Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No Pic Needed.

This is gonna be short tonight...

I'm listening to this interview about the NFL right now, and this "bounty" thing going on with teams and the old school football way of doing things and just the aggressiveness and love of the game.  Oh, how I miss the good ol' days!  Things...

Today, I saw some really funny stuff.  I was at CVS today, and this guy...Ok, first off, when I walked in he was sitting in a wheelchair...after I got done picking up stuff, I walked to the front, and the cashier and this gent, who was now standing perfectly, was in a cat-and-mouse conversation at the register. It was wild...I decided to "look" (Wink, Wink!) at the Publix ad inside the Miami Herald while all this carrying on was going on.  As I get into line, my guy's card wasn't going through..."Let's try it again."...."No sir, it's not going through."..."Try it again."..."No sir..."...."Try it again for a third time..."  I'm like, "This guy..."...and so the cashier is beginning to show his impatience at all the Scrooge McDuck cash bantering...the cashier hit him with that "Sir, it's showing that u have to pay with an alternative chicken tender".  So after he said that, the guy finally NyQil coughed up some sauce to pay for his items....And then this guy was like, "Can u give me another bag?"  The cashier was like, "I'll give u a third bag", all said with some sass in his tone.  By all sights it looked like the gent had this very small item, and...I guess u have those customers.  Just too much, and I was just bugging up laughing...and then...

The very next guy stepped up.  And I already knew he was a little perturbed about this poor man's version of MTV's Boiling Points, so he comes up.  He has a pack of CVS 9-volt batteries.  He gives them to the same cashier.  And...
Cashier:  "Ok, sir, this is a buy one, get one free item, do u want to get another one."
Customer: (In a monotone) "I don't need it." 
Cashier:  "Well, it's buy one, get.."
Customer:  "I don't need it."
Cashier:  "SIR...IT'S FREE!!!"  (Basically yelling at the customer)

The customer then stormed past me, I thought I heard his feet stomp on the patterned carpet, he comes back with another pack of 9-volt batteries, and gives it to the guy like "Whoa!"  I thought he was gonna hit him with the card in tha face move...but I was just laughing my behind off.  Miami is just too much....too much.  

This afternoon, I saw some of the strongest rainfall, and let me be real...South Beach was basically flooded today.  There must've been one heck of a party at the Great Strip Club in the sky today, cuz somebody was really making it rain today.  That's actually kinda funny cuz I know God makes it rain since he created Adam and Eve...and see...they were naked at Club Eden...and....ahh, nobody gets that joke but me, so I'll leave it alone!!  But the rain was ridiculous.  Our ride, which still hasn't been fixed since our accident, was getting a free car wash from up top and from underneath.  The spaceship Publix, inside the garage was ballistic!  And of course, I just happened to park in a spot which became engulfed with water...IN THE GARAGE!  So I got all J-Kwon "Tipsy" and walked on some aqua to get inside of my car. then I hit tha roads driving and it's really pouring liquid batter outside.  I get on these streets trying to dodge water hazards in the middle of the was one of the worst we've seen since I've been down here in '05.  I actually heard this one lady claim that, "It's the end of the world."  Wild.  I think the only think that ranks up there was a Sunday, where I walked around the 'hood, and saw all the aftermath.  There was large puddles everywhere, really lakes...Just makes u wonder about the beautiful island we live on, and what happens when we get a small sprinkle.  

Things are getting interesting within our life.  Just have to take things moment by moment.  Lots of changes, which is kool.  I'm not fearful of that, just when so much goes on, so quickly u really have to take a deep breath.  Our time is becoming so precious...I'm almost thinking about hiring a Personal Assistant, posting some ads on light poles and the back of bus a plane to fly over the city, I don't know, something to get the word out.  We're pretty ultra-organized, but sometimes it'll be nice to get some help.  

I've been dabbling within about a new theme surrounding our life.  I like to have fun with our showroom and our wardrobe and stuff.  Just different 'looks'...One time it was, "European Footballer", our "Preppy Thug"....recently it was "Euro DJ".  I think our theme now is "Celebrity".  It hit us as we were reading some great articles on, especially one on Ilaria Urbinati being a stylist to the stars.  It'll still be hard for me to have someone else dress me or style our place, I know why people do it, though...I just still want to have a hand in certain aspects of our life.  Am I a control freak?  That's a real good question, I haven't really thought about...Humm...

I have some fun to attend to, so I had to keep this short.

Austino Galaxia.

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