Monday, May 21, 2012

Danger Mouse Swag!

Whoa!  A true throwback, who remembers the cartoon Danger Mouse!

"B4 u succeed, u must 1st learn 2 fail."

A very interesting quote we heard this afternoon.  There was a basketball discussion on progress and how u should learn when you're "on the bench".  A analogy had to do with a redshirt football player.  A redshirt, here doesn't mean a Nebraska Cornhusker, but a freshman who sits out a year playing a sport in college.  The quote went, "when u're a redshirt football player u learn all the routes...when u start playing u already know the routes."  Humm...

I found this so interesting and personal, of course, because u can learn a lot from just sitting back and observing and not even saying a word.  A single word...I think that's the problem in today's society today, we all sometimes want to talk and get our opinion accross, that if we just sit back and we can learn a whole lot.

Last night, was interesting...I think sometimes folks think we just be rumbling at the mouth, or we just write fiction, but we're 100% real.  And this isn't no, "Oh, it sounds so good to say this." No, we mean what we say and write, and we're not in the "fake, do what we think is right" business, we just are us...So after talking to our Editor-In-Chief in the sky, it was basically a discussion about should we continue to write.  Like we said previously, after sitting down in our showroom, and writing as freely as one can write 200+ times (Today is diary post #202), u wonder why are we writing this for the entire galaxia to see.  Our stories are wacky, our opinions on love and life, are unique, why not just close up shop and move on, and go back to keeping our diary private, instead of sharing all these life experiences.  I have a lot more to say, then again, u figure, what more can I say?! (Parental Discretion Advised)  Our life is very fast paced, sometimes I wish it could slow down, but it won't and it's only gonna pick up even more.  So after really looking within, there was a sense to....continue.

A sense that our story isn't over just yet...write, write, and write...because one person may need to hear about our entertaining person may just need to get a song by simply clicking on a link...or one person may need to learn a little more about relationships and love, and all that it can bring.  There's no doubt in our mind, that this diary could be turned into a full Hollywood movie.  And one day, I think it just may be.  I don't know how, but the material is too good.  So we'll gonna give our all, to make sure that every time u type in, u will be experiencing something special.  That for 5 minutes up to 20 minutes plus, we want those moments to be the most anticipated part of the day, knowing that u're gonna get a piece of us, a piece of history, and a piece of fun.  Consider urself fortunate, as we do ourself, because this is a look inside our life, before it breaks open like never seen before.  It's a diary, and the stories are ultra-private.  Now I feel a duty to share the fun that we experience on a daily basis, and all that we've learned.  It's real-time, so when things do begin to happen or u see us on TV or on a magazine cover or something, u really have an insight of how everything came to be.  I just wanna have fun, and this is gonna be something 2 cherish.  If u think it's been wild now, just consider this...

We haven't even gotten loose yet.

That's why that first quotes mentioned above hit home so much.  We have been on the sidelines for awhile...almost like a Vera Wong dress hanging in the closet of the her workshop, not knowing that months later, that's the dress that everybody's gonna be talking about.  We've gotten our "fun" on...but there are some things and people (Ha!) we have left to do.  I think we've been forced to be 'red-shirted' in some ways.  Learning and going through all the steps to success.  There's not too many people living or dead who can say that they have not only paid their dues, but have gone through each step, and know it as they pass by.  That's why we are so goof-a-lee possessed about having so much fun. I have a right too, just because of all we gone through.  And all the times, and moments where we had to look deep within, and wonder why is this happening...again?  Or how come I can't get no playing time when I'm working as hard as ever?  Or why does it seem like we have fun experiences with the most beautiful women in the world, yet I keep running into the very select few that mysteriously don't dig us or who are scared to take a risk?

A lot of our life, just doesn't make sense.  But we've learned to accept that.  There are a lot of things that get us to thinking that our life is really unique...One thing that keeps on surprising us is the amount of strangers who speak to us, or give us a word of encouragement.  Complete strangers...and what really makes us go "Wow!" is how many people talk to us while we have our Whiteberry headphones on.  Somebody may say that happens all the time, but it doesn't.  IT DOESN'T!!  We be walking here in South Beach or in a grocery store, and it's flat out amazing how many guys and a lot of girls talk to us with our phones on.  Just think about it, how many people do u approach while that have that fake "don't bother me" boundary on their ears....exactly.  So the more that happens, the more we think we may be going through a preparation for something up ahead.  U know something special is gonna happen, u just don't know how.

We think about that when it comes to our love life.  It's great...really good.  Sometimes when we release another story, or just walk down the street...I was watching some movies via Netflix and it was silly krazy how many characters played by actresses reminded me of ladies I actually knew.  I was like, "Man, she reminds me of..." or "This is so real, I relate so much..." or "She looks like..." ( For the record the movies I watched the last two days were:  No Strings Attached and The Rebound )  But as we was saying, when these episodes suddenly pop up in ur mind, and u begin to chuckle or u past by a restaurant and just smile, u wonder where ALL these episodes is going to lead.  Like what is the lifestyle that we've been prepared for? Somehow I think it's gonna involve a lot of females, and our experiences have led us to treat girls and women how they should be treated and not just a piece of meat, u know.  It's easy to get caught up into just wanting to  White Castle Sack Pack a lot of chicks, right now, I'm not even on that tip, it's about having fun with the coolest peeps and the most beautiful people around...inside...out....outside in..  Period.  That's where our whole mindset is right now.  I'm probably unique for saying that but...we're real.  No tricks attached.  We 100% authentic saying that...I'm confident in saying that...And that's what's happening.

Am I talking too real right now?  I mean, this is a diary, and we have to write what's in our heart at the moment right?! I'm starting to really love picures. I came upon some today, looked at this one in which I took with this one attractive doll.  For, we walk by each other, and don't even talk to each other...has anyone been in a "thang" where u don't speak to a person, u walk by, and u try u're best to make it seem like u ain't trying to feel where that person is at, all the while KNOWING that the both of u know what's up, and u both even though may u may not show it, know exactly what the other person is doing or where they are at?  Am I writing to some real folks who's been through the game?  If u haven't, well, I don't know what to say.  So vets, what should I do, should I just move on, and be like 'que sera sera' and realize that sometimes the water in the well just runs dry?  Or should I just pull homegirl to the side and be like, "We gotta talk, cuz I don't like the vibe I get whenever u and me are within "Bingo" shout!  Here's the whole thang...I almost feel like just telling the whole story, but the timing isn't right....but the krazy thing is...wait, this is a diary right?  U supposed to get the exclusive in one of the most entertaining lives going on in the world and Galaxia combined, right?!

Ok, long story short...I'm so gonna get in trouble for writing about this, and this chick is gonna be spitting fire, but I'm telling tha flat out truth, plus I don't care, perhaps this will make her open up and not be so brand new around us ...Short and to tha point...recently me and this homegirl made plans to hang out at an event.  A Miami Heat basketball game to be specific...The Triple A is like our 2nd home.  So she agreed to go...but because of the situations of both of us, we didn't hook up, which is fine and dandy.  Now, for some unknown reason shorty bee hop is like on that "let me ignore u" tip, when I have done absolutely nothing wrong to this girl.  It's kind of Captain jacked up...I didn't even call her in my typical 50 times a night fashion, that I do with other girls, I only called her 49 times the next day, and that was because I thought that when I call and her phone went to voicemail it was totally on accident and she had her phone programmed wrong!!  (Another for the record, I never called or messaged this girl afterwards)  But like I say, it's just so...gulp, here's that word again...weird.  I'm one of the easiest folks to get along with, we've been through so much, that it's ok to say 'no' to us.  I'm not gonna cry...wait, that's a song, didn't T.I. spit something like that in a song?....Oh, yes! Remember this summer classic with JT.  One thing hopefully this diary will let people realize is that I'm absolutely not like these other guys.  I don't say that in a snobby way...then again I do!  Another guy may stalk u or plea or beg, or if u tell him 'no', he may not talk to u for months or order a goon squad of chicks to do u in...ok, I lied, I do have my own goon squad, but still, at least my squad will let u talk before that throw u in a dumpster!  Mine are classy!...but with us, u can't hurt us anymore than we've been hurt.  For real...I love a girl who tells me 'no', just like I like girls who can accept the word 'no'.  Not everybody of a particular mindset or ego, can accept that.  With us, no matter what we have, or how we are, we're cool.  For real.

I've moved on, but I just don't like to have that "in the air" feeling when we are near.  But...I've learned a long time ago, u can't do nothing about how people view u or act towards u.  U just gotta live life to ur standards and if that means that people make cameos instead of reappearing roles in ur great play, so be it.  U can't let anybody hold u back or whatever...I wanna have fun.  I'm gonna have fun.  I am fun.  If u can't hang to that F standard...feel sorry for u.  Perhaps in 2007 or 8, or even heck, last year, I would have pulled and pried somebody into joining our fun revolution of living life to the fullest.  But not now...when u're close to how u want u're life to be, u really are focused at a new level.  U look around and it hits u like, "Huh, we got as much experience as the next person...maybe even more!"  We have a special life, and it won't be shared with everybody.  Say this and I'm done...

All of us are so special in our own way.  All of us, and I'm not talking about the old tv show either!  Wow....we just lost our thought, what were we about to say?  Oh no...anyway, we forgot, but it hits u like, "I'm ready", and that can only come by embracing the struggle (Will he ever stop saying that?!!)  and by knowing that every situation and experience along the way has made u stronger.

It's nothing like waking up and realizing that u're no longer chasing, but are now the chased.

I'll end with that.

Austino Galaxia. Forever and ever.

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