Monday, May 14, 2012

Galaxian Lessons. (Dos)

This movie was hilarious! ...and full of Hidden Luv Ka-now-ledge!

Have to take a huge breath on this one.  (Huff...)

Ok, all jokes aside, when all is said in done, and perhaps years and decades from now when I'm...well, I'll never die per se, but you get the picture...

We have written some very unique diary posts on this Austino Galaxia website.  Most of it has been very personal and very detailed about our life, about experiences which I still debate if I should have shared them through the wings of cyberspace, and just all that engulfs our normal and daily life....

But perhaps nothing is gonna be like tonight's post.  Something special...we presented Part Uno on Galaxian Lessons, which told about some of the things that we've learned over the last several days.  But now, we truly dig into the heart of who we are, and all the joy and a lot of pain that has made us...I don't know...made us grow up in ways and fashions that have been completely unexpected.

Said this once, and say it again, I'm a kid of love in every since.  You can probably tell by some of the underlying messages in our diary posts, but for some goofy reason, it seems like that subject has been used to not only teach us lessons, but humble us in ways that sometimes I don't feel are fair.  Our life is just so krazy, and just plain weird.  I don't understand why I've been the pinata of this love thang, but I guess the Great Matchmaker in the sky chose us, because he figured we might be the only one who can handle it.  Others have wild stories about dating and relationships, but I don't think anyone has some many experiences, so many mysteries, so many might have been or could have beens as us.  And I'll admit if we messed up, but 98% of the time, things just ended without any warning or any closure, and that has hurt.  Once again, I guess all these days and girls who have entered our life for one reason or another, have made an impact on us in some way, shape, form, and with a lot of fashion.  I have no idea what's gonna happen tonight as we write this...we gonna write it like its our last, it just may be y'all.  We're pushing right now, cuz we feeling like we've said so much about our life, told so many stories, and we still feel like their isn't any use, or that it may be a waste of time cuz no matter what we say, only a select few are gonna "get us" anyways.  So why not just become laid back and a Hollywood enigma, and just live selfishly without trying to make a difference.  Why not?

Until that moment comes, we'll keep writing and pushing hoping that one day our time will come, and for some reason I don't think it's too far off.  I know our life is ultra-special, and I'm just a kid who wants to share the fun we have inside with the rest of the Galaxia.  That's all...all we want from life...but along the way this thang call 'love' has had us baffled in many ways, and has taught us some unforeseen lessons.   So, tonight's gonna be long in length, cuz it's a subject that has been my profession, some what.  Here we go...without further ado, and truly unscripted, and from a perspective that's one of a kind's

What I've Learned About....Love.  Dating.  And Relationships.  

Attraction is something u can't put into words.  There are so many different couples around the globe, that's it really doesn't make any cents. I think it's cool how opposites can attract and how people of different backgrounds can hook up.  The funny thing is that u don't know what hit's that "spot" with a person.  You think a girl who parties all the time digs the same in a guy, and she dates a "nerd".  A guy who is always studying and never even cusses, digs tha chick who is always snapping her neck and giving somebody that "and another thing..." line.  Attraction is undetectable.  It really is.

It's not the age that matters, it's the experience level.  I'm starting to feel like we gonna get loose on tonight.  I think, personally, that age doesn't really matter between two people but how the connect on the experience level really does.  A couple who is dating somebody like, 8 years apart, can in some ways relate with each other.  We always look at guys dating younger females, but I don't see anything wrong with guys dating up either.  I myself personally get a little tired of grape juice, and need to sip some wine every now and then!!  I might gulp some by the end of the week matter of fact!!  But if two people relate, and have that vibe, that age thing fades away.  Remember don't look at the age, look at the experiences, that's what keeps the juices flowing!...Ah, another one to jot for our seminar.  Just think about it, folks are getting this stuff for free, next summer I'm charging $143 plus tax to hear this stuff, and if u want the mic to be on, that's another $68 plus $1!!

South Beach is one of the top 3 hottest neighborhoods in the world...but may also be in the top 3 in toughest to date in.  Miami is full of beautiful looking people, but our neighborhood of South Beach is really on another level.  It's a fantasy world really.  Not only in the people who live here, but all the people who visit, it's like ur on a permanent hip hop video shoot.  All races, all genders, all sexualities...that's what makes it unique and why everybody wants to kick it down here.  It's also tough to date just because of the same reason.  That's why I say, we've been forced to look within and not just focus on the outside appearance.  Didn't they teach us that while we were doing the square dancing segment of our 8th grade gym class?  But when so many are "beautiful" u have to look at other factors to determine who's....worthy.  Then u also have egos, on those who are solely concerned with their looks, sooner or later, that'll fade.  Yea, u look decent and all, but can u make flapjacks?  If u a girl, a guy is hot as Hollywood, but is he good in...cough, cough..good to you?  (Gotta make this PG)  Just real talk.

Plastic surgery and tattoos can be mad sexy...if u keep urself up.  I'm still not a super huge fan of fake boobs...I told u I'm gonna be real tonight...but I've seen my share while being a beach bum for summers on end, and living down here, and even have licked a few (Whipped Cream anybody?)...and it really ain't no big deal!!  Tats are the same way, it's really hard to find a girl in Miami who DOESN'T have a tattoo of some sort.  Really hard...A butterfly, a name, a dragon, something u know...they can be good art.  But u must keep the body tone and up to par, cuz if not, u might be spending that $2 Gee Stack to get them removed.  That's all crazy talk aside.  But sometimes while in Rome u must adjust ur like to the taste of Rome sort of...

There are still true gentleman around.  I'm not even throwing myself in this conversation, but their are still guys who want to treat girls how they should be treated.  I think now, guys are a little...scared to show it.  I think society has kind of pushed that way of thinking out the window.  While we at it, this is for the fellas, if I see another sexy girl in a nice dress, out on the town with a guy in a Miami Heat hat, a black graphic tee, and some J's, I might just run up on them, and slap them and walk away and say, "I'm Rick James...".  At least lose the cap, if a girl can dress up, so can we.  And also, look at it like this, what u do that night might not only affect how u two and if u two hook up again, but may affect how that girl looks at other guys from that point on, whether good or bad...Am I lying?  U wanna be on top of ur game...and depending on who u wit, the moment she senses a thought in ur mind of DMX Slippin' (And believe u me, her antennas are up) she may just hit u wit that "I got to go to tha bathroom" line, and next thing u know it, La Femme Nikita has jumped out the window, with the curtains blowing in, while u thinking she just had to get the tacos outta her system!!   Speaking of which....

I think a guy should always pay for dinner or a meal, the first time around.  Just how I grew up, and how we are.  Simple is always better.  Here's another thing...try as best as possible to share a place or joint that is just your place and's nothing like driving with that friend, or person and be like, "U remember when..." , or if u out coming from work, u pass by a place and start smiling...or ok,  maybe u begin to speed up.  That's why I think doing something fun, and possibly trying something neither one of u have done makes a relationship super cool.  Makes it a little spicy as well....

It's nothing wrong with a girl making the first move.  Many times, and I know a lot of guys would agree, if a girl makes the first move on asking a guy out, the chance of those two actually going or hanging out usually quandrouples!  At least according to our love studies...I mean the computer was broke that night, but I can still compute long hand, and I still know that 9 times 4 equals 42!!  But for real, it rarely Miami (Ha! I humor myself...)  But still ladies, I'm just telling u a secret within guys, if u feel a dude, go for it...I'll betcha he'll say yes, or at least give it a try, no matter who u are.

Just because two people have almost everything in common doesn't mean they'll make a good couple.  As I heard somebody just recently say, sometimes they can "cancel each other" out.  I say this, with strong Akon conviction, cuz we've come across many a peeps who we had a lot in common with...I mean in a scary way as well.  But that doesn't mean that person is meant for you.  For real.  Sometimes they are just there to show that it's possible.  Cuz we all can think, especially if u single, if I could find somebody who wears glasses, loves folk music, and like the Dallas Cowboys...and low and behold u meet that person.  Don't let three qualities of commonality determine that that person is "The One".  Real Talk.

Whew, this is long....but I gotta get it off our chest so let's see...what else...

If u love or even like somebody, don't be ashamed!  This is so true, I'm so, and I talked to my Pops about this, don't put hoods on ur boyfriends/girlfriends and start to nickname them "Blanket" like the King of Pop .  If u're dating somebody, u dating need to still act like u playing the field, cuz we all know u're getting nothing but walks.  I don't understand that for real, no matter his/her personality or reputation (Jeez, really?!) or how the look to others, if u dig that person, and are laying ur head on the pillow next to them, don't be ashamed to hold hands or even get out of the same car as that person.  That goes the same, if u dating somebody who's fair on the eyes.  Don't try to shelter that person.   I once heard every beautiful woman HAS to go out.  (Think The Donald said that.)  Here's the deal, in our opinion, if u doing your thing, taking care of ur mate, then u have no reason to be insecure.  If not, then u need to step ur game up.  I love Ladies Love's line, "If his love is real, he's got to handle competition"   I've been with many a girls who guys have asked me, "Is that you?" or while crossing the street say some off the wall pickup line, but they didn't go anywhere.  Leave insecurity alone...if person's too much for u, they're too much and move on.  Oh...and here's LL's classic song.

 Dating outside your race, expands your horizons.  Heck, just hanging out is awesome.  I make no bones thugs about it, I don't date race, I date beauty.  And u can underline that...u don't have a pen, that's ok, I got u...I don't date race, I date beauty.  There are so many types of people in the world, and u cannot assume that just because a person has a different skin color that they ain't "down".  We've met so many different...Japanese girls down with hip hop, brown skin beauties from is bigger than just our own streets and sounds.  But u gain so many experiences and grow in ur journey in life, by just going outside ur own self-made walls.  Plus, u just never know, ur ultimate gift may be there for the taking, just not in the package u were expecting!

The bell is telling me to stop.  I could really go on, but hey, I gotta save some for when Esquire Magazine really does this article on us.  Just consider this a sneak preview into the future.

Austino Galaxia.

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