Friday, May 18, 2012


Could this one day be a cover story featuring us?

Let the Fun Begin!!

Straight up, it's about to be on and Orville Redenbacher poppin'!!  Have no idea, well that's not true, I do know that we're about to have a lot of fun here, and I gotta get that "nap" in because tonight's gonna be a lengthy one...not that we gonna be out running the streets, not...tonight.  But we gonna really just sit back and relax and get our mind, body and soul straight, check out some hoops games...Lakers play late tonight in Game 3 against the Thunder.  Speaking of the playoffs...

Please leave the Heat alone.  The series is 2 games to 1, but...just hope everythang's ok within.  Guys and coaches get into arguments all the time...on the court.  Me, myself, have gotten into it with a Coach or two...on the court...but u just move on.  Sometimes it's frustration, or the funky flow of the game, or sometimes stuff just be on ur mind, but u have to just take a breath or day off (Heat cancelled practice today), and everything will be fine.  I'm pretty calm, but very intensed when it comes to us hooping...I remember being in college, and during one game, I just checked in to play.  I ran up and down in the game, just barely enough time it used to take for Simon to stop an American Idol audition, and our coach pulled me back out.  I ran back down to our bench and said, "Coach, why u take me out??"  So then my Coach then responded like , "Article XII, Section 4 of the Coaches' Manual does not say I have to tell u why I take u out the game!!"  I for once didn't have a response, it was a pretty darn good response, and funny as well!!  It happens for real....

That's one thing that used to get me a little bit.  Not having people bring it...all the time.  I had my moments, as we all do, but I'm just a firm believer that when I'm on that court or at practice, just put whatever's bothering you away, for 2 hours or so, and go to work.  But as time has gone by, we've learned that sometimes it's difficult to just catsup n' mustard (Midwest talk) up the energy when things are going on in school or even at home.  Our patience is not the same, it's improved tremendously with others.  Perhaps cuz I know myself, how difficult it can be.

Boy, I heard a quote today, that's is pure classic:  " That's a good price here, but it's not my price!"

F. Gee, I luv u bro!  We was talking about finding deals while shopping and stuff, but that's something to think about from a life perspective.  What's good for the goose, ain't necessarily good for the gander.  Sometimes that can be difficult to comprehend when seemingly everybody's doing it or everybody's done gave a Facebook "Thumbs Up" to something or somebody.  But that don't mean that u should do something or go somewhere.  I'm not even talking about it from a negative perspective, but just from a "What's good for you" isosceles angle.  45 degrees may fit someone else well, while 45 degrees may just be a little too cold and too much for another.  Wait, let me write that one down as well, see in an isosceles triangle the angle is....but 45 degrees is sometimes cold, and some like the cold...while others like...ah, nobody got that but us, I guess!!  Guess that's why I such a geek....

I'm starting not to let other people's opinion dictate the opinion I have of myself and of life itself.  I respect point of view's but, especially if it's negative, I kinda have learned to filter out what to keep and what to throw into the deep blue sea of our mind....By the way, I have the ultimate party ship docked there...just saying!  I lot of that has come from crazy experiences, many which have been told in this diary, but after time u just learn that...that's why I'm encouraging folks to not be ashamed of who they are or who they're dating and stuff.  If that makes u happy, I'm not the one whose playing naked footsie with them...or maybe I should change that since nobody sleeps half naked but me...not the one playing footsie with that person.  If he/she makes u smile or gives u a reason to get outta bed the next morning, then that's fine.  Don't date or not date somebody based on the opinions of society, your friends, or even family.  Use your heart and go from there...that's real talk.

Do I speak too real?  I've questioned myself a little bit, like what have we turned into?  Maybe, we just feel free, not only in writing, but just in life.  What u read about us, is who we are.  There isn't no alter ego battle between Austin Williams and Austino Galaxia...In some ways, I think we've earned the right to have fun, and  talk and giggle and be emotional about how we are becoming whatever we are becoming on a daily basis.  All of us are unique, I know I am, and I've excepted the fact that there will NEVER EVER be anybody like us to walk, ride or fly through the Galaxia in this manner again.  So I feel almost responsible to live to the fullest and at least strive to "maximize" this life given to us.  Our actions may be weird, how we have fun may be different, who we decide to make relationships and "relations" with may be pure top tier folks (Not just looks either), but life is so precious.  I may be down one minute, and five minutes later be so joyous and excited.  But isn't that what life is?  The last few weeks have been tough...mentally and physically for us.  Heck, this week's been busy, working our gigs and stuff.  So tonight is an chance to get make a quiet time to play.  We've been in an R 'n' B mood haven't we?!!  Don't get it twisted we've been banging Jamiroquai's Dynamite album, and all day today The Greatest Hits Cd of Lisa Stansfield, which both of which are so awesome.  Oh, I wish sometimes I lived in Europe...

Sure that day is coming, as is lot of things.  Just remain true to our persona and mantra, and things will come to us, instead of trying to fit a square peg into cirle hole....or is it the other way around.  Point made...

Lot of personal talk on our videos, where's the videos?  We gonna make one here coming soon, and try to make this diary even more real...I'm not gonna say how, guess we're just gonna have to keep reading to see, cuz I don't even know.  Maybe some more stories, we couldn't have any more could we?!!  Some pictures, and more....just want to expand some, that's all.  Life's about having fun, and sharing it.  That's not just about the money, or doing things to get a partner in a one on one game of strip Go Fish!  Just wanna have fun...we've experienced a lot of stuff, but hopefully the vibe we give can let somebody else give a vibe to somebody else will give a vibe, and so on...Boyz II Men tell them what kind of mood I'm in tonight...

Says it all.

Til next time, and once again, the Galaxia is expanding and the fun will be way or another.

Now I gotta get some rest.
Austino Galaxia.

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