Sunday, May 20, 2012

E.N.D. or B.Gin?

Black Eyed Peas....taking a hiatus, could we be next?

#201.  That's the number of posts we have written on our website.  That's a whole lot.  Meaning, we have gotten in front of our computer 201 times over the last year, to make a fool of ourself!  Or to embarrass ourself...that's a lot of words.  I still think about if we should just stop writing or not.  I don't know if anybody really cares to hear about our saga involving love, money, faith and fun.  It's some good stuff.  I guess we just gonna use this as a diary that we would write anyway.  Just gonna keep going until we just stop and let this website sit, which is what it will do, after we're done.  See what happens....

Today was unique.  Spent a lot of time up north in Sunrise, Florida and then up in Fort Lauderdale....then had to make a come back down to our neck of the woods in South Beach.  Fun day picking up a lot of things and items that we needed.  I'm fighting to write right now, so bear with us...

Our life has changed a lot.  I mean a lot.  And the next few moments are only gonna add to the fun.  We feel totally ready for whatever is the next step in our journey.  And we mean that concerning all aspects of our life.  Really starting to get to 'living' and not just going through the drag that life can become where its all work and no play.  We've said it once, and we'll say it again, my drug of choice is Fun.  And sometimes when I don't have a hit from it, we just feel all off kilter.  Get cranky, get into that "What's The Use?" a la mode, just not us.  We are a person who likes to experience new things, and meet unique people.  There's a little sense of urgency on our part.  It's great to be patient and not run into certain situations and stuff, but now we are in full "go" mode.  We've been so laid back and just anticipating when our name is gonna be called on life's grand Broadway stage, now we feel like the spotlight is on us, and we won't let the chance pass.

D Wade going off, in this Game 4 of the semi's against the Pacers.  U go boy!...sometimes when u have bad days (or games), those are just that.  It doesn't mean u've lost it, or one day doesn't make a horrible month, u just have moments where stuff happens...and when u feel criticism (hate) from the outside or even from within, that sometimes can motivate you more than if u didn't face adversity in the first place.  I was thinking today as being on the road, that 2day was the first time in like a month, literally, that we've had a chance to really leave The Land of The Beautiful People, and go out of town.  The last month has been interestingly filled with trying to find rest from our upscale lifestyle or whatever u wanna call it. It's been difficult in a way...

We've even taken some time of from the dating game and stuff.  What's really been going on is that we've had a chance to get ourself together some and become who we want to become.  That's what u want anyway, u don't wanna meet somebody when they are all tired or not fully energized to bring something to the table.  I think now we are in a Ultra-fun mindset, and we feel like we know how we wanna live and love and have fun, so whoever gets to kick it with us, is really in for a treat.  Now we're in that 1% that we once talked about.  Not gonna get into that...but our life is super special.

Seen some wild stuff...up on I-95 past Fort Lauderdale, they had cops like pulling folks over every 50 feet.  That was interesting, but they needed to, it makes no sense to be going like 90mph, at 10 a.m. in the morning.  Then later on Davie Blvd., saw another cop putting somebody in cuffs, in a shopping center.  What was going on?!  Drove by this restaurant in the FTL, and I promise all I saw was a guy's hand feeling on the butt of a girl! Wish I coulda took a picture of that...

Like the purple background?  We gonna try to do things step by step...Our diary is starting to feel weird right now.  I have so many stories to tell, but I'm starting to get a sense that we've said all that we need to say.  A thought is popping in our mind to just live our wild life as is, and keep it private like nobody needs to know about our thoughts or our mindset.  Nobody else is really writing like this...(Wish somebody did?)  Could this be the end?  Or...

Could this be a new beginning?

I think it's both.  And I like that.

Austino Galaxia.

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