Sunday, March 9, 2014


This is truly a Special Edition on tonight.
On this night, we're about to lose an hour.
Even more special because I wrote just several hours ago,
But...I got tha go ahead to write again from tha Higher Powers.

Special Edition is what we're about to write upon,
Like a Car, a Remix or a New Nike Shoe.
This is probably be tha only time I'll ever do this again.
So lets see where our head is, and what we can get into.

Tha last few days I kinda felt like I lost my Swagger a little bit,
Those feelings of Fun and Love felt like they were in History's past.
Wondering has all of this really been worth it, for real,
And if so, how come I feel like I'm always tha last.

U feel like u're the best this Earth will ever see,
Knowing that nobody possesses a combination as such.
If Master would to make a padlock of me,
It's combo would be Fun to tha right, Luv 2 tha left, and stop back 2 tha right at 'Galaxia U 2 Much.'

Inside u know, ain't nobody can really touch you when u get started,
Feel like u've been blessed with experience, and a tall glass of courage.
Something weird was in tha air though, that I couldn't describe,
Like my Oatmeal of Fun, was starting to stink like some Day old porridge.

Time and time again u feel like u've proven urself beyond measure,
So why isn't it that u've haven't become Tha Ultimate Star?
Is it us?  Is it God's fault?  I want to know...right now...
Cuz in my eyes we should be on television or on every magazine, especially tha one called Star.

Just like we keep on having to get up, and hope today is our break,
When we can finally say that every step has been worth tha journey.
Recently I haven't felt like doing an absolute single thang, ya dig...
Almost if to get me out of my showroom, two nurses will have to carry me out on a gurney.

Then there's a fight within, like, "I'm doing all this, but nobody else is."
If I'm working extra hard, while getting less, then why go so hard in tha first place.
They claim that true leaders are tha servants of all, but this is really getting ridiculous,
Like I'm really going through tha difference from being Tha Chaser to Tha Chased.

I can handle it, but sometimes u just need some reassurance that everythangs ok,
Mean every once in awhile u just want a sign to say, u're on tha right course.
In some areas of my life, it's been a long time since I've seen that Ace of Base,
So we're just going on faith, and what we've been taught by Tha Hollywood Star Chorus.

Even as a kid, I was throughly taught, to reach for tha highest heights possible,
To never give up, and more importantly...Be patient and ur dreams will come true.
That's why I dream so high, why I wish for everybody to have Fun and Luv in their life,
Cuz that's what keeps u going...Plus, this way of life is tha only way I knew.

I recall my father telling me something a loooong time ago, on my Hoops career,
Telling me that no matter what, I always have had to prove myself more than others.
Here I am got MVP awards, averaging pretty good numbers, yet still overlooked,
I remember being Honorable Mention All-State Preseason, and no mention of it, even though it was right in tha front cover.

It's like I got to do everythang as a Perfect "10"...
And even when that happens it goes from a luxury to an expectation.
Like it's hard for Kobe or LeBron to get star numbers every game,
Just because they do it, doesn't take the difficulty it takes to execute like a game of Playstation.

That's why I appreciate Movie or TV production people...
And why I appreciate Fashion Models and I guess girls generally speaking.
Cuz I KNOW how much work goes into tha behind-tha-scenes for things to happen,
Sexy gals I know don't just wake up with oils of Flawless Beauty constantly leaking.

It takes work...I recall months ago speaking to a Homegurl, Miss Eliana C.,
And I asked her, how come she doesn't write anymore, as she kept probably my favorite blog.
She stated that she doesn't have time to jot and stuff,
From one writer to tha next I know she understands that writing in this park is truly no jog.

Although she still owes me a "Special Edition Post" on Luv (Cough, Cough!), but she's totally right,
Writing takes time, and for us can sometimes take up to 3 hours on a given night.
Then u talk about expressing urself ultra-freely, telling stories nobody should mention,
And doing it all in poem form...Tha New York Times should endorse me for a Pulitzer just on blind sight!

One thang that, and I keep on saying this, but somebody needs to hear all this,
Tha reason we wrote like we do, is because we felt like in this Galaxy there's a need.
Like nobody was telling things how they are, as ur going through tha trials of reaching ur dreams,
It's so easy to tell a story 'After Tha Fact', but what about when tha dream is still in tha stage of seed.

I've open myself up to so much, that it ain't even funny,
But I still believe that one day, I won't be regretting a thang that has been said.
Whether that's being memorable, or being tha most famous or what not,
My goal is for somebody 2 say that we were "The Best"...That is tha food that my soul gets fed.

Just tha thought that somebody is dreaming to become better each day,
Striving to live this dream life, cuz Galaxia went through, and he survived.
I used to get such a rush going to Chicago watching tha Bulls play with Jordan, Pip and Rodman,
As u crossed those Chi-Town city limits, u just felt an aura of This is Tha Best Team Ever Alive.

Tha thang was, u didn't even have to be going to tha game, just 2 be in tha city like shopping,
As a kid, thinking this is where Michael Jordan plays, u automatically begin to Dream Big.
That's what I want, mean our Ego is kinda large, I mean our name is Galaxia...
We just want somebody, especially a kid to dream unlimited like I do and once did.

When ur surrounded by success, that is really and truly all you know,
That's why I think it's so important for people to hear or see success stories on today.
Nowadays it's all about 'Microwave' TV Stars and 'Flava of tha Month' Cover stories,
When in reality Perseverance and Holding true to ur Morals, is what makes u have more than 15 minutes of Say.

I cringe sometimes when I think about how this diary has taken a life of its own,
It has...But perhaps this is tha only diary being written real-time as somebody goes to tha top.
So when I feel like I feel, that may because there isn't a blueprint for where we are headed,
And nobody how much I want to...A Star in this Great Galaxy isn't allowing me to stop.

When u are possibly doing something that hasn't been done before, u gonna have to be strong,
Sometimes u feel alienated, or wonder even how come my phone hasn't rung in 7 days.
Text messages ok, but there still isn't anythang like hearing a live voice with a laugh,
Always remember that sometimes silence speaks loud, and shows that u are going in tha right way.

Like if u walk into a room full of people, and as u walk in, tha chatter then stops,
To me that shows tha there's a sexy presence that shows respect of your game.
Cuz if they keep on talking, to me that shows they could give a hoot if ur in tha room or not,
And remember it doesn't matter what they write about you, just as long as tha rightfully spell ur name!

Now I'm gonna get into a subject which has been discussed like never before in this diary and beyond,
Tha subject that seems to be a hot topic in our life...Our Dating and Luv episodes.
Kinda wild ain't it?!  Let me just go to tha beginning on tonight,
So grab u some Grape Soda and pour it over some Ice Cream...Sit back and enjoy Galaxia A La Mode.

As a kid, I was really kinda weird, always rocking sweatpants and simple t-shirts,
But I used to get down on my knees...I don't care who reads this...and say a prayer by our bed.
For some reason our prayer included, "I want Tha Most Beautiful Girl In Tha World",
It wasn't money or even fame, although at a young age, that's what I coulda been praying for instead.

Strange how those words would utter off of our lips like it was a given or so easy,
Having no idea what we were asking for...thinking Niki Taylor was gonna just fall out tha sky.
These thoughts of we're gonna have a special gal one day years from now rang in our ear,
I was sending a vocal email up to Eros and Aphrodite, and I'm still waiting for tha reply.

What makes our life so crazy is that I've ALWAYS been around the sexiest girls around...ALWAYS,
Tha list is so long, full of girls who are pure geeks, to those gals who look good but act mean.
Had a crush in Junior High school on this one girl, and I knew that she liked me too,
Gave me her digits and stuff...I didn't respond..Still mad cool in H.S. with each other...She later became Homecoming Queen.

Just setting tha tone tonight for why we do what we do...
Why it seems that Love has taught me tha ultimate lesson by being beyond our reach.
For four straight Summers I worked probably tha ultimate job for any college student,
While others were doing very hard labor, I was blessed to spend my Summers on Lake Michigan working at tha Beach.

I witnessed so many girls in swimsuits, some wearing no clothes...I had fun,
One time I was stalked by two people...U ain't made it til u been stalked by a daughter and her Mom.
Tha entire night this tandom would roll through, and tha girl would be on tha passenger side giving me a stare,
She had fair skin,  dirty blond hair, but her looks was so sexy yet deadly...and so were her Pom-Poms.

What got me though was how hard this gurl would snap around and give me a "Porn Star" glance,
Then it got even more crazier when I was on my work bike to shut tha beach down for tha night.
Their car was parked in tha front lot like watching me every move,
Then they honked their horn and shouted my name super loud...Like their poo-tang they wanted to be spiked.

That was an experience cuz I felt like these tag-team would do anythang to get me,
Like If they could have tied me up, they would have...Although that might've been kind of fun.
But real talk...I was scared cuz being stalked in that way...Ain't.  Fun.  At.  All.
Trust me, I felt like I was their ultimate specimen, and Ma woulda done anythang for me to pop out a bun outta her daughter's oven.

I could go on with wild stories from these Four Puerto Rican Mommy's wanted to put on a show,
Coming through tha beach asking if me and my guys wanted to see their 38 or 40DD's.
To me being in awe of this one gurl with a sexy tan, having tha most beautiful face possibly I had ever seen,
Talking to her was truly Heavenly, but she threw me off when she said she did stripping for a living.

It's just all these steps u have to go through whether u want to or not,
See, when u ask for somethang, u sometimes don't know tha route it takes to get that thang.
U then realize this is like harder than I thought or what I saw on MTV's Dismissed,
Sometimes getting what u want means u have to go through a few flings.

Then u get my College Life, which was a party like 24/7, people don't know,
That's why I don't call Rockford, IL by name, but call it Rock Vegas cuz of how we lived.
Playing hoops, while living in "Tha Party Dorms" of McGizzy and Cabrini Olson were crazy,
Once my parents came to visit, and my CK undies were on tha grass outside of tha dorm...tough 2 explain and on that go around tha mill.

U have to look at some of my earlier posts from 2011-12, which have college stories galore,
From us approaching a girl through a speech in front of the entire class.
Then u had this one Italian girl who was a flat out Dime Piece but needed time away from her man,
Yet had a night filled with dancing to Mya, and her grinding on me with tha most prettiest A--.

To us meeting this Mamacita and dancing tha night away literally like love was true,
Then emailing with her for 7 straight days, and dealing with how she didn't feel like she was pretty.
Me having to try to convince this Medical student that she was crazy, and I thought she was hot,
Her telling me about her parents, and how she could get into trouble talking 2 me...Emails stop.  No Kitty.

Speaking of her, I've had a lot of Mexican girls in my past...I better not go there...
But we've had experiences with all races, so much that it's like a United Nations list.
Gabriella from Brazil, who was off tha charts but was leaving tha country in a week,
To this Arabian looking girl which I delivered on of tha most memorable lines of Hugs and Kiss...

'Austin....She only knows like four words of English.'
"Well, then we must be a perfect match cuz I only know four words of Spanish!"

You name it from flawless faces to perfect skin to girls who look slender with eyes of desire,
So many different combinations, and so much that we have seen.
Then u considered that we had another dream type of least for Fashion types,
For another Summer we did some Intern work at a Chicago Modeling Agency.

We would deal with portfolios, and see all tha ins and outs of being a Model,
How hard it is, and how cut throat it can be, more than just a pretty face.
Then on top of that, I had a mad crush on tha British gal who worked in tha office,
But it was her friend I think who had her eye on me...To make it worse, they were roommates.

Wild stuff I tell ya...And most of these stories I share openly in this diary,
Including tha tale of me actually falling for this girl who said she was Gay.
I don't know how both of us fell for each other, but it was a strong connection there,
She was my last episode before Miami...I still remember our final kiss even to this day.

Then coming to tha M.I.A. it has gotten even more wild, so wild.
Not only from girls I knew, but from many, and I do mean many I don't.
From me picking up a chick and taking her on my Vespa as her breasts pressed tightly on my back,
To me picking up a 'Lady of Tha Night' and taking her home in my car...thinking this has to be some kind of joke.

That was wild, cuz I was at tha BP gas station on Coral Way, and she walked on me direct,
Told me her situation, I said let me pump my gas, she got in, and stated how she liked my car.
This Boniqua then told me what she did for a living, but said she was clean,
Then offered to give me like sex whenever I needed it, just for taking her so far.

This are real stories...And its truly amazing how many girls here in South Beach or Miami know us,
Age doesn't matter...I met this one trainer tha other day who's eyes lit up we she saw me.
I used to have a secret crush on her, I never told her cuz I just didn't know her situation,
She told me she was studying in Brazil, and would be back in Miami soon...Still was cool, and looked beautiful times three.

So when we say that we are literally Global or more specifically Galaxy known, we really are,
Haven't even gone through girls we've met through work or while going to school at Miami International University.
Or how many dames we've met while working with tha Miami Heat,
What I've learned is that even though it's a large town, it can seemed like a small city.

Before I got all into our "Greatest Hits" I was saying all this to say, I didn't ask for all these episodes,
Like our whole thang about life is just to have fun, and to have simple love.
But when a sexy Nicki Minaj lookalike begins to divulge how she was nervous 2 ask if I was Gay while riding tha bus.
Cuz she thought our style was on point...That's when it hits u that ur living a life scripted from above.

Our life is a movie, and recently it's been even more crazy cuz I know that we're close to...somethang.
Told Tha Galaxy of what I like, and who I think has certain Galaxian qualities of desire.
Still wonder though who can live up to all these gurls that we've seen from tha past,
Like is there a gurl out there who is mad super cool, but physically can also light my fire.

That's why I tell people whether with love or life, it can truly be a step-by-step process,
U may not be where u wanna be, but as u think back, u aren't where u used to be.
If I find a "Wifey", there's no doubt in my heart, mind and soul that she's a combo Baby Gurl.
Meaning she's gonna be tha combination of all I've admired with every single past gurl...She has to be.

This diary has gotten pretty deep, hopefully entertaining as well,
Try not to call out names as much cuz it puts too much stress on other people, and Muah.
Now we're just gonna tell these stories as they come, and as we live,
Tha thang u must remember with us...Everyday there seems to be a new Co-Star.

Another aspect with whoever we end up...she has to accept a lot of girls surrounding our lifestyle,
We attract tha hottest guys and gurls...That's who reads our diary, I know.
But what we are learning as we start anew, is to just enjoy these days of being Single and Free,
So blessed...Live in tha South Beach hood, Have big time Fun, and Have Big Time Dough.

This is so not just about me though, it's about bringing others to Tha Galaxy,
Cuz I know others have Big Time Dreams and wonder when will tha Growing Pains End.
I don't know Alan Thicke, but his son Robin had a song out called, "Can U Believe.",
Like can u believe ur living in tha Mansion in CocoPlum when ur still sleeping in ur Parents Den?

Or when everybody u know is either married or flat out pregnant,
Can u still say 2 urself that I'm gonna be true to myself, even if that means I'm a lifetime single?
When tha job is tripping, or when Ex's want to play silly games,
Can u still keep hope alive by being urself, when being urself can lead to nobody wanting to mingle?

See, tha other day a feeling hit us like we don't have NOTHING to lose anymore,
Don't think there has been many people living who's seen as much as we have.
And since we are single, and since this diary of going to tha top, may be ending on December 31st,
I'm gonna make sure that somebody gets tha Entire Galaxia until there's no more to grab.

No reason to sulk over ur past...Galaxia...No reason to wonder when it will come,
From here on out, all jokes aside, we just gonna go all out, and believe tha saying is true.
Actually there's a few...One is that no matter what "Tha Creme always rises to tha top."
Another is this...Kieno What up! Don't forget...Sometimes "U gotta Do Whatcha Gotta Do!

When it comes to relationships and who's dating who and breakups...Never let this slip ur mind,
"It's not who's on tha court in tha first quarter, but who's on tha floor in tha fourth that matters."
And when it comes to Us...Galaxia Tha Person...Hopefully u'll think that we are tha best Server there was...
Although others are serving other dishes...I just want a smile to cross when u hear tha words Fun & Luv...

...And u think, that's my favorite...Cuz that was Galaxia's Platter!

Springing Ahead...And Not Looking Back!
Galaxia With Smooches!

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