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Remember This Show?!! |
I have no idea where this diary entry is gonna go, so I'll just write as I go. Two-day...was an interesting day. It began with me having three dreams, yes I said three. One involved me riding on my Vespa scooter and this guy pushing me from behind while I was at a stoplight. I remember me getting off and pointing in his face, all the wild being in the middle of the street, like on Coral Way or something. Also, later being in a room with this guy and him wanting to buy my scooter, and he said me going back to New York, and me telling him I live in California now. Interesting since I live down here in Miami, Florida. Another dream...who else tells their personal thoughts and dreams like this...c'mon now. This other dream involved this girl, a familiar girl who's mad quiet but cool by my accounts. I remember telling each other that we thought both of us were "hot". Wish that dream could of lasted longer...Other dream involved like my old college basketball team, us travelling back from a trip and they had cake waiting for us or something. Anyhow, our day got off to a intriguing start.
La Bamba is on right now. Wow! If this don't take me back to the good ol' 80s. That was a whale of a decade. I remember so many goofy things like those old VHS tapes, playing Sega Master Systems, those old toys. My brother and myself used to have some crazy stuff. Like "Super Jock", that football kicker who kick the ball through the goal posts. View-Masters were off the chain of course. Watching Disney's films like we were in the theatre. Michael Jackson dolls, with the glitter glove included. Starting Line-Up sports figures, with Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and others. I actually have those figures down here with me in my beach bungalow. I'm still a kid, so...So many fun things. Micro Machines were my brother's thing and they were big at the time. All these board games, just memorable stuff.
I see where this is headed. I just got done talking to one of my guys down here, and we was talking about Humphrey Bogart and his Hollywood style. He mentioned how nicely dressed they people were back then. Very true. I think about how people used to get dressed, and I mean dressed just to go to the mall on a Saturday afternoon. Now people don't even get dressed to go out at nighttime. I was reading the LA Times style photo section, where they take pics of people on the street, and folks were going to clubs and weren't even dressed. That's not just Cali style, but down here in Miami too. That's one of the things that gets me. You have an attractive looking girl who has her little black dress on, with gold earrings, and clutch bag. And off course rockin' the high heel silhouettes. Then the guy she's with has on like a raggedy tee with some jeans and gym shoes. Now don't get me wrong, I love v-neck tees, and a pair of J's , distressed, holey jeans...heck, I made my own pair of jeans...twice!! But for some occasions it's nice to dress up and show the lady, that hey, just as I'm fortunate to be with you, your also fortunate to be with me. I know I am right on this. Us guys, just have to step our game up like Snoop says.
Stepping it up a notch. What's gonna be our new look? Been thinking a lot about it. All of us have to remix ourself every now and then. Just to keep life interesting. Once it was, "Preppy Thug". Another time is was, "LA-Mia". "Sexy" was another theme. "Beach Boy" was fun. "European Football Player" was one of our favorites as well. I think, what's been on our minds for a new theme of our life and look, we are going to go with, "Luxe". That doesn't mean go broke, but it's time to enjoy life a little more. Fortunate to have a lot of things at our disposal. Haven't been shopping like...ok, I'm really goofy when it comes to shopping. I like to make a list of everything that I'm looking for, after so diligent research. That research can be from magazines to runway shows to the websites and the street. I see and noticed two things I don't see on guys that we may bring back. Bandannas and suspenders...don't tell anyone ok? But I'm very specific when it comes to clothes. I like to mix items from various places. Vintage stores, Urban Outfitters, and Barney's Co-Op are just some of my favorite spots. There's so much shopping spots in Miami, its sick! That's one of the absolute first things I noticed when I moved down here. Malls galore...the beach area has some great flagship stores and such. I've been looking for some necklaces, think I'm gonna hit up the vendors on the beachwalk down here. Uniqueness is important. And just having fun. Some don't like talking about clothes. But clothes can be fun, and change ur attitude sometimes as well. Its all about stepping it up. All of us can improve...and should strive for that. I don't want to look and feel the same way I did earlier this year. Definitely not...
I've been thinking about some of the stuff I've been writing in this diary. Gotta put up a new video episode as well coming up here...But I think about some of the content I've been writing on. Is it too personal? Too much about girls? I still feel like, our life is unique, and I'm one of the craziest people around God's green earth. At least it used to be green...I may not be writing for the present, but for the future. I don't kiss and tell in the sense of, me going on a date tomorrow and rushing home to jot down every detail of our "experience". And that it is. Naw...if I feel like some stories can help someone and let somebody know, that crazy stuff happens to other folks too, I write. I write anyway, this is just more public. If I want to write about driving up to Hollywood, Florida to check out Sav-a-Lot foods, I will. (Pretty cool spot, I like the dollar store next door though). If I want to write that I only wear Emporio Armani underwear, I will. I want this to be the ultimate insight on a life that I know God has/is bringing me through to share with the rest of the galaxia. If it means joy or heartbreak to translate the message so be it.
Plus, the stuff I see is legendary. I was walking down here in South Beach today, and this guy was just passed out in the yard of this apartment building. I was looking and really considered taking a pic and tweeting about it, but I didn't want to put this guy out there like that. Stuff like that. This neighborhood is the capital for black cats. No wonder stuff be going down like it does, this one keeps following me all the way inside my apartment building, even to my door. So u gotta play cat and mouse, pun not intended, its silly. Or how about the time I saw someone jumping from building to building as I was taking out the trash. It's always a sight to see cars being towed at 5:25 am in the morning. Consistently.
Last story. There's this guy in the neighborhood who hangs out around 6th and Meridian down here in the beach. I see him on the steps of the local center/day care/ voting post around here. He's surrounded by like 15 cats man. I've started to call him, "Cat Daddy". For real, the other day, and I put this on Olly Olly Oxen Free, I saw a cat come from the other side of the neighborhood just to be with this guy!! I was amazed and to see him posted, when its pitch dark outside surrounded by ----y, is crazy. I'm gonna get in trouble one day I know it, but its what I feel. One day, I'm gonna have a "South Beach Legend" segment on this thing. There are some folks around here that I have to know about. One thing about Miami, and specifically South Beach, you WILL run into the same folks around the 'hood. It can be at CVS, the grocery store (I gotta check out that new Fresh Market store that just opened), the club, the gym wherever. It's small....and unique. And for some crazy reason, no matter what's been happening...I still like it.
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