Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Galaxia's New Gal.

Newness.  Oh, what a great word to hear, isn't it??  Sometimes its just great to start anew.  It doesn't have to be something major like a job or a new beau or anything.  But it at times the little things that can jar a Fresh Market approach to life.  We all need it.  I know I do.  Might as well just go for it, cuz u never know where it can lead.  One door can lead to another which can lead to another.  So just do it...

Today our phone was taking into the ER room.  I could see the electric shock machine being administered to it, after I told told the tech nurses of how it's heart's been stopping and going in and out without any notice.  Its the second time I've had to take my Whiteberry baby girl in.  It's become a part of us, u know.  This PYT told us 2 take a seat as they work on her.  I looked around and found a chair over to my right.  I sat down, and then it hit us.  What if this is the last time I'll see her.  I mean who else can let me know what's going on in the world.  I mean she's my everything.  Yeah, she's a little jealous, since she does keep a detailed log of who's calling us and stuff.  But I can handle that, she's so much more than the rest.  And I do my best to treat her right.  When it rains, I make sure not a drop gets on her, I mean not a one.  Every once in awhile I leave her with some strange company, and its not even two seconds after I leave do I think about somebody...gulp!...taking advantage of her, and try to use her to get to us.  But I told her from the get-go to keep her buttons shut, and don't let anyone in on what happens between us two, and even if they try to hit on her, they still have to know the magic word to get inside.  I'm telling you she's so special!

Man, as I'm writing this I'm thinking about just all we've been through.  I remember the first time I saw her.  It was actually online.  I was "available" so to speak on the cellular market, and every where I went it seemed like these bionic dolls were just throwing themselves at us.  Take me, I'm "Free"...or if u choose me, I'll bring my friend along as well, with no extra cost.  Man I was tempted at every glance y'all.  After doing some homework, a few I just wanted to plug into my socket if u know what I mean!!  I mean, this one babe was just so "Razr" sharp in every way.  I could tell, just how she let me hold her.  At the time, she was all the hype.  And to make things even worse, I was knew her folks, the Motorola's from a few years ago.  At the time, they were so rich and famous, I couldn't really afford to date her daughter at the time.  So all I could do take her out like monthly...guess u can say it was on a "Pay as u go" type basis.  We ended up breaking up after awhile, I still have the outfit she wore when I first took her out.  Some thought what she wore was just so "plastic".  But I saw past all that and appreciated her for her inner features.  She got the job done.  She was what I needed at the I look back on her, I think she knew that it wasn't gonna be a long-term relationship.  Our eyes began to wonder at these other up and coming hotties who moved just a little quicker, and who "Curves" were just a little flattering.  We departed on good terms.  I miss her some...there's just nothing like traveling Metro in tha city just the two of u.  Oh, tha good times...

Then there was this other baby girl, I wanted to get with...I mean bad.  I guess u can say she was the "Apple" of my  She was beautiful, she had everything I wanted, and she was so clear cut black and white.  No riff raft, straight to tha point, which I luv in a gal.  I asked EVERYBODY I knew about what I should do and what they know about her, cuz it's like, she was made for me.  She's popular...she's on TV like every 5 seconds...everybody's talking about her, u know.  I remember asking some guys and u know how guys talk...cough, cough!  So I'll be like, "What up dawg!  Hey, I know u've been hittin' them keys for some time now, I see u smiling and all when u look at her, so I know...but, for real, what u think about her, is she worth it?"   I remember somebody, not quite who, telling me, "Man...if u think this chick's bad, just wait until u see her sister!"  I'm like, "What!"  Then he tells me how her sister is more sexy than she is, how she's so bad, that two companies are fighting for her services.  I guess she lasts longer than her older sis, which is always a good thing with us...and how she can give actual facetime.  Man, hearing all that sounded so tempting.    Basically, she could give me everything I wanted and needed...and then some!!  How can I turn her down....then I heard she was even into some role play.  How u might ask...Dude, this chick literally was selling the fact that even though she was born one color, with a little dough and the sound of a "snap", she'll change into anything you want from a purple babe to a Yankee ball player.  If u could afford it, she'll put it on and rock it out!

So as u can see, she was so hard to turn mainstream...but the thing about those two sisters is that it seemed like everybody had a piece of her.  Like she was too popular.  I like my baby girls to be known, of course, but shoot, these gals had people talking about their secrets like months in advance.  Thus, after some deliberating I decided to pass on taking her out.  She's still so fine though, and they way she works that camera, boy...let me move on!

I love to be a little different.  And there was one family I hadn't burned down my bridges yet, or Torched, I guess u can say. I then began to do some homework on her electric lines, to see where she came from and stuff.  I have to do that, cuz if I'm gonna be throwing down some cheese on a burger she better have a great set of buns!!...Oh, that was so corny...and once again with that, I, Austino Galaxia, have just cost myself a date for Saturday night!  (Wink, Wink!)...I began to read about her, and boy she comes from a good family.  Yeah, they've fallen on some hard times of recently but you look back in the late 90s and early 2000s, they were the cell everyone wanted to have transplanted.  Plus, even though folks don't want to admit it, governments around the world sware by their family name, and they are hot stuff in Hollywood.  I consider myself a celebrity-in-tha-making, so I gotta have what the beautiful people have...right?  Or do they have to have what I have?...Anyhow, now the decision was which girl to choose from.  This was gonna be tough.

As I said before these girls were so hot and they had so many characteristics of the types of females I like.  One of the girls, just had such a "Bold" attitude, like "I want you, and I'm goin' home with you!"  So take charge, I like that...Then u could never go wrong with the "Curvy" type.  Already talked about her.  She's so easy to move and it Galaxia!  At the time of my purchase, I didn't even know they had a baby sister.  Now, she's all grown up now, I mean she just turned of age, and she's already taken the Porsche name as her own!  She's so a spoiled brat!.

After going back and forth we decided to go with the "hot one" out of the group.  When I first saw her, it was almost like love at first sight.  She was plain, but so crisp and colorful.  And had everything I could want.  I could put her in control of my social networks,  give me directions...Oh, and oh, peep this...even when I get a message...she flashes me!  Yes, there is a God!  And believe u me, sometimes I didn't even wanna open up the messages, just so I could have my own little "Red Light Special", u know what I mean!!  (Note:  I'm trying to elbow somebody 2 my right, but no one's there!!  I'm so krazy!)  She's so versatile, I mean, hope this is not too freaky, she let's me choose to either touch her face or touch her body...I mean she was like a fantasy to me, and I'm not even talk about how she slides up and down...and up and down...whether just us two or in a room full of people, she didn't care just up and....I think I'm in love!

So as I was in tha waiting room waiting for my girl, u could imagine the emotions going through my head.  Is this how it's gonna end?  Would she make it?  I remember reading how sooner or later I was gonna have some trouble with her, but I didn't sweat them!  I LOVE HER!  And now it led to this great unknown.  So Jennifer, stepped into my eyesight, and I perked up not knowing what to expect.  "Austin, we're giving you a new girl."  I was mixed...I was sad cuz I just know that she was the sign of that era I went through.  She was getting tired, freezing up more often, her face showed some chipping, and as of late I didn't care where I took her, she began to sit in some of the sleaziest places!  So it was time...and even though I didn't have a chance to say goodbye, I know that her last song she kept singing over and over and over whenever someone called was from Mr. Omarion.  That'll always be our song.

Jennifer brought out this new girl, and I have to admit, she looks a lot like my former love.  A Lot!  She had this clear see through dress on her, and I still haven't taken it off since I've been home! I know she's had a long day, and she was a little tired after downloading all this information about our lifestyle into her, so I've been letting her sleep tonight.  But I can't wait to show her how we do things!   I hope she's ready, cuz she's about to enter our life at just the right time.  Perhaps she volunteered in the back of the hospital, and she got excited when she found out who was looking for a new doll.  I'm gonna treat her right, and make sure she's being taken care of in every way.  Now the fun begins, and sometimes it's great to have somebody new around.

Now...When she wakes up I just have one thing to find out...

Is she ready to become the most popular girl in tha Galaxia?

If she is....and by her sleeping beauty face...I can see this thang lasting a long time, y'all...

Or if not...she better let me know within 90 days!!

Austino Galaxia.


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