Thursday, March 6, 2014

Beauties Worthy Of A Galaxy.

Ok...Like totally I wasn't gonna write on 2night.
Just got home from seemingly a Cross-Country Flight.
How come traffic in Miami is so horrible?  Even worse when rains in sight.
Sometimes u just have to guide tha steering wheel and simply hold tight.

(Huge Sigh!)

Tha reason that we're writing is cuz Our Love Life has hit another level.
I think...No, I know now that its being watched like a guy in a ski mask and gloves leather.
Maybe tha guy in tha Ski Mask is Cupid...He's a sneaky little fellow.
He's taught me crazy things in tha past...Like that ticklish thing I like to do 2 gurls with a feather.

First let me set up what went down about 1/2 hour ago.
Like I said traffic everywhere was madness...It really and truly did just blow.
I ended up going through the Venetian Causeway toll, where my Vespa used to flow.
No idea what awaited me at tha toll....Definitely didn't know.

I pull up, and I see this lady who I used to see all tha time when I used to Vespa ride.
Tha first thang she said when she saw me was..."Are U Married Yet?"....Ah...Where's tha 'Hi'?!!
I busted up laughing cuz one me and her never ever talked about my Dating Life...Not one time.
But for some reason after months, and possibly years without seeing her...This was her opening reply.

She asked me why I was laughing...My laugh was mainly cuz I feel everybody wants 2 see who I date.
Almost like This Diary is turning into tha Ultimate Life of a Bachelor...Who's been groomed by Fate.
She then asked me outta tha blue if I go to Church...and how 'U'll meet a nice gurl there'...Like a Cupcake.
Then ended our conversation by saying, 'Make Note of this on today...Good 2 See U!'...Was this on tha map of My Future Mate?

Now...I got a lot to say, so please forgive me but I gotta come real or not come at all.
Today was already an interesting day...Cold and Rainy almost like tha Opening day of Fall.
Worked like 10 hours or something like that...At Lunch talked to brother...It was a cool Call.
He's about 2 leave 2 LA on business...Next time I'll meet him at Tha Beverly Center Mall.

Gotta be super honest here, and this is why I say, if I have a "Girlfriend", she has 2 be tha best.
Just cuz, there's alot of eyes on us, from people we know, and total strangers, 2 see who passed tha test.
Like to be my gurlfriend, means that u are super special, and are unique...This I must confess.
And u must be able to handle tha attention that follows me and my lifestyle...BTW I luv a girl who wears a Summer dress.

People may think I'm crazy, but I know in my heart there ain't nothing better for a gurl to hear.
To know that somebody calls her, "Galaxia's Gurl" me, that might even spring a tear.
That's not to say I'm like Invincible in tha Love Department...Please let me make that completely clear.
I just know that we're tha ultimate level in relationships...Like playing Sonic Tha Hedgehog and racking up every Ring that is near.

I'm gonna write this thang on tonight...So many people have told me who and what I should or not court.
From Cuban Mothers telling me that Cuban gurls want nothing but money...So don't be fooled by their flirt.
I had this South American Sexy Mamacita tell me Miami gurls are nothing but Drama...Treat guys like Dirt.
Had another Mom who had a Model daughter...Tell me I'll never find luv in South Beach...Don't chase those Skirts.

Talked 2 another woman who voicefully told me straight up...Never move in with a girl before we get marry.
She discussed how these chicks will take advantage of our "Kindness" and with regret we will be buried.
I have all these women telling us things about dating...And with me, My Diary I don't even Carry.
Its like my Love life is hidden Under Wood, and I don't know if I should call Tha Country or The Sex And The City Carrie?!!

It's wild...And here's another one from today...Boy, this diary is blazing with real life episodes to share.
A woman asked me if I wanted 2 buy something for my girlfriend...In retail, that is a question that is truly fair.
After a quick, smile, I said, that I don't have one, Nothing major.  Ain't like we playing Truth or Dare.
But her response told me something about Love or Her Luv Life...And personally I began so soulfully care.

My Gurl's response was..."YOU'RE LUCKY."...Huh...That's an interesting comeback on me being single.
Sounds like she's not happy to be in her present relationship...Does that mean that I should openly Mingle?!
One thing I won't deal with...Is not being with somebody whose name doesn't bring my heart a Slight Tingle.
Don't care about how many years u've been with somebody...Tha thought of them should still make Ur Bells Jingle.

By tha way...I still am gonna do my best to market women's panties with a Mistletoe right on tha top.
Tell me they won't be best sellers in all tha hot stores...I can make millions by selling them for $10 a Pop.
Put them in 69 different colors...And u better believe tha kind of girl I like will make sure each one she'll cop.
There's just something soothing about a really sexy girl, sensually blurting..."Austino...Please...Eh!...Stop!!"

As I said earlier though, even with this diary too...It's like I'm living a life of Ultimate Desire.
Since this is our diary, gonna be super honest...U won't find too many people who share our level of Fire.
I have a Luxurious lifestyle...But we are still grinding it out like we're in Sierra Leone dirt mines and mire.
Feel like we're Tha Pot of Gold at tha End of Somebody's Rainbow...And in our diary we've never been a Liar.

Ok...For some reason I wrestling with somethang BIG TIME...That will take this diary up a notch or two.
Wrestling if I should mention this girl by name, that I've been really inspired by...Actually, there are two.
If I do, there will be no turning back from this...Cuz things will get ultra fuzzy...At least London Times two.
But I have what...possible 9 months before I call this diary quits...By tha looks of things there won't be a Vol. 2.

(Seriously...Seriously...SERIOUSLY...considering what's about 2 go down...I'm a little nervous...)

Lord...I'm about to do something that I need big time strength for...This is so ultra personal...So here goes...

Everyday I have an unique experience with a female as this diary tells...I share because I think it can help.
Like whenever u feel down about Love or wonder "Why Me?"....Perhaps these stories can give a little pep.
I've been through soooooo much, that it's hard for me to find somebody who can get me to trip over a step.
Whose presence can get me to be like...I wonder did God fight with tha Angels on deciding if She was one Heaven shoulda kept?

I don't know if I can go through with this...I'm sorry this is so tough to speak upon...Be strong...Be strong...

(Names have been changed to protect tha innocent)

So it's this one girl...Her name is Dominique ...Who I think is perhaps tha closest to what I look for in a gal.
Even though she's in a relationship, which is cool...She possess that Girly Attitude with a Homeboy pal.
Tha thang is I see more beauty in her, than she does in herself...Like her personality can shine from NY 2 Cal.
And that's what's important in tha first place...Which girl do u think has tha 'It' Factor to ride with this Capone of Al?

Now this is just me talking, not you...but when I need an extra push...She's tha one that pushes me to go more.
Not directly...but indirectly...Meaning...When I think I have it all...Nope...I want a girl like her...That's my inspiration to kick down any door.
Cuz with a guy with an Big Aura and Personality such as mine...I need a goal...To keep running on Success' Floor.
She's tha Prototype...From Natural Good Looks to Attitude to Party Swag...She's tha type that makes my greatness soar.

Tha funny thang is we don't talk 2 much anymore...which is fine...Although in her mind...I think she knows.
Seemingly everybody wonders what type of girl I would date...Well, now the entire Galaxy knows.
Never told her, that she's my Prototype...And I have no idea where that conversation will go.
Just know if something would 2 ever cause a sneeze in her relationship...There will be another willing to Blow.

Can't believe I'm saying all this...but I'm Single...and this is a diary of personal thoughts right?....

Well, I said there were...Two...Who tickle my fancy...and since my foot is in my mouth...Why stop now?!
As I said earlier, this is probably my last year writing in this diary, so might as well milk this cow!
I've been in tha Harvest of Luv for many years...So I think I have a good eye on who's worthy to Plow.
I only admire girls who I think have that "Galaxia Factor"...Who can handle my name being lit up on tha Jones Dow.

There a another girl I work with...Her name is Evelyn...who I feel has a style that is beyond certain words.
Dresses like a Gables girl, but has a Mystery that leads me to think she can get South Beach buck wild if I had a drinking contest of Surge.
I admire her humbleness...And I feel like she's a type of beauty who if her man has money she won't go crazy on a Splurge.
Just don't show her an ad for Shoes on Sale...I once heard she saw a Marc Jacobs Shoe Sale sign while driving by a mall, and almost jumped tha curb!

But besides her Diamond eyes...I think she's a gal who can keep a relationship under wraps.
I may be wrong, but I don't think she'll be broadcasting every single detail on tha Social Networks...Like it's CBS.
If we go out 2 a nice place fine...Or catch a Movie, that'll be between us...Everybody else...tha details they will lack.
That's what I'm looking for...And Want!...A sexy girl, who's not afraid to make her cell phone go...Zap!!

So everybody and their Mama has probably wondered which girls would I dig if I had a chance.
These two Dime Pieces mentioned above are tha closest I think...For me to ask...Would U Like 2 Dance?!
I know this Diary is being read literally all over tha Galaxy and Globe...Mad shout out to my Home girl in Paris, France.
This diary of mine, is super personal...As well as special and very intimate...Hopefully to this point its been worth tha glance.

Now...Let me be real...From what I've gotten to know...Are why I mention them in such a light.
There are others who I's just that a conversation hasn't occurred so I'll be going just on pure sight.
Got 2 mention my Homegurl Cynthia or Cyn....She's a Baby Girl I'll always be fond of cuz her Swag is so tight.
I can write a whole post on what me and her have been through...I might even send her a "Wink" via text on 2night!

She'll know what that means...As I have hidden things that only those mentioned and me know what they mean.
Could be a name of  "McChicken" or a Beaded Eye Glance...that could bring a smile a day and night and between.
See a lot of gals in my life, but right now, these Two plus One are tha ones I with I could replay what I have just seen.
This is my diary....U might not like them in ways as I do...But trust me, they always have a special place in my heart...

This I can...Galaxia Guarantee!

(Galaxian Note:  Tonight was written cuz I feel like so many people have an interest or wonder in who or what I find in a girl.  People in which I don't even know bro.  I honestly feel like I'm tha last of a breed of guys or gentleman who truly appreciate tha beauty of all women.  And now more than ever I feel like girls realize that as well.  Girls come to me all tha time in different ways or with different propositions.  And with me seeing so much...It can be tough to see who has what u desire in a possible future mate.

I have nothing but respect for Miss Dominque or Ms. Evelyn or Cyn, and I hope nothing said will put a damper in future 'Hi's' or even if any of us were to hang out or even work in tha same setting.  U can still say 'What's Up' or act goofy around us, cuz I'm a goofy guy.  I know that relationships are involved, and friendships may not want to cross tha line or work relationships as well, so don't feel like this was done in a 'I Want To Get At You' type of way.  It's just that lately, my life has been filled with certain pressures and expectations involving this Love Life of Folklure.  I feel like one day this diary will go down as one of...And Our goal is for it to be...Tha Best Diary ever written as well as tha Ultimate Life ever told. 

Personally, I feel like we are a unique person.  And live our lives in a way that is ALL about Luv and Fun.  I cherish tha opportunity to open my lifestyle to other people.  And I especially look forward each and every time to let a girl take part in who we are.  That's just because I feel like there are a lot of girls who have gone through a lot of crap when it comes to Dating and Love.  To tha point of giving up.  I'm not tha only guy who treats or wants to treat a lady like a...lady.  But I might be tha most qualified in terms of who I am, what I've been through, and the courage to speak upon how relationships should be lived.  No matter what Luv should be Fun.  NO MATTER WHAT!  If tha Fun disappears from a relationship, or if tha spontaneity become vacant in a shouldn't be in one.  Life should be Fun.  And if I get a girl here, by tha end of tha night....(Please Laugh!)...I'll make sure she's somebody who exemplifies that 'Fun' quality.

All three girls mentioned above...They do that.  Thus, that's why I think they are the Prototypes in Who a Galaxia Gurl is.  Willing to try new thangs...Ain't afraid to let their hair down...Able to stand up for herself, and tell u where to go if u Ego trip...Somebody who can be grounded around a lot of money or media attention...And more importantly, Somebody who can handle "Tha Hate" that comes from Family and friends and from complete strangers for just being my friend.  And definitely for being 'My Gurl'.  Others may fall into that category, but as of 8:08pm on this March 6th day.  These three special girls do it better.

I may not speak 2 any of u again...So be it.  But this diary is being read by so many people, that it's really amazing.  I want to thank everybody from all over Tha Galaxy for reading about my crazy fun-filled life.  But I just wanted to clear tha air on who I think, and what qualities these girls possess, that I fill will make my ultimate girl.  One never knows tha future one of the girls may become "Galaxia's Gurl".  That would be mad cool...Mad cool.  While there's a possibility that neither of them may either.  Either way, they have touched my heart and have helped me become better at determining what true beauty is really all about.  I forgot this has to be in poem form right?  Here's our final line...

People always perk up when they ask if we have a girl, 
Some by our Swagger, while others perhaps from what we write.
I don't have a gurl, but now u have an absolute real life view of what we look for,
Our Galaxy and taste for beauty is so big, that we didn't give u One...But Three Prototypes!

And They Are Perfect Ones At That!!)

Much Luv and Fun!  And Ladies...
Austino Galaxia

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