Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Galaxy Town Meeting.

Well, alright, might as well write this thang like a diary should be.
Meaning give this thang from our heart, and not from those Markets of Flea.
This is my billboard of tha picture of my life...Wait...Ellen's taking a Selfie..."Cheesee!!"
Gonna let all our craziness be present on this Tuesday night...U get 100% pure me.

I've been releasing our life to tha Galaxy, and I still think I'm a flat our Weirdo.
Throughout this diary discussing out Love and Fun should outwardly flow.
Saying that money ain't a thang, yet I sleep in a Vince T-Shirt that costs $80 of dough.
Discussing how selfless life should be...while on tha other hand begging to have my own Viacom show.

Am I just too much Ying versus Yang?  Like is Rocky and Apollo Creed fighting inside?
Am I looking to have a Simple Life while following all too hard Nicole and P. Hilton's Self-Help Guide?
Should I just slow things down, and not really give a hoot if somebody gives me a real Hi-Five?
Or shouldn't I not be so concerned about all that's surrounds us, that real truths can be stretched into lies?

Things happen in such a way....U know what 'F' this.
There's no reason to complain about who we are, so what if we think we are tha #@!$.
Tonight, I need to fight through whatever's going on, with a Thinsulate Gloved fist.
I think tonight is gonna be one post that nobody in our Galaxy would want to miss.

It's on.  Sitting up here thinking about what or where our next move should take.
Staying down here in South Beach is cool, but moving out 2 LA could provide a needed break.
But our job isn't done quite yet...so we gonna get sum juices going before it's too late.
Or at least before this Heat vs. Rockets game 2night that starts somewhere around 8.

(Parental Discretion Advised)

Had to throw that in there cuz its time for tha Galaxy Fam to come and meet baring all souls.
Am I tha only one who's p'd off that u have to go through so many of life's Sun Pass Toll's.
They tell u it's Express Lane, and u take it, only to find out that it's taking longer than a Gallup Opinion Poll.
Or how come everybody else is moving along so fast, and ur stuck like Cindy Crawford's facial mole.

Or how about when u've felt like u've done everythang and beyond yet it's still not be enough.
Studying hard for every exam, and still failing...thinking this is what I sacrifice instead of watching tha Chippendale's dance buff?
Or paying $45 for a steak at a Coral Gables joint, and ur 'Well Done' turning into "Steak Be Too Tough."
How about paying for a dinner, and tipping Valet, and as ur walking ur date doesn't even want her hand 2 be cuffed?

Come on somebody...I know somebody knows where I'm coming from, and is about 2 throw a chair.
Wondering why is everybody calling me "So Nice" and "So Beautiful" but ur still tha one waiting for a Love Card that starts..."My Dear."
Or u sacrifice doing what u think is right working out, but u don't have abs like somebody else, even though last night they got drunk off of beers.
With some other thoughts like how come when I want a sexy mate, tha wrong ones always seem to be tha one to stare.

Well, if u had these thoughts or any others like this, tonight is especially for me and you.
This is our diary, and u know I'm ultra crazy so I'm gonna will success into all of our lives until I'm threw.
If ur looking for a "Must Read Story", 2night ain't tha night, just don't let tha door hit ya, so u can sue.
But tonight, Tha Galaxy is holding a Closed Door Meeting where 'think' disappears and turns into 'knew'.


Is that it?  Ok...I see that three people don't want to be in here tonight which is fine.
See I wanted to test people out with tha Kool-Aid...Now I'm about to bring out tha wine.
U guys can come up, I want everybody to enjoy themselves tonight...2nite we all are gonna shine.
By tha way, my butler will be holding a hat for tips as u leave...please give that which folds, and no dimes.

Speaking of which...let's just jump this thang off talking about Love...I mean why not.
Raise ur hand if u keep comparing ur state of dating or relationships with others...Come on...don't stop.
My hand is raise to the 'Effing' Himal...Hyma...Beep-it..."Him-a-Lay-a's"...I don't proofread I just jot.
But we all should keep our hands high, cuz we really keep stirring in somebody else's pot.

Take me for example...not too many folks can say what I'm about to say...U can put ur hands down.
I'm like Last of tha Freakin' Mohicans...Like all my Homies have families and kids, and upside down frowns.
While I'm down here living this South Beach life, living like it's Miami 1995...looking for my Downtown Juile Brown.
Writing about all this noise as tha ultimate bachelor while there's seem to be much more sound.

I share stories with everybody in this room on tha Dale, about all that occurs under Our Galaxy's Full Moon.
Tha other day, my Pops gave me two pieces of advice, and I don't think they could've come too soon.
One was...No matter what...DON'T SETTLE.  U sometimes have to watch how u blow Love's Balloon.
U want things to happen so quickly that u balloon goes...Spirszzzzurrrrp!...And u feel like a Goon.

If ur a Single and Very Eligible person of desire...Tha wait can seem like it'll never, ever come.
U get invites to weddings or baby showers and u think...Everybody's getting a slice, and I at least have some?
Or u think...Man, how come she didn't want me...I drive a Freakin' Ferrari, and she wants a guy who goes by thumb?
While a thought of I just banged the daylights outta this guy, and he doesn't even want to spend tha night...How can I be so dumb?

So as u go through all these "Perfect to others, but not to You's"...A sense of why not just go for tha easy.
Thoughts of batting ur eyes at work for somebody u don't really want, even as his breath makes u queasy.
Or in such a hurry to get sum, u take a gal to a cheap Chinese Sit-Down cuz u want tha Sex to cost Measly.
Or u stand outside of The Triple A saying u got tix for a Heat Game, lying so she can pay...Knowing darn well u don't know Michael Beasley?!!

 I heard somebody say sumthing the other day, and it hit my soul both near and far.
He said, "The more u are in tha zone of Uncomfortability...The Better U Are."
Sometimes being a social butterfly and not being in a relationship...Can make u shine like a Star.
Cuz u know how to make urself happy...And not be contained by all the media's proclaimed to be set bar.

One thang I've learned, Galaxia Fam, and this goes not just for Singles but Couples Alike.
We can let one person determine our happiness or love for life...We have to fly our own kite.
Plus, tha other person may not see what u see...In a couple, they might be blind, while ur "Their Sight."
And u need to know what makes ur day...And what kind of Handcuffs u like to be tied to at night!

As for me, there were these Betsey Johnson handcuffs in Gold, that Boy...Just turns me on like a switch.
If only I could get Renat...Oops!  Shouldn't call out names...let's just say I liked to be whipped!
But that's tha thang...At LEAST I KNOW!!  But that ka-now-ledge comes from ur Heart's Beating Pitch.
Which usually comes from tha moments u spend alone...Sometimes even crying like a.....Shhh!

Before I get into my Pops second point...I myself need to stop looking at girls like they are on Layaway.
Meaning...trying to compare her price or credentials to see if they are ever gonna go on sale before tha year 2021 Labor Day.
Meaning...trying to project tha future by tha looks of a girl without letting her soul have her say.
When if u let her talk, she might be more expensive for ur pockets, which u can't afford to pay!

(That's pretty good!)

We all do it...I KNOW girls do it as well...But here in Miami we judge so much on Looks.
Girls compare boobs and butts like JK Rowling and Dr. Seuss compare books.
Like Chef Ramsey and Colonel Sanders argue over who's tha best cook.
Or even like how Bradley Cooper and LL Cool J toast on how many gurls that have took.

So if girls do it...U know us guys do it as well...But that shouldn't be all u judge in a Fox Fur.
What I look for in physicality...is tha overall picture...Like I look at a beauty like Tha Oscars.
U may look good in parts...But does tha whole make me want to watch u in  full, and not in blurs.
 I'm not into The Best Kiss, iike tha VMA's...I want a Netflix that makes u continue to Rent More.

Speaking of which...My Pops dropped this knowledge as well...DON'T BUY LOVE.
Talking to me cuz of my Gentleman ways of opening doors, and making sure my gurl wakes up to tha sounds of Dove.
Get it...See Dove is a soap..So that means I'm taking a shower...That came from tha Ultimate Freak Up Above.
But Guys and Girls alike, whether in a relationship or not, can sometimes think spending means getting tha Best Bang outta life with 'No Glove'.

Girls like to be pampered, as they should be...Many of us guys see all tha hustle and bustle they go through.
Classwork. Running errands for their family. All tha while never getting a small, well-deserved, "Thank U."
But, and I'm talking 2 myself, we shouldn't think money is gonna make her get something Borrowed and Blue.
It's awesome to make somebody's day....But don't think u have opened Love's Mystery box thinking Money is tha Ultimate Clue.

What I'm learning is that if somebody is gonna love u, they gonna love u for being the Entire whole.
That's why it's important to be urself at all times...Freakin' don't be Chex, when really ur a Trix bowl!
Or if ur a criminal, dag gone it, Say ur one..I know I ain't tha only one who's be indicted on Kisses I've stole.
Don't be afraid of letting people see tha real you...Remember this one thing tonight..Be Urself...Be Bold.

Like I'm not gonna shy away anymore from who I am, u either Luv me or Hate me...Or Both!
We gonna talk about Fun, Sex, God...and how we are tired of feeling led astray like a Goat.
Or I'm gonna talk about how my Swagger is so super high, that one day we'll be looked at as Tha G.O.A.T.
Everybody in this Galaxy has tha same attitude...All of us aren't Land bystanders, We were Galaxy born to...

Rock Tha Boat!!

One more thang, this has to do with...shouldn't say this...but what job will make us tha most happy.
Many of us have goals that supersedes our present occupations. Why so quiet...No Applause or Clappy's?!!
Don't be afraid, I know I want to live Lorde like we're .."Roy...OOO....Als"...like King Jaffe.
Coming To America with Lions on our shoulders, not even caring if our hair is nappy.

Sometimes u have to go through different episodes or occupations to prepare u for ur ultimate dream.
I mean, judging from tha Food Network and sum freaks I know...Milk has to be massaged before u get to taste tha Ice Cream.
(Go ahead and Laugh!)  Before u become the Head Buyer of Fashion, u first need to learn tha details of tha Seams.
Plus in tha future, u never know what horrible experiences have led ur Success Train to gain much needed steam.

It's while we are in tha moment, that absolutely drives us crazy, ya dig.
Sometime us not getting what we want is tha best thang to happen...like Playgirl Magazine not voting u Mr. Big.  (That comes with pressure!)
Or thinking u met ur dream wife, but she doesn't even know how to make a salad with Figs.
Or telling ur girlfriends u met this muscle of a man, but when somebody disrespects u in public, he runs and has no intention of Splitting Somebody's Wig.

Egotistically Confident.  Even when things don't seem 2 b going ur way...They actually are.
U think nobody notices ur sexy dress...Then all of a sudden u get a handwritten note on a napkin from across tha Bar.
All hope seems gone of finding ur dream home, then all of a sudden a late MLS post hits bout a townhome in Miramar.
Just when u think to get a lifetime Miami Metro pass...A family member or friend happily gives u a car.

U never know.  Galaxy u never know.  And Austino u just never know.
Tonight was from our heart...This is what tha drive to tha top's about...Not just a goofy flow.
We all in This Galaxy want a life that is filled with Love and Fun...Like playing Monopoly and Passing Go.
Please slap tha blackboard once on ur way out....As u can see it reads plain and simply...

..."I'm about to put on a show!"

And as u hit it...BELIEVE THAT!...Yeah...Believe.  That.  You.  Will.

Galaxy Meeting Adjourned.

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