Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Special Delivery.

Please let this be good....Write like it's just you and me....

(Huge Blow)

This diary, oh if I could have u for one night,
To say all that's been going on in our mind.
Like the old times when we used to just jot free,
When we wrote while ignoring every literacy stop sign.

Gonna take this thang back, like we use to,
Back when we started in like 2001.
How it wasn't about anything complicated,
Just goofy thoughts from a guy who's all about fun.

Unedited, unfiltered,
Realizing, that this is how any diary should be.
Not concerned about any future fame,
Like Deco Drive or Extra, or Giuliana speaking to us on E!

Take a deep breath, and just relax,
Let tha fingers do all tha talking.
If u thought we've been wild before u might wanna stop,
And grab a chair, and postpone that nightly Dog on a leash walking.

Now let's get to it, time is so precious,
No more time for any of tha faking.
I feel it in tha air y'all, just warning ya!
Enough of tha sizzle, it's time now 2 start baking!

Am I a snob?  I mean for real,
When u read this, do u think I'm such an egotistical dweeb?
That even surprised that I could put that phrase together,
As u read our life is it a bio-pic of Harry Potter if he ever smoked weed?!

Sometimes I wonder, are we too personal,
Wondering if one day it will come back to bite me in tha toosh.
What are my Mom and Dad thinking, or some of my friends,
Is it too freaky 2 say I dream about kissing my way up tha legs to tha rosey bush?

This is a diary, none like it anywhere,
Remember u say things u think, but may not ever say.
It's just that we just want to be honest, simply for tha future story of fame,
Wanting to create a moment when u can simply think, "I recall back in tha day."

See, I'm gonna let u in on a little secret, Yep,
To why we are writing in a way which we do.
Gonna sound really conceited to say this, but hey,
Down in tha M.I.A., if u don't like something, u just get a lawyer and simply sue.

I've known a few simple Sue's in my lifetime,
Better not get into what u might see on a South Beach walk.
Thinking u just met tha love of ur life outside of Versace's Mansion,
Only to find out that under her dress, he's hiding a long piece of corn stalk.

Gotta be careful, and I guess that's what this is for,
All the embarrasing moments, from a crazy dude's soul.
U gonna get misspelled words, like in tha sentence above,
True authenticity is our reach, or 2 put simply, it's our goal.

Time to dig a little deeper into what's in our mind,
Cuz I know somebody, somewhere is like this dude's really crazy.
Maybe so, I thought it was always just so normal,
Thinking about cartoon vixens like Minnie, Marge and that curvy duck named Daisy.

If Donald wasn't his A game, ain't even gonna lie,
I'll have to step up, and put that whisper in tha ear of Daisy D.
Me and Donald can take it outside, I don't even care no mo',
He can bring his nephews Huey, and Dewey...Matter of fact bring all three!!

But Love and Fun, that's what we're all about,
This diary is tha closest to tha trials of a future star.
Not joking about this, but we've signed our name with stars for years,
Common's "Come Close" made me want to draw near our dreams from so far.

It's not even about us, right now though,
Gotta say something that will be very much on tha secret tip.
We want to create a masterpiece, ever so special,
One where u can get ur laff on, before u go clubbing and parking lot pimp.

Our prayer literally has been simply this,
That every time u read from our heart there's a different insight.
We want every post arguably to be the greatest one yet,
Want it to be in debate like who would win between an Ali vs. Tyson fight.

Enough of that though, let these words do tha talking,
What's on our brain on this evening of Tuesday lore.
Tha thing that keeps ringing as we write this is to keep knocking,
Sooner or later, somebody has to open up tha door.

What we've been going through is this thought,
Why does IT ALL have to be so darn hard?
U should see me just walking in my place, barely containing myself,
Knowing I'm Major League, but feel stuck playing in a Minor League yard,

When can things finally just come all together,
Like how we used to read in those Shel Silverstein books.
Or how about travel dreams when we used to play Carmen Sandiego,
Odalys Garcia is my dream girl, but Carmen made me wish, I was one of her crooks!

Sorry, got a little sidetracked right there,
It's ok, just those two lovely ladies just tingle my heart just a tad.
Where were we, Oh yeah, on it coming together like glue,
U want a lifestyle of substance, and not just some silly fad.

Tha thang that got to us recently is I guess, Our ego,
Folks have no idea how much we want to be and think we are tha best.
It's so easy to get frustrated, and to start cussing like a wasted Popeye,
I've used the F-word so many times, that F has been circled on my daily test.

Just that the desire, and patience has been at a cross point,
As u might have been reading throughout this diary of mine.
Want to do so much, Want to do so many people...
Go ahead and laugh, its cool, in this Galaxy a chuckle is A-Ok fine!

When u close, that's like even tha hardest point to be,
Cuz then u see how u want things to somehow go.
If I was a junkie, it's like being in tha dining room, smiling,
Knowing that in front of u is evidence that in Miami it really does snow.

And ur looking at this mountain, Please stick with me here,
Realizing how much it costs you to have all of this.
What a person wouldn't give to be in ur shoes,
They would kill, or even beat up people with hard balled up fists.

So you stare, yet something is holding you back for a moment,
Then all of a sudden the wind blew everythang ka-put.
Your rug now looks like Powder Carpet Cleaner,
With u yelling at everybody, "Don't no one move, not even a foot."

Now as a kid, I know I have no shame to admit this,
I used to eat that Carpet Cleaner that my folks used to buy.
Add that to Elmer's Glue, and giant Pixy Stix,
And u no longer have to ask how I became loco...U now see why!!

But as ur on tha leather sofa couch, u just think,
Of all the fun that u might have had, in a few minutes time.
That was gonna take u to tha next level,
And a better party in Miami, I'll doubt u would ever fine.

U then flip over tha table, and give looks that are mean,
Hoping that wasn't gonna be your best ever score.
All the ruckus that's caused by ur anger, blocks out that one thing,
Those loud and cautious three knocks at the door.

The anger then stops, and u give a tape-delayed pause,
Wondering if this is a set-up, with trigger happy cops.
Everybody is watching to see what ur next move is,
Over to ur right, a falling Coke can is paused like it'll never finish its drip drop.

You no longer Tip-Toe on ur rug, but now run,
Pulling you gun from out behind ur booty.
Funny how life is, ur now pulling out a piece from ur behind,
When 8 hours before u were pulling out of a girl name Ta-Ta Tootie.

Sweat begins to drip, and u wonder if this is tha end,
All great Bad Boys end up with tha Moment of Truth.
Scarface, Capone, those just to name a few,
Everybody can't be Clark Kent, and be close to a nearby phone booth.

A deep breath is now being taken,
With a strong, "Who Is It?", blitzing through tha thick door.
The response is short, and straight to tha point,
'It's Da-Da, ur homeboy.", and ur heart gets off from tha floor.

The entrance is now opened, and Da-Da walks in,
But not before u check if he's wearing a wire.
Can't take no chances, No, not now,
Been to jail before, and u don't wanna ever again walk through that fire.

He comes in, and gives u a fist pound as a brothahood,
Then puts his hand inside his Dolphins throwback jacket.
Out of habit, u flinch, and reach for u piece just in case,
Da-Da says, 'Chill, Homie.  No need for all tha uncalled for racket.'

A package is pulled out, and is now in his hand,
You smile cuz u already know what's inside.
Few moments ago, tha wind blew off at least $2 million,
Now u have enough 2 hit tha Islands and hide.

"Come in, Come in", u invite Da-Da to that same couch,
U tell ur Jump-off to be nice and get tha man a drink.
For u know it's about to be on, like Washington D.C. in tha 80s,
So excited about what's about to happen u can't even think.

Tha Jump-off brings a Corona, along with a glass full of Rum,
Two are needed since tonight calls for a special kind of toast.
Tha kind that only true gangstas can ever make,
Not tha kind that leave their lights in in tha condo, when they're on tha other coast.

Da-Da holds up his Corona, and begins to think,
'This is what I jumped the wire for when I left Tijuana.
Just knew that one day, I was gonna be living it up with my homeboy,
That's why when I left my mama, I was real, "Madre, Me No more,,,Manana."'

Now they are in Miami, with tha World right in front of them,
Right there in a package that's wrapped in a paper of funnies.
You toast to the best night of either of your lives,
This even supersedes that night u had with those 3 bisexual Playboy bunnies.

U rub you hands together, and begin to open up tha paper,
Inside of it is a box, but not of tha usual kind of show.
The box is covered with pictures of the women of Sex and The City.
Da-Da says, 'My girl Samantha is so fine...I mean, She can have all my dough.'

Shakes of tha head follow that fantasy,
Then u add, "Are you ready to become a wealthy Snowman?"
Da-da, claps his hands in anticipation, He then replies,
'I've always dream of Aspen...I luv girls who use spray tan.'

Tha knife u've been waiting to pull out, is now in sight,
And this night of horrors is now gonna be a night of ecstasy.
U don't even close the shutters or the blinds, straight Ego in play,
"If them cops come a knocking, I'm just shootin'...We 3-oh-5 boys never flea!"

The box is now sliced open, and a few specks spill out,
A touch of the finger and a taste let's u know it's real.
Da-Da knocks over his glass, still full of a little Rum,
He's gonna have to pay for that spill, he already knows tha deal.

Da-Da tastes, and he knows it's tha best feeling in tha world,
But then he sees that it's a note attached.
You grab it in one hand, while rolling up ur hundred-dollar bill in tha other,
Now ur mind begins to wonder, if something this good, has some kind of catch.

U pick up tha note and hold it up,
And see that it's only sentence on this thin sheet of Mead.
A smile crosses your face, cuz u know that it's been all worth it,
All those nights where u didn't know where u life would lead.

Da-Da is so curious, 'What is it? Tell me, What is it?'
"It's fine, go ahead take a look, and tell me what u think."
Da-Da smiles, and grabs his half-sipped Corona,
Knowing that he's on a boat ride to success that will never sink.

They both grab and scoop some Snow onto two silver plates,
Then make a move to tha bedroom, now for some private fun.
Giggles and laughs now follow, without a care in tha world,
As weird as it sounds, this story is still far from done.

Tha Lady Jump-Off sees how much fun they're having,
Yet can't help but look at tha note they left behind, now on tha floor.
How could they be laughing so hard,
When earlier her guy wanted to throw her almost to tha door.

She read it, and smirked though, just as they did,
For tha note was simple, and now she sees all tha fuss.
No more walking the streets of danger, morning, Noon and night,
Done away are those delayed times waiting for tha bus.

The note read as follows...
"Tell me...It Wasn't Worth Tha Wait."
Sounds simple doesn't it, now it does,
She nods her head in agreement to her man's now fun fate.

Tha Jump-Off walked away, but forgot one detail,
Who tha note was signed from, was very key.
See this whole episode of fun was from him,
And this is tha point she failed, as myself to see.

Right when things seem to be at their worst,
Is when things can turn...even for gangstas and angels alike.
U think that ur plane is permanently grounded,
When it's actually just revving up to take that never ending flight.

That note was signed by "G.T",
And if u didn't know, he's been wanted all across tha globe.
Folks have hoped to find him, have searched for a glance,
While young thug's put his initials waxed gold in their earlobe.

See he's been known to not show up when u want him to,
But seemingly he seems to be always on time.
He never forgets who his best customers are,
Always delivering with tha best of tha best, no fake kind of slime.

His note says it all, "Tell Me...It Wasn't Worth Tha Wait",
Guys want to be like him, and Girls want to be his ultimate fling...

Luv and Fun is my Ultimate Drug of choice,
And I'm happy to admit my Pusher is...Now u know is...

"Mr. Good Thangs".


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