Saturday, May 12, 2012

Galaxian Lessons. (Uno)

Coach Phil Jackson...One of My Favorite Teachers.


Writing in the afternoon, because tonight plans on being a very intriguing one, so u gotta get it in, while u can.  Today we feel pretty good...There's a lot of things that could hinder our thoughts of being positive, but, I feel good like James Brown, or as J-to-tha L-to the O, used to say...Right now, I'm fighting to write this diary, so just bear with us...

This morning, early this morning, I was in bed thinking about what changes could we do, to reinvent ourself to make our life even more fun.  What areas need tending to?  All of us do it, hopefully, but now more than even I find myself just wanting things more "right now" and in a manner that you want them to.  I'm learning so much about life, that I really feel like we can just be...a major sparkle in the sky.  Jokes aside.  What have we....

That's interesting.  I like to have fun, and I been saying that we can see things develop in our life, so why not do something different today.  We have been on a comet journey like no other, so why not just let the words speak for themself.

What Have I've Learned (Oh, by the way, thanks Esquire Magazine.)

Even though the road less traveled is the most difficult, I still feel like it gives the best results.  It's so easy to just try to be like everybody else, but in the end that uniqueness about you is actually what gets u over.

If you want to be a superstar in life, you have to learned how to not give somebody a Duncan Hines piece of your mind cake.  What does that mean?  I'm learning that if you want to be the boss, u have to pay the cost.  And of late, I've had more people talk crazy to me, or look at me funny, or get an attitude with me over simple stuff like never before.  And believe me I'm not the freaking Yosemite Sam culprit!  I think sometimes if your a celebrity or a boss at a company or a preacher or whatever, folks can see you as inhuman in a way, and feel like they can just give this reckless amount of disrespect just because...I feel this thang won't say anything.  I think recently myself, and other dreamers, have been tested in this area to get us prepared for what lurks ahead.  I've learned to have a tough skin and put things in the cemetery of my mind, and stay focus on the journey at hand.  I can write for days on that, cuz it's been ridiculous but...let's just say I'm really learning which people are worth my time, and which have taken a unfortunate Wall Street drop in their overall worth in our eyes.  Ouch!  Somebody knows what I'm talking about.  If you don't, then perhaps your the one talking slick at the mouth and putting ur own ego and/or being stress out about ur life and dumping that feeling  on others.  Pause!!

There are many steps to be taken to success, and you can't skip not a one.  It sounds kind of deep as u think about it, but u have to go through it.  I'm learning to take a Zen Master (Of Fun) approach and let things develop.  Maybe I have too much of a lay back, Newport Beach type of attitude, but the key to those steps is not just looking at them but the action itself.  That mean doing something out of the ordianary just to get the experience under your championship belt.  Experience is the best teacher anyway...I wonder who had a higher GPA in Grad school, experience or Mr. Moore from the old show Head of The Class, hum, have to look that up!

Money isn't the end all, it just gives you options.  We've been discussing how we are now in a wealthy lifestyle that we in some ways wanted...not just financial.   You can have fun with or without the dineros, and the really cool people are those who have big bucks but in some ways still live like they broke.  In their hunger for being the best, in some places where they shop (Millionaires don't shop a Dollar Stores do they?!! U'll be surprise, that's a secret of the wealthy in and of itself!), or even just maintaing that thirst of having something to prove.  Being wealthy is a mindset that turns into a lifestyle.  Not the other way around cuz u can have money stack up like Phillip Drummond but if u don't live with the attitude of trying Diff'rent Strokes, then it just ain't worth it pal...somehow I gotta use that on day one of my love/life seminar next summer, titled, "Doing It the Sinatra Way:  It's better when you wear a hat." ...Hope somebody got that!

Driving in Miami is horrible...Get Over It!!  The only thing I can liken it to, is when u used to go to grade school, and looked forward to going to lunch.  And u thought that the food was slammin'...then u went to somebody else's school and visited their school cafeteria and found out that your home school food was borderline reason to call the hotline of the FDA.  You thought all cartons of chocolate milk had lumps in it, or that everybody's fries taste like they been under that Ikea lamp fixture for 3 hours before being served.  Same wit driving, it's many accidents, u can make a show about just that.  Wait a minuto, don't they already have a show out, isn't that what The Big Bang Theory is all about.  How a pretty girl ends up moving into an apartment with these guys following an accident?  If that's the case, perhaps I should stop by an auto auction today and get me a lemon, and drive around the streets to find me a model to make some...lemonade, if u catch my drift!  No pulp of course.

Geeks are back.  I thought that being a nerd was taboo, but now we're in vogue again.  I say that "we" cuz no matter how I dress or act, deep inside I'm still a geek/nerd.  Folks are cracking us up wearing these reader glasses, almost like a super hero being undercover.  Just for note, we used to rock those things in '09...just sayin'.  Plus, we got tha white ones, who have u seen wear those?!!  But being smart and doing, here I go with this word again...weird...things is sometimes, emphasis on sometimes cool.  Today it's not just in the dissecting frogs type of sense.  Am I the only person who hoped the teacher would pair them up with the person they had a crush on in class?...But being a geek now, I believe, is being well-rounded.  Yeah, u love hip-hop, but do u listen to Beck as well (This is a good song!)  Or you like to go all the clubs in Miami, but have u hit up Fort Lauderdale on Saturday night?  You say u like to GTL but can u LOL with EZE in the background?  Stuff like that....Geeks rock!

Rain can be invisible.  Deal with it so much down here in Miami, I feel like as in life, if you don't think about it, and just walk through it, u'll just shower up and it'll be ok.  I always say u can tell those people who are true Floridians by how they act in the rain.  Do they run, do they walk, do they stay inside...I wonder if Harvard's done study on personalities and reactions to the rain.  Those who walk during those storms or who even party through them are true Floridians at heart....either that or they just don't care.  I've seen some wild stuff, in the rain...from people holding hands kissing, to folks using Frito-Lays potato chip bags as a cap to those who huddle together at the entrances of stores like the Miami Dolphins wondering if they should I run or pass!! That's funny...Don't think about it, u gonna get wet either way,  so if it's not raining cats and Q-Dogs (Shout out to my Pops!) or if u just didn't get ur head done up by Quincy at the salon, don't think about it and take the free shower.  U sometimes need it.

Oh, oh...I gotta add this one to the list...

Wearing sunglasses indoors is a sensual experience.  I always get on folks who be wearing their shades inside of arenas or inside of discotecas (I wonder if they do the "Can't see me" dance all night as they're rockin 'em?!!).  So peep this, the other day, I said, "I'm gonna do it", and wear my dark black sunglasses, inside Target...and let me tell you, it was almost stimulating.  U feel like u just reject all rules and regulations of the status quo, and just like "What!".  I didn't even have those Ray Charles big ones that I usually wear when I'm "standing" near the shower faucets off the Ocean Drive boardwalk down here on South Beach!  I was afraid  somebody would recognize me...but it was fun, something that I may not do all the time but I understand why some people do it.  It does give u a different...swag.  And a pair of Gucci loafers are just a pair of dalmatians without it.

As funny as this sounds, I feel like our day is just now beginning...and it's 3:44 p.m.  in the afternoon.  How about this...

We gonna make this a special weekend series of our diary, and make this What I've Learned a Part 1 of a two-parter.  How about that, we gonna make this weekend special by golly...

And as I think, there's only one topic I really didn't talk about my lessons on....and that...

Dating and Love.  (I didn't even do this during February's "Love Month")

That should be some of legend...stay tune.  It'll be worth it....believe me!

Signing off...
Dr. Galaxia.

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