Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pooh's Love of Honey.

The Original Pooh
This..what day of the week is it again...anyhow' started abruptly to say the least.  Woke up late yet on time.  Got ourself together in about 10 mins and was out the door.  Why is it, when ur running behind schedule, does the clock start to count 2 minutes at a time instead of the usual one?!  No joke...Then as I was  on the A1A from the beach, I saw flashing lights, as I was bout ready kick up old Mario Andretti style.  (He was my dude back in the day, watching him on ABC racing through Monte Carlo and stuff!  Memories!)  But, as I was hittin' it, I saw those lights.  The beach cop yanked someone else over, and I continued to kick it up and contemplating what was the fastest recorded MPH on the Dolphin Expressway.   Made it to our destination.  Ta-dow!

Talking to this guy early this morning.  He was quoting some old country talk, like that Northern Florida twang that's so refreshing from the hub-bub dialect down south here.  It reminds me of the Midwest.  He was talking about "I had to go to Burger King and order a #3."  I was like, 'What's this dude talking about?  French Toast Sticks or some Croissan'wich meal?'  Then he went on to say, "have u ever tried to poop without the p?"  That caught me off guards.  Then he keep on hitting me with how this one employee thinks, "working 3 weeks and he's a professional", after rejecting his experience to help him out.  Talking about this guys wife how "fine" she is.  The dude's a riot man.  I like to hear those old sayings, and stories.  Hilarious...but always with a purpose and lesson attached.   Nobody beats the Wiz when u can get free entertaining stories.

Pooh.  That's us!! Yeah...a nickname derived from my days in High School.  Big Kieno and the KP crew, what up!  Still laugh, when I think about my Barker Jr. High days, and running up the basketball court and hearing Mrs. Kientiz yell, "C'mon Pooh!!!"  Just good stuff.  From what I remember Winnie The Pooh was a bear who was...he was kinda goofy wasn't he?  I know Tigger was his Robin to Pooh's Batman...either this ambulance siren is getting more stylish (like a construction worker whistle) or they need to give that a quick fix 'em up...I also know the Original Pooh had a thang for Honey.  (and know she wasn't a female bear voiced by Jessica Alba!!)  But the actual stuff.  It's been a while since I've tasted authenticated honey.  Do u know they sell like the real but fake stuff in stores.  Its call like "imitation honey" or something like that.  That got everything nowadays.  I used to Onyx slam some honey...what!!...there was a time some years ago, where every Sunday, I was hitting up KFC to get that 3 piece meal (do they still have that?), original, dark meat, with baked beans and 2 extra biscuits.  And u already know, I'll hurt them with them packets of grape jelly for them biscuits, and ask for some honey for the chicken.  And don't fool urself, I got hipped to eating honey on the biscuits too.  Talking about I'm trying to master baked fried chicken.  Haven't yet, but close.

Getting back to the honey's been said that too much honey is not good for you.(Proverbs 25:27 for u Bible Scholars)  So I think about what is the honey in our life that attracts the Pooh in us?  Good question...I think all of us have things that when consumed or done in moderation, can give us the ultimate thrill, but when chased or overindulged in, we feel distraught and full not in a good way.  This can be anything from cheating with a piece of cake when your trainer warned you about resisting the Funfetti...all the way to spending all your mortgage money at a russian roulette table.  And losing...My Uncle Frank, said something years ago, that I haven't forgotten.  He said, "Everything God made was good, and man messed it up."  So u think about all this stuff, alcohol, sex, drugs, that was created and when done in a proper way and setting can be used for benefits.  Now I'm not saying, this New Year's to hit up a snow party down here in Miami, and be in a bathroom, chopping it up and yelling, "This is for Austino!"  Don't do that...but if u study some drugs, have medicinal benefits to it, when used properly.  Another time for that discussion....but u know what I mean.

Honey can be sweet...I get pimples (when don't I get those nitwits!!) when I eat too much of it.  And one pimple on tha face...I'll spend a week in my bed over it.  I'll be like when the model Linda Evangelista, when she was quoted as saying she, "doesn't wake up for less than $10,000 a day." I would be bed ridden over uno a pimple!  Speaking of which, where is Frederique at right now?...but honey can be addicting as well.  It can be used in a variety of ways...cough, cough...but I think its a unique ingredient that we don't talk about as we once did.  I think it can help soothe a sore throat too, if I'm not mistaken.

My honey can be different things at different times.  I always talk about having fun.  Enjoying life and stuff.  But if I don't be careful, even in saying that, that can be hazardous too.  Going for the gusto, and then not being responsible whether that be going too much off of emotions or going buck wild, hooking up with the wrong folk, have to watch that.  Socially, girls can be a sort of honey.  You can start to worship the honey more than the hive itself!...quick story...isn't amazing how when you try to deflect urself from certain "honeys", that's when they pop right into ur lap.  I remember a few weeks ago, me, I don't know, enjoying the company of tall girls, then all of a sudden "boom!!!".  I felt like I came in contact with every pretty tall girl u can imagine.  It was insane.  I enjoy all people, but its just like when u say u're going on a diet, that's when ur favorite sweet goes on sale at the market.  U start to look at u money situation and the price and ...but we all go through that temptations of sort.  If u haven't, mark my words u will.  

Money, fame, workouts, all this stuff can become honey for us if we don't watch it.  I think a lot about our life.   Prioritizing is an interesting aspect as I wrap this up.  It's a daily battle for us.  Do we go out to eat or do we save some bucks for those kicks?  Is rest essential for today or do I need to push it some?  Should I ask this girl out on a Monday, but then again Mickey D's has that 49 cent special on Wednesdays, so I should wait right?!!  We keep it real...all in good fun.

Know ur honey.  Enjoy ur honey.  Don't overindulge in it though, Austino.  As I think upon our previous diary entries...this actually might be my most interesting battle yet.


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