Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dream Season.

The '92 Olympic Dream Team (Basketball)

Whew!  I'm gonna be completely honest right was a very difficult day.  It's seems the theme for the day is "It's not easy" or "Not doing it the easy way".  I'm feeling good, but...I don't know.  Has anyone else just felt like everything that could be thrown at them...was tossed at them.  Just weird, there we go again with that word, but it just seems to hold true.  I have nothing to complain about since we strongly know that once you get super-close to reaching a goal, or living a lifestyle that u've been wanting, u should expect things to get u off ur Grandma rocker.  It's gonna happen, so we just chalk it up and know that things are just getting spicy, and fun is really entrapping our life.  Period....we move on.

Something very uncharacteristic happened earlier today as well...a thought about what to write about in our diary occurred.  I usually don't think about what to say, but this afternoon, someone kind of peaked my mind, and I began to wonder if I should write from our heart or from a "standard" point of view.  I guess we should go with our heart, right, but what if it opens us up some?  Whatever...

What do u do when u see somebody who is super cool, super sexy yet in some ways u think he/she is invincible in her (oops!) demeanor?  I'm not just talking in a "I wanna get at you" type of sense, but just in a "You're too cool and beautiful to have a upside down smile on ur face."  All buffalo chips aside...I'm just at a point where, I don't know.  I may not show it, but when I see potential and a strong set of FF's (Fun Factor), I'm just chomping at the bit to pull that out, cuz I know it's there.  And that's so cool...So as I come upon these dolls and guys, but more dolls on a constant basis, I feel like I'm put in should I say's like do u say something straight up honest, like..."U don't need to be.....u should...blah, blah, blah!"  That kind of discussions aren't familiar with anybody, and especially with somebody in whom u don't have a strong relationship with.  But sometimes that's what a person may need to hear.

I know I have moments where I feel like the world is on my shoulder....since Galaxia is our name, once again it should be expected.  Sometimes it's in those moments where a stranger or somebody who I barely know either says something to us or indirectly around us to wake us up.  Or to get us going...I never forget so many people who sparks us...this one guy gave one of the best quotes we've heard, he was talking about all this drama about his work schedule and how wacky it is and how it's changed...he hit us in a heavy Spanish accent, "I'ma play the schedule."

Now to you....that sounds so mundane, but at the time we heard that, I was worrying too much about what the future held.  What is my career gonna be?  Or how to spend our big dollars?  And really, what's going on with our love life and stuff like that?  What that entailed to us was just take what's in front of you, and not trying to worry about something that's outta of ur control and something that may not develop anyway.  So what my guy Raul, planted in me was something more than just a simple was a life nugget I'll never forget.  And that's so easy to do...right now as I'm writing this, I thinking about some decisions that will possibly forever our life.  Flat out, no way around it.   What's about to unfold, is going to affect us big time.  So u play future teller, and all that, if I do this...but what if this...and if she...but our relationship won't be the same if I say this...real talk, bro.

I know I've been just writing as of late,'s what's going on in our heart.  And right now in our life, I'm beginning to call a spade a Jack Spade.  We're kind of different in how we view life, I mean that in a very unique way.  I think some people may think that what we say or what we do is fake, but it's our heart man.  Cuz I what do u think I should do with these type of situations?  Should we be honest, and just spill tha beans or lay back in the cut and let God handle it?  I just wanna have fun, and I live a fun life, and I want more fun people to be a part of it.  Sometimes that's good, sometimes I just wish it wasn't so complex. Oh well...

Man, we've been forced to be so patient as of late.  We've been saying that for some time, but it's time to play. And we're gonna...big time.  My Mom said something as I talked to tha crib saying about the timing of life, and how "the world has to get ready".  That's powerful.  Cuz u can be ready to do this, and do that, but if the timing ain't absolutely perfect then it won't work.  One thing that has happened is that we have learned a lot, almost too much about ourself.  And we all have those stages in life where we are forced to look within, and really see what u are made of.  It's in those moments when the music is turned off, and the TV is off, and u're in bed looking at the mirror on your ceiling, and begin to think about certain positions you would like to be in your life...Huh.

I know another thing we've been debating secretly is how many diary post will we write.  It won't go on forever, but now our life is getting precious on the time tip, so how much longer can we keep this up?  Do we go to 200 posts (And we are getting close!) and then hang them up?  Do we say two years, which would mean April of 2013.  Or will we just wake up one day and say, "That's is finished."  I think about some much that has been talked about and hasn't been discussed as well.  I'm not gonna get into it, but I really feel like our life is beyond special and unique.  That's not a snobby remark of any kind, it's a reality.  Then u throw in somebody who is insane enough to write about his toughest moments or realest emotions, it makes this so unique.  Sometimes I just walk around and think, man, we have some good stuff here.  And it's cool to share lessons learned....I'll say this and I'll leave this topic alone, but...

Lately, we've been thinking about how would it be to become famous like on a big scale.  I would want to simply share the fun and blessings that we have with others.  I always dreamt about being that person who is low key about "his" yet makes a great impact...not only globally but from a Galaxia point of view.  And the funny thing about it, is that we feel like we've hit all the tough lessons, all the steps, all the numerical nights of being patient, all the number of...the list goes on.  All in all, we KNOW that we've paid our dues.  And u just never know how quickly things can change, and who they can change for.  All of us have particular gifts...EVERYBODY!  No one can tell me any different....but as of late, how we see life has been like cleared some.  I feel like, it's about to jump off, how, I have no idea, but somehow...

The other day, I was thinking about some of our favorite magazines like GQ or like Esquire or something, and I just thought that the people who are on the covers of these magazines are usually athletes, or movie actors/actresses or models or every once in a while....hold up, that' kind of eery how Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" is playing on a Sony Vaio right now...Maybe I am crazy for thinking like this but...I just think wouldn't it be fun and different if an author or writer (Cough, cough!) would to appear on one of those covers in a sexy cover shoot.  That may be the void that we're filling here with our life.  U just never know.  I dream really big...I think anything is possible, sometimes I think that's a bad thing but I just know that u really never know how ur life can take off in ways u couldn't otherwise see.  That's why we all have to keep going and embrace the struggles cuz those days not only mold u, but they also grant u ammunition that you just might need in tha future, trust me on this.

I know everybody may not be wired like us when even the smallest things get us peculating, but sometimes a fire is created...even when u don't have matchsticks urself.  Am I being to philosophical?  I know I should be talking about sports or devulging another story about our life involving girls, just this is what's on our heart tonight., I can't get that off our mind, right now for some reason.   The other day we thinking about "Celebrity" becoming our Spring/Summer  theme  with some aspects of our life. I remember as a kid, as I still love to draw, used to draw our own commercials and stuff.  Our those covers of magazines we talked about two paragraphs up, we can see them cuz we used to draw them as a kid.  For real...I think that dreams are one thing that's fading in today's society.  There's this bare naked picture of life not being worth it, and how life is all about who u know, or how many silver spoons u have or ikids gaga-gooing aruguing if the back seat of their Bugaboo has a holder for their bottle or not...with the financial states, unemployments, heck, at least when I was growing up the government used to have folks stand outside for cheese, they don't even do that anymore.  (People tell me there's nuthing like a grill cheese sandmich with gov-ment cheese, they say it's slammin'!)  But for real, there's ever reason to get down about your life, and to think that it's not worth it to give an honest complement, or to think that going to school or college 5 days a week and all through the Summer won't eventually pay off.....after a while.  But it will.

I still believe, heck I feel like I'm the only one sometimes, but dreams do come true.  In life.  In jobs.  In love.  U may have to go through certain so-called setbacks, u may even question what's the worth to keep on going.  Or why should I even wake up outta bed, when  I know I'm gonna run into this person who's only gonna make me feel down cuz that person gave me the feeling of rejection...but once u go through it, u begin to develop the egotistical swagger when u're begin to think, "Hey, I've been through some tough, some lonely moments and I survived."  And if I could get through that, I can get through anything.  I think that's what's taking me so long to ...has anyone ever run into somebody they used to dig so hard, and then when u run into them latter "post-epidode" u just don't feel them like u used to.  I feel like telling a story...whatever here's another one....let me clear my throat, so I can utter those perfect words..."ah-hum, ah-hum"...

....I remember...

Ok.  I used to actually work with this one girl.  I don't usually tell stories about those we've worked with but, I don't care really, so bunk it...I used to work with this one girl.  When I first met her...I shouldn't tell this one, I'm gonna keep this direct and protect the innocent, cuz she might even read this.  So anyhow, I thought she was cool, and all. But after a few years of being in her presence, I went from "Hi" to being like "Hey Luv"...I thought she was really, really cool, and slept on.  Acutally this story, ties directly on how I began this story.  She was attractive with a pretty face, pretty eyes,  a mad cool California attitude (Here we go with these California gurls again!!).  But I thought she was slept on, but knew her stuff.

When we used to talk, real talk.  We talk about certain depth.  Like I would ask her opinion on certain situations and stuff.  She'll give an opinion from a female's point of view, which I respected, cuz let's be honest guys and girls just don't talk, with their guard down, like we should or used to.  Now it's like when a guy and girl talk about relationships it has to be something up either in the back of one of their minds or one of their pants!  But I miss those as I tried to recreate the Guys and Dolls musical, Galaxia style, I flat out began to feel this dame.  Not a lust, just a feel.

As her banter began to increase...don't worry I've included the definition for ya...I was like I'm think she's feeling us some, not just in a "Ha, ha" flirtatious way that some Miami girls play off (Did I just say that!), but more of an appreciation, ya dig.  But there was only one catch...doesn't it always seem to be one...this beauty quote unquote had a boyfriend at the time.  I was single, and seemingly had everything want in my life but a girlfriend, so I knew this would be touchy touch.

I began to hear some stories about her and her man, and I was like this is booty man.  How can this guy treat a girl as cool and real, like her, like he did.  It would get old, and I was so tempted to either tell her how beautiful she really is and how she shouldn't have to go home to a "bum" mentality when she's too much of a jewel. I was really WWF wrestling within on this one...I almost wanted to beat the guy up one, or just take her out to give her ONE night out of 365 (366 this year) where she kool forget about everything and just enjoy life...but once was touchy touchy.

I said, let me put on my pre-draft scouting report and ask somebody who knows her and hangs with her, to see what the scoop was...and somebody who I was kool with and I know she'll tell me the freakin' real deal.     So I straight walked up and with ol' girl not too far across the way,  I say, "I got to ask u straight up about somebody, and I know u'll keep it real with us."  She was like, "Ok, shoot..."  "What's really up with...."  And I tell her about this and that, and how her guy is treating her like a game of craps, and how I really can't stand seeing her moping around down when she should...the other girl's response, was that, "Austin, some girls just like to be miserable."  She goes on to tell me of her "situation" and how "the lifestyle" she's a part of is just too hard to leave.  (Money, Fast Rides....MIA stuff, u know)  Her advice to us was to leave her alone, cuz ...just cuz.  To hear somebody who interacts with the gal we had an interest in personally, and for her to tell us to stay away...I took it and Justin Tucked it away in our heart.

Now not too many weeks ago, I ended up seeing this girl.  And I thought, this is so funny, I used to see this dame, and our heart used to go pitty-pat like it was on a 808 used by Kelis, now I'm like "Wow, funny how life changes..."  I don't know if shorty's still wit old dude or not, but it's amazing how experiences can change u, and believe u me, this talking with her, and magnetism grew over months, tha kid's not interested in flings.  That's so amateur...but we had to go through that to be able to talk today.

I've written too much, and may not have said much of anything.  A few things I have learned is that sometimes it's just best to let things be, and not try to be Captain Save-a-(Edit).  It's easy for us to...try to save the world, but perhaps they aren't for u to help, and they have to learn on their own.  Also, I grew a newer appreciation of what some of these relationships are...behind the scenes.  And that it's not just in the movies or on shows during the afternoon en Telemundo, but there are some people who treat really diamond level people like crap.  But that's between them, and no matter what u say, people are gonna do what they wanna do anyways, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.  I think differently....I guess somebody has to.

That's it.  No Heat tonight....Lakers on late...we just speak from our heart.  With only two things in mind:

Luv and Fun.

Nothing more.  Nuthing less.

Austino Galaxia.

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