Monday, May 7, 2012

"Ah! Push Through It!"

Salt-N-Pepa....Gotta play this classic!

Whatever is said on tonight, is just between me and you, cool!

Feeling pretty a super weird way.  I may need to trademark that word 'weird' since I use it so much in our diary...especially in discussing us personally.  We are starting to see our life in ways like never before, and I'm determined to share the aura and feeling I have with others whether its real time or decades from now...I'm beginning to have our dreams of just living it up and having fun, come true in full color 4-D (And yes, I wrote that's another level right now!)

Have to write I saw a lot of  sorta long faces, like certain things are going on behind the scenes in peoples lives, and stuff.  Believe me, I truly understand, I've had moments and days I wish just never existed...but....very rarely do we have two straight days of Ron Harper-ing those feelings inside.  I know how hard life can be, I mean, why do u think I've been writing for over a decade or so.  It ain't for the ratings or to get a Pulitzer Prize of Cyberspace! (Even though if they had that award, this should win by a garbage dump landslide!)  I'm a very emotional guy in a sense, and I use this (writing a diary) as a way to purge my feelings someway, somehow.  Sometimes no matter what u say, or ...has anyone been talking to somebody, and they ask u "how u doin'" and then as u begin to explain all about ur drama that only could be rivaled by an episode of The Hills, they begin to go back into their life and all of their "stuff".  Sometimes u and ur diary are the only ones who truly understand...I guess besides The Great Proofreader in the sky.  But that's true...get it out someway, somehow...take a walk, exercise, jot a note, play a favorite CD...u'll be surprise how 5 minutes can make life all worth it.  Just don't be a one-minute man!  (Ahh...that's too easy!)

I don't write just because...and these stories are released to the Galaxia just to gain popularity or earn a spot on Letterman or Graham Norton...I feel like this diary is for a reason, many of which I don't even know.  If somebody can take the drama from life and read our stuff for a few moments and get a Joey Crack of a smile, that's great.  If all this silliness can make u think or even cry, so be it as well.  Our goal is to make this as real as one can in a diary.  Sometimes it's too real...especially as we discuss our champagne life and all that seemingly comes with it.  Don't know why we even tell these things our life, we'll talk accordingly.  I just wanna have fun, but I know how it feels...

That's why we all have to push through it, no matter what.  Things may not being going according to plan  within ur home or the gig is trippin' and folks don't seem to have the same fire as u have, but that's ok, cuz things will turn.  Believe me on that.  U just have to keep Unplug the MTV-ness surrounding u, and get back down to basics.  I know it seems like everyday and everynight, I'm reaching for something just to keep on going. At times it's difficult when a) U already reached a goal, and are now like, "What's Next?" or b) When u feel like u've done all that u could do, and it still ain't good enough.  I know I've been known to just be at the showroom and just think, "I'm doin' all that I can do, why hasn't it worked?"  Then u begin to look at other people and be like, "It seems so easy for them."  But sometimes the struggle is what makes u so unique.  Hmmm...perhaps the struggle is a tool to not only give u a testimony to help somebody else in tha future, but also to keep u hungry with a big slice of humble pie!  (They still bake those?!!)

Man, I've had so many slices of that throughout my life...been force fed really til I don't want no more!...well, unless a babe is rockin' some orange Manolos, a white Dan Marino jersey, and an aqua blue bandanna happens to be feeding it to me...what ever happened to girls wearing bandannas?  That's such a sexy look, especially down here in Miami, with tha beach and tans...guys too...I'ma have to bring that 90s style back, for real.  But tough times don't last forever, and sometimes u just have to go through it, and there's no way around it.  I know many times we've felt like we just gotta do it, it's gonna be tough, it may be long, and it may be embarrassing, but for me to grow and get to the next level, u have to endure through it, and embrace it.

I feel like playing this Jordan commercial from yesteryear called..."Failure".

Tough days occur...people u don't wanna see, appear like the Dark Knight outta nowhere, but if u just keep going a little bit, u'll look back and be happy things occurred in the manner they did.  I'm gonna talk now....

I remember when I started this website, for example, I asked SOOOO MANY people to become a part of it.  If it was just to write about their favorite spots or most beloved CDs...I received so much rejection by those who I called so call friends.  And what I call rejection is that, many couldn't even tell us "not at this time" or whatever.  And I was HOT!!!  If u're one of them, it's no disrespect, but it's part of the story...their were a few who said they'd lend a helping hand.  But what got me arguing with The Great Media Coordinator in the sky was how can nobody want to be a part of something so unique and cool, and take out 5 mins to give us a boost.  Couldn't figure it out like why cooks on cooking shows go to commercial right as they bring the spoon to their mouth!  Or like why folks went  all Bazooka Joe over freakin' Furbys?  Or how come if I want a guest pass at a certain athletic club, they wanna charge $20 for the week, and $25 for a day?  Life is full of questions but sometimes....

What u want, is what u may not need, and what u need, turns into being what u actually wanted in the first place....I think I just got Dizzy Gillespie just writing that (Birds are chirping all around us right now!!)  But as it goes to this site, not having people accept our offers ended up being the best thing that could've happen, cuz that would have taken Austino Galaxia into a whole 'nother direction.  Where now u get 100% us (Except for our Love month of February where we had some guest apperances)....and u get a real in-depth look into our life that is like none other in the stratosphere.  All kidding I can tell real stories about music, or sports or life, and definitely girls and relationships that I probably couldn't tell otherwise.  That's why I keep on saying Embrace The Struggle because every rejection letter u get from a job or every guy/girl who turned u down when u just wanted to "hang out" can really be a great motivator 2 get better and may actually in the end saved u some unwanted drama, and tricking off some cash that u coulda used to hit up Ocean Drive or something..

.I know I'm right about it cuz I'm living through this right now...even when u have certain pints of so-call success u have to pause from stirring up ur batter of pancakes (And yes, I do lick the sides of the bowl!!), and remember when u just had eggs, flour, sugar and water (U thought I was gonna say Milk right!  Ha, u guys have it good in life...)  Those are the days that are really the fuel to ur fire...It's not u getting the beautiful girl, that teaches u how to treat her right.  Let's be honest with some beauties you can't learn on tha fly (as with some guys as well...) I say it's the moment's of previous rejections that teaches u how to treat people with class and chivalry.

Example:  A girl breaks up with you.  You say, "Why?"  She says, "It's because u don't treat me like a lady, by opening doors or taking me out to nice places." tell me that wouldn't change you habits when the next one comes along, and u wouldn't take to heart what she just said, that led to a breakup, and make a promise to never go out like that again, at least not for that reason?  I remember...(smile)

Ok.  So I went to visit my guy during a summer up in Chicago.  He was interning at this really, really nice company.  I'm gonna give u a DJ Clue, it was so high-tech and nice that they time punched in and out by putting their hand on this ball or something.  This machine took the print of your hand, and then said like, "Punch Out".  I was simply in shock, cuz it was like big Magic 8 ball with...power.  I haven't seen nothing like it before, and definitely never since.  So we hanging out at his cubicle, and as I look around and see the guys and girls our age working hard, my guy has his own desk, and I almost thinking, "What does a guy have to do to get a mopping job around here?!!!"  It was hot, man, real hot!

So we talking and catching up, and then we're like, "What's jumping off tonight?"  Now Chicago was like a second home, it was my "Second City", I guess u can say...(That's my Carmen Sandiego joke for the evening!)  I knew our way around and where some of the best spots to activate my Kinkos degree in Talent Scouting!  I'ma get myself in trouble one of these days, I'm my guy was like, his company or something was involved with this "Block Party".  I'm like that sounds kind of different, I mean they may have clowns, a brotha could always use an elephant ear, maybe I'll get to dump somebody in the water by throwing a "screw you" ball.  Who's's new...I'm always down...

Man, I wasn't ready...folks, I simply wasn't ready.  So we get to this joint, and it was the most upscale block party u could think of.  White tents...huge pumping everywhere.  My mouth was dropped.  My boy wasn't expecting this, and we was giving each other high fives like, "It's on tonight!  It's on tonight!"...and that was just outside.  They actually had another part of the party inside of this adjacent warehouse.  We go inside of, dancing, music...I thought I died and landed inside of the Playboy Mansion!  Dead serious....

We then go back outside, and the music was pumping...this is gonna be so embarrassing I go outside with my guy, and I notice this one girl dancing with her friends. She was mad cute in stature, pretty eyes, black hair, looked like she was Greek or Italian or both, real exotic...but she's with her friends.  I give that bro talk wit my guy like, "U see her over there?"...keep dancing of course...Can I keep it real tonight? we keep talking, and I thinking how can I get this girl to break up her threesome of beauties to get some face time with us?  After debating which approach from Chapter 3 of The Game, to use, I decide to just go for it.  So I think I do this...why am I telling this?...I do that dance where each move u make brings u a step closer to ur future wife to be....  It's like 1-2 "Clap"...1-2 "Clap" and before u know it, read the thoughts going in her head.  So I then began to get the timing down on the song, and next thing I know it, I reached for her hand is a simple way to dance...and the minute my hand came within radiation of her, she snatched it away, and like stopped dancing for a second, and gave us a "No" in Greecian (It's a language now alright!")  And kept on dancing with her girlfriends.

I felt guy was like, don't worry about it, but I tried a new method, if I could use that terminology...and it cost me big time with a really beautiful looking girl...but what it did was teach me a lesson that has helped me.  Never force a girl, u simply tell the truth whether it's about a simple dance or date or going study, and let her decide if that's what she's feeling in the moment.  Never force...especially physically!  Needless to say, my guy and myself, still had a ball, laughing it up like Fitty and Money Floyd, and it still became a night to always more ways than one.

Alright, storytime is over...once again, I got to wipe the mud spelled backwards off my face as we go back to another episode in our krazy life.  And as always...u can bet we still, as krazy as it sounds...still have many more yet to be told.  But 'til then...

Don't give's gonna happen, just believe!
Austino Galaxia.

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