whatever not having money, and saving up for Pollo Tropical just so u can get that coupon for a free 1/4 chicken meal at the bottom, so u're really getting two meals for the price of one.  I am determined to share my experiences, cuz I'd rather be blindfolded and strapped to a tree by Kiana Tom, and called "Susie"...wait a minute, that might be kinda co....than for me to die without me sharing my episodes that the Lord has brought me through.  I think that's another thang that we've taught by our experiences...the feeling of high risk, so may call it "not caring", others may say "bleep it, let's do it", sometimes u like, "God, here goes nothing...", "nothing to lose", we are truly at that point in life.  Just go for it, man.  What's the worse than can happen, and even if that occurs, u'll survive it in due time and move on.  Taking me a loooooooooooong time to realize that, and that in and of itself is a daily challenge.  These last 143 hours or so has helped confirm like, instead of me fighting to get inside you and your world, why don't you come into ours?!!  For real.  "Game recognizes game" and I really feel that sooner or later, when push comes to shove, things are, as the are now, turning in our favor.  I honestly believe that.

You may have to shed a tear, or be alone on a Saturday night, while seemingly everybody else is partying two blocks from u, and taking Facebook pics to post up...but perhaps those moments are "preserving" you for the real show up ahead.  And those are the best moments, cuz perhaps when others burn out, your just getting started.  "Self-Preservation" should be in all our vocabulary.  Been saying this for a while...I'm living it up, but the sportscar motor is just, "purring...and purring" right now.  And its about to take off.  I want everybody to enjoy this ride, cuz I know its rare and it's fun.  So now I'm ready for the great Announcer to give those words I've been waiting to hear for some time now...



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