Monday, March 31, 2014

Galaxy With No Borders!!!

Well, this is truly a Surprise to be writing on tonight...I don't want to.
Need to get in a good Stretch session...Have 2 still Cook...Oh, so much 2 do.
Yet here we are...Again...Jotting and trying 2 come up with something...Oh So New.
Not sure how long this is gonna be 2nite...Might not b Sit-Down...But simply...Drive-Thru.

Should I go honest...Or should I go "Corporate", that's tha question in our Mind.
I can talk about This South Beach Life, or I can talk about This Cute Dime.
Might get censored for what we're gonna say on 2night...Probably's gonna be a Hefty Fine.
I have to write this like my Diary though...Sure 2night is once again gonna Light up tha Hotline.

Life is really funny when u think about it...Lately I've been Laughing it up like a Circus Clown.
I used to get really upset about certain thangs, like how come nobody really and truly seems...Down.
Or how come I feel like I'm 'Tha Prince of This Galaxy', but FedEx has yet to send my Crown.
Wondering how come I've gone through so much, but when I call for 'Success', I keep hear tha Crickets Sound.

It doesn't take much for me to get loose anymore, cuz It's really time to simply...Let Go.
Like, how much can u trip over a person or situation, before u just realize, "This Ain't My Show."
Laying in Bed at night, Staring at Tha Galaxian Stars, thinking about how Ur Milky Way should Flow.
I've either Knocked over, Kicked or Slapped so much in my Showroom, just because I thought I deserved a Playmate with a Bow?

I heard somebody say tha other day, "But u Don't get Mad."...Ah...If u only knew my fire.
Just because I have a soft temperament, doesn't mean I don't get upset when I find out somebody's a Flat out Liar.
I still get 'P'd' off, when a Doll flirts all night with me, and then says, 'She has a Man or She's Engaged', that almost makes me want to Book a song by tha Cheaters Choir.
And things can get me a little perturbed when I do something with somebody in a Private Setting, and tha Next Day she's feeding tha News to tha Instagram Town-Crier.

We're very private, but believe u me...I'm one of tha Most competitive and Egotistical People on Concrete.
When I say, I want to be Tha Best...Ever...I mean that...I grew up in an Era where A Good Name conquers Money or Fame...By Leaps.
I've seen The Best...Tyson. Jordan. Bonds. Steve Jobs. Denzel. Mike Jax. Pac'.  Bigs.  Madonna...By no means were they Hoarding Creeps.
I believe they wanted 2 make a Name that could last for Generations...So when somebody talked about them, they smiled when They speak.

What we're trying to do, is borderline...Unparalleled...Cuz we're giving u an All-Access Look...BEFORE we become a Superstar.
And on top of that, This Diary is sharing details about being one of tha Most Eligible Bachelors since Kermit Tha Frog...He does have his own Hollywood Star.
I just want to share stories and wild lessons that I think can be helpful and entertaining...Since anyway, one day tha stories are gonna be in tha London Star.
Somethang is starting to be in tha Air...A change of Subjects...Gonna switch over from tha Greens to tha Back Par.

(Oh Boy!)

Relationships.  Dating.  Love.  Sex.  That's what life is all about, don't it seem??
Either ur in one.  Outta one.  Thinking about Breaking up.  Dream about it. All with tha thought of incorporating 3 out tha 4 with Hershey Ice Cream.
I got a few stories to tell, cuz I don't want people to give up on this Thang...Luv Lessons are Coupons worth tha Ultimate Redeem.
Guess I'm gonna get Mad intimate about How I've made a fool of myself for Luv...Trying to Sky Hook them in, like my name was Kareem.

(Oh Boy again...I shouldn't be saying this stuff...Please let it hit home.)

So who was tha first gurl that I actually asked out?  Not to hang, but with tha possiblity of GTD.
Not STD, but Getting Those Vicki Secrets...It was straight outta tha comics of say Stan Lee.
Jokes aside, it was in College...In High School, I knew ALL Tha Gurls, but I was really focused on Hoops and my 3.4 GPA study.
When I hit Rock Vegas in Illinois, we thought might as well used our Looks to find a Britney Spears..."Babee."

The first gurl I went after was this Mamacita, I saw her passing during class periods, and she just had Tha Look of a Future "Mrs. O"...My Nickname.
She had Cinnamon Tan skin, Small build...Cute Boobs, Dressed like an upscale gurl...Almost thought I was gonna go Insane.
I didn't have a class with her, but I made up my mind, I had to approach this Bonita Mexicana...And Put her in tha Gourgeous Hall of Fame.
Knew just about All Tha Sexy Girls on Campus too....I know a lot of Chicks, Huh?....But she was gonna be my Numbero Uno Dame.

So I was in Class, and tha time came, for our paths to cross...I couldn't take it no more, For real.
My guys were with me, but I was 'Focus Mannnn', Like Jigga when he signed his Roc-A-Fella Records deal.
She was with a friend...Don't approach right...Not!!!! I hit her with tha patent, 'Excuse Me, Excuse Me' spill.
All Cage's and Jolie's aside, I was Gone In Sixty Seconds, With a Name, Number, and tha thoughts of splitting a Wendy's Double Stack Meal.

My boys was Going Crazy, like us guys do, when your Homeboy succeeds..."I don't believe u pull off that So Easy!"
My Swagg went from Screech to A.C. Slater to Zach in minutes...With me thinking I didn't even have 2 rap 2 her using tha words, "Fa Shizzy."
That night I was like, I'm gonna play this by tha books...Call on tha 2nd day...After 8pm...Before 9...That way she won't think I'm kinda...Sleezy.
I've had Gurls before...Sorta...But Kristina's was tha first I got, that had me thinking of...Hit it for us Sean Paul!...'Shake Tha Thang...Miss..Kana Kana...Shake Tha Thang...'!

Thoughts of Getting Busy!  But little do we know that sometimes What's Easy ain't always...What's Best.
Remember talking with My Grandpa about My Future Wife-In-Training, and He told me something, which she didn't pass tha test.
He told me, that if tha only time U can meet up with Somebody is at night...U need 2 Leave her Alone!...Ahh...Is that Eastern Time or tha time in tha Mountain West?
I Shook My Head, cuz tha only time I could talk 2 her was like after 10pm, and do 2 school and her work hook up with her Super Late...Like Taco Bell Fourth Meal Best.

I didn't work out.  I had to get my rest, especially Since I was in training for tha upcoming College Hoops season.
My workouts during tha day, and at Night...Guess I should mention Class...No Can Do. For All Tha Right Reasons.
Little did I know that this would be tha First Episode of Pretty Young Thangs Gone Bad...I should use that title when I open at tha Jackie Gleason.
Right when I thought the episodes would stop...The kept going, with tha Drama also increasing...And increasing.

Girls using me to get to my Homeboy...That was weird.  Cuz I thought we were cool, but she wanted to split up Tha Group.
Another Gurl who really Mad Cool...Just her Chain Smoking was too much, and threw me for a Loop.
To me hanging out as a Freshman with tha Hottest Senior Gurls...One in which had tha eyes of  tha Starriest Harry Winston Hoops.
To tha Most Beautiful of tha Geeky Kind, Whose walk look like something staight Outta Tha Goof Troop.

So many different types of experiences...Thug. Fake Ta-ta's...Which I'll never forget as long as I live today.
I remember asking this one chick to a Miami Heat Game, she told me she was down...Cool, we're gonna have a Great Time...Some how...Some way.
Yet tha day of tha Game...She basically Bailed on me...Telling me of how she's still under a certain Hospital Stay.
Come 2 find out, she was getting her Breasts done...I actually like them when they were smaller...And I thought 2 myself...Plastic Surgery over a Free Game...With Me!  Only in Tha M.I.A.!

Being really honest, by Why Hold Back right?!  I make no bones, I Like and would date All races and Sizes.
Why just say that you would only date this kind or that race...Cuz u never know tha Wrapping on ur Top Prize.
What's has been tha most consistent...Probably, a Flawless Face, Curvy, and a Unique Set of Eyes.
But physically it can really differ...I mean One Colombian gurl had fair skin Blond/Black Pepper hair, while another Colombian Gurl had Black Hair/Black Eyes and later a Tat on her thighs.

All of this is not bragging, just to let u know if I can survive Years of Not Necessarily being Permanently P'd Off...So can you.
If I can withstand talking with somebody for days, and then all of a Sudden it stops...So can you.
If I can continue to believe, while Gurls who have Boyfriends use u as a distraction...So can you.
If I can survive, going to Lunch with a lady one day, and tha next she acts like it never happened...So can you.

I know somebody's thinking...Galaxia, perhaps u did somethang wrong with these ladies?
Ahhh...Perhaps...But that would be like saying, I want that Smart Car over that CLK Mercedes.
Or thinking that the Today show is better off, without that Smart and Cute Couric named Katie.
Or even thinking if I could Kiss one Perry...I'll choose Tyler over that 'Dark Horse' named...Katy.

All these episodes have been...Weird....Like has anybody felt like...A Movie or Book was being made.
I know some Hot Gurls have been in situations where u find tha "Perfect guy" then u realize he doesn't know how 2 turn Lemons into Lemonade.
Or U're thinking This Man is so right for me, but then he tells u something Wild like, "Yeah, I'm from 8 Mile, but I Hate Slim Shade!"
Going home with a Rich Guy u met at tha Club...His Telsa Model S couldn't tell you that he switches Moods like Luda going from Corn Rows to a Fade.

So outta all of these Love stories, and Really...Really Cool Females, Have I ever felt like I was in Love.
I've already spoken a little about this...I haven't...But I've been close...Like I've been bitten by tha Luv Bug.
That first Gal I wrote about....She set a High Standard...U could drink her Beauty Straight Out of a Mug.
It's just Sooooo rare that u find somebody who has a Mind, Dress and Look of Miss Universe Pagent Model, yet can switch up her style to a Gurl Thug.

We had Crazy Chemistry too...Which can be scary when one of tha parties is involved with somebody else.
U don't want to push thangs...But u can't let That Feeling Go...Tough to hide it when ur Heart increases its Pulse.
If she didn't have a Boyfriend...There's No Gwen Stefani in My Mind, that we would be chilling Husband and Wife, living without a Fuss.
That's why I'm sensitive to Gurls who have Boyfriends...Cuz I've been through it...And I know how it can become Too Much.

My Ego is pretty Large...In A Way, that I know that I can control and separate how I feel about Girls...Even if they Have a "Man".
I look at Gurls for who they are...And not their Status...I call a Cool Gurl...A Cool Gurl...If I say I'm a Fan...That means I'm a Fan.
What has throw'd me, and I said this tha Other Day, is sometimes U can separate The Egg Yokes, but others may still consider them one in tha same Pan.
Let me see if I can least tha Best I Can.

Gurls do that same thang...Say certain thangs...Touch u All up tha Body...Geeking guys up to thinking, "She's in Luv with Me."
When in actuality She's just that way...Or Could be playing Mind Games...Don't leave before the Credits, Cuz tha Outtakes is what u Need 2 See!
So like Myself, has seen a lot as well...My personality is such now...That I want a Gurl to know she's Top Notch...Cuz even if that '10' has a 'Man', he might make her feel like a '3'.

Now, to take it a step further...I just don't compliment everybody, or write post or mention names of any gal.
I have PRETTY HIGH STANDARDS, so if u get a compliment from me...It's like sitting next to Anna Wintour at a Runway show, and becoming her Best Pal.
Our sense of 'True Beauty' goes beyond just tha physical or ur stats...Even though I sometimes think I'm gonna end up with a Beach Girl with a Hometown of Comma Cal.
Sometimes Appreciation goes beyond wanting to Lick or even Bust Down a Gurl....Even though she's a Fine Lion Stal.

Tonight I just want to say...Don't stop being you...Even if things haven't worked out as u would've hoped.
That includes if ur Married or Have a BF or GF...Sometimes with that, it can produced moments where u no longer think u can cope.
But Trying Times make u stronger...I believe that...I got that from Boyz II Men, and Not that Pope.
When u have a Bad Taste on Your Life...Simply Wash it off...With Dose of 'I Luv Myself' Soap.

Just gonna say this and then I'm done...If u've read my Diary, I've been Hot, Cuz sometimes I think Life is some Bull.
I cringe like, How come I ain't on TV or on Magazine Covers? Or If or When would Cupid pour Love into A Glass that doesn't seem Half Full.
Many people think I'm Cool...Sexy...How come this gurl won't see what 99% of Tha Galaxy Does...When it comes to This, Who Can I Call On That Has Some Pull?
Like God has Turned his Back on Me, In Some Ways...Secretly listening until I've knocked over my 55th Stool.

Just never forget this...Sometimes u Have to Go Through Things and People to Get 2 Ur Point of Never Return.
Like There comes a time where u realize that It's Time to Just Be You...Even though some Bridges will be Burn.
If Ur gonna Go Out...At least Go Out Trying to Make A Difference, With A Smile...And Definitely On Your Terms.
Right Now, I'm Obsessed with this Having Fun and Showing Luv, If nobody else follows...Chalk it up to Another Lesson Learn.

You can't be afraid of Change...Like, if A Gurl u thought was Cool, no longer wants to Talk 2 You...F-It or 3-4-8 on ur Phone Dial, and Keep on Truckin'.
Cuz if u do things Outta Tha Kindness or Ur heart or what u thought was Best for a Relationship or Friendship, then that person will soon see that Ur about Something.
Right now I want a Galaxy Surrounding Me, That's determine to not just sit by and Do Nothing.
Whether that means Start a Riot, or be willing to experience a New Club or Restaurant on a Thursday Night, It's about New Experiences, and not just Jello Pudding.

I can feel like somebody's had a Tough Day, and are willing to throw in Da Towel on Everythang...Including Love, Money and Life as U know.
Brighter Days are ahead, just keep believing that...If ur Job, Mate or Friends don't understand that...Then Out They Must Go.
Keep saying this, I refuse 2 be around Negative People, who think that Friday Nights are tha only days in Life's Movie Shows.
I strongly believe that u can have Fun 24/7...And Nobody can't tell me any different...Even with that Tuff Times...U grow.

Hey, if ur reading this, that means ur Part of This Galaxy, and in that, we all are Family.
It's not just about me, I'm just tha Tool to explain how Like Minded People Like Me Think, and Show all tha Trials All of Tha Galaxy have to go through to Simply...Be.
I say that All Tha Stars of This Galaxy are Hot, Sexy People who want to Become The Best they can be or Their Chosen Field of History.
This Diary isn't for Folks Who Don't Dream, Who Don't Luv, Who don't want Fun and Laughs...This is for those who can Futuristic...See.

I refuse to Let ANYBODY in This Galaxy to Feel Down or Give up...This Galaxy is made up of nothing but Winners.
Mean Fun is tha Dessert, but before that, All of realize that Tha Truth, and Tha Whole Truth needs to be served up for Dinner.
Tha Truth is That We aren't gonna Let Anythang stop us from Reaching our Goals...Not Jobs, Not Fatigue, or Bad Relationships...We're gonna Run and Lay Down Sexy Seeds like Bruce Jenner.
All of us have the Endurance and Experience of Veterans, no longer are we living Life as Unknown Beginners.

Told Y'all, I'm willing 2 Die for this Thang...Whether that be Tha "Right" Gal, Job, or Place in Literature Lore.
I get so 'Inspired' when I see others getting a Shot...But that's Ok.  Cuz I'm no longer Knocking, but willing to Kick Down Tha Door!
And I'm Gonna Bring This Entire Galaxy With Me...Cuz with This World We Have 2 Settle a Freakin' Score.
I feel so on Fire right now, that they should call me Ashanti or Mandy Moore.

None of Us are gonna settle for anythang Less Than Tha Best...And From here on, u got my Promise Pinkie.
It's about to Be Totally 'So On', that even though it may not sound Wright, We're just gonna Enjoy This Ride and Share Cute Little Winkie.
I've Got a Clean Plate...And New Stories...And I'm Gonna Do EVERYTHANG in My Power to Show This Galaxy is Tha Best, and None of Us Are Wimpy.
Don't Forget Ur Tha Best...When it Comes To Fun...Comes 2 Luv...And Never Mistake All of Our Brains...Cuz When It Gets Down 2 It...

...We're Also Tha Most Kinky!!!

Things Always Have A Way of Working Themselves Out...Always!

Ciao!  With Hugs and Kisses!

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