Monday, May 28, 2012

Alfie 2K12.

Jude Law in Alfie (2004)

Oh, let tha fireworks begin!  We've been under a mini-intensive care the last few days.  A lot had to do with the status of our mouth, and us barely being able eat or even talk.  Then u throw in the fact that we've been drinking seemingly "on the eights", glasses of water mixed with salt, so we've literally been salty...yet, we've had a opp to do a gang of stuff.  GANG!

Let's see over the last few days we've hung out in ....Aventura...Fort Lauderdale...Plantation...Sawgrass...Sunrise...Tamarac...Hollywood...Coral Springs...been all over the county and into some pretty remote yet very upscale places up in Broward County (If u only knew... the neighborhoods ain't even on a map, and I think that's on purpose!!).  Seen some wild movies and documentries...from going to a super early showing at the theater to see Think Like A Man all the way to seeing a bomb diggity documentary on Mr. Bill Cunningham, a photographer from the New York Times, called, Bill Cunningham New York.  Also, finally saw the remake of the movie, Alfie, featuring Jude Law.  When I first came to Miami in like 2005...OMG!  It's been that long...jeez!  When I first came down and moved into my apartment building there was this super cool woman who said I reminded her of Alfie, or she said she thinks about the movie when she sees us.  I used to drive the Vespa scooter, as did Alfie...and after seeing the episodes with different types of women, and his attention to style and stuff it's almost a carbon copy of our life!!  People say that I need to move to New York...I still think that I'm a LA Cali-guy at heart, but...somehow I think that we're somehow gonna take a bite out of the Big Apple soon enough.  Just got a feeling...

(Got Game 4 of the '98 East Finals Bulls vs. Pacers in the background right now...Memorial Day classic!)

What all this has taught us is patience, patience, and more patience.  I mean seriously, u can't skip a step or anything.  U can barely talk, so u have to choose your  Because u may only utter like 100 words max, so u better use them when u really need to.  Dead serious...I was just talking with somebody about if I wonder if I could go a whole day without saying a single word, but this was not what A.Ga-lax had in mind.  There are so many ways to have fun, besides just spending a gobble of money.  And we plan to explore so many of them here in the Magic City.  One thing that we did, when we wasn't running tha streets, was we were forced to just lay in bed, and think..due to the pain we had, and being a little fatigued cuz we couldn't eat like we wanted.  Sometimes perhaps The Great Doctor upstairs puts situations in our life to slow us down some and not rush things.  I was in that stage big time...u know, when u're like, ok, it's time to just go, go, gadget, and spend and interact and just hit the fast lane 100 mph's running.  Perhaps if I would of did that, especially this weekend, I might have gotten myself into some serious trouble. So it's been an extreme balance of rest and experiencing new things.

South Beach was kind of quiet to me.  It had all the makings of being a straight up "war zone" as we have so many visitors for Memorial Day weekend aka Hip-Hop weekend.  I took the secret routes in, so I wouldn't have to deal with the traffic.  I KNOW just by looking around the like 75% of the locales left the neighborhood for the weekend.  I was out, but was inside so I don't really kick it hard on holidays and stuff, cuz prices of hotels, and clubs and stuff gets like quadrupled the price of a normal day, so why pay like $100 this weekend, when on tomorrow I can get in free?!!  Years past it has been "Freak-nick" wild, just on Collins and Washington Ave....but with all the Po-Po hype and DUI checks, I think some folks just figure it ain't worth it.  I saw a sign that said "Leave the City Straight Ahead", I'm thinking this is like the flat out "Wild Wild West" ain't it?!!  They throwing folks outta town.  I just think that Miami Beach, and South Beach has such a "Riviera" image to hold with the natural beauty and the fake fantasy beauty as well, that they don't want a "thug image" or "black image" attached to it.  Just the reality, but I've always wondered why go somewhere where they really don't want you, it's almost like...

I used to work at the beach up north, off of Lake Michigan for four straight summers.  So I totally know the beach culture, and am a beach boy for life, so to speak.  Sunday nights used to be the spot.  I mean the spot!  In the mornings, u had families scoping out picnic tables...I remember specifically this one day where we ran out of picnic tables at the beach.  So they had to emergency called in somebody to go around the city to get some picnic tables to the park.  So once the rounded up a good number, they came out, and I was one of the Managers on Duty, so I got on this pickup truck, filled with tables, to carried them out to the patrons.  (Ain't that a drink??!!)  Man, do u know, I almost got thrown off this Blue Ford thing!!!  They almost overtook the truck!  Now, u know, I clowned but as we were going through the park, eye saw people coming from everywhere, the North, South, and Europe too, all to get a table, and when they got close, they almost bombrushed me....matter of fact they did!  I had to calm folks down, like "Back up, would cha!"  This was during the middle of the day, so I couldn't blame it on a full moon.  One thing it made me realize is just how some relief teams feel when they pass out food or rice in some areas of the world.  We see the organization during the commericials, but I know it can get wild..

So Sundays were, the busiest to speak.  U got a rowdier crowd on that day, compared to Saturdays where u just u just had families and women driving through while openly breast-feeding their kid while behind the driving wheel. (I'm telling u I got some stories!  They coming too...)  Sundays brought out MC's finest men and women in blue...they came via cars, four-wheelers, and bicycles.  The customers didn't help any.  I distinctively recall when customers were getting a little too disrespectful to tha kid, like they didn't give me or one of my other workers Mike no respect.  So we said, we got this and one Sunday...u know, those old school mini-baseball bats u used to get at the ballpark when u went to see a Major League baseball game, well, he had his, and I had my black White Sox one in my shorts, just in case if somebody got to talking slick at the mouth, I could just turn ever so slightly, so the could see the bulge coming out my shorts...and they could know full well that I wasn't just happy to see them, if u catch our driff!!  The funny thing was after folks were hit up the beach, the real action was on Michigan Boulevard sounds hilerous, as I look back, but they started to bring cops on horses on Sunday and stuff!! Like Clydesdale's, straight from them old Budweiser commercials it seemed!!

 It was serious, but they didn't want folks hanging out, none of any kind.  Don't know if it was a race thing or not...but the thing with that, as with the holiday weekend down here in South Beach, is that it's not the locals who are acting so wild.  It's just so many people from other areas, who used to literally drive from 1 hour or two, just to kick it at tha beach...Man, our memory is starting to get going, we met so many cool, sexy girls, hotties, whatever u want to call many!  That's a diary entry of its own...good times!!  But when u have so much out of town traffic, u wanna control that somewhat, cuz when u're not in ur surroundings, u sometimes figure, nobody knows me, so I can just wild out, through Popeye's chicken drinking cups on the side of the sidewalk, or start honking at girls, wildly, likes that's gonna get the digits...This one girl once told me she wasn't going out on Memorial Day weekend cuz she didn't want the verbal abuse cuz she was a tall, blond, blue-eyed girl...and guys would be disrespecting her as she walked down the street.  This is a true story, but that's what sometimes the 2% bring, usually its all cool, but the very few can ruin the atmosphere, and one bad experience can make somebody be like, I ain't gonna do it again.  All in all, though, it was quiet down here compared to other years...personally I think next year, the spot might change from Miami, u heard it here first...

Another thing we learned is just how much our bodies are truly a machine.  I know we can feel any little thing, that doesn't fit into our premium fuel.  From trail mix with too much sugar or salt to's amazing how our bodies can get used to certain types of foods or combinations of vitamins (I gotta pick up some kid one's too, I ran out on 2day) and food.  It works both ways, and if u're in tune with ur inner motor, u know when something works or doesn't work...

I'm gonna stop right here....Hey, Them Heat play the C's tonight in Game 1, gotta get ready for that later are some nuggets that we heard that's help us in our remastering of our life, and they are worth mentioning:

- "He who seeks beauty will find it."
- "It's not work, it's pleasure."
- Aim Higher.  (The person was talking about relationships...hum, that one hit a big nerve!)
- "If u don't take money, they can't tell u what to do."
- "Money's the cheapest thing...liberty, and freedom is the most expensive."
- "I'm the oldest living teenager."  (I love that one.)
- "Whenever I go out, I have to be..."  (Discussing on how u dress reveals urself to the world...or Galaxia, cuz I'm definitely looking!!)
- "Tonight...I'm not afraid..."
- "Take a shot as something."  (Stop being so reserved and live life!!)
- Know your style.  (Who u are, what u stand for...etc...)
- "Tonight, we're not thinking...we're doing!"  (Sometimes u just gotta through caution to the wind...sometimes!)
- Caliber (Like that word...the degree of merit or excellence.)...U always want the highest form of it.
- A "Show Stopper"  (That's personal...wink, wink!!)
- "It's not supposed to be easy...every round gets tougher."  (This actually came from Spurs Head Coach goes right along with how we saying the closer u get to ur goal, the more difficult the challenges.  We forget about the "new" challenges that comes with us being so close to your dreams coming true.  Don't let ur guard down and forget what put u in that situation.  U don't have it, until u have it...that's actually one I can write down!)
- U don't have it, until u have it!! (Hot off the sandwich press!!)
- "I don't work.  I only know how to have fun."  Thank you Mr. Bill Cunningham, that's the story of my life.  That was a great documentery on him, here's the trailer for it.  A must see if u like, life, fashion, photography, and New York City, especially.

Almost forgot...I really like this new song from one of my favorite music artists...Kylie Minogue.  It's called "Timebomb" and it's so us!  Enjoy it!

I'm out.
Austino Galaxia.  

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