Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Where's The Funny Bone?

Great Game...Hope u know how to use those tweezers!


Things have picked up...Big time!  It's amazing when every single minute of ur day is so important, and that u really don't have any time to waste.  Almost feel like I need a Personal Assistant!  This has been on our mind all afternoon, so let me get it off my chest...

Why don't they create a car fragrance called "Rental Car"?  I mean has anyone else noticed that all rental cars smell the same?!!  It doesn't matter who's been in tha car...I once heard of of this one guy who changed the license plates on the rental vehicle and put his own personal plates on the ride...that's flat out "stunning"!  And I'm for dag gone sure ain't talking about the girls from MTV's Fashionably Loud...although they would fit tha tha bill. (Am I the only one who remembers those great runway shows with the popular music acts of tha day!) Anyhow, I might have to get my cinnamon together and mix it in a test tube full of leather, some cut up parking tickets, and a chopped up CD of 3LW, with a few ingredients from Tom Ford's Black Orchid, and there u have it! I hope nobody steals my idea...

I gotta aplogize, I've been talking about some changes within our diary, it's been quite busy as of late, but I would release them, and I hope that the Galaxia will like them.  Some surprises, I'm sure...

I saw something weird while driving today...When don't eye?!!...but this unmarked white van was ahead of my on I-95, and I promise you that it's back break lights were alternating back and forth like a game of Simon!  It would brake and the left light would come on.  Brake again...the right one would come on...then they alternated for a second or two, I hadn't seen anything like it...but then again, u almost can say that everyday u live down here in the tres-cero-cinco.  Everyday its something new, and totally true.  Whether its someone trying to sell u kicks while working behind the counter at a fast food restaurant or folks...I was in the magic laundromat off of Meridian and 6th here in the beach, and this guy and girl were just making out dead in front of the dryers and next to the change machine.  This guy was sitting down just staring like he was watching some B-movie starring Shannon Tweed, all with is hand in his hand like a 2nd grader after his Mom told him that the Easter Bunny is fake!  I can't wait until December to lay out some Christmas cookies and to write a note to Mr. Cringles himself...What?  Like I'm the only one who still believes in Santa, everybody knows he's real...Duh!!

But the MIA is filled with so much drama, it can't help to either have u on guard or on ur knees laughing!  Supermarkets are always filled with so much TV show material.  From the conversations u hear while people are talking LOUD on the phone, to those late nights where u go in to a store around 10:45 pm, right before they are about 2 close, u know. when they got those doors barricaded like Grocery Mafia is gonna come in and ante up the place for all the Whey Protein and Veggie Burgers they have in stock! (This is South Beach, u know!) I can just see somebody coming in with guns a blazing and being like, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way...either u give up those flax seeds and rice cakes or I'm gonna throw u out the window!"

All of us have weird eating habits, especially down here in the beach.  I know I'm borderline insane and stupid when I'm just standing in the aisle of the store checking out and debating if one gram of protein per serving is worth paying $2 more or not...but I know other people do the same, it's wild.  Speaking of eating, I can barley do it right now!  Oh no!  The upper inside of my mouth on the right was sensitively burnt while eating a turkey burger, then not too long ago, I felt like the Cold Boogie Woman jumped all on top of me like I was on Vh1's Flavor of Love,as I stepped out of the shower and now I'm fighting a semi-sore throat as well.  Gonna be so glad when this heals up...What if I never can eat again?  What if I have to eat on my left side for the rest of my life?  What if I won't be able to give a kiss and only Italian smooches from here on?  Oh, man, I gotta see a doctor, ASAP!

I also wanna say something before this wraps up...Don't be afraid to take chances...I know somebody is like, here we go again with this PBS special type of talk, but u know us...I have 2 share nuggets that have helped us along our journey.  Real quick story, so some years ago, I'm at the crib, and am getting my Mickey D chicken nugget on with Sweet 'n' Sour sauce, and next thing I know it I grab one of the nuggets out of the "old school" box (They used to be brown didn't they?!!), and next thing I know it I pull a "Chicken's Head" coated as a Chicken Nugget!!  I was like, "Say What?"  This is no hobo, I dead serious...but me, actually I don't know what I was thinking because I shoulda sued so hard that Ronald McDonald would be force into a life a crime to pay my dividends...Well, he already has the Hamburglar as part of his gangsta entourage, so, he may already be doing something illegal...I mean how can a Micky D's that just opened up, already have "Millions Sold" under their sign outside..."Dude, U JUST OPENED UP!"  Anyhow, I just kept on eating... speciously, but kept chomping down.  Now u know why I'm so unique when it comes to love or relationships involving us...I've seen first hand the lengths a "chicken head" would go to be next to us!  I don't think anything can top that, although...I'm willing to be the judge of that!

But yeah, Take chances, and stop thinking and just do....Life in general is so precious, we sometimes think that we have all the time in the world to ask that person u've been eyeing out, our to take advantage of the sandy beaches we have at our disposal, or to begin a workout plan, whatever...With all this going on in our life, we learning that time is precious, and can go super fast.  Age ain't nothing but a number, and we aren't nothing but a huge kiddo who wants to have fun, but I'm not gonna let moments pass by any longer.  I'm gonna take picture, because I know FIRST HAND the power of a photo, and how sometimes that might be the only memory u have of a friend or love one, so don't lose that sense of cherishing moments or being spontaneous.  But sometimes, as we've learned, there really isn't anything to fear, especially if u've been prepared and experienced some things...and the only way to get to that swag level, is....u got stop thinking and just do.  It builds u, and prepares u...u find what and who u really love in life, and it's fun.

And isn't that what life's all about!  At least I think so...I may be crazy, but much sooner than later, others will come to terms with that as well....oh, what a day, that will be.

That's all I got.
Austino Galaxia.

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