Saturday, December 17, 2011


MTV Singled Out...Luv this show!
What a nite tonite.  Did not go as planned.  This afternoon chilled out for a little bit, watched some preseason hoops on NBA TV.  The Knicks were playing the Nets.  After laying down, and catching the game, we got our walk on up to the Gannesvort to get our workout on.  Felt good.  Good sweat.  Thank the Lord for keeping our body in check, cuz due to our tough schedule this week, our body has been preserved.  After the workout, called and talked to my bro.  Talked bout a lot of things from sports, Chicago Bears, music like Usher (his Confessions CD) , Jon B. (Pleasures U Like CD) to relationships and love.  Great talk, all the while I was walking through the beach area, and posted up on the block near 7th and Lenox Ave..  Just all this talking about life and stuff.  Some great quotes arose:

-" Since u got an A plus, u decide to stop studying!" ...talking about people who get great catches yet don't treat them right or take them out.  Crying shame.
- "I may not look, but I see."
- Lots of guys crying nowadays...sensitivity is the new thing, and it's nothing wrong with that.
- Our old days of playing hoop in high school and stuff

Let me diverse, we got to talking about how being single in becoming the new thing.  He's in a relationship, but...we're the moment.  Talking about KB24's (my dude) possible divorce of sorts.  I just mentioned 2004 my Grandpa had a strong sense of opinion on that old trial.  He used to come over to our house, and sit in the small stool like green chair, and tells me seemingly every Saturday:  "I'll tell u one thing, they may get back together, and this or that...but I do know one thing...'it'll never be the same.'"  Grandpa would talk about being together, and even when u're making love how, it's just gonna be different.  I love to hear from vets, and those who know. from folks who actually know.

Part of my diary is to talk about our life from a different yet familiar perspective.  Since I'm a single guy, I in many ways have a different outlook at this stage of our life.  Then u throw in all the cameos in and out of our life, and u got craziness.  "I am who I am because of what women have done to me."   I once heard this quote years ago from some fam.  Now, divorce (and I'm gonna talk about) is running mad prevalent in our society.  Not just divorce, but people breaking up.  It's like our generation is giving marriages or relationships a try, just because.  I'm bout to get loose...u look at TV shows like Springer or Povich or even court shows and some of the drama that is being presented, can make u turn  an evil eye to this whole thing of love.  It won't for me, cuz I KNOW true love exists.  But do I really want to be caught up in court cases, possible baby mama drama and all this, just due to the fact cuz a girl looked hot one night at a party or something...this is hilerous.  As I'm writing this Ne-Yo's "Single" song just popped up on Pandora.  Ha!!!! Oh Man,  tell me this blog ain't super special.

But just have to be aware of some of what u get into.  I've been saying and writing how many cool girls I am running into.  All races, builds, interests, and ages.  Girls have always said it's tough to find a good man.  But it ain't so easy for a fellow to find a nice, cool homegirl.  It might even be harder.  Huh.  One thing I notice down here in Miami, is the attitudes and interactions between the genders.  It can LL Cool J's "Hey Lover" on Pandora, and I was just thinking about quoting a line from one of his songs:  "A man doesn't chose a woman, a woman chooses a man." What a night....but as I was saying, it can be from guys/girls chatting it up to not even looking at each other as they past by walking.  Know I'm right.  The M-I-A was supposedly just chosen as America's "Vainest City".  Which could be true.  In this South Beach area, you get the feeling of overconfidence or...ok, when u got so many people who are from different areas, and think themselves to be '10's', then when they come down here, they really aren't '10s' anymore, more like seven's yet still have a 10 attitude.  Does that make sense?  Those who live in the hood, can relate.  I laugh a little to myself, cuz if u look goo...

Look good, and have this and that, just be yourself.  I love dolls who have the looks, but are mad cool and aren't to make a fool of themself or get dirty.  A lot of guys of my nature will agree.  When a guy has been surrounded by so much physical beauty, you tend to look for other aspects of people that make them attractive.  Same with girls.  And you cannot treat those people the same.'s story time once again.  I tell to give lessons:

I was at this one place and noticed this very attractive woman.  She had her a very nice tan (I'm a beach bum, what can u say...and love all races), dirty brown streaky hair, and let's be honest her body was well taken care of.  Like it was seriously taken care off, like word was she measured out what she put in her body all this and that.  Who does she remind me of...she had a presence like an athletically built Raquel Welch.  So day by day, my interaction was increasing with her.  We would briefly talk.  Then she would share some of her snacks like cookies and cake...anyone who knows me...sorry had to get my dinner together have three course meal cooking now...knows that sweets are like a no-no for me.  But this woman would bring me stuff and be like, "C'mon Austin...."  One time she just gave me her chocolate chip cookie outta nowhere like, "take this".  I was trying to tell her we weren't interested but she wasn't hearing any of that.  She was like that.  But I would later find out this doll has mad beauty and brains.

One evening, fate brought us together for a night I won't forget.  I asked a quick question about something and then "Bam!"  We are in a 45 minute conversation about EVERYTHING!  From beauty products to her old job to her kids and raising them to her travelling from like, Naples every weekend just to party here in Miami.  What made this convo so unique was that everything was game for talking about:  old jobs, girls, money, exercising...very cool.  So I had a chance to pick her brain a little, but for the most part she did 90% of the talking.  I remember how she used to talk about how her man used to treat her.  The money they had and the things they did with it.  He treated her like a true Romeo.  I thought I was romantic, but this cat.  She appreciated that.  So after our talk, we kinda looked like what just happened here.  But what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, people have certain experiences and you can't treat them with the same Mickey Mouse games you would do in High School or Junior High.  I still see some of these games that won't cut it to those who've seen and been around the block.  That new movie, "Young Adult", hits on that very topic.  Also real quick:

Just because a guy or girl looks a certain way, namely attractive, doesn't mean that person is at lost for what's going on in life or is a ditz or whatever.  They may just be low-key about their persona...and may surprise u!!

Going back to this single many are going that route, that it's becoming trendy to be single.  All of my guys r in relationships, as this is being written...A-L-L.  And that's super cool, cuz they have some cool mates who are right for them as I can tell.  But I look at all these people in which are heartthrobs of some sort, yet by one way or another they aren't married.  D Jeter is one.  J Timberlake. T Woods..the list grows but its interesting.   From a women't perspective as well.  They say that this generation percentage wise is not in a rush to be married compared to our parents or grandparents.  Is is that we are scared of being open and committed to one person?  Have we stopped believing in true love?  As the quality pool been diluted?  Perhaps yes to all three.

I'm just gonna say what I think.  I believe that being single is ok.  It took me some time to learn that.  People who are in marriage, tell me stories, that I couldn't handle.  If I don't return a text immediately couldn't it mean that I'm away from my phone or even in the bathroom??  But I think and know that we have to be more open to opportunities.  Whatever happen to courting and true dating?  Instead of this, "he has got to be the one" attitude we take in choosing who we'll even have tea with.  I remember somebody saying that they went to EVERY party or invitation they receive b/c you just never know what that night of contacting others may lead to.  You may meet someone who knows someone who knows someone...the love stories I hear are crazy! I luv them, cuz when u least expect it...

One more thing, we all have to be open to different people.  Your future mate may be 10 years younger than you.  You may refuse to date latino guys, but if it hasn't worked with White/Black/Mixed races, and a guy who's right has the goods, treats people right, but is Latino, give him a try.  How are you of African American race and refuse to date African Americans?  I'm sorry, but something ain't right there.  I know we all have our types and lustful desires, but u , saying this laughing, u never know!!  Don't let one person mess it up for the next.  Take the lessons, cry a tear or two, take a small sabbatical from the game and then Jay-Z to the next one.  Single is in right now...perhaps I'm part of this trend.  Or perhaps God is using us as the face of it.

Either way...I gonna live, hang and recruit the most fun, cool, and beautiful people around.  Life is to lived, and sooner or later u'll realize that there more to life than "me, myself and I".


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