Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Miss C.

I sit here in from of this computer,
Unlike any time words have been jotted down.
Tonight may be one just for me, like old times,
One written with our heart...sans any frown.

But I have one girl in mind,
For real, one that's tha inspiration for today.
One in whom I saw, but shared limited words,
As she passed along my way.

This is gonna be tha one, which decides,
Am I gonna leave Galaxia alone or follow for life.
Cuz at one time I thought that this girl was everythang I hoped,
Style with killa charisma, to put short...a future wife.

Tonight isn't about sex, nor me getting at her,
That time if meant to be will come.
No, this is about a girl that I've admired from afar,
Whose smile disappeared today, and I was tha one who felt bummed.

Here we go, I'm writing however we're being led,
Another day in which we just do what we do.
A post which is just for me on tonight,
Girl, I'm closing my eyes and just thinking

(Here we go...Nothing but our best.  Huge blow....)

 It takes a lot to impress a guy like me,
Truly all our experiences can make us, I guess a Love Snob.
So many times, so many parties of late nights,
Not even gonna go into the times seeing a sock on the door knob.

Yet, every once in awhile, somebody comes along,
U know tha type, that makes u doubt u seen it all.
She has such a vibrant spirit, with a smart personality,
One which u know she doesn't care if u hoop or ball.

This is about to get real personal tonight,
It's on our heart so we have to tell it as if we were on late night with Jay.
As much as I've tried to ignore this fact,
She has been on our mind, for some reason...all day.

First met this girl, I don't know the exact date,
But I do figure it was late on last year.
Didn't know to much about her, just saw her around,
For all I know she might have thought I was queer.

I recall our first semi-conversation of sorts,
Cuz she mentioned something about a baby needing a spanking.
To be honest, I thought that was mad cool of her to say,
Nowadays nobody raises kids tough, just focus on tha act of child star making.

So immediately I was like, who is this girl?
Of course, I just simple asked, "What is you name?"
She said her name was such and such, which was cool,
Just that her name was so sexy, and exuberates future fame.

Over time I would see her here or there,
Like, I don't know how, but she could be a real cool friend.
Sometimes I feel like girls look at us in a "Look but don't touch" sense,
She seemed like she was cool with whatever, flexible, and a attitude that can bend.

As this year moved on, I could notice,
That I would hang out with her quite often, in a group hang.
She knew some people that I knew, which was cool,
I wasn't into getting at her in a one-on-one thang.

Funny thing is...and I'm getting way too personal,'
Buy myself had a short but real thing for one of her best buds.
An invitation that I know she knew about may have messed things up,
At that time, u just gotta move, no matter if it snowballs or floods.

Whenever I would see her after that, things just changed,
It wasn't a "Hi" or a mentioning of our name as in that past.
I started to wonder if she had a thang for me,
And I picked the wrong girl, first, and put her last.

Tha thing was though, it wasn't like that, that's not me,
We're just a person who wants to make anybody's day special and surreal.
Looking back, I wondered if I went all about it wrong,
But when ur going through the steps of life...this is just part of tha deal.

When it was just us two in a room, we stunk,
Yet when another person joined our convo it could be magic.
A friendship or possible relationship can't always be a threesome,
Its good every now and then, but everyday...That would be tragic.

So for tha last few months, I've seen some signs here or there,
Like...This girl I could really dig, if I ever got tha chance.
Just if I could treat her like she deserves to be treated for one day or night,
To get away from all her junk, and live and simply dance.

Nobody may feel me on this, but it's something to get on ur knees,
And just be like, "God, there's something about this doll."
Who cares what anybody else may say about her,
To me, she's simply just sowing all her oats wild.

I would see pictures of her living it up around town,
Having a good time, even down in my 'hood of South Beach.
Still though, I sense that no matter what our paths will cross,
Each day is just an extension closer to our inevitable hand reach.

One other thang that has happen as of recent,
Is that I'm appreciating her more as a girl and not a lady freak.
Meaning, I think other guys just want her for some cookie love,
While I see her soul for who she is...24 hours, seven day outta tha week.

Now is she attractive?  Absolutely in my book.
Who wouldn't want to be around the  killer smile as she glows.
She can switch from girl next door to a flat out show stopper,
If Miami had four seasons, she would be a muse to all the runway clothes.

Curvy, with nice...let me stop right there,
But her looks are just a part of who she is inside.
Every once in awhile, even on today I see her in a sweater,
Believe u me, when I say, an angel's wings u cannot hide.

Seen a lot, and have a lot on my plate, if u didn't know,
Our diary, here is filled with female stories galore.
Sometimes though, u just wish tha u can get to know just this one,
Wondering what do I have to do to jar this bolted locked door.

Then there is something else at hand as I write,
Feel like I see more beauty in her, than does she.
So if I come at her like....blah, blah, and blah.
Could she take tha compliment, as is, and not try to flee.

Has anybody else been in this situation?
Like where u don't wanna f--- a girl, but tell her she's one of a kind.
If she wants to take it to that level, then that's cool, but,
U just want to show her that she's flat out a dime.

Heard some things, like she has a eye on other dudes, cool,
Inside I just think, nobody could like u unconditionally as we could.
Came close to us to hanging out, grabbing some lunch 2gether,
Things came up supposedly...Chance missed is how we stood.

Guess all this is about can guys really like a girl,
Even when u may feel a sense of attraction between u two.
I say "like" meaning on a friend tip,
Cuz she could be a few feet away, and it's like somebody's trumpet somehow blew.

Her laugh, her uniqe cough, I hear,
And I know to get ready cuz she's about to come to me.
Maybe I'm reading too much into things, oh well,
Just when u been around tha block enough, u not only look, but also see.

Not just dating, but also friendship can be tough when it involves us,
Many see us as, no doubt the "Ultimate Fun Toy".
That's cool, but sometimes u just want real people to see tha real you,
Not just as some kid who u can hang around just to bring YOU joy.

Confidence and Swagger are things that come from experiences,
Then as many hot girls will attest, if u look good, here we go.
It's like it good to have one, or two of those things,
If u you possess all three, u may be by urself for a time...just letting u know.

As I've always said, U gotta let tha person know, I think,
No reason to be carrying an appreciation as long as I have.
Just thinking how can I do this, like professional yet in a Galaxia way,
How to let her know, I'm not just a guy after a one-night stab.

Today I saw homegirl, and she was kinda quiet,
Didn't get that sense which she usually glows out.
Few words, even to us, which had us wondering,
After all these months, is our friendship flame going out without any doubt?

Just seemed like she had something on her mind, big time,
And I can't stand anybody, but especially not her to feel like tha pits.
No, I just can't she's too cool, too beautiful in my eyes,
There's no way I can sit by and let her soul cry, while I just simply sit.

"I just know" is what I've repeated several times when I think of her,
Knowing that if should would get a taste of our life, she won't be tha same.
We have tha coolest lifestyle around, and u get tha ultimate fun dude,
Like hanging out with The Brat Pack before all their Hollywood fame.

Guess if it's meant to be it will be, Huh...
It's just that there's got to be something more than just those words.
Perhaps it's my fault for not just going all out, and letting her know,
Maybe I need to send up to her bedroom window the sound of a soundbird.

These are just some thoughts, of what I'm going through tonight,
Probably shouldn't even publish this post of self.
Sure somebody wants a crazy story, or poem so different,
After the first stances I'm sure somebody's eyes simply went deaf.

My life is just too complicated it seems,
And I wish that everything didn't have strings so much attached.
No more "But's" or no more "Keep on pushing and then's...",
I feel like I've done above the call of duty, with a resume that is unmatched.

U just have to push through it, no matter how tedious it may seem,
Just the journey of being the ultimate you, can lead down some long paths.
One where u are by urself, trying to figure out which way to turn,
Wishing u could just have some blueprint from Coach Lombardi's staff.

If u want tha best, this is what ur gonna have to go through,
Nobody told u that it was gonna be easy as cake.
Yeah, it can be boring, and like, "I've been through this before",
It's just that u can only take tha roads opened up by that thang call fate.

Sure the next time u see us or read about us,
It will be about some other dame or beauty in our love book.
There's a lot of them, a whole lot,
Just not too often that we find someone to give a continually studious look.

Funny thing is I've written about this girl before,
Many people didn't even know as they read.
Within all these jokes, and goofy sayings,
There are hidden meanings, that are perfect to study before bed.

I'm tired and need some rest,
We'll let everything simply work itself out in perfect time.
If she's a future friend to be, then it'll be simple,
To be even point blank, it'll all work out fine.

Should call out her name, but I won't,
Cuz I don't know how she would handle all that.
This diary is being read by a whole lot of people right now,
Don't wanna disrespect her privacy...I mean that would be whack.

I will simply say this, I love my Moms so much,
And I have no problem saying that with a whole lot of glee.
She shares tha same first initial as my Mama, that's tha only clue,
Tonight was ur night in my diary....Miss C.

Whew!  I feel better.  Probably shouldn't wrote that, or even let anybody see that, but...Whatever..
Now...The next stage.

Stay tuned.
Smooches!...and Good Nite.
Austino Galaxia.

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