Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Ahh-Ooo!!! Ooo...Ooo...Oooo!!"

Sitting in my Showroom with tha lights off once again,
This time laying flat with my face down and my #$@ up.
Thinking about what tha next move in This Galaxy is about to take,
Is it gonna be tha end of my rope, or tha equivalent of tha Stanley Cup.

I'm fired up...I'm P'd off...I borderline about 2 cry,
Cuz I feel like Tha World is missing out on one of tha All-Time Best.
How come every door I want to be opened remains bolted shut like never before,
Especially when time after time after time...I past every body test...including Tha Chest.

Tha lights are off, but I know that I have everythang that offers luxury,
But I don't have what I really feel will take me to tha next level on our road ahead.
Almost like God was passing out scripts of all our lives, and found one only meant for one,
And in tha movie Nightmare Nights, tha scene leads to tha Star writing in tha dark...on his bed.

People don't really realize how much I want to make an impact by our life,
Tha passion supersedes any phrases or words which u could even imagine.
Maybe I want to become this icon too bad, and it's slipping away as I write this...
Then again, maybe the best syrup is made after being tapped out of a Log Cabin.

Huh.  Wood...Wood...There's something there...
Should I go inspirational or should I go freaky in a guy's pants?
Probably should just go both, I mean who cares anymore right?
By tha looks of things though, this might be my last and final chance.

I was listening to Kobe Bryant on yesterday, which touched my soul,
Because he's one of the few I feel, that can relate with this overbearing obsession.
Tha one where u expect urself to be tha best and 2 be surrounded by tha best,
Then have enough Swag to not keep it in, but let it be known to anybody as ur Tattoo'd Confession.

Why am I built like this?  Why do I feel like I'm tha only one who believes?
When everybody wants to party it seems like u can have friends for days.
But when somebody comes along spitting real talk, and has dreams unlimited,
People get intimidated and scared, like I had tha Coodies...I do, of being tha next Hemingway.

So if ur dead broke...U suck...If ur Super Rich...U Suck...
Guess its best to just live 'Normal' or not stand out...That way u'll be like everybody else.
Tha heck with that, I can't live like that...No Sir Wee...
And that's why I feel like I'm in tha ultimate test of surviving Patience's Mess.

It's about to get real tonight, so...Hey, I don't care anymore what or who reads,
Cuz I know somebody in tha freakin' Galaxy is thinking tha same thoughts.
Thinking that all their sacrifices, all tha times u took tha fork in tha road up by tha handle,
Taking risks beyond compare, just because u never thought u'll be starring in tha real life version of Lost.

Then a job move here...A situation with a girl or two here...
And u think, Gosh...I just wanted a Simple Life...Where did all this come from?
U look around and u think how come I'm going through...It don't make any sense,
Just like going to Burger King and them jokers tell u they just ran outta buns?!

I feel this tonight...I feel it y'all....
Tha Road 2 Ur Dreams is difficult...But not impossible...I don't think.
It's as if, u feel like this should be easy, this chick has to see that I'm tha sexiest around,
Then all of a sudden...Ka-Boom!  And u can see Cupid and God smiling and exchanging "Gotcha" Winks.

And if somebody else asks me about my love life outta tha blue, I might throw up,
For real, I have never seen so much interest from people who I never knew cared.
Guess it kind of weird to be around tha Ultimate Drinker when it comes to Love,
Yet, as U walk into tha bar, u notice he's just sitting alone and not drinking a pitcher of Amor's Beer.

People tha other day was trying to tell me how it felt to be in Love,
I've never been in Love, and I found it quite intriguing to say tha least.
Everybody is different on how or what they think True Love is, won't get into that,
I mean some think it's about Apple Pie, Some think it's Love Lockdown while others think its a scary beast.

After hearing all these things...Over tha course of so many people tha last few days,
It just hit me like, I might just become the Ultimate Bachelor...Cuz I don't know if I'm ready.
As I've wrote in this diary, it's gonna take an Outta-This-Galaxy gurl to be with us...Hands down.
Someone Gangsta...Someone Hot and Beautiful...And sumbody who understands it when I say, "I want to go steady."

See, if didn't get that last part, u might not be tha one...which is cool,
What I'm learning is that Everybody may not be made for us...Which is fine.
Sometimes we just settle cuz it's uncomfortable to Enjoy being single or not in a relationship,
Trust me, I know...I mean who wants to go to P.F. Chang's and sit alone at tha bar to dine.

Yet, I feel like everybody needs some time alone to grow, and learn who they are,
So when they do meet that special somebody, they understand tha true meaning of love.
It ain't all about tha Pussy...It ain't all about calling somebody until u argue 'U hang up...No...U hang up',
True Love is unconditional...Meaning through thick or then...Or when u run outta Dubs.

Now what is getting to me is tha whole scope of thangs like...
Why do I have to go through so many 'No's' to get just one Great 'Yes'.
Like is it worth sleeping with 1000 dames to get that one ultimate lay...
Or how come u feel blindfolded, and u can't stand tha Miami dull tone of 'Ah...I guess.'

People may look at me and think that I look for too much out of life and girls,
Well, let me ask u something, and I say this real talk, with nothing bout it being funny.
If u grew up on a farm, and were surrounded by tha same animal...What would u like?
Beep It!  If u were surrounded by Playboy Bunnies...Who tickles ur fancy?...Bunnies.

So, and this is why dating in Miami is so jacked up...
Many of us, have been around so many of what we like in a future mate.
Whether that's dreams looks, sexy personality,
Or that Brunette girl who looks like Wonder Woman...I wonder where she hides her cape.

But when U SEE IT...Somebody ain't hearing me...
When U See It...U know that it's possible...It's no longer just a fantasy far fetch.
Tha thing is though, now that u see it, u desire to have tha complete package including what u saw...
U seen tha slim Blasian chick that luvs Hip-Hop...Let's take it a step further if we can see if one also likes Tha Mets.

Now u always have ur eyes open, just in case...
This guy is borderline perfect, meaning complete, but he don't likes to Salsa.
So u may stay with a person, just because u understand,
But when u think u find somebody else, my guy will then be curb a Tossa!

Sometimes that works...sometimes u miss out on a good thang....
Cuz u think tha, "Grass is Greener" on tha other side.
When in reality, that guy's luv for Salsa is that only thing he got going for him,
And now u want to go back to ur Headhunters on Love, realizing now u got to Re-Apply.

This diary always turns to Love and Dating don't it?  Whatever....
In my life, what I'm finding out is that sometimes gurls get intimidated by some guys.
I didn't learn that as I was growing up in tha corn fields of tha Midwest...
Just like I didn't know u didn't have to wear a hair net to work tha fries!

But just like guys can be offended by a gurl who's sexy and have her own money and mind,
Girls can be too!  Which is great...We all are just people living anyway.
As Sam on Sex and Tha City rightfully spoke...Sometimes us guys want our gals to be PERFECT PEEPS.
Like they never sweat...They never get tired of cooking for us...Or they never have a bad hair day.

FYI...From working in tha Fashion Modeling industry in tha past,
Guys always remember...The prettiest gurls have tha smelliest poop.
Don't ask how I know, but just hear where I'm coming from...
And if ur a gurl and u say ur boo-boo don't stank, then maybe ur not in that 2% of my Super Beautiful Loop!

But sometimes not just gurls, but guys too, can have all they want,
And still not be satisfied or still be looking for tha 'Next Best Thang'.
I got into that tonight, and even above in this post...Comparing myself to others,
Wondering why some are getting to dance...Not realizing my Prototype is somebody who can Dance, Do Stand-Up and Sing.

And it goes waaaay beyond just looks, let me tell ya for sure,
Tell people a lot, if u really luv somebody then visualize urself taking tha wheelchair test.
Like if somethang happened to them, or if tha body part u luv so much disappears,
Could u still be with that person?  Or will u be starring in tha remake of Fievel Goes West?!!

I admit there have been some girls in my past that I just wanted to...
Alright, here's another story, and I shouldn't be telling this but it goes with what I'm saying.
That's funny, I used to shake my head as I'm about to tell a story, but not anymore,
Huh...So now tha all too familiar words to let u know that we ain't playing...


Just this past weekend actually, I decided to go to Aventura on a mission,
I've been looking for these specific Emporio Armani Hip-Briefs for weeks, not even lying.
Maybe that's why I'm single, instead of just settling, I'm willing to travel South Florida for one type,
But I just HAVE to have these BLUE/VIOLET/MARINE kind...Whitey-Tighties will start me 2 crying.

Before I stop by Aventura Mall...I couldn't believe that Macy's had what I wanted...Amazing!
First though, I decided to stop by Target and pick up some Nick Nacks...Like Almonds of Blue Diamond.
Scooped them up along with something else I don't even remember,
Then made my way to tha checkout line hoping to hear, "Move to my empty line" by Sayz Simon.

Low and behold...I see this gurl standing in line, one I used to work with,
I looked twice and I knew that she was it...Realizing I knew I should bought a fresh spray thang.
What came outta my mouth first though wasn't a, "That girl looks familiar."
My first and exact words were..."Ain't that tha girl that I wanted to Bang!"

Let's just be real tonight...Others have thought tha same...Why am I hearing crickets?!
Real talk, when we used to work together, we talked, and she had a cool spirit to say tha least.
Always enjoy a South American Chica, she was from Brazil...As usual right??!,
And she knew how to party and enjoy a great feast.

But we weren't super, super close...
So as I stood there, and afterwards I thought...Is all I think of her is just pure sex?
Like I remember a few convos a passing...And recall how her booty looked in slacks,
Meaning so if I approach her using a "U were My Crush" line...That would make everythang so complex.

She was cool, but since I didn't see her in a grip, I was just looking at her as numbers...
5'11 in height...32A boobs with slim waist and 36 in booty...and as a number that could be on my tally.
Plus, as I was in line thinking about if I should 'Conversate', I didn't have that tingle of a true interest.
My heart wasn't into her soul, just her body...Heck, our first date woulda been sitting in tha car outside of Rally's.

I didn't say anythang...also because my ego is super big right now,
Where I feel like if u don't speak, then definitely I won't say a word...I don't chase.
Been there...Done that....I only will play tha game if I think it's worth it,
It's tough to play games of Earthlings when ur experiences have led u to a life Outer Space!

I don't think of all girls as in just sexual objects to be flipped, dipped and slipped,
Sometimes if...How can I say this...Sometimes u can lust after a notch under ur belt.
Which is why u should examine urself when ur dating or about to get serious with a person,
Cuz sometimes u can just be in something or doing just cuz its 'trendy'...not cuz of what ur heart felt.

Would I date somebody who's in a wheelchair?  Fudge Yeah I would!  Are u Kidding Me?
Like has anybody ever seen clips from tha TV show Push Girls?
That's my dream...or was my dream...To find somebody who is willing to let nothing stop them,
And have a very overcoming spirit to reach any and all dreams in this world.

I said was my dream, cuz I'm learning to just enjoy life as it comes,
No stress on this thang or this love relationship...Try to let it be.
Just late on tonight, and a lot lately, I get ticked off...Cuz I don't feel like others want what we want,
Others just want to blend in, while I want to be that pearl inside tha oyster at tha bottom of tha sea.

Not knocking others...But it'll be so refreshing to find other 'weird' people with Big Dreams,
If I happen to find a doll, then so be it...But she has to dream big.
I'll be as honest with her as one man can be, and I guess, expect tha same,
No time for games...That's so early 2000's dude...No Freudian Tests from this Sig.

This is all about to break...It has too...
We've done our best to go about this thang, we feel, tha right way.
Sometimes it just takes a mighty long time for the rest of humanity to get prepared for what's to come,
Like I heard on today and kind of timely..."Every Dog Has It's Day."

Somehow I feel like my life is this way, so I can share my craziness with Tha Galaxy abroad,
Which is fine, I can handle it...And I aplogize if i seem to come off as a Perfectionist or sorta aloof.
This kid just feels like he's ready to go, and take a bite like none other outta Fun and Luv...
Yeah, I'm sensitive like a sheep...Inside I'm different...And as a proud Michigan City High School Grad...

...U can see I'm not just any ordianary Wolf.


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