Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Only go around once!

"It's a Celebration...."

"U Jiggling Baby!!"...I needed to hear that right now.  Watching Martin and he dropped that classic line from the 90s!  What a day!  This cutie pie flat out told me that "You look tired."  I'm like, ok, this girl don't even know me on that level, yet...but sometimes that's what u get when u're living it up to the edge.  I'm not even gonna lie, today, I didn't really even know what day it was.  And my mind, didn't want to even waste any energy to figure it out.  Just so much stuff going on.  Right now, living each day as it comes, all the stuff that's associated with it.  I really feel like my life is becoming one huge party, figuratively and...literally.  I'm not one who gets blasted/plastered/wasted or slammed with the alcohol or anything, nor am I a snow monster or anything, if u catch my driff, I just like to enjoy life to the fullest.  That can be a simple conversation on any topic or that can be wiling out dancing the nite away.  I'm at the point of my life where I don't care what we do...long as it's fun.

My life right now is moving fastly into the...fast lane.  Which if I don't watch it, can be dangerous.  I'm cool, but it's so much in this far left lane on life's highway.  The lust of money in which u think you can do whatever you want because u have a few chicken nuggets in ur pocket.  Also, the mindset of snobbery, because you go here or there.  Then, you have the girls which physically who all look like 'diaz' material...one thing I've learned about that is people are just people...girls are girls...I need not to classify somebody due to looks.  But I will say this, the people and girls I do surround myself with are pretty close to '10s' in my opinion, because of one reason or another.  Their mind, opinion, creativity, it varies and I appreciate whatever they bring to the table.  I'm determined to have the best around me.  Folk who aren't scarred to let their hair down and enjoy life.  Uptightness is so 2009 man...we on the cusp of 20twelve and u don't want to try something different?  I don't want them on my team.  And my team is really looking like championship quality.  Yes...sir!!  Wanna join???!!!

This girl today asked me about kids.  I told her I'm looking for the "right girl".  She asked me what that entailed.  Saying that all girls have something wrong with "us".  Funny stuff.  Kids are serious.  And u have to have them with the right person.  Oldheads used to say check out the blood line of ur prospective mate, like their tendencies or habits.  Do they get mad easily?  How do they speak?  Is family important to them?  Its a 'old skool' way of thinking, but I do think that it still matters today.  That child is going to have a combination of 2 people in them.  I can't really talk about kids, cuz I don't have any.  I've been one though, and I know I walk around thinking that's what Pops does, or how Moms would think.  And I also do things and wonder why did I do that?  That may be something from generations beyond.  U never know.

Switch topics.  DVR'd the Lakers/Clippers game from last night.  Cool stuff.  Its gonna be a wild season this year.  Heat down here...and LaL on the west coast.  Gonna be some late nights.  I remember staying up late to watch my baseball Giants in San Francisco, and man them games be ending at like 1:30am or 2am, and I be like, I gotta go to work in like 5 hours.  But...U only go around once!...enjoy everything, because it won't happen all the time.  That's why I like blogs, diaries, autobiographies...stories are being told from a perspective that's one-of-a-kind.  Even if its just three sentences about ur day.  What u ate that day.  Anything to capture the moment.  I got some cool pics, and am going to start capturing them in these pages...I'm sorry, blog (sorry, I'm used to writing in a book).  Real people, real stories.

Watched Fit to Hit  on the Tennis Channel, and this trainer had a great definition of swagger:

-Swagger:  being prepared, and knowing it.

That's some good stuff.  Very true.  That's probably why I feel like let's just enjoy life.  We've been forced to go through so much drama and stuff, and we are very confident that we are prepped for whatever comes our way.  I'm determined to crank this thing up...heck, the funny thing is I haven't had..."blue and yellow..the type of ---- that make 'em call u Carmelo!!"  Listening to 'Swagga Like Us' in background...but haven't had to crank it up, God's doing it for us!  I have no idea what is about to happen next or who's about to be signed next to our squad.  Like I said, nothing but the best.  Our lifestyle is super special and one of the coolest around.  No time now to waste...remember, we only go around once!!

Oh and here's that Jigga video of what my life's turning into...one huge party.

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