Saturday, December 31, 2011

With a Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!

John Witherspoon aka "Pops" on Wayans Bros.

The last calendar day of this year.  A very mixed feeling do I have as we move on.  Actually, we life really is not determined by the number on the calendar, but more so by seasons, and I'm not talking about the Four Seasons Hotels.  The last few seasons we've had every possible negative (turned positive) emotion in our life, bro and bro-ettes.  Its nothing like doing everything u can to turn things around in a way that you've dreamed about, only to keep running into dead ends.  It's like that mouse trying to find his way in a maze.  Hitting wall after wall after John begin to think, "@#!$ it just cannot be this hard can it?"  Think u think about things, if u could've changed anything, but I don't feel like I coulda nor shoulda.  Everything has been a very humbling experience.  I'm one of the most competitive and in many ways most positively egomaniacs around.  I may not show it all the time, but when things don't go the way I would have hoped or thought they should have went, after top shelf effort, u bet u Fanny Mae, inside I'm steaming.  Especially if...

As I'm been saying, a lot of motivation has been created as of lately.  Today was interesting.  I feel very good cuz we've survived the most painful season of our life.  Yet the unknown is a little scary.  EVERY day is something new or someone new.  A new sight and sound.  Its like I'm running into every beautiful woman in the world, and u debate now, a) what is game. b) is all this for real or just a mirage of interactions? c) can it for once just be so simple.  Talking from our perspective.  It's wild man.  Quick shoutout to my guy Carlos.  Welcome to the show, dawg, it's only gonna get wilder.  Great inspiring words on life, sports and love dude.  Much love....

Our life is so funny and indescribable.  I guess that's what makes it so diary worthy.   U never know what u're gonna get.  They say nothing good comes easy.  Who is they?  Tonight is a fun night for real.  But gotta jot just some...Lot of emotion in us, for some reason.  You move on, but u sense all u've been through, this 'season'.  It's really like my ego has just been suppressed, and if any1 who's had that feeling of 'where's the relief?', u know how we've felt.  That's why I've been writing, and will be living in such a different way.  How u may ask?  Let's see...

"Lux" has been the theme for our life at the moment.  It comes from the inside out.  Our life is hitting another level, can't overstate that.  I've been "embracing" (word of the moment if u follow us on twitter @austinogalaxia) our life, like for us to go through all we've gone through, we must be special and something/one must be on the horizon.  Like in sports, if the coach stops talking to u as a player, then u know u're in trouble.  So for us having to deal with things money-wise, or with chicks or with different jobs, must mean that the great Coach in the sky must care.  As He does for all of us.  

As of late, been thinking about..."Why are we even here in Miami?"  I get asked that question so much, by a plethora variety of people and strangers.  And when they ask it's as if they are telling me, "you don't really belong in a place like this."  Heck, sometimes I don't even know why this country kid is down here in .  There's only a few cities I would like to live:  Los Angeles, London, and Toronto are the main ones.  I'm gonna write honest some before I get loose tonight, so Yogi Bear with us.  That feeling of not belonging or like everything's so different for u, even when u try to fit in can get to us at tymes.  We just wanna shout, "I just a kid dude!"  But it's nothing u can do...the thing that has happened is the drive to get better, and better and better.  My soul gets a little upset cuz I feel like my route at times is so much tougher than others.  I look at some folks and it's like, "why is it seemingly easy for them, when I got fight tooth and freakin' hangnail, just to get a shot at certain things."  Why does 100,000 follow this person on twitter, when all they are talking about is nonsense and junk, when we talk about fun and positive and we have this many 'following' us.  Just food for thought.  

Not done....I really since  that my life is going into the direction of becoming a sort of guilty pleasure.  Like u may not like us, or even admit it, but at the end of the rainbow, u'll be like, "u know what, u gotta give him credit cuz he don't care".  Which is the level that I could only reach after going through h.e. double hockey sticks.  There is such a petite line between genius and insanity.  So when I talk about certain things like having fun all the time, even through the tough moments.  Or take care and cherish ur girl, its not to be some kind of holier than though guy, I say it cuz either I've been there...I wish I was there...or I know what it feels not to have there.  (that's a crazy sentence.)  I was talking to...this is gonna be long, but hey, its been a loooong year....ooops!  season I shall say as the Ocean Drive concert is banging outside my window now.  I was talking to Moms about this recent wedding I attended and how the groom really didn't even hit the dance floor.  I was like how are u gonna have YOUR special day...and I think about all the girls/ ladies/ women that I've had the (gulp!) pleasure of going through in our life, and we like we better dance for days at our wedding!! Earned that right man, enjoy ur lady dude...smh.

After saying all that...there's nothing left to say that it's bout to be a scintillating about what's happening and about to happen in our life.  It's nothing like realizing that u've been kitchen prepped and ready for anything.  They talk about Lebron this year for the Heat, I remember him talking about his first trip to Cleveland last year and how nothing could be as hostile and ruff as that environment.  You get confidence, knowing that if you could survive that, u can handle anything.  That's how I feel.  When u feel that way, that's when things happen and begin to shift your way.  (I know this Kitchen Nightmares episode ain't in South Bend, Indiana right now!?!  That's 30 mins from my crib!) 

Ok, that's enough.  Now its time to have our type of fun tonite.  Appreciate so many for their support and kind words.  My only goal is to make this the most fun season reason  to be desperate or anything.  Gonna just wild out and see what happens.  The law of physics is in our favor.  As is the law of attraction.  And more importantly we're just gonna trust the Lord for fun...why do I think this is bout to be so enjoyable.  I'll write about it as it happens.  Stay tuned, this will be good.

Let success be your guide.
Austino Amor Galaxia.  

Friday, December 30, 2011

Clark Kent...No More!!

Cartoon Mr. Kent
I feel really, extremely good right now!!  Borderline giddy!  Today was one of the best days of our life, and I'm still enjoying it to a tittle.  A new book was opened in our life, which is so cool, and...first off let me give a shout out or two...Gizzy keep doing your thang girl!!  Life is ALL bout having fun, and acting goofy.  If u wanna dance or sing, do it.  I can't stand when people act all stuck up or are afraid to let their hair down.  Its like, if it's not the right "environment" then u can't have fun.  Bunk that!  If I feel like dancing in the middle of a store at the mall, cuz my jam is bangin', I'm gonna do it!  Wherever, whenever, the attitude to live by!  Don't let any1 tell u different....Big Sean V., I saw u dude riding that scooter down here in South Beach, tonight.  U ain't foolin' me dude!..

At the moment, I feel like u know what this is going to the next level...and it actually is has I'm writing this.  You just never know where your blessings come from.  U know...I've been honest, yet very low key in terms of my lifestyle and stuff.  Been in a Clark Kent routine...people know, but folk really don't know.  I really have the ULTIMATE lifestyle.  Thank God for it.  It comes with a lot of responsibility in some ways, but the fun factor is uniquely off tha chain.  Half the time I don't even say too much.  People talk about doing this or seeing that person, hanging out here or there, and we be thinking inside, "if they only knew..."  That's why I don't beg anyone anymore about kicking it or stuff, cuz I know what avenues I'm blessed to have access too. Very MTV'ish.  Be surprised.  

This diary is going to get even more real.  Its deep already, probably the ultimate case study of a person really, all the emotions, and stuff.  Now I'm not going to hold back where I'm hanging at or what I'm doing, cuz its some cool stuff with some very fun people. Our goal has been to be around with the coolest, most fun, and hottest (in our opinion, guys and dolls) folk around.  Its really happening!! Yeah!! If I ask someone, trust me, u must be special cuz I don't let just anyone in, and now...(blow!!)  It's like uber-VIP only.  Gonna keep it real...Just love it when I'm around people who like to take chances and act goofy.  Life is so short...I remember being in college, man we lived!  Going places during the week, spending cash on shopping and shutting down Gameworks up in Schaumburg, Illinois (Chicagoland).  I remember having a road basketball game, taking a 2 1/2 hour van trip back to campus, and immediately switching clothes and showering and hitting the road for a night of fun that lasted past 3a.m. in the morning. That doesn't mean putting,as my Grandad used to say, "putting an important thing in front of a more important thang", like not studying and all, but live man!!

That's what gets us sometimes down here in the MIA.  Great article in the Miami Herald on the city being so vain.  (we discussed this a few posts ago)  It's ok to be pretty and all that but...I think, or I know what's different about us is that we don't care.  Think of a guy wearing a Prada suit.  The difference between me and this other guy, is that I don't care about getting dirty in the suit.  If that means sweating, or doing chores, I'm serious, I've gotten some very exclusive stuff dirty.  But u know what...that's why they have a cleaners or a washing machine.  Fin.  

I met somebody today who told me, "I don't listen to music".  First of all, I almost passed out when they said this 2 me, cuz u know music has been a very influential biography of our life.  From concert and marching band in high school to parties to church to attending sporting events (DJ Irie what's up!)'s a true biography of moments in our life.  I thought about that episode of Seinfeld, when Jerry went to a dinner with Elaine and got to talking and dissing people's love for ponies.  Ha ha!!  But I respect all opinions...but after all tha fun and harlem shakes left in our body, I gotta dance...matter of fact I may pull out and do the Halle Berry here later tonight!!  God's blessed u wit two legs, and folks are in wheelchairs and would love to do a shuffle dance or country line dance  and u just gonna stand on the wall holding a red cup while the fun is in the air?? What?  I don't want those people in my life.

This evening, I saw this mad sick black Mercedes SLS at the Gansevoort Miami.  With the "wing" doors up. I'm more of a Aston Marton and Ferrari guy.   Although I really like the Gucci White Fiat ride.   Affordable too.  I like fun, modern luxury items.  Now we bout to rearrange our space here into something unique, perhaps modeled after the Selling LA show.  A place fit for style and fun...guess a place fit for Superman!

Try something different.  

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Can I Get at least one...

Evening time in the MIA.  Today was another learning experience.  Does it ever stop?  On this day, I learned about how looks can be deceiving.  Not necessarily the person per se, but the environment created around that person.  I was thinking today on how, a apron worn, does a chef not make.  And how just because you may be a chef, that still doesn't mean your food is gonna be good.  (Real time quote:  Do not mix organic milk with regular milk at the same setting.  Trust me, my stomach is feeling it right now.)  I was talking about this our dream team, and some of the prospect..s...being lead in another direction.

Chemistry is so important in life, its a thing where organizations, businesses and relationships thrive.  Either u have it or you don't.  I look at chemistry as being a pull thing.  Like an attraction and comfortability to one another (that's not a word, but so what....).  Here's a little tip, I've observed over the years.  Magnetism is so important in friendships or what not.  I feel like if true chemistry is there, both parties should come to each other and not away.  For reaazzle.  In sports, true chemistry is sometimes born with time, but most of the time it just happens.  You can tell when teammates are forced to change their ways to be successful.  So Austin, why don't you just be patient and let chemistry develop naturally?  That's why we are writing this...

Patience they claim is a virtue.  Now I gonna get personal.  Being patient is even more difficult when you feel as if your forced to be patient in certain instances.  Or when you can see your end goal.  This ain't just about money or love, this is about life, u know.  How about being patient when the good Lord tells u or forces u too, when u look around and are like, nobody else is, so why should I have to wait.  I feel like my life is full of teases in some ways, and after a gazillion of them you just like, can we just get on with the show.  You feel ready for whatever, got the experiences to be successful, but now its like ur in the waiting room, for this ultimate delivery to take place.  I think all of us go through this in our life.  The key is just to put horse blinders on the sides of your face and stay focus, no matter what's going on around you.  Today was a day where the blinders came down a little thinking why am I sacrificing mind, body, soul and money to reach a goal or supposed status, when it seems like those old fashion ways of success have become outdated.

Boy, what's that song with N.E.R.D that talks about living in a fake world yet being a real person and how it kills u to be stuck in it.  Oh yeah..."Breakout".  Not gonna play it due to some language, but that's how I feel.  But in that song, the group discusses how to use that as u're motivation u know and make it your rage.  Feel 'em.   I'm starting to believe even more that all that we experience is to write about it, and just share with the world.  We are one of the most intriguing people in this world.  As a song once put it, "part Howard Hughes,  part horny, part holy."  Sums it all up.

Dates almost don't matter to us in terms of days.  I don't wear a watch really...when I used to work at my beach job, I just told time by the sun.  Think that makes living more fun. This song is playing, right now, as I'm writing this.  C'mon Snoop and Uncle Charlie help him!!  That sums it up too!  Now u know why we've been writing and feeling like we've been.  Just look at that video.

Real quick...lots of Heat talk around here.  That's cool, don't ever take it for granted, to see one of the best hoops squads in the league, it doesn't happen often....Lots of people in town for New Year's.  Is all of Europe on vacation?  I keep on sayin' that but 'dang-it man!!!'  Awesome that lots of people want to kick it down here in the hood.  And I do mean lots....age doesn't really matter its tha Jill Scott's "Golden"...

Hope no one gets it twisted, we still have our mega-confidence sky high, but I just have to purify my thoughts on this to show what I really go through.  If we all could just get one clue to what is about to happen next.  Sometimes its ok to go through the back door route.  I'm not the only one who likes that route.  Its less people around, but it still gets u to where u're supposed to be.  I have no idea what about to happen...none.  I'm just praying it's all been worth the wait.  Yep...worth the wait.

Austino Galaxia Period.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mr. Sofia Vergara.

Ms. Vergara herself
Today was a difficult diary post to write.  Because today is a day in which I really want to get real personal like I used to do.  When I wrote in the hard copy of my diary, I really got loose...if u only knew.  Talking about feelings on things and people (did u see that... or this baffone had the nerve to tell me )  But today, I really want to express myself concerning some things.  So this is really for me.  No telling what I may say after all is written and done.

Man o Man.  These last 24 hours have been nothing short of insane.  Tonight was a "me night" in which I just had to take care on some things.  From being delayed up in Chicago to all kinds of stuff.  I have a real...real good story to tell about this one airport trip home...of course it involves some kind of woman, but that will be told at a later time.  A lot of stories to tell...still...then getting in super late...waking up after --- hours of sleep to go to the great dinero factory...then zoom home via the turnpike to get back over to the beach...drop of, don't even know I dropped off anything, used the bathroom, then walked up to get a workout in (Much love to our Trainers...that's personal), and come back to run some errands....Sooo....

While I was doing my laundry in my spot, as u might know if u've been reading our diary, off of 6th and Meridian, thinking about so much I've have to express...I was watching the Fall/Winter fashion runways come to life out on the streets as the temperature dipped to a freezing temperature of about 61 degrees earlier today.  I glanced up at the TV which was tuned into the Spanish channel Univision, which was showing its patented novela...a thought then hit our mind.

I think we may be the the male version of the actress Ms. Sofia Vergara.  Jokes aside... Let's dig in some on this observation.  I mentioned this before, but this girl has been slept on for so many years.  Not days, not months, but like decades man.  Remember glancing by some Spanish TV stations back up north growing up, and seeing her on that comedy show Fuera de Serie back in the day.  This was like '95.  Hey, I know some Espana...or is it espanol?  Just kidding...But I could tell that she had something unique about her beyond her physical build.  (Doesn't everybody say that after somebody becomes famous...'oh, when he was a kid, he held his spoon and slammed it down, sending the Gerber's flying and that's when I knew  he would become a Supreme Court Judge!!')  As I'm thinking about it, what about that show Caliente.  I L-U-V to dance, so u know I had to five finger discount a few moves!  Especially this one...but getting back to Gloria.  She's been in a lot of tiny roles here and there,  but there were roles that built up to bigger roles.  Paying ur dues iz what tha gangtas holla on tha streets.  Now, she's becoming even more well known, which I think is awesome!  Cuz is shows that dedication, perseverance, and the ultimate Menage in success.

So today, was a day, I was fighting patience.  As I've been stating, things are turning, not that they've been the dumps in the first place.  But just because u have a million dollars, it's still nice to find a five-dollar bill on the ground.  Ya dig!!  This jazz song been on my mind, tonight, C'mon Lalah and Mr. Sample.  Today was a day of restraint in some aspects.  Sometimes the great Gizzle in the sky wants u to relax and let things come to u, instead of chasing it.  Like I once heard, that feather philosophy.  A feather is falling from the sky, and you're trying to grab it, but every time u try to grab it, the feather flys away...when in actuality the best method is to just hold your hand out, and watch it drop effortlessly and softly into your hand.  That hit home...

I have to say something about this...been saying that we've preparing for a dream team of sorts, of cool, beautiful (inside and out), and fun people who I know enjoy life, or WILL enjoy life when they hang out with us.  I don't know if I should say this, but how do you truly approach a super cool and intelligent  girl, who has an air of "I've seen it all" yet is really hotter than what she thinks?  Can I tell it like I want to...sometimes u just come accross people who u know, man if me and homeboy could talk it'll be crazy or if this girl just hung out, man...I'm not the only one.  There are several people who are coming into our surroundings on a seemingly hourly basis.  Not kidding...but this one 'diamond in the rough', I just have a feeling, would really, what's the right word, should I go ghetto or intellectual when describing'll be a nice connection.  I'm not pumping anything up, but when u know from a friend perspective...they say beautiful women have a hard time making friends, and from what I've heard or seen, it's true.  Not so easy for certain guys as well, sometimes it ain't all about dating and finding the look of love.  Some guys are just wanting to have fun in a connecting kind of way.   I can attest especially after all the "love" experiences that have popped up.  Not even "love" more like...can't even describe it.  Shall see what happens.  I guess I'll just have to stop, look, and listen to my heart with with others...

My life is so crazy.  Sometimes its a blessing...sometimes it feels like a....but one thing that's for certain it's unique and entertaining.  Just never know....I say that as my mind drifts...Mr. Sofia Vergara.  But will there ever be a Mrs. Austin Williams.  Think that's the ultimate title right there...matter of fact, I know it is.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Put Up or Shut Up!

No image needed for today's diary entry!  Writing from the great crosslands of the state of Indiana.  Now some of u don't even know where that is.  I know because I've asked some folk out here....some think its up near the New York area or even out West...but no I was Miami made, but Indiana bred in the Midwest.  The land of corn.  It's like 40 degrees or so up here, and we decided it would be a good time to write some thoughts on the last few days. 

The holiday season in upon us.  A time to reflect...u know what, my time is kinda limited so let's just get to the good stuff.  Which always involves the best storytime segment this side of Sesame Street right.  Ok...I was on the L bus going from the beach to the Tri-Rail station on Christmas Eve afternoon...I'm in the back of the bus, chillin' listening to my Chad and Pharrell playlist on my Blackberry (hope someone checked out that blog that had some cuts on it!), when this girl gets on.  Now, when I first saw her, I'm like this girl is a straight up clone of Nicki Minaj.  No hobo when I say this.  She had the exact skintone.  Her hair was colored in half Vicki Secret "Pink" with the other half being bleach Brigitte Nielsen blond.  A capri top with a skirt with boots.  So she comes ALLLL the way to the back row where I'm sitting, and sits next to me.  So we're next 2 each other, and like 20 minutes into the beginning of our MTV Diaster Date segment I then tell her, "I like ur Timbos (boots), they tight...they tight!"  They actually were, they weren't trying to hit on her or anything, we speak truths here.  She was like thanx!  So I'm back to listening to my playlist and she's blurts out "Do u l...?" And I'm like "what did u say?", cuz I'm under my jams in the headphones, don't mess with me and my guy Pharrell...she shyly asks..."Do you like girls?"  I'm like, "HEEEECK YEAH, I like girls!!!" So then she puts her hands on her face in a very shy manner, and we're both just sitting there buggin' up laughing on what just happen.  She then is like, "I'm sorry (still embrassed), but I wanted to ask u that since I got on the bus."  Now initially when she asked me that, I thought that she was about to go into some kind of magic act, if u know what I mean. (Street hustlers get that!)  But she was cool.  So I asked her, "What may u think that I was gay?"  And she told me that, "your swag is poppin'!!"  Told her, "Thanks."  Then she started to shake her head, and was like, "it's always the pretty boys."  Interesting comment that let me know that the handsome guys she's interacted with have been gay, all 2 her disappointment.  Huh.  Her bus stop came up, and she turned a gave a smile and told me, "bye...".  I watched her get off and walk outside.  I think she was a cool doll.  As she walked away from my sight, all I could really think was that, "Boom, badoom, boom...Boom, badoom, boom..", and how how crazy our life is.

Another quick story on that tip, I'm at the freakin' library, of all places, down South of Fifth street in South Beach, and it was like raining so I had to wait right in front of the door.  This guy is like next to me...staring at me...he then walks over to me.  I got my Miami Nightclub shades on, looking straight ahead as he begins to talk to me.  "Hi..."..."What is your name?" "I don't give out names."  this kind of stuff...he then tells me he's from Italy.  I been known to dig in and out of Italian pizzerias, retail stores, and chicks in my life (please smile), but I'm not one who digs Tower of Pisas when it comes to my love life.  This guy, goes on to tell me..."you're so beautiful"  I'm like, "uh...thanks."  Not the first time this has happened so we cool..."ur skin..."  and then he's like, "your lips...", and as he says that he reaches with one of his hands to touch my lips and I'm like, "dude, don't do that.  Don't touch me."  I didn't even yell, it was a long day, it was raining outside and I didn't have on my Charlie Brown galoshes on, so this was just the nuts on my Diary Queen Sundae.  Ooops!..that might have been the wrong terminology to use, but...

Don't know how I got all in that...but the experiences u experience can be something.  I saw a 55 or so year old woman with a pair of sweatpants on.  But she had the right leg up, like LL Cool J, back in the day!  She still is an Around The Way girl, I guess!  I'm not mad at her for keeping it one hundred!...True meaning of Christmas (birth of Jesus), its not about the gifts really, had 2 throw that in...I've always believed I want my life to be lived in a way in which, "Every day is Christmas, and every night is New Year's Eve!"...and funny as kept, that is coming's all about cool, fun and beautiful times and people right now.  I have started to embrace my lifestyle and just letting things happen.  I'm on a come into my galaxia tip, and I can say that confidently cuz I KNOW its one of a kind, and all the lessons and hard and times being by ourself have made us better.  Now its like, Vegas on acid. (sorry best analogy I could think of).  Its about living, having fun and just wanting to surround ourself with the best people and team of folks that enjoy things as well.  Its getting wild, and I'll make sure to share stories about the events I'll be attending, the NBA games (the Heat look sharp, the Lakers will be alright, just the 1st game, and Bynum was out), and the fun times going on in our life.  This stuff is not the usual life...and I'll tell all the stories as way from our heart. 

I have to write this...We're gathering a Ocean's Eleven list of people who I want on our 'team' so to speak.  And I believe they will be.  I really, really....REALLY want this one person to be our #1 pick as we start to re-form our franchise.  She's mad cool and hot.  It's not bout games, or sexual escapades or anything right now, it's about laughter and enjoying life.  Miami and abroad.  I wanna say more but all that needs to be said from my standpoint is ''s time to put up or shut up!'  And for the first time in this poker game of life, I can honestly say without any hesitation or fretting over losing any chips...

"I'm all in."

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Heartbreak Kid.

Wrestler Shawn Michaels
You know today was a day to really just relax mentally after going through so much the last few days.  Just been trying to get our mind together some.  Rode with the top dropped today, it was really kind of warm outside like upper 70s, lower 80s out here in Miami.  Still kinda wild as u think about it, being December and I got my beach look going as I write this.  Like its July.  Amazing when u think about it...

2012 is "going to be your breakthrough year."  Someone just told me that as I was talking on the phone.  And quite honestly I have no idea where that came from.  We were talking about life, holidays, movies, and then that blurped out.  Perhaps it was a sign of things to come.  I feel so much...polished...hold on let me see if I can dig into Jan. 1st's hard copy of my diary to see what was up...hold on as I look......welp, that's interesting.  A few things stick out from that first day of the year:  Lots of talk about girls (surprise!) and how many of them did nothing on New Year's Eve;  one girl who I described as "sick and cool" sticks out, and I totally forgotten about her til we looked up this old entry.  I wrote "We barely see this gal, but when us 2 (with a circle) have been close whe like talks like we're best buds.  It's weird."..."She's older than she looks."..."She's a cute Barbie Doll."  HOLD IT.  I have to elaborate...

This was a mad cool girl.  What was interesting was how we used to talk whenever we saw each other, but there was this vibe.  Her style was a mix of gothic modern, for I remember she wore "Fish panty hose!!"  She had medium black hair, she literally had a doll face.  She was the real deal.  (boy I love keeping diaries!)  But though when we were together it was like Jordan/Pippen, but I did not see her often enough.  She was top back to the diary scheduled programming...

Another aspect is a quote saying, "Faith is not a gift, It has to be earned, U hav to pass the test."  That came from an episode of New York Undercover on that day.  The entry ended by saying, 'Does it get any better (smiley face inserted) This is gon 2 be good.'  Huh...Has the year unfolded like we expected...not!

This year has been, what is the right word for it... necessary.  Been a ruff year.  It felt like in some ways all of our moves were wrong in some ways.  There have been some great things, but in some areas, man...this year was the year of rejection. seemed like for some UNKNOWN reason God said, u know what Galaxia, for you to reap the true benefits of a life unparalleled, I'm going to really test u and put u through the ringer, have u go through the fire and on top of it, I'm gonna throw the kitchen sink at u as well!  Would I've been up to the challenge if I woulda known.  Boy...good question which we won't ever know the answer too. But it was like, the life that I wanted was in my grasp, but I was unable to touch it...just yet.  Has anyone else ever felt that way.  You see things coming together, the positioning turning your way, and u doing everything know to make it happen, but things don't come together.  Matter of fact they fall apart.  You just like, "Same script...different cast."  Then such and such happens...and u get a little, might as keep it real, more than a little upset at life, God, people, like, "why don't they get it?"  It's like it doesn't make sense?  Have I been blackballed or something.  Just weirdom at its highest form.  I know that ain't no word, but if u've been through similar times in ur life then u know that word exists in our galaxias!!

But a funny thing happened throughout this year...I felt like, I was getting stronger by each experience.  It was like it was fueling my energy to a level I didn't know was possible.  Just in our workouts physically it was and is crazy like, " (fill in the blank) doesn't think I deserve even a response to a simple question, let me show her" or silly stuff...All these things have helped me to grow in every area possible.  I think that's what the Lord wanted for us , and for all who go through breakups, being fired for no reason for gigs, not getting top bill at a show, or whatever the case.  Why does it have to be so hard though?  Does life always have to be so complicated?  I want to tell this one female something, cuz we NEED to talk, but I K-N-O-W that if and Eminem'ing when we do, it could either be the end of a possible friendship or turn into a lost episode of Silk Stalkings!  Not joking.  But sometimes things aren't meant for you, they are just for you to see that its possible!!  I feel like skinny dipping in the Atlantic Ocean off of that!  That's good stuff!!!

I thought a lot about all these sports figures and what they endured before winning their championship.  Knowing that that's what they've always wanted their entire life.  Accolades, money and all that are cool, but sometimes u want "that thang" u know it.  This year has taught me an exuberance amount of patience...and strength to move on.  A woman got slick in the mouth today, and I almost hit her with that, "I don't hit girls, but I do know girls who do" line, but it ain't even worth it.  I understand now more than ever how stress and pressure can get to you.  Some days earlier this year, I didn't even wanna get outta the bed.  Cuz u know that something unfulfilling would jump off.  That wasn't self-prophecy type of thinking, it was just like, "I've had it", and all this stuff happening for unthinkable and indescribable reasons just bites. (they still say that?!!)

The birth of the blog.  Our diary has been so personal for so many years.  The things that we used to write, I wouldn't dream of releasing in the open.  But for some unknown reason, this year turned out to be the right time to release our life to the world.  Wouldn't it have been grand if on the day after our first blog (Apr. 26th) everything woulda just jumped off!  Big money, sexy spouse and all that.  But Heaven knew that this would be a perfect time in our life to release.  Its great to talk personally when u've...u can talk after getting the award-winning recipe...but I and many others want to hear about the sleepless nights in the kitchen when u're trying out all the ingredients to find the perfect mix.  Oregano here, salt there, that's where the action occurs.  Sometimes it takes days...sometimes months before u're like, "perfecto". How u say that in Italian?!! (perfetto)

Many of my diary entries are a little long, but this is me purifying my thoughts...real time.  Let me say this too...I talk a lot about my social experiences.  I have too.  No one is giving a true description of what's going on out here.  I think that's what's missing from life, people telling their story.  If someone could learn from my goofups...ego getting me in trouble or from pain, so be it.  But I have to tell my life, as it happens.  I don't put people out there or what not, but if we can learn, that's why we release our thoughts on cyberspace.  LOT of talk on girls, but if God didn't want me to tell somebody bout it, he wouldn't brought it in our life.

That's it.

Great quote from a twitter friend @eleebob:  Its being confident when the odds are against you that counts.

That's good stuff.  Now I feel the odds are with us...and all this stuff we went through is in the rearview mirror.  I'll take a Year of being the Heartbreak Kid if u can give me a lifetime of being...I guess that's yet to be determined.  But I feel it'll be good...very good.

Austino Galaxia.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pooh's Love of Honey.

The Original Pooh
This..what day of the week is it again...anyhow' started abruptly to say the least.  Woke up late yet on time.  Got ourself together in about 10 mins and was out the door.  Why is it, when ur running behind schedule, does the clock start to count 2 minutes at a time instead of the usual one?!  No joke...Then as I was  on the A1A from the beach, I saw flashing lights, as I was bout ready kick up old Mario Andretti style.  (He was my dude back in the day, watching him on ABC racing through Monte Carlo and stuff!  Memories!)  But, as I was hittin' it, I saw those lights.  The beach cop yanked someone else over, and I continued to kick it up and contemplating what was the fastest recorded MPH on the Dolphin Expressway.   Made it to our destination.  Ta-dow!

Talking to this guy early this morning.  He was quoting some old country talk, like that Northern Florida twang that's so refreshing from the hub-bub dialect down south here.  It reminds me of the Midwest.  He was talking about "I had to go to Burger King and order a #3."  I was like, 'What's this dude talking about?  French Toast Sticks or some Croissan'wich meal?'  Then he went on to say, "have u ever tried to poop without the p?"  That caught me off guards.  Then he keep on hitting me with how this one employee thinks, "working 3 weeks and he's a professional", after rejecting his experience to help him out.  Talking about this guys wife how "fine" she is.  The dude's a riot man.  I like to hear those old sayings, and stories.  Hilarious...but always with a purpose and lesson attached.   Nobody beats the Wiz when u can get free entertaining stories.

Pooh.  That's us!! Yeah...a nickname derived from my days in High School.  Big Kieno and the KP crew, what up!  Still laugh, when I think about my Barker Jr. High days, and running up the basketball court and hearing Mrs. Kientiz yell, "C'mon Pooh!!!"  Just good stuff.  From what I remember Winnie The Pooh was a bear who was...he was kinda goofy wasn't he?  I know Tigger was his Robin to Pooh's Batman...either this ambulance siren is getting more stylish (like a construction worker whistle) or they need to give that a quick fix 'em up...I also know the Original Pooh had a thang for Honey.  (and know she wasn't a female bear voiced by Jessica Alba!!)  But the actual stuff.  It's been a while since I've tasted authenticated honey.  Do u know they sell like the real but fake stuff in stores.  Its call like "imitation honey" or something like that.  That got everything nowadays.  I used to Onyx slam some honey...what!!...there was a time some years ago, where every Sunday, I was hitting up KFC to get that 3 piece meal (do they still have that?), original, dark meat, with baked beans and 2 extra biscuits.  And u already know, I'll hurt them with them packets of grape jelly for them biscuits, and ask for some honey for the chicken.  And don't fool urself, I got hipped to eating honey on the biscuits too.  Talking about I'm trying to master baked fried chicken.  Haven't yet, but close.

Getting back to the honey's been said that too much honey is not good for you.(Proverbs 25:27 for u Bible Scholars)  So I think about what is the honey in our life that attracts the Pooh in us?  Good question...I think all of us have things that when consumed or done in moderation, can give us the ultimate thrill, but when chased or overindulged in, we feel distraught and full not in a good way.  This can be anything from cheating with a piece of cake when your trainer warned you about resisting the Funfetti...all the way to spending all your mortgage money at a russian roulette table.  And losing...My Uncle Frank, said something years ago, that I haven't forgotten.  He said, "Everything God made was good, and man messed it up."  So u think about all this stuff, alcohol, sex, drugs, that was created and when done in a proper way and setting can be used for benefits.  Now I'm not saying, this New Year's to hit up a snow party down here in Miami, and be in a bathroom, chopping it up and yelling, "This is for Austino!"  Don't do that...but if u study some drugs, have medicinal benefits to it, when used properly.  Another time for that discussion....but u know what I mean.

Honey can be sweet...I get pimples (when don't I get those nitwits!!) when I eat too much of it.  And one pimple on tha face...I'll spend a week in my bed over it.  I'll be like when the model Linda Evangelista, when she was quoted as saying she, "doesn't wake up for less than $10,000 a day." I would be bed ridden over uno a pimple!  Speaking of which, where is Frederique at right now?...but honey can be addicting as well.  It can be used in a variety of ways...cough, cough...but I think its a unique ingredient that we don't talk about as we once did.  I think it can help soothe a sore throat too, if I'm not mistaken.

My honey can be different things at different times.  I always talk about having fun.  Enjoying life and stuff.  But if I don't be careful, even in saying that, that can be hazardous too.  Going for the gusto, and then not being responsible whether that be going too much off of emotions or going buck wild, hooking up with the wrong folk, have to watch that.  Socially, girls can be a sort of honey.  You can start to worship the honey more than the hive itself!...quick story...isn't amazing how when you try to deflect urself from certain "honeys", that's when they pop right into ur lap.  I remember a few weeks ago, me, I don't know, enjoying the company of tall girls, then all of a sudden "boom!!!".  I felt like I came in contact with every pretty tall girl u can imagine.  It was insane.  I enjoy all people, but its just like when u say u're going on a diet, that's when ur favorite sweet goes on sale at the market.  U start to look at u money situation and the price and ...but we all go through that temptations of sort.  If u haven't, mark my words u will.  

Money, fame, workouts, all this stuff can become honey for us if we don't watch it.  I think a lot about our life.   Prioritizing is an interesting aspect as I wrap this up.  It's a daily battle for us.  Do we go out to eat or do we save some bucks for those kicks?  Is rest essential for today or do I need to push it some?  Should I ask this girl out on a Monday, but then again Mickey D's has that 49 cent special on Wednesdays, so I should wait right?!!  We keep it real...all in good fun.

Know ur honey.  Enjoy ur honey.  Don't overindulge in it though, Austino.  As I think upon our previous diary entries...this actually might be my most interesting battle yet.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Paparazzi...A Future Friend.

Mr. JFK, Jr.
A unique type day.  First off, I still really don't know what day it is.  Was today Saturday?  It sure nuff felt like it.  Busy everywhere, traffic everywhere.  Crazy!  Came back to the beach hood and it was bedlam  !  I'm like, "What?"  It was truly a beach day, but cops patrolling the streets, people out in bathing suits just walking around, it looked like a race or something was going on.  The MetLife Blimp was out.   It really did, as we tweeted earlier, feel like Spring Break.  Cool, but wild...

Miami is a serious hotbed for our friends from Europe.  We talk about South America and the Latin American influence on the city.  But the area is really becoming a place of paradise for Europeans, slowly but surely.  I keep on saying that, but I want to give the real scoop of what's going on.  I love different cultures...Its tough to put into words living in a city which is a real destination for the country.  And living in a neighborhood which is a destination for the world.  Just think about this, cuz I do...people from all over the globe come to this 3.5 mile island to kick it, shop, party, whatever.  Not too many places hold that distinction.  Then u throw in the beach.  This is really becoming the city of the future.  It really is.  Love it or hate it, it's a spot to be.

Shout out to my homegirl Liz.  Awesome to talk and see u homie, we will talk again...very soon.  (Wink!)  Today, was just filled with wild stuff.  I was driving down I-95 South this morning, I look ahead as I was in the middle lane, and it looked like a piece of a tire was in the lane, but as I drove by, it was a freakin' muskrat looking creature, watching us, in the middle of the highway, as I zoomed by!  U can't even make this stuff up!!  So much to write...this woman, man...this chick had on a cami top, but u could see her bra straps underneath.  I put this on a pack of Now and Later's, that I was walking and she was fondling her left boob, by putting her hand inside her bra!?!  Now, I've seen females fix their materials, that's natural.  But to actually be inside of the bra, in a packed retail setting, I'm like...are u kidding me!!  And before that I saw this girl just...I don't know if I should write all this, but our life is wild and these stories are true.  This girl in purple was bending down as I as walking, but in a very provocative way...let me stop.  Let's just say, today was another example of "Touch Me, Tease Me" !!

That's why, and I really believe this, that our life is moving in a swift and fun direction.  I don't say this in a "look at me" type way, but in a "let's all join the journey" type of way, cuz even I myself don't know what to expect .  Our photo above is of one of my favorite style icons, JFK, Jr.  Now, let's get a little more personal....

Growing up, we grew up in the era where the paparazzi, was really coming into prominence.  Chasing celebrities and all this stuff was the thing.  I used to come home from Jr. High School, and turn on shows like:  A Current Affair, Inside Edition of course my favorite Hard Copy.  I don't know why I was drawn so much into the shows.  Perhaps the Lord was using these shows to prepare us, so that whenever the spotlight turned our way, we'll be well prepared, and some what know what and what not to do.  They showed, talking bout  Hard Copy  used to show some stuff.  People dealing dope from the back of cars, folks getting the 'caught up' job in hotel rooms.  People don't believe me, but watching that show was the first time I knew anything about the drug, X.  (Ecstasy)  I remember the first time I saw someone on it, and I knew it, was at this discoteca up north on the dance floor.  A pretty girl just spaced out...sad sight really.

Hold on, since we're talking about the 90s, I'm feeling this song from Total...What about you, what about me...

Back then the main people being talked about were:  Michael Jackson, Madonna, Charlie Sheen (huh.) , Eddie Murphy, O.J. Simpson, those oh, Anna Nicole Smith too...they were a different type of celebrity who actually embraced the fame in some ways, whether they admit it or not.  But one person who stood out 2 me , was Mr. John F. Kennedy, Jr.  I was peeping out everyone's style, but his was so cool.  Like all the attention was part of the game, and it really didn't phased him.  I used to laugh how he used to ride his bike down the busy streets of NYC with a scarf over a suit and NO sunglasses on.  Just smooth.  A lot of girls used to be crazy about him, but in a weird sense like a..."Hey John" type of way, like he was everybody's friend in a sense.  I liked that a lot.  He kind of influenced my thinking when I first came to Miami.  I wanted to just cruise around the city on a chill tip.  Everybody had cars, but no one (back then) really was rocking the Vespas, thank the Lord, and my loving parents for the opportunity to experience that.  25,000 'Grey Ghost' miles later I still have a special place for those days, even though I have a nice ride, now.

So how does all this tie in?  People going to stop reading this cuz I keep repeating myself, but so be it, this is a DIARY, and I refuse to let anything take away from my present thoughts.  A lot of real Paparazzi type stuff has been happening to us.  Been saying our life is picking up in every conceivable way.  On the scooter, man, just being at a stoplight, and being in the right lane, while a car pulls slowly behind u in the left lane like 7-8 behind you, and u just know they're looking at u.  Or having girls tell u that your scooter would be "good to have sex on"...all while ur driving, and while they are chest-to-back with their man on his motorcycle.  Crazy. Or pulling up in our ride (car) and having someone just take a picture of you while ur outside at a light in front of the Bayside Marketplace Mall.  And it's a nighttime at that.  I could and will go on, but not now.

The point is that I've always dreamed that whenever I become very well position in the tongue of this galaxy, that I would be determined to live in a way to make sure others feel how much fun life can be.  This Heat/Magic preseason game getting close, Heat up by 6...make that 4...Even though I can be the biggest smug, I just want to just have fun in life.  All these experiences that I write about from having dineros to social life to everything has taught us so much.  I just feel...ready.  So whoever may read this, just hold out through whatever u're going through.  It will turn in ur favor if u hold on.  I say this hoping but yet knowing that everything is working itself out.  Not going to preach God this or God that, but as I write, it'll show what's been happening.  JFK, Jr....good ol' days.  And to all the Mr.'s and Mrs.' Paparazzi's out there.  I want to introduce myself.  My name is Austin.  You may not know it now,  but very soon... I'm gonna become your future best friend.  Trust me on this.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Only go around once!

"It's a Celebration...."

"U Jiggling Baby!!"...I needed to hear that right now.  Watching Martin and he dropped that classic line from the 90s!  What a day!  This cutie pie flat out told me that "You look tired."  I'm like, ok, this girl don't even know me on that level, yet...but sometimes that's what u get when u're living it up to the edge.  I'm not even gonna lie, today, I didn't really even know what day it was.  And my mind, didn't want to even waste any energy to figure it out.  Just so much stuff going on.  Right now, living each day as it comes, all the stuff that's associated with it.  I really feel like my life is becoming one huge party, figuratively and...literally.  I'm not one who gets blasted/plastered/wasted or slammed with the alcohol or anything, nor am I a snow monster or anything, if u catch my driff, I just like to enjoy life to the fullest.  That can be a simple conversation on any topic or that can be wiling out dancing the nite away.  I'm at the point of my life where I don't care what we do...long as it's fun.

My life right now is moving fastly into lane.  Which if I don't watch it, can be dangerous.  I'm cool, but it's so much in this far left lane on life's highway.  The lust of money in which u think you can do whatever you want because u have a few chicken nuggets in ur pocket.  Also, the mindset of snobbery, because you go here or there.  Then, you have the girls which physically who all look like 'diaz' thing I've learned about that is people are just people...girls are girls...I need not to classify somebody due to looks.  But I will say this, the people and girls I do surround myself with are pretty close to '10s' in my opinion, because of one reason or another.  Their mind, opinion, creativity, it varies and I appreciate whatever they bring to the table.  I'm determined to have the best around me.  Folk who aren't scarred to let their hair down and enjoy life.  Uptightness is so 2009 man...we on the cusp of 20twelve and u don't want to try something different?  I don't want them on my team.  And my team is really looking like championship quality.  Yes...sir!!  Wanna join???!!!

This girl today asked me about kids.  I told her I'm looking for the "right girl".  She asked me what that entailed.  Saying that all girls have something wrong with "us".  Funny stuff.  Kids are serious.  And u have to have them with the right person.  Oldheads used to say check out the blood line of ur prospective mate, like their tendencies or habits.  Do they get mad easily?  How do they speak?  Is family important to them?  Its a 'old skool' way of thinking, but I do think that it still matters today.  That child is going to have a combination of 2 people in them.  I can't really talk about kids, cuz I don't have any.  I've been one though, and I know I walk around thinking that's what Pops does, or how Moms would think.  And I also do things and wonder why did I do that?  That may be something from generations beyond.  U never know.

Switch topics.  DVR'd the Lakers/Clippers game from last night.  Cool stuff.  Its gonna be a wild season this year.  Heat down here...and LaL on the west coast.  Gonna be some late nights.  I remember staying up late to watch my baseball Giants in San Francisco, and man them games be ending at like 1:30am or 2am, and I be like, I gotta go to work in like 5 hours.  But...U only go around once!...enjoy everything, because it won't happen all the time.  That's why I like blogs, diaries, autobiographies...stories are being told from a perspective that's one-of-a-kind.  Even if its just three sentences about ur day.  What u ate that day.  Anything to capture the moment.  I got some cool pics, and am going to start capturing them in these pages...I'm sorry, blog (sorry, I'm used to writing in a book).  Real people, real stories.

Watched Fit to Hit  on the Tennis Channel, and this trainer had a great definition of swagger:

-Swagger:  being prepared, and knowing it.

That's some good stuff.  Very true.  That's probably why I feel like let's just enjoy life.  We've been forced to go through so much drama and stuff, and we are very confident that we are prepped for whatever comes our way.  I'm determined to crank this thing up...heck, the funny thing is I haven't had..."blue and yellow..the type of ---- that make 'em call u Carmelo!!"  Listening to 'Swagga Like Us' in background...but haven't had to crank it up, God's doing it for us!  I have no idea what is about to happen next or who's about to be signed next to our squad.  Like I said, nothing but the best.  Our lifestyle is super special and one of the coolest around.  No time now to waste...remember, we only go around once!!

Oh and here's that Jigga video of what my life's turning huge party.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Playlist...The Neptunes Pt. 2

Chad and Pharrell

Yessirrr!!! No more playing games.  The time is now, so let's get to it.  Part two of our special edition of The Playlist, which once again showcases one of our favorite producing duos, The Neptunes.  Today's edition are nothing but the hits.  These songs were released publicly and in my opinion changed the course of music.  Definitely these were the cuts my generation hung out to, partied to, dated to, and made unforgettable memories to.  So without further delay...Part II of The Playlist...The Neptunes:

(Enjoy memory on a few of these songs and put the videos up full screen!!  It'll enhance the experience, trust me!!)

- N.O.R.E. - "Nothin'"
- ODB - "Got Your Money"
- Common ft. Mary J. Blige - "Come Close" (Folks still cry off of this video! True love will do that!)
- N'Sync ft. Nelly - "Girlfriend" (Remix)
- Babyface - "There She Goes"
- Mystikal - "Shake It Fast" ("Don't be skurred!!")
- Kelis - "Milkshake"
- No Doubt - "Hella Good"
- Britney Spears - "Boys"
- Diddy - "D.I.D.D.Y"
- LL Cool J - "Luv U Better" (Listen to the words...'02 is in tha house!!)
- Ray J. - "Formal Invite"
- Busta Rhymes - "Pass The Courvoisier Pt. 2"
- Omarion - "Touch" (In my opinion, an all-time classic and favorite ringtone!!)
- Nelly - "Hot In Here" (#1 banger...but how many seen this video version of this song!)
- Sleepy Brown ft. Big Boi and Pharrell - "Margarita"
- Snoop Dogg - "Beautiful"'s a bonus one too..."Drop It Like It's Hot" (Turn this one up!!!)
- Ludacris - "MoneyMaker" (New Luda wit tha fade!)
- Robin Thicke - "Wanna Love U Girl (Give It To Me)" (Started the Miami chapter of my life!)
- Mariah Carey ft. Snoop Dogg - "Say Somthin'" (The title says it all.  2006 brought guys/girls looking clean!)
- N*E*R*D ft. Common, Mos Def, Q-Tip and De La Soul - "She Wants To Move" (Remix) Year 2004.
- Clipse - "I'm Good" (How I feel about life right now...absoulte pure greatness!)

Whew!!!  So many memories through the years.  So much great music.  It just ain't the same nowadays.  I just wanted to share of who we are.  And all these songs hold a place in our heart.  Perhaps, if they don't, they will now hold a place in yours.  Rock On!! 

Thanks, Chad and Skateboard P.
Rock on!

Sizzling Hot.

'Bron Bron-D. Wade- C Bosh
Whew!  Finally back at the crib.  Been a wild day from freakin' 1am in the morning all the way to 10:48pm, right now.

Today was the first game at the ever-becoming World Famous American Airlines Arena since the tragedy of last year's Finals lost to the Mavs.  (They beat both my squads last year- the Lakers )  Just walking by the locker room, literally, with all the celebrating, media and cameras and the joyous sounds of winning the championship....ok, I gotta keep this real time. I was gonna write about my night working at the arena, the game, the atmosphere which was playoff like for a preseason game, the dolls, all this and that, but there will be plenty of game day stories this year.

My heart is still thinking about our last diary and a convo with my friend, L-Boogey, just confirmed that this love this is becoming an epidemic conversation piece nowadays.  He's engaged, so it's great to hear his thoughts from his point of view.  Some of which coincides with our thoughts.  He gave a great quote on how Personality is how you want people to see you, while Character is who you are when nobody's around. Really and truly good stuff.

Also, discussed true love and how its ever fading nowadays.  He commented on something that we've been writing about how this ideal mate (this goes for the youngin's in high school and jr. high as well), thinking has been brainwashed to a point that if some person doesn't fit a certain qualification then you won't even give a person a chance for one date.  Ahhh...that person likes the Jets...Her boobs are too small...he's cool but he wears a uniform on his job...that girl rocks Forever 21, when I like my girls to rock 7 jeans...all these things, and I'm gonna get loose on this, cuz I know it's true.  I been a victim of it myself.  Its only now, after years of my A la carte build-a-babe thinking, that I'm more open than ever cuz I know.  I need to say this about the Heat game tonight.  Have to...there were a crazy amount of girls/women at the game where I was at.  Tough to put into words.  Very attractive...tall, 4 inch heels, short, Haitian, Twins, Indian, thick, petite, geeky glasses,  EVERYTHING, and that's no understatement.  Wild for a preseason game.   But u know what got me...99% of these physically good looking girls had NO man with them.  No joke.  These girls were really either by themselves or with another girl.  Isn't something wrong with that, that all these girls who could be classified as "dimes" physically, NONE of them really had a man on her arm.  And u wonder why I'm writing about this.

My guy tonight was also questioning about taking the "status" of a person over the true character of a person. And have we as an society focused so much on what a person has instead of what a person is on the inside.  Now we all say, I'm not like that, but if we be real with ourself then all of us would be guilty at one time or another. I didn't approach this one girl years ago, because her feet were dirty.  U know, when u wear sandals, I was looking at the bottom of her feet.  Now, this was a very sexy, plus size Indian doll, and she liked us some...she was a manager of a retail store down here in Miami and she might have been a good catch.  But, her dusty rhodes boats made me not approach her in that manner, cuz of my stereotypes.  Perhaps she likes to walk barefoot, or before coming to class she hangs out at the beach.  Doesn't mean she's a dirty girl.  It's two minutes after Midnight now, and I gotta tell what's on our heart.  Who knows, I may not make it to see the other side of the morning, so...I gotta write.  This is bigger than our blog, lives are being affected, effected, by our thoughts on love and relationships.

Also had a great discussion on God when it comes to Love.  And a very enticing talk on is there a such a thing as a "soul mate"?  I think there is.  Matter of fact, I really believe that I'm interacting with someone who could be classified as a soul mate, but she has a man.  So the ? is posed, is a soul mate someone you actually supposed to be with?  One thing through all these years I can honestly say is that we've gone through all the steps.  The steps get more interesting as u climb the mountain.   U really start to run into people who u are like, man, she likes that too.  U like hoops?!! U know who Jon B. is?!!  Pancakes are your favorite too...all these similarities in interests, but let me boldly say that just because u may have a Cripps gang of stuff in common doesn't necessarily mean that he/she's "the one".   I can say that with pure truth.  Its all personal as well.  Some people like someone who's just like them.  While others like someone who is the total opposite of who they are.  Am I lying? That choice I have no opinion on.  What do I prefer?  This is about to get personal but what the heck, this is a diary right!!!

Ok, for fun, I wrote down, earlier this summer, what I would like to have in a perfect mate.  Ladies get your pen and paper out, one day, u're gonna thank me for releasing this list.  Here's what it entailed  (huge blow!!):

- Love of God
- Enjoys Music
- Working out is part of lifestyle
- Great Fashion sense
- Likes to act goofy and laff
- Super sense of humor
- Has to like going to the beach
- Likes the cities of London and/or Los Angeles (may be future homes, so u have to)
- Sports lover (Basketball in particular)

So what does all this have to do with tonite.  Glad u ask?  As crazy as this list is, on the 5 train, I actually came across several people in which filled these tidbits.  So what did this let me let me know that it's actually possible.  Now, as of December 19th, 12:21am, I'm not with any of them.  So what I'm trying to say, from absolute experience is that a) just because, once again, u have everything checked off ur list, don't mean u gonna be playing a lifelong game of naked twister with this person and b) I've learned that true friendships or relationships are not defined by pre-determined criteria.

That's why the courting process is so crucial, because it allows u to ask questions and just learn about people.  I L-O-V-E talking to different people and gaining so much insight on what life's about.  Not just strickly on love, but life in general...I read in a book 2nite how "There are no shortcuts to greatness."  I think that...I know that can be applied to relationships as well.  Where I get in trouble is trying to skip the steps.  This girl's favorite color is purple (as is mine), she rocks Burberry with Louis bags, and she thinks Barry Bonds is the best baseball player of all time, thus I know she's who I'm gonna marry!!  Naw man, get to know this beauty, what makes her smile, what makes her upset, is she a morning person?  Does she shower in the morning or at night?  What do u think about this #Occupy movement?  Once u get to know her then make an assumption to whether she'll be in our Galaxia or not.  But we (guys and girls) have to be open to initial contact... verbally of course.  Open.

I'm done.   Like I said, I didn't want to write on this, but...God has put so much crazy experiences in our life, and I don't profess to know it all, but by golly if I didn't learn something from years, and all these cameo appearances, shame on me.  My diary is real, nothing to hide, this is who I am, who've I'm become, and am becoming.  I know this is special to have these thoughts plastered through cyberspace for the world to see.  But...our journey is unique.  And mark my words one day, and I have a feeling its coming sooner than I think...things are really jumping off right now.  I simply want to share our emotions and stories through it all.  Why wait!  Now is the time...Now the story of legend is being developed.  Where it ends up...that's the fun part.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


MTV Singled Out...Luv this show!
What a nite tonite.  Did not go as planned.  This afternoon chilled out for a little bit, watched some preseason hoops on NBA TV.  The Knicks were playing the Nets.  After laying down, and catching the game, we got our walk on up to the Gannesvort to get our workout on.  Felt good.  Good sweat.  Thank the Lord for keeping our body in check, cuz due to our tough schedule this week, our body has been preserved.  After the workout, called and talked to my bro.  Talked bout a lot of things from sports, Chicago Bears, music like Usher (his Confessions CD) , Jon B. (Pleasures U Like CD) to relationships and love.  Great talk, all the while I was walking through the beach area, and posted up on the block near 7th and Lenox Ave..  Just all this talking about life and stuff.  Some great quotes arose:

-" Since u got an A plus, u decide to stop studying!" ...talking about people who get great catches yet don't treat them right or take them out.  Crying shame.
- "I may not look, but I see."
- Lots of guys crying nowadays...sensitivity is the new thing, and it's nothing wrong with that.
- Our old days of playing hoop in high school and stuff

Let me diverse, we got to talking about how being single in becoming the new thing.  He's in a relationship, but...we're the moment.  Talking about KB24's (my dude) possible divorce of sorts.  I just mentioned 2004 my Grandpa had a strong sense of opinion on that old trial.  He used to come over to our house, and sit in the small stool like green chair, and tells me seemingly every Saturday:  "I'll tell u one thing, they may get back together, and this or that...but I do know one thing...'it'll never be the same.'"  Grandpa would talk about being together, and even when u're making love how, it's just gonna be different.  I love to hear from vets, and those who know. from folks who actually know.

Part of my diary is to talk about our life from a different yet familiar perspective.  Since I'm a single guy, I in many ways have a different outlook at this stage of our life.  Then u throw in all the cameos in and out of our life, and u got craziness.  "I am who I am because of what women have done to me."   I once heard this quote years ago from some fam.  Now, divorce (and I'm gonna talk about) is running mad prevalent in our society.  Not just divorce, but people breaking up.  It's like our generation is giving marriages or relationships a try, just because.  I'm bout to get loose...u look at TV shows like Springer or Povich or even court shows and some of the drama that is being presented, can make u turn  an evil eye to this whole thing of love.  It won't for me, cuz I KNOW true love exists.  But do I really want to be caught up in court cases, possible baby mama drama and all this, just due to the fact cuz a girl looked hot one night at a party or something...this is hilerous.  As I'm writing this Ne-Yo's "Single" song just popped up on Pandora.  Ha!!!! Oh Man,  tell me this blog ain't super special.

But just have to be aware of some of what u get into.  I've been saying and writing how many cool girls I am running into.  All races, builds, interests, and ages.  Girls have always said it's tough to find a good man.  But it ain't so easy for a fellow to find a nice, cool homegirl.  It might even be harder.  Huh.  One thing I notice down here in Miami, is the attitudes and interactions between the genders.  It can LL Cool J's "Hey Lover" on Pandora, and I was just thinking about quoting a line from one of his songs:  "A man doesn't chose a woman, a woman chooses a man." What a night....but as I was saying, it can be from guys/girls chatting it up to not even looking at each other as they past by walking.  Know I'm right.  The M-I-A was supposedly just chosen as America's "Vainest City".  Which could be true.  In this South Beach area, you get the feeling of overconfidence or...ok, when u got so many people who are from different areas, and think themselves to be '10's', then when they come down here, they really aren't '10s' anymore, more like seven's yet still have a 10 attitude.  Does that make sense?  Those who live in the hood, can relate.  I laugh a little to myself, cuz if u look goo...

Look good, and have this and that, just be yourself.  I love dolls who have the looks, but are mad cool and aren't to make a fool of themself or get dirty.  A lot of guys of my nature will agree.  When a guy has been surrounded by so much physical beauty, you tend to look for other aspects of people that make them attractive.  Same with girls.  And you cannot treat those people the same.'s story time once again.  I tell to give lessons:

I was at this one place and noticed this very attractive woman.  She had her a very nice tan (I'm a beach bum, what can u say...and love all races), dirty brown streaky hair, and let's be honest her body was well taken care of.  Like it was seriously taken care off, like word was she measured out what she put in her body all this and that.  Who does she remind me of...she had a presence like an athletically built Raquel Welch.  So day by day, my interaction was increasing with her.  We would briefly talk.  Then she would share some of her snacks like cookies and cake...anyone who knows me...sorry had to get my dinner together have three course meal cooking now...knows that sweets are like a no-no for me.  But this woman would bring me stuff and be like, "C'mon Austin...."  One time she just gave me her chocolate chip cookie outta nowhere like, "take this".  I was trying to tell her we weren't interested but she wasn't hearing any of that.  She was like that.  But I would later find out this doll has mad beauty and brains.

One evening, fate brought us together for a night I won't forget.  I asked a quick question about something and then "Bam!"  We are in a 45 minute conversation about EVERYTHING!  From beauty products to her old job to her kids and raising them to her travelling from like, Naples every weekend just to party here in Miami.  What made this convo so unique was that everything was game for talking about:  old jobs, girls, money, exercising...very cool.  So I had a chance to pick her brain a little, but for the most part she did 90% of the talking.  I remember how she used to talk about how her man used to treat her.  The money they had and the things they did with it.  He treated her like a true Romeo.  I thought I was romantic, but this cat.  She appreciated that.  So after our talk, we kinda looked like what just happened here.  But what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, people have certain experiences and you can't treat them with the same Mickey Mouse games you would do in High School or Junior High.  I still see some of these games that won't cut it to those who've seen and been around the block.  That new movie, "Young Adult", hits on that very topic.  Also real quick:

Just because a guy or girl looks a certain way, namely attractive, doesn't mean that person is at lost for what's going on in life or is a ditz or whatever.  They may just be low-key about their persona...and may surprise u!!

Going back to this single many are going that route, that it's becoming trendy to be single.  All of my guys r in relationships, as this is being written...A-L-L.  And that's super cool, cuz they have some cool mates who are right for them as I can tell.  But I look at all these people in which are heartthrobs of some sort, yet by one way or another they aren't married.  D Jeter is one.  J Timberlake. T Woods..the list grows but its interesting.   From a women't perspective as well.  They say that this generation percentage wise is not in a rush to be married compared to our parents or grandparents.  Is is that we are scared of being open and committed to one person?  Have we stopped believing in true love?  As the quality pool been diluted?  Perhaps yes to all three.

I'm just gonna say what I think.  I believe that being single is ok.  It took me some time to learn that.  People who are in marriage, tell me stories, that I couldn't handle.  If I don't return a text immediately couldn't it mean that I'm away from my phone or even in the bathroom??  But I think and know that we have to be more open to opportunities.  Whatever happen to courting and true dating?  Instead of this, "he has got to be the one" attitude we take in choosing who we'll even have tea with.  I remember somebody saying that they went to EVERY party or invitation they receive b/c you just never know what that night of contacting others may lead to.  You may meet someone who knows someone who knows someone...the love stories I hear are crazy! I luv them, cuz when u least expect it...

One more thing, we all have to be open to different people.  Your future mate may be 10 years younger than you.  You may refuse to date latino guys, but if it hasn't worked with White/Black/Mixed races, and a guy who's right has the goods, treats people right, but is Latino, give him a try.  How are you of African American race and refuse to date African Americans?  I'm sorry, but something ain't right there.  I know we all have our types and lustful desires, but u , saying this laughing, u never know!!  Don't let one person mess it up for the next.  Take the lessons, cry a tear or two, take a small sabbatical from the game and then Jay-Z to the next one.  Single is in right now...perhaps I'm part of this trend.  Or perhaps God is using us as the face of it.

Either way...I gonna live, hang and recruit the most fun, cool, and beautiful people around.  Life is to lived, and sooner or later u'll realize that there more to life than "me, myself and I".


Friday, December 16, 2011

A Chef's Ego.

Chef Gordon Ramsay

Ok now...I'm watching an episode of, as I recently stated, my favorite show on TV, Kitchen Nightmares with the renowned Chef Gordon Ramsay.  Its a real trip to watch how some of these restaurants are run.  I always enjoy a night or day out on the town.  Finding the newest or most slept on eatery.  Down here in the Miami area it's bonkers how many choices you have to eat.  On my phone, I just have a list of places from here up to Fort Lauderdale, I think even Boca Raton too.  Its serious.  But a chef's ego, is none like any one in the business.  Always thinking their food is right.  It's just like an artist, kinda sensitive to criticism.  A living, breathing (hopefully not on the plate!), form of art.  I remember some meals, ew wee!!  Being stuck in Jacksonville, Florida and tasting the best Chicken Sandwich (the place was named Zaxby's) and the best wrap I've tasted literally all in the span of minutes.  Amazing!  The Chancery up in Wisconsin, had a special one day that my guy C Hagg and myself will never forget.  A Root Beer BBQ Chicken Plate.  The place was like a Yacht Club, but boy the food was down home.  Plus, they had the nerve to serve these cornbread muffins, that almost made me go to the back and shake the cook's hand!!  Them muffins weren't no Jiffy!

I think I have sorta of a Chef's Ego.  Not all that flamboyant, but I can some what of a perfectionist.  Have some goofy habits and pet peeves that occasionally pop up.  Earlier today discussing how in my place I just have to...HAVE TO...have blue water in my toilet bowl.  Clear water in the "never" (in my valley girl voice).  I live small, but I like things modern and HGTV like.  I'm not a huge fan of browns and blacks and that older vintage look.  Greys, White, and colors are throughout my place..and forever will be.  Finding a beautiful doll who enjoys that as well.  Traditional colors are so popular...even with like rappers.  MTV Cribs used to be my lick back in the day.  And I was not surprised, but flabbergasted at how some of the celebrities' taste in the home.  I know other designers and stuff furnished the place, but not me I gotta have my  hand in every small detail.  From the position of the remote controls to the color of my garbage can.  It's serious, and I draw out every detail.  Forgive me, but its fun! I know I'm not the only one who does this stuff.

The things I see...I saw a guy, down here in South Beach driving with a coffee table on top of his Mercedes.  But what got me was that, while he was driving he had his left hand, hanging out the window and  holding the table which just had a small cloth in between the roof of the ride.  Crazy!...Please drive carefully, I'm seeing so many accidents, 1 per day each morning, just leaving the beach, please drive cautiously.

Day at the Post Office in our beach hood...they had a guy blocking the door once 5pm hit.  And from our angle, I could be wrong, but initially it looked like barb wire holding the gates.  Wow...does this turn into a jail after hours?  The woman who helped take my card requesting my priority letter that was on hold, snatched my stuff (not that stuff), but my card and told me to go stand over there.  I hadn't had a woman talked to me since I was like in 3rd grade, and my teacher used to smitten students with her ruler.  This is a side note, but today, it hit me that I like it when beautiful women get mad, it just Pat Riles me up!  Ok, back 2 the Post Office...this joint had all different types of characters inside.  Police officers, with guns on tote...this woman who had dark sunglasses on like she's hiding her status.  U know the kind...guy getting amped in his international way, like, "Can I just get my package?".  This one girl came in looking like a homegirl version of Mariah Carey with baseball cap turned backwards and a top that reminded me of MiMi's Rainbow album cover.  Mid driff exposure included for free.  One of the post office workers was talking to a customer, simply by using his hands, and I put this on Sasha Fierce, that I saw him give the "to the left, to the left" point! Not joking.

That's it...I think.  Oh...some great surprises coming up technologically for our blog, so stay tuned for that...Part II of our Playlist featuring the work of The Neptunes (Chad Hugo and Pharrell Williams) set to be released.  Good stuff.  Still gonna tell lots of stories on our life.  Lessons have been learned, so we must share.     And don't think we don't have anymore to tell....what?!!  Still haven't even talked about hoops, band days, and some more school classics.  And still stories remain from our summers working at the beach up north, and different modeling agencies, and ...some real good, overall goofy fun tales about our life and what we see on a daily basis.  Names for the most part anonymous.  Our life is different, fun, and of lure.  So why not laugh about it.  Once again...why not!?!

No matter what giggle once just for fun 2nite.  No matter what.