Monday, September 16, 2013

It Must Be Said.

On this very rainy evening,
Down here in tha hood of South Beach.
We find ourselves once again,
Jotting a few nuggets from our mindful teach.

Have no idea where today is gonna go,
There's just a feeling in tha air to write.
Almost rather be getting some rest,
Or putting on some Tom Ford which will set tha night.

Yet, here we go again this Monday,
On a Galaxy journey where tha stars always shine.
Whatever you do, don't throw tomatoes after u read this,
Those who hate on this, my goons will surely find.

Forget it, let's just get down to it,
Love, Fame and Sex sums up my mind on today.
Bet u didn't think I'll hit u like that, huh,
Sometimes might as well tell it in a TMZ way.

Almost laugh, cuz I feel like we're about get personal,
Blurting our life for who knows who to read.
After all this, sure someone's gonna call up their neighbor,
I don't care what u write, just spell Galaxia correctly on ur Twitter feed.

On today, I learned a whole lot about life itself,
Like, how everythang just always ain't what it seems.
As u drive at night u think it's a semi-trunk honking down on ya,
When it's just a small Honda, hiding behind those blinding beams.

This sounds so crazy to say,
Considering I've seen so many unforgettable dimes.
Right now, we are trying to figure out what girls want from me,
Might as well play it...DMX and Sisqo sing my life one more time.

I know this one girl is reading this right now,
But I really don't give a flying fudge.
Gotta say this cuz she's become part of  "Tha Story",
She's so sexy, but I'm trying to figure out how to make her soul budge.

She doesn't even know who she is,
I feel like she has that "It" Factor.
Tha kind that can party with tha best of them,
Then on tha other hand rock Marc Jacobs while pushing a tractor.

A girl's silence can get to me,
When I know I shouldn't even sweat this detail.
These girls know how to get to me, I guess,
Play with him a little bit, then ignore him like a Summer sidewalk snail.

Inside, I'm thinking, honestly,
Homegirl, I just wanna become a cool friend.
Once again, if I want to "do you" or lay down "pipe",
I have no problem holding a ruler asking, "How far can u bend?"

I'm not really on tha Sex tip right now,
But who knows, what may happen when it's a full moon.
Won't say something very Cinemax might happen, cuz it might,
Right now, I'm just cautious about unhooking tha bra too soon.

Most girls know how to play tha game,
Especially when it comes to guys who have Egos like mine.
They ignore us, and act like we're not around,
Although that silence really is tha ultimate sign.

So today, I'm was thinking about this gal,
Wondering does this girl really like us or what's up?
No talk, not even a cool 'Hi',
And when u see us, I promise u it feels like u duck.

I know some dude knows exactly what I mean,
And believe u me, I'm truly not trippin' on this scene.
Just gotta let folks, know please don't compare us to anybody else,
Others do u dirty, u can't compare when my record is 100% clean.

Moving on, in this thang,
To another piece of life's pie I lusted after today.
Still it feels like the climb to success can be so looooong,
It should straight to tha point like tha Weekend News with Tina Fey?!

Then, and nobody may not understand this,
But I try to do my best to explain.
When u've been wanting some things for so long,
U begin to question, why keep washing tha car if it always rains?

It's like ur parents telling you,
Get good grades, and I'll give u tha sexiest ride.
A poster of that Lambo graces ur bedroom wall,
Studying all night, cuz that dream glows inside.

So u get straight A's, more like a 4.5 G.P.A,
Afterwards, u go home like I've done my part.
Then ur folks, say yeah u did,
But wait just a little longer, now I got 2 test ur heart.

That's how I felt on today,
Like questioning the standard that has been set.
Workout like a maniac, do ur best to bring a smile 2 somebody,
"Why?" followed every thought, just like a 4 yr. old niece u just met.

This is when u really have to look deep within,
When u feel like there ain't no light at tha end of the tunnel.
Just like driving up to the county fair with ur tongue getting wet,
Then finding out they no longer sell the cakes shaped like a funnel.

This is getting really personal tonight,
It in those moments where u buckle up and become the best.
U thought what u were doing was out of this world,
But being out-of-this Galaxy is what really separates u from tha rest.

Starting to feel this thang, y'all,
Cuz I know there's another level that we all can go.
Where everything is so fluid, and perfect,
Good times are everywhere, and u got a few extra zero's on ur bank dough.

What I take away is that I need to step it up,
Instead of just wearing tha suit, add some cuff links.
Forget thinking if her boobs are real or not,
Why not appreciate her laugh, smile, and her Fortune 500 think.

God I think has been testing me and others to tha max,
There's no way I'll ever understand all this unfolding drama show.
Evidently there's something better, I want Boardwalk and Park Place,
But maybe these steps are leading to a permanent $200 Passing Go.

Letting it go tonight, so just bear with us,
Just these things must be said.
Stop reading right now, if it's getting too long,
Somebody, mainly my soul, has to be fed.

We sale ourselves short, so often,
Thinking that things or people are just a dream.
Give up and settle like we deserve less than tha best,
Even myself figure, that's what I'm around, so this is my team.

Not knowing that there are others who feel ya,
There are jobs that are just for you.
The news can get u all teary eyed, like tha impossible is impossible,
Like all those old After School Specials were just something to do.

Say for example, from a relationship tip, I may desire,
An Asian girl, who likes Hip-Hop, is goofy, and has a braces smile.
U walk around Miami, and give up, thinking they don't exist,
Realizing not, that she might be across tha globe, over the River Nile.

As I'm learning, and I gotta tell myself this,
Just because u don't see it, don't mean it don't exist.
Believe half what u see, and none what u hear,
Outta Sight, Outta Mind are tha thoughts of those who usually 'Near miss'.

I've always been a dreamer,
And whoever reads this diary must be one as well.
Don't know how it happened, felt it since I was kid,
Probably came after I got hit from a star that fell.

Others don't believe perhaps as strong as u do,
Thinking that ur sacrifices are just outta wack.
I love to party and live life as much as anyone,
Even I pick my spots, I mean I do gotta watch my six-pack.

What are u willing to sacrifice to get tha best?
In terms of Life, Love and Sex?
That really sums up my entire day, I said that earlier,
To get tha best in all three, u may have to talk instead of just text.

I haven't arrived, believe u me,
This is a diary of one who is going through tha ropes.
I like that cuz going through those ropes,
Means ur entering a ring fight, no place for any dopes.

99% may want to get with you,
So it does no good thinking upon tha 1% who don't care.
Love ain't supposed to be easy, nor is just dating,
Chalk it up to tha game, and continue to proceed with no fear.

Talking to myself now when I say this,
Getting caught up in paper dolls get u in trouble.
Meaning, this girl is so perfect on paper,
But when u get into with tha cops, she barely musters up a mumble.

South Beach, and Miami can blind you in many ways,
Guy has some loot, girl has some curves beyond compare.
The inside of a person still rules no matter what,
Choosing Truth is cool, but I have a thing for tha girl who chooses Dare.

7:42, getting late I see,
Probably time to for this crazy talk to finally subside.
Tonight we wanted to let u really into our heart and mind,
Today's journey has been anything but a smooth glide.

Right now, we just want this life that we've dreamed,
Want it really bad, that sometimes my eyes tear cuz of tha fire.
Tha wait has been so long, and so testful,
All to get what we've always desired.

That's just to have fun, and share tha love,
We don't want to be a superstar u can't touch.
Which is why that girl we mentioned earlier got to us,
U can talk to us, we cool, life's not always about a sensual thrust.

Sometimes life can feel like the more u reach for ur dreams,
The more alienated this world can be.
Ur tha same goofy dude or gal who like to laugh and have fun,
But because u got some money or cover of Vogue, folks hate ur style.

I've learned to let go, and let it be,
And if u gonna not like me, ur gonna dislike tha real me.
Dislike me talking about luv and fun,
Or dislike me talking about God and 30DD's.

This is who I have, and sooner or later, trust me,
Ur gonna want to join in on this ride to tha top.
The climb may be tough, and seem like it's "Not You",
That's what separates the cream of tha crop.

Nothing tonight is gonna be more honestly spoken,
I don't care about tha numbers, money, or what's said joyous or even mad.
When folks talk about Shakespeare, Elvis and tha MJ's, we want somebody 2 jump in, and say,
They were cool, but that Galaxia guy...

He was possibly tha best that we ever had.

Thank u all for all tha energy, seen and unseen.  We feel it as we write.  And thanks 2 those who've been with us since tha beginning and those who are now joining this crazy ride in our Galaxia Universo where everybody is a star! U joined at tha right time cuz this diary is really starting to take a life of its own. Which is cool...really cool.

Have a rockin' night!
I give Hugs and 3 Cheek Smooches!
Austino aka "Pooh".

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