Saturday, September 28, 2013


This is totally unexpected so please forgive me,
On this Autumn morning day.
But there is somethang in tha air seemingly,
That tells us to let this poem play.

Thus, we will, it's so early,
And I've got my interview with Kat D Von on pause.
A more important issue is at hand,
Hopefully this will hit home or at least up in Mars.

I've got a girl in mind as I write this,
Cuz I just saw something that threw me for a loop.
As  Jigga said, we sometimes need a reminder,
That we are special, and not just some forgotten Betty Boop.

Gonna let this breathe, and let it write itself,
However long it takes, I guess we shall soon see.
Just know that this is from our heart, and nobody else's,
Perhaps nobody else can define Beauty better...Than me.

(Huge Blow)

Girls can have it rough, I know,
All tha standards that are set by those Media boys.
U gotta look this away, or that away,
Then take care of tha baby, 'Boy, u better pick up those toys!'

Even myself, over tha years have just observed,
Tha things that a girl has to do to get respect.
Not pretty enough...Ur overly pretty,
It's like ur playing Uno with a Poker card deck.

We gonna write this thang this morning,
And I don't care who may or may not agree.
Starting to get a feeling that this is a special one,
So u may wanna delay watching that old episode of Glee.

Every experience with girls has helped us so,
To see what tha meaning of Beauty really holds.
How it's more than just "Make Me A Sandwich",
Or a "I keep messing this up, can u help me fold?"

U don't believe me huh, that's alright,
How about I just go down a little list.
That way u won't think I'm just talking jibberish,
I got real examples, of me walking through Amor's springy mist.

There are gonna be some that may not be included,
Don't take it personal, just a few stick out to my soul.
This is my diary, and I'm gonna write this as such,
It ain't easy, but this taste is from my soul's rarely eaten bowl.

(Galaxian Note:  Please bear with us, there's an internal debate bout how deep I want to go with this in terms of calling out names, and just being really, really open cuz this is deeply personal.  Just bear with us for a moment.)

Alright, so we're off...

A dude asked me tha other day,
Who's tha most prettiest girl I've ever seen?
That question is really impossible to answer, simply because,
R u considering how she laughs or if her walk is mean.

EVERY GIRL is pretty and sexy in her own way,
And nobody can tell me no differently.
Guess it's time to prove it, right here, right now,
Gonna try to do this thang....Beethoven classically.

When u walk by us all caught up in ur thoughts,
That's an act of beauty, and many of you don't even know.
To smell ur scent, whether it's Marc Jacobs or Dove soap,
Can have us guys willing to depart with most, but not all our dough.

Or when ur having a bad day, we all have them,
Ur hair is all balled up like u walked through tha Windy City.
If I could just pause that image, and keep a collection of it,
Cuz girl, u don't know but that's when ur actually tha most....pretty.

Sometimes u can go through life, and just wonder,
Am I being myself, and with nobody even giving a 2nd or first notice.
Well, I'm here to tell you, not just me, but other guys as well,
See u for who u are, and not just some kind of fantasized novice.

Sex sells.  They claim that's tha name of tha game,
Yet, after the act ur sometimes reaching for a cigarette smoke.
Just because real beauty, realizes Sex is an appetizer and not tha main course,
Even the Pillsbury Dough boy made biscuits after he was poked.

The thang that hurts me perhaps tha most,
Is when I see a pretty girl cry or feel left out.
That just trigger's our soul, on tha real tip,
Especially when I know that girl is so beautiful...without a doubt.

The mind of a girl, is...well, how can I say this,
Sometimes can be like the 9th wonder of tha world!
At tha same time u can be thinking about Class, doing dishes, and your Ex,
Then have a craving for marble cake made from Cinnamon Swirl.

I've seen girls do dag gone near 4 things at once,
My mouth has been semi-dropped like is this for real.
Talking on tha phone, all while cooking dinner,
Painting ur nails, while u telling ur dog to stop all tha squeal.

A Marvel.  Is what comes to mind.
And I'm not talking about Captain America or tha popular Iron Man.
U can probably handle those dudes with ur pinky,
I've seen how u can pop open a tightly sealed pickle can.

Then how a you can go to work,
Put on a smile, even when she's been up all night.
Partying maybe, but sometimes just taking care of tha biz,
Staying up with a love one, because of a boogie man fright.

Or getting ready for a test, which could be make or break,
Knowing that an 'A' could be tha difference with tha Fam.
3.8 is not tha standard, when ur in a family full of doctors,
Let me say..Do Ur Best is all u can do...Don't sweat any exam.

See, a real Beauty  is someone who sets tha standard,
There is no blueprint because nobody is like you.
So if you wanna sit on tha pool deck before a meeting at 3,
U do that if it's gonna give u a clear mind, heck even bring along Sue.

And I still don't know how girls can do this,
But its amazing how a girl can change clothes while driving a car.
It's dangerous beyond compare, yet amazing how u can enter with a Blondie tee,
Then get out, looked like a Dime Piece going to a Brickell bar.

The little things are what guys remember,
Even when u don't think that we know what's going on.
Others may just be more quiet to admit it than me,
Maybe they are a little nervous when u bat ur eyelashes like a sultry fawn.

Tha touches, how u flip ur hair,
How u get outta tha pool, can just simply stop time.
The way u wear ur glasses, when u just don't give a what,
Humm...there's a pickup line in there somewhere, since 'Love is Blind'.

So much, though that goes too often unseen,
Like how a girl is a Math genius or can speak openly with nothing to hide.
I know my cousin who knows what's going on in every show televised,
Schedule included, not kidding...she's like a absolutely like a walking  TV Guide!

Tha kid even gets blown when a girl knows her music,
Rapping and spitting everythang from Em to my boy Ludacris.
Then she can switch it up, and get down to some Trey Songz,
Ginuwine or old 112...Man, those classic songs she says u better not diss.

I know a lot of girls, especially down here in Miami,
Who can dance and move at tha best clubs that are known and r underground.
Salsa to Merengue, they can switch with tha song,
Then pull out tha "Hallie Berry" and "Cabbage Patch" when it really goes down.

There is still nothing more beautiful than a girl who's real,
I LOVE it when girls talk about love and tha dating game.
Talking bout, 'Tha motion in tha ocean' or 'I don't date no broke, broke.'
I give usually just stories, where these girls will actually drop uncensored names.

Another sexy thang in a Beauty is when a girl gets mad,
Her eyebrow and lips curve up, and u just know it's finna drop.
Me personally, just laugh in appreciation, cuz I know,
Don't let tha Seven Jeans and Gucci shoes fool 'ya, her thangs are always ready to pop!

How about when a doll is at a restaurant,
Knowing exactly what food she wants and how it should look.
She wants tha tomatoes on tha side, seven croutons placed evenly,
If u dare mix up tha regular for tha non-fat dressing...she'll go into tha back for tha cook!

Can go more into tha eating habits of a girl,
Like how I love how a girl can hold down a meal.
Whether it's ribs from Shorty's or pancakes from Cracker Barrel,
Or just kindly accepting a Big Buford or a 20 McNugget as part of tha deal.

That's what makes a girl really beautiful, at least to me,
I know that I'm weird, but I'm just being really up front.
Sure there are girls out here who do be trippin' and playing around,
I don't even argue with words, I'll just mentally give them tha punt.

For every one girl who's only into herself,
There are lots of others who know what femininity really entails.
Working while pregnant, paying tha bills for the entire household,
All while wondering if her looks are fading like tha White Whale.

As I said earlier, I'm not tha only guy who believes and knows,
Realizing all that a girl or woman goes through on tha daily basis.
We speak from experience cuz ever so often, even I gotta remember,
That Beauty is more than just hot tans and pretty faces.

 Those things are cool, but a female's personality, especially,
Can be one that is tha gift to all who simply take it in with a glance.
Speaking from experience when I say that just a flirtatious look from a girl,
Brings a rainy day into one which all u wanna do is simply dance.

If u want to read more, take a look throughout our diary,
U'll see that my life is all about Love and that thang called fun.
Just wanted to remind all tha girls out there, that we do see ur beauty,
And Everythang I mentioned is what makes u...A Wonder Woman.

Bonus Episode:

Should stop right there, but I need to nail this point,
So consider what's to be said a little extra sauce.
Beauty is more than just how ur our caught,
Sometimes tha thrill is in how you are tossed.

Pressure is being put on so many females,
Much of which is about how they visually appeal.
Let me just say, that tha most beautiful ones know what's up,
How they can say a few words, and still be worthy of top bill.

Miami is like very few places that I know,
Where how u dress, can grant u access to closed doors.
Up North, some of tha finest girls I've met rock hoody's,
Flannel pants, or let me correct myself, they were velour.

Plastic Surgery is at an all-time high,
Cuz we want to be perfect, or as we South Beach say..."Correct".
But Sexiness, and Beauty comes naturally, without a strain,
A joke said at tha right time can have an unforgettable effect.

Being funny, and knowing how to let a guy be respected as a guy,
Are all part of what makes a woman glow.
Goofy habits like doing crosswords, or knowing Harry Potter are cool,
Balancing a spoon on ur nose, or the ability to patch up ur True's via Sew.

Don't downplay ur smartness, cuz u think it might be intimidating,
The guys who don't like you for ur smarts, u don't want anyway.
I know most of you girls are tired of not having real convos minus flirting,
How do I know?...Cuz I see how u open up when u know a guy is gay.

Nights out with tha girls, is sometimes needed as well,
Tha power of venting is definitely underrated.
Tha car is acting up, nobody's respecting you on tha j-o-b,
U got a small tattoo on ur ankle, and u can't get over how ur folks berrated.

It's all acts of self-expression, and that is one thing I must say,
Don't let any guy or even girl, cookie cut you into being just like them.
U do what they do, and then they get a hubby and up and leave,
With u wondering, at least say "Bye", we were best buds before u met him.

Just know that what makes u unique makes u tha most sexiness,
Whether that's ur love of sports, knowing magic or even having small feet.
Different is Sexy.  And I'm a living witness that it's what attracts me,
It's cool if a girl puts Heinz Ketchup on her Kobe Beef.

A few thoughts from a Single guy's perspective,
If a girl reads this, just know that it ain't for no show.
These words are personal, and how we really feel, dude,
I admire how a girl can gracefully move and how her words can flow.

All I got, just had to get this off my chest,
Today, this thang took like 2 hours and a half to write.
Think it was worth it, just because, it needs to be said,
All guys aren't after just a hit it-quit it, one night.

I am a Bad Boy to some extent, not joking one bit,
We just work our Thugness in a different way.
This poem isn't about us though, not a all,
It's about how beautiful a girl is naturally...not once but everyday.

Shape, size, or color doesn't really matter,
Age is just a number, while Timelessness Beauty is without compare.
The question of Who's the Prettiest Girl I've ever seen is answered,
It's simply this...They ALL are without question...Quite fair.

A. Galaxia.

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