Friday, May 4, 2012

Party Rock Talk!

"Everyday I'm Shuffling!"...LMFAO

I don't really believe I'm writing right now, because I have A LOT of stuff going on tonite.  But, something or Somebody is telling us to "Write.", thus we'll see what occurs.  What to write about... hum?

Right now trying to figure out how to spend our weekend.  As of my typing, our eyes on set on hitting up Palm Beach County in some way, shape or fortune.  Either in Boca Raton, which is our personal equivalent of "The Hamptons" for us.  Or we might even end up in West or Palm Beach for the day.  Or....just may end up getting into some other trouble along the way from South Beach all the way up to one of those destinations.  With us, you never know.  I know it's Cinco De Mayo and folks are gonna be "getting it in" late night style...Isn't it wild how folks party for any reason down here in Miami?  I mean we Floridians throw "H----- Parties" for goodness sake!  (Remember u don't say tha h-word down here in  the Sunshine state, but if u don't catch the hint, it has to do with stormy weather.)  But, we party over any thing...

Up North, from where I'm from (Indiana), it usually has to be a special occasion or just a weekend thing or somebody getting outta prison or something for the turntables to come out and and for that quick stop at the Dollar Store to pick up some red cups to occur.  Hmmm.....has this diary post found a topic?  We've seen some wild stuff and some unforgettable gatherings...should I divolge?

Ok, still got a little time before our night really jumps off so...I'm not a "party guy" per se...somehow I hear the theme from Jaws in the background as I'm writing...but...I am a "party guy" in a sense as well.  I love to have fun, interact with people and just enjoy life.  And contrary to what society thinks, u don't have to be HGTV plastered up or go around chasing skirts to have fun.  We've been in some of the most interesting of places, clubs, or party atmospheres and haven't picked up a drink or anything.  Some think u have to have a long neck in ur hand to have fun, not true dudes and dudettes.  And believe me, I'm not a lame either when I say that.  Lot of people ask me do I drink?  That's an interesting question.  I'm gonna be honest, as usual, in our diary...I really don't drink that much alcohol.  Would I never pick up a spirit again?  No, cuz I think u should enjoy life, and if Jesus could drink some wine, u betta believe I probably will, at a wedding or if someone's treating and u had just one of those days.  I won't criticize somebody for partaking, but partaking with the notions of getting drunk and pis...and mean passing out in somebody's yard.  Not our steelo dude.

Plus, I've seen what hard, and I mean HARD drinking can do in tha long run.  When u see folks die, due to alcoholism, and how as u get older it effects ur skin and stuff, u think hard about moderation, in everything.  Why do u think some of the most attractive models and stuff have such clear skin without plastic surgery and stuff?  The answer they give is usually they get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and drink limited, if any alcohol.  It makes a difference, and with us being a maniacal pretty boy at heart, u now see where we come from.

But boy, we've been in tha Sierra Mist of some parties...Mom and Pops, this is when u hit the "X" in the top right hand corner, and I give u time!  (Smile)

If walls could talk, just the scenes we remember from being in rooms switching songs like a DJ using the remote, by going through two girls dancing.  I don't wanna interrupt u gals grinding on each other but can I just hit up some 112 on the disc changer and be good!  The made a thin cut sandwich with our arm as they just grinding on us as we switched jams!  Been at establishments where "toy cops" come in and try to shut down the place.  Of course, we ran like cockroaches, but still..

We've like going to fiestas with all different types of people and races and backgrounds.  In college, a lot of high school girls used to party with us...Did I just write that?!!! (Shrug just inserted right there!)  I've had great nights just sitting around talking...speaking of which, had a real nice convo with this doll about Asia and Japan, and just being 'weird" today...and yes, we are "forever bonded by glue!!"  That's a great party too when people have there guards down and try to just conversate or as I like to say "in-ter-act" with everybody.  That could just be over some cheese and crackers.  My drink of choice back in tha day, was some simple Apple Sparkler.  What!  Give my that $5 dollar bottle from the grocery store, Man, and hook me up with some tunes and I didn't even have to have anything else, I had my liquid crack in my hand, and would be drinking it like I had some freakin' Ace of Spades in my hand!  Maybe I should steal... I have to stop talking like I'm in my hold stick up days, man!!  Maybe I should purchase a bottle this weekend for old times sake.  The Sparkler not the Spades...shoot, if a brotha spurge on some of that...if I go out on a date with a girl, I mean I just took out the taxi-like dollar counter in my ride for gas money! So u know if I get a bottle of that I would wanna see some Red Shoe Diaries type of action at the end and through the beginning of the next night.  And for the record unlike taxi drivers who charge by the 1/4 mile, I charge by blocks...maybe that's why I've never dated anyone who's lived in Cutler Bay?!!

Speaking of which I remember seeing this one girl, Sheeba Baby, pushing dudes out the way so she could do the proactive splits on the ground...all in the name of a song!  That was funny!  What else...there's almost too much to tell, but whatever, y'all know if u don't by now, we don't care.  I remember dancing at this one party with this girl for, no joke, like 45-1 hour straight!  I mean, has anyone ever danced with somebody and the rhythm was just so fluid that neither one of u wanted to let go of the moment.  That's happen several times with us, but this girl in particular was off the chain.  "The Vibe" was so magnetic...She was really pretty, of Mexican decent, plus size with Dove soap bar curves, and they were all on display for Galaxia to see.   Interesting how that episode began and ended (and it did go longer into the night, like til 4am in the morning, just "talking" and I'm shushing right now on that topic!!)  Not kidding on this stuff...

Fun times...don't try to dance to Outkast's "B.O.B", cuz u'll be wore out beyond compare!  Me and this one young lady were almost about to seek a oxygen tank after that one.  I wonder would they have charged me for bringing in my own air to a club?  Have u ever smelled some of these joints?  C'mon now, let's be honest, and then the floor.  Guys spend time getting that "look" just right, practicing lines in London's Daily Mirror and stuff... While girls get primed up, and getting their shoes polished up, and spent 10 minutes on their bed trying to get their Nelly foot band-aids in the right place that won't show and will protect their heels in their new Michael Kors kicks.  I just thought, if a guy gets a girl who does that, does that mean we're getting damage goods from the get-go?!!  Just joking, but...that's funny!

Real quick, while attending classes down here in Miami, I knew A LOT of folks who used to come straight, and I mean like hot comb straight from a party or club and walk dead, not really cuz that would be eerie and I'll have to place a call to the  President of Ripley's Believe it or Not!, but u get tha gist of it.  Guys and definitely some girls would be almost passed out in morning be running, going out clothes still on.  I DEFINITELY remember this one girl, who I peeked my interest (there's a lot isn't there!).  She was from Naples, seemed low-key girl, I guess the super tan-blond hair beach type, she reminded me of this one episode of The OC when Caleb brought in his younger girlfriend...ah, u had to hav seen tha show, but she looked similar to her for real.  But I was debating on her...constantly...but I couldn't do it.  She was pretty but eyes like blood shot red from a night out, tough but as Jigga says, "...fine, but she parties all the time". Guys do likewise, there may have been a time or two, I went out and had to be "somewhere" 2 hours or something, if u live down here in Miami its probably gonna happen sooner or later.  This guy told me when I first came down in '05 that u gonna have a time where u party seven days straight.  Suprisingly, it hasn't happen yet...

Perhaps, tonight will produce our first hour in a marathon of tossing it up!  Just never know...Ok, I've talked 2 much, I actually have to do what I need to do tonight, and have some real kool fun.  What a life.

The Party Life....and I'm not talking about no Democratic or Republican either...

The Galaxia Party.  (Oh I love the sound of that!)

Austino Gee.

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