Sunday, March 30, 2014


Here we are on this Sunday Night...Living in tha Present Moment at hand.
This wasn't even gonna be tha post on today, but we were led by Tha Galaxian Land.
What we're gonna write 2night, Heck, I don't even know...Might be goofy like some Knee High Pants.
Just hope it can be legendary and Timeless...Like Warhol when he painted a Campbell Soup Can.

(Huge Sigh!)

How do u feel when ur so close to something that U can feel it in tha Sky?
When u realize that everythang u've been through is now for ur Good and U now know Why.
No more are u thinking about those crazy nights alone, when tha only sound u heard was Ur Own Cry.
Or when u were hugging tha pillow, thinking about how 'Putting on ur Face' is an easy way to....

U know what...I'm feeling something, so might as well just get loose tonight.
See, these last few weeks have been mad crazy, wishing I could just Go and Fly a Kite.
I'm from tha Land of tha Moon and Stars, and believe u me, I've tried to "Fly Home" with all My Might.
Even talked to my Homeboy E.T. tha other day bout it...He told me, "U're not done yet...Just Show 'Em That Ur Outta Sight."

We touched Index fingers after that, and a Glow appeared as these Two UFO Humans touched.
Yeah, I'm weird, and I ain't afraid to admit that, wearing striped H&M socks with Air Max 90's...and such.
Tha Nike's are even Women's shoes...Shhhh! Don't tell...But for real, I'll do anythang for a look considered 'Clutch'.
May even throw on a Striped Cocktail Dress, Only if she'll take off hers...When it comes to a Funky Time...I believe Nothing is Ever Too Much!!

Eating some Almonds out of a can, As I write this...Which is Symbolic because, 'I think I've Gone Nuts.'
Like, I DON'T REALLY CARE about certain thangs anymore...Fun And Luv is tha theme of this Dunce.
If U don't come up to my level in those areas...(Smack of tha Lips)  Sorry....I'm different from tha Guy Upon A Time Once.
Life has screwed me so much, that Now we've decided to Return tha Favor...Shouting 'Never Again' with Every Thrust.

If u haven't seen already, this Diary of Ours is different...It's in some ways for those 21 Plus.
See, we have to write this from our heart...Especially when we've constantly had 2 pick ourselves up from tha Dust.
Sometimes I've Bite tha Pavement just because I'm goofy like that...Falling outta my Own Ikea Chairs...I'm like tha Ultimate Klutz.
Other moments we've wondered why thangs happen 2 us like they do...Getting Hammered when we're a Nail lacking any Rust.

Let's get real...If u have Dreams don't u just get tired of saying, "Today is gonna be Tha Day."
Waking up, hoping that tha Sexy Person u've been checking out, is finally gonna say, "Que Pasa?" or Look Ur Way.
Or in school that teacher is finally gonna let u lead a group, and u can finally have tha Last Say.
Or even, u wake up after a Fun Night in ur Bed, and see a hand written note on ur side table that says, "Galaxia, Last Night was on Me...This Time U don't Have 2 Pay!"

Ha ha!  Mean, has anybody had those hopes that a Job will finally open, to where u Look No More.
Or that Day after a Mad Krazy Workout by urself or from a trainer....And Finally u No Long Feel So Sore.
While wishing this person would stop Texting you...Because tha convos won't end in a relationship or friendship...They are such a wasted Bore.
Hoping that Ur Best Friend never got Married, Cuz even though ur Cool...U'll never have that same 'Single Life' Rapport.

Please, Lord...Please tell me, that a Gurl from My Past hasn't flipped on me some kind of Voodoo Switch.
What Tha...I"m scratching my Butt, up my back...I shouldn't be saying all this...But this is like from some Kind of Witch.
Either I've been hit with Some Nor' Lens Mojo or I need 2 take a shower...Either way I can hear Bernie Mac shouting...SumofAB...

Itch...Itch...Huh.  Perhaps that's what I should talk about since I'm scratching away like Tom Tha Cat.
U know, how he could never catch Jerry in those cartoons...Personally, I think his style was so Whack!
Mean, ur Boy Jerry would just messed with his mind...Singing to him, running into small holes...Making Tom Fall flat on his Back.
All he had to do was lay some Velvetta down and it'll woulda been all over...Totally, it'll be a wrap.

Ohhhhh!  I hate people seeing this side of me, but I'm such a Male Bimbo when it comes to Bugs and things to do with my skin.
Tha other day, this Homegurl gave me some Candy from Chile, I got a Pimple, and I promise u it took all I had to not Call Work, and Decide 2 Stay In.
I Eat Lotion...I mean I eat Oatmeal...Heck, I'm trying to say I use Oatmeal Lotion...Although in a taste contest of Lotion...Jergens would clearly Win.
Dermatologists recommend it, but This Galaxy Guy can tell u first hand, that aside from PF Chang's Banana Spring Rolls, a side dish of Jergens should be considered an Heavenly Sin.

Guess tonight is all about embrassing myself...So let's see what else I can get into.
Like jokes aside, I can't believe that when I tell people, they look at me Krazy when I tell them I used to eat Glue.
Don't say 'Ew!"  I'm serious...Tha Dollar Store kind was 'Alright' but Eating Elmer's on a WeekNight, was a like typical Go-To.
She was almost better than Having a gurl...No matter what she'll Stick 2 You, U could Play with Her and she won't get mad...And tha Best Thang was that it didn't take much for her to...Oooze!

People look at me like I'm lying when I say that....Maybe that's why I'm just so Krazy!
Always thinking about The Impossible being Possible...Huh...I've never tried tha Glue called Krazy.
Maybe I should put that on my Hit List...After dating a Sexy Cubana...who we know are tha Most...Krazy.
Which I Luv actually cuz I'm learning that to want to be named Ms. Galaxia...U have 2 Be Fine, Smart and at tha same time...Quite Krazy!

Dude, I've done some mad silly thangs in my life, like I can remember tha first time I stole something like a crook.
It wasn't a Kiss...At least not yet...Or A Heart...But can u believe it was a Freakin' Book!
I can steal...No Pun Intended!...See me reaching for my Favorite Read of The United States, with all it's States, Capitals, and Donny Brooks!
Man, it was like I was living tha Elementary Dream 4 Real...Cookies, Nap Time, and a Teacher that looked as Hot as Nigella Lawson when she really used 2 cook.

Nigella's Single?!! Well, this is truly my chance...I'm gonna have to drop her "Them Digits" after I finish with this here Post.
But getting back to this story...Like, I would be in Class and it would just be staring at me like some freshly popped Grape Jelly on Toast.
Like other kids would Gank Pencils...Pens...Trapper Keepers...Such Amateurs...Who else in school knew this History of all 50 States?!!  Only I could Boast!
Just hoped my Parents didn't know about my Thief Ways...Cuz if they saw me on the Kids Version of Cops...My Rump was gonna be Roast!

I ended up returning tha book to that class, but Man...Was that such a thrill!
Aren't a such a Weird Geek?!!  One day talking about making out with Ford Models, the next discussing tha place in Literature History of George Will.
While the Next, discussing how for this Marc Jacobs Men's fragrance, I'm starting to do anythang to get it, short of Kill.
And also speaking from tha Heart, when I say that ur Dreams sometimes fall in Ur Hand...Only if u would b patient and Stand...Still.

Tonight, I don't know...I feel like since my diary is wrapping up in some ways, it's best for this Puppy 2 Bark.
Like why not just spill tha beans on some things that u may or not know about me...So u can decide if here ur Spaceship is gonna Park.
To create this Galaxy Zoo, that u won't ever forget about....Like when was tha last time u heard somebody talk about an Aardvark??
So let's first discuss Us Naked...And how I LUV to take showers...In Tha Dark.

This is just something that has become so natural...I don't even know I can touch tha Shower Head with tha Lights On.
It'll be almost like Daffy Duck trying Moonwalk, and Croon out a Michael Jackson Song.
It might be as weird as Sisqo coming out, and saying He can't stand women who wears 'Thongs'.
Or Showtime issuing a statement back in tha day, prohibiting Tha Show Weeds from showing any type of Bongs.

U should give it a try!  So if ur gonna be my Gal, u might as well buy some stock in some Infrared Glasses.
Cuz that's tha only way I get down...A Triple Double Threat, who on Dark Showers, ain't gonna give No Passes.
I Soak Up Body Language pretty well...So no need to worry if I'll miss a spot between ur Period and Ur Two Up Top Dashes.
Just have to let me know if u have a problem with Dial Soap...Its cool for me, but for others it can create unwanted Rashes.

What else???  Eggo's with only Syrup...Popcorn with Sugar...Ok...Take note, cuz this is something of Nap Fright.
As I go to sleep, I've only slept on one side of my Bed...That would be tha Right.
Like, my left side, almost has some Dust...Well, that ain't a good analogy cuz that means that I haven't gone to sleep next to Miss Outta Sight.
But like...U know what I mean...I never sleep on tha Left side for some reason....That has happened for like 400 plus straight nights.

Ok...How about this...In all of My Days and Nights Hanging Out and Fun Parties...I've never been actually...Drunk.
People have literally made it their mission to get me #Plastered...But their tests I've have yet 2 Flunk.
This is too much info 2nite, but whatever...Tha closest I came was at a Beach Party...Borderline a Slam Dunk.
Why do I always feel Tha Want to Wrestle with Hot Gurls in tha Sand at Beach Parties?...It's Just My Thang!!  I know...I know...Who Would've Thunk?!

But after that night, I had some thangs going on inside of me...Like I could barely move tha next morning day.
Felt like a Huge Load was in my Tummy...It was Virtual Insanity...I thought about calling up Jay Kay.
Now if I go out, I carefully choose if to and what to sip on...Although a Cute Gurl demanding u drink out of a Vodka bottle...Can throw tha word, 'No' all away.
I'm already sick in tha head though...I mean who else has no cash in his Burberry wallet, Yet still feels like He Owns Tha Ga-La-Say!!

There's just too much too This Kid...Like how I think tha Sleep Timer on TV's is one of tha Greatest inventions of tha 20th Century.
I mean, U go to sleep to tha Buzzing sound of 'AC's' and '1-900-Call Me' Commercials, and u Wake up to tha TV turned off...All without a Worry.
Another tidbit bout Muah...Is...Huh.  A girl just knocked on my door, looking for a Laundry Key...Telling u My Life is starting to get Blurry.
Forgot what I was gonna even say...Man, ain't it crazy how a Female in low cut Sky Blue Negligee can make ur Mind Go a Scurry!

(Gather Ur Thoughts Galaxia!  Huge Blow!)

Alright...Boy O Boy...I've always thought it would be cool to own a Mini-Golf Course.
Have it be Part Golf Fun, and Part Nightclub...My Dream is to make ur voice go home Hoarse.
Another Concept I like would be to have a 24/7 Breakfast Spot...Please don't think it's some kind of Farce.
I'm a HUGE fan of Pancakes, especially Pecan Ones...If eating those were a crime, I'd easily would be behind Bars.

I know u hear this alot from tha Female Clan, as they stand in tha mirror and state the Favorite Body Part.
Some talk about their Booty, or Their Arms or Bust...Very rarely do I hear one say that it's their...Heart.
If u were to ask me, What my favorite Body part was...I best u couldn't figure it out, like a Maze that has no Start.
Mine is actually on My Face...And it comes in tha form of a Childhood Beauty Mark.

My favorite Body Part is....My Eyebrows.  Cuz I know NOBODY in Tha Galaxy has a Pair Like These.
If u were to place my under arrest...I might be willing 2 sacrifice My Brows just to stop tha Seize.
As a Kid I fell down on a Radiator at my Old House, stitches in my Left brow is what tha Doctor ordered after he said, "Hold Please."
Then in my Right Brow, and Basketball hoop made of a Hubcap, fell on my face...U can't even make that up!...For that I got a little tease.

So both of my Eyebrows have permanent parts in tha middle of them...Tell me that ain't unique!
I personally think it can be tha little thangs that can get us attracted to somebody...Like tha Way a Person Thinks.
Or how somebody is Double-Jointed, or Bow-Legged...Ain't even gonna lie, I was so turned on by this Gurl who had a Great Memory...Her weirdness almost made me buy her a Mink.
Although that can be good or bad...Knowing that if u were to Break Up, she won't forget to ask for Tha Kitchen Sink!

Sorry, but I had some other stuff to jot, but that little 'Interruption' threw me off a small tad.
Just a few nuggets about This Goofy Guy who simply wants to Enjoy life, and share stories through his Diary Pad.
I write in a Different way...Talking about Love, Sex, Money, Pop Culture, Fashion...I think I've gone Quite Mad.
But I just Think Life should be Ultra-Fun, and Lived to Tha Fullest...So somebody can Dream...And think...

"This Diary...Was tha Best We Ever Had."

Austino Galaxia.

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