Wednesday, May 16, 2012

From Mop to Top!

Old School Right Here!  Ms. Burnett where's ur mop?!!

Have a few things running through our mind, right now.  Decisions, desires, and dreams.  The 3-D effect going on within us right now.  Guess it's in these "good times" where u have to remain true to yourself, and just trust that the road you are on will lead to all of the worthwhile of your sacrifices.  Seems like we've been dealing with  this "patient" thing for so long now, I really don't wanna even think about some aspects of our life anymore.  Someone told me on today, "U look tired."  Perhaps, but when u've been going so hard and been giving this "Championship Run" for so long, some days u just don't feel like u got out of a spa.  I'm a guy who thrives on having fun, but as of late, it's been a little bit of a chore, and too much "work" surrounding our being.

I probably shouldn't even be writing right now, but whatever...I'm pretty confident in ourself, and our swag so to speak is still up in tha stars, but how long can we "hold out" in some ways before we just hold up our hands and say, we've given this the ultimate try, and that's it.  Nothing more to give...or say.  These are the moments where that "Egotistical Swag" has to kick in...u know that attitude where we believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that things are gonna turn in our favor.  My whole life is at a point where I'm believing that it's just bigger than us.  It is...I feel like I'm representing something that may just be more than myself.  What...I don't know...yet.  Perhaps I'm just putting too much pressure on ourself, and should just let go and live a little more, take even more risks...I guess when u wanna put it in pure terms, I've become a little...bored.  (Gulp!)

This is the danger zone in life.  I remember watching so many sports teams, and I can name 'em with so much clarity (Bulls '96, Heat '12, Lakers '01, Packers '12, Patriots '07), the list goes on.  These squads knew they were talented and what not, but in our opinion throughout the season, they showed a little "let's get to the real season" type of attitude.  It's natural, but so dangerous, because habits form and sometimes u cannot turn it on and's like not going to class throughout a semester, and then the last 2 weeks u show up, expecting to get an A.  It's difficult.  I think what's going on in our life, is us, it's tough to put into words...

We expect a lot from ourself.  We have high standards, in all regards.  Some may think too high.  Just how we're wired up.  Sometimes we get the feeling that we putting in all this work, when those silly thoughts creep in like "it doesn't take all this."  And then u begin to think about other folks, and be like, "Well, they got this, and they didn't have to go through all this."  Or u thinking, "I'm being as real and meek as possible with different people or even with girls, and this guy is being a playa and disrespecting chicks, and they..."  I'm being real.  We have a unique lifestyle...but as the old folks in Church used to say, "Everything will pay off....after a while."  And as someone once said, "God doesn't always settle his accounts in October."  Meaning that just because somebody is getting theirs or somebody is screwing somebody u wanted or has got a so called "dream gig", doesn't mean that ur time isn't coming.  Huh....I needed to hear that.

Mentioned that before, that sometimes when the ball is rolling, that's when u have to dig down deep for motivation to keep on the road of excellence.  And it's even harder when u think u're doing above and beyond or u think that u've paid every single due under the sun, yet it's like life's ignoring u...that's when u have to blow and just think, "It just has to happen."  That could mean with finances, or love life, or just having a piece of mind, u know.

I was on the road today...and this is funny cuz as I write this paragraph, this song just popped on....I was on tha road thinking about this one gal.  And let me just say, I know I talk about our love life a lot, but hey if u don't wanna read about it, u don't have to.  I'm gonna write about it cuz , just perhaps, it's one of the few aspects in life, that we've yet to comprehend or "master", that's another day...but I was thinking about this girl, and was like, "She's a 'babe'".   In our definition, a "Babe" is nothing degrading, but the ultimate compliment in our book.  See we've seen a lot of attractive and hot girls, and many cool girls (maybe that's why I'm bored, sometimes when u've seen some the best...), but very few have the great combination of both.  In which she's pretty inside, and outside...yet cool enough to be with the fellas and treat her like one of the guys.  That type of girl has a different type of look to her...There's some out there, but they definitely aren't on every corner.  Just had to say that...

Other folks feel the liking about having to keep pushing when sometimes u feel like there isn't an end to the tunnel.  U feel like u got to take the high road, or put a smile on when u feel like not even talking.  We've had so many of these, "I'm not talking to the media" type of days it's not even funny.  Being real...Yet and still we feel like everything's that happened to us, has made us grow to a level we need to be at.  I mean howt can u help somebody out, when u haven't been where they've been.  I wanna take it a step further, by saying, sometimes u have to go to an even deeper depth of life, in order to really bring somebody else up.  That's why we're still writing, I think, cuz trust us, it takes a lot of time and chutzpah to keep revealing stories and telling how we feel (like on tonight) in a real straight up way.  I know we keep saying cherish each post cuz whether it's 2012 or 2023, we all will be like, this is some real stuff, and we all will be uttering, "I'll remember when..."

Interesting, I'm beginning to feel a little energy come to us, maybe I just need to pour out some batter on this cyberspace grill.  Has anyone wondered how things can be thrown u're way, when u really don't ask for it, and u probably won't get any credit?  Forget it, I gonna talk 2nite...

Lesson in life, are unique and come to u in some very subtle ways.  My Grandpa used to say, "It's ok to be a fool, but don't be no d--- fool!" I think that's where u have to continue to push and embrace the struggle (Even when it doesn't embrace back! ).  I think u should consider urself special when u have to fight to make it, so to speak.  I don't think I'll have it any other way than to start at the bottom, I guess and work ur way up...Ok, I got...should I tell a story or two?  Ok, here we go again...

Sometimes u just have to pay ur dues.  After graduating college, I had a very strong interest in the Modeling industry from a management point of view.  I thought I could relate to the fashion modeling industry since it takes a lot of sacrifices, rejection, and persistence.  And most models are not just easy on the eyes, but u'll be surprised at how many of them are really just me on this.  (Note:  I got Kayne West's "Celebration" on repeat as I write this...parental discretion is definitely advised)  So I remember sending out "a gang" of letters and resumes out.  Mostly to the hot cities that we not only had an interest in moving to but also were fashion forward.  (New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Dallas, and Chicago)  I remember even becoming close email buddies with this girl, well not girl, but woman in Irvine, California.  She was mad cool, and she told us a little about the Orange County area and about "Cali life" and joking around with our modeling agency interest.  I'm chuckling, cuz there we go with another episode involving a "California Girl"!!  It seemingly doesn't stop...Gail, I miss u homie!!

I talked to quite a few peeps around the country.  I still remember walking into the offices of Ford Models up in Chicago, that was an interesting day.  Felt like ol' girl from The Devil Wears Prada.  I was blessed to actually get two internships with Modeling agency houses.  The second one has a grip of stories, but we gonna talk about my first experience.  So this agency was in downtown Chicago.  I'm driving through the big city of the Chi, thinking that this might just be what I'm looking for.  I get inside to where I have to go.  Nice skyscraper building, and get off the elevator, and the office looked kind of older...I get to the office, and I wait some before, I meet my interviewee.  So this lady comes out.  She had this long, long blond hair.  Simple pretty face, but her body...I have to be honest, she was in incredible shape.  I'm not talking from just the allure of working out 32/7, I mean from the she had to be like in her 40s, but her body was naturally like a young doll.  I love a gal, who takes care of herself, and she was and still is on top shelf in our mind.

We begin to talk about the gig/internship.  Talking about all that's wasn't what I was expecting. was a small operation, just her and tha boss.  But the boss, had some textile connects.  He was real cool, he spoke in true Chinese.  And I'm not talking about that Bruce Lee, Saturday Afternoon Movie of the Week, type of stuff.  He actually unleashed the dragon, and not fake it.  So our "internship" would involve me supposedly learning about fashion from a modeling and textile buying perspective.  What I got was...not like that...

I can recall me calling all these people on the phone.  I didn't get that much help...once this guy comes over, and he's dressed like mulah, he smelt like it.  So this brotha asks if we working for "Wong" , and we say 'yes'.  Says he's a nice guy...then he goes on talking on the his phone, I remember him uttering the phrase, "Ain't that about a (Female Dog)" he said it was just so gangsta, that's why we still hear him.  And then we get to talking about this and that.  He talks about him going over Robert's house....he said it so cool, and then it hit us, he's talking about hanging out with none other than R. Kells himself.  I'm like, I'm in the offices of the baller's!!

I remember a few episodes...One, homegirl was kinda, well she was flirting with us.  Getting a little close and stuff, and once again, as a guy, thoughts begin to run through ur mind like is this some kind of Columbian FBI setup or does is this woman wanting to get down wit the get down?  And once again, u looking at "her goods" and believe u me, it was one of those "u couldn't blame me if I did" type of things...maybe I shoulda!!  (Slap on top of my forehead!!)  Once she called us, saying they needed help for a fashion show...had a brotha geeked up...shaving his chest hair at the crib in front of our bathroom mirror, thinking I'm bout to Tyson Beckford this thang!  So u had this beauty and...

Then our boss, was unique.  Us two had to make a "run", and he wanted to show me how things really went down.  We were going over to this guy's office across downtown.  It sounded like a bootleg scene from The Godfather, but we went with, hoping I wouldn't regret not going to the pawn shop to get my scratched up friends Smith and Wesson!  We go out to the curb, and track down a taxi.  My and "Wong" talking in the backseat, I'm holding some "stuff"...and next thing u know it, "Wong" yells in his strong Asian accent, "U goin' tha wrong way!!"  Then the cab driver, yells from the front back to us, like, "What are u talking about?"  Then our boss "Wong" really gets snappy hot, and is like, "U going the long way, u shoulda took Lake (Street)!!"  Next thing I know, a full-blown argument that only rivals the kind u see on Cheaters,  ensues in this small taxi cab.  I really was expecting some fruit punches to be thrown, and I'm like if this is what tha industry is about, then maybe I wanna take up selling DVD's outta my car....less stress for real.  So u had that...

And then the coup de graw, was me having one of the most kraziest trips...ever.  Traffic in Chicago, can be bonkers, and just a hassle.  I recall somebody asking if they could switch lanes on the highway, and the other car actually shook his head 'No'!!  And didn't allow the car in...  That was legendary!  Thus, on this particular trip in, there was wall to wall traffic on I-94.  I was running behind schedule as it is, and I don't need this.  It was moving like by inches...and then a funny feeling hit me..."I gotta go 2 the bathroom....bad." So what do I do?  There ain't nowhere to I'm literally praying that I can just hold it and get through this craziness...After a long stall, I finally get off on our exit, and I'm zooming down the streets of tha Shy.  I get to the parking garage, get my tag or whatever, shoulda just busted through the gate.  And just my luck...I can't find a parking spot.  So now I'm zooming and zig-zagging through the garage like an arcade game of Donkey Kong, except this costs more than 25 cents, and has a lot more on the line than some freakin' tickets coming out the bottom! I finally, finally pull into a spot after listening to Vivian Green, and I'm like doing that walk yet inside ur head ur running (imagine being late for class in high school, but not being able 2 run through the halls, cuz it'll get u "In-house".)  So I get to the elevator, basically slamming the button, like "C'mon...C'mon...", the elevator opens.  I'm doing this shimmy which was half Harlem Shake, and half New York City Club scene circa 1994!  I step inside, the doors close and I'm still shimmying trying not to think about it, and then it just...just...

Next thing I know it, I put on that blank look on my face, just like the mascot "The King" from those BK commercials, and I feel something warm and fuzzy coming down my leg!  I can't believe I'm writing this, but this is the only time it's ever happen 2 us, and plus u just never know what u're gonna read in our diary!!  So embarrassing...So I'm performing this Dave Chappelle "--- on you" skit, in the elevator, literally.  And to make matters worse, I got a suit jacket and slacks on, so not only am I gonna smell like Sprite from a McDonald's fountain, but u can see my accident as well.  And the gist of the aftermath, I try to play it off, and walked in, sat in my usual chair, and fulfilled my quota for my phone calls!!  Easily the wildest or should I tha day I felt most relieved in my life.  So now when I see folks on the street and they give that "I'm bout to pop the top" look, I just shake my head, and be like, "those were tha days!!"

Learnt a lot from that experience.  Patience, timing is everything, but most of all, u gotta pay ur dues 2 appreciate what ur dreams truly bring.  Gotta appreciate the rain if u want to love the sunshine right!!


That's enough from tha kid.

Better days are ahead...but perhaps as we look back on days like today, we'll be saying, "they weren't so bad after all."  Think we will...and so will you!

Smooches and Toodles
Austino Galaxia.

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