Friday, March 21, 2014

And.... "Ta-Dahhh!"

Uggghh!!!! Freakin' A....
I totally don't feel like writing right now at all.
But...we don't even know what we're gonna write about,
Sometimes...Or a lot of times we realize This Diary isn't our call.

We're on tha verge of somethang major happening in our life,
Have no idea what that could be, but I just have this...feel.
As if it's in tha air, like tha humidity here in a Miami August,
Like we've seen so much, that now we're about to experience the real deal.

I think about our diary, and all that's been said,
We just honestly wonder, what else can be said.
Talked about Girls, Talked about keeping ur Head up,
Even talked about our diet being Half-ghetto, Half-Pasture fed.

Kinda rambling, but I freaking want to just bust through this so bad,
I hate being somebody who is right on tha cusp of something Galactic.
Almost like, "Can we please just get on with tha show...I've had it."
Had so many confessional sessions u'd think that I was 100% bred Catholic.

Every ounce of me has been used to tha max,
Keep on going wondering, Why am I like going through this?
What did I do when I was young?  Or Am I dreaming too high?
Maybe instead of being an English Gentleman, I shoulda just went for tha Kiss.

Like my whole life is so magnified...It's so like Pre-Rock Star mode,
As we were driving...stuck in traffic (Go Figure!)...We got hit with a thought.
Almost as if u're going through all the trials of being who ur going to be,
Even with tha self-doubt as if ur a Great Fish that's ever really and truly gonna be caught.

U look around, and it seems so easy for some, but not all,
We're blessed beyond measures...But something's missing.
It's not Money...It ain't God....It's I don't know...
Like Life is just rapping away, and spitting me lines of pure dissing.

Has anybody else felt like tha joke was on them?
No matter how hard u push, or keep positive...U feel like this nightmare won't ever end.
U study and keep on getting F's...U work 80 hours and taxes and bills wipe u out,
U say ur Pregnant or gotten sick somehow, and all of a sudden out went all ur so-called friends.

Then as u lay in bed, u think...I'm doing EVERYTHANG to stop this snowball,
To tha point where its so mentally draining to get outta bed.
Cuz u feel like there's no hope anyway...Same 'ish, different day,
Rather be at tha Crib watching re-runs of Seinfeld or Tha Cosby Show instead.

As usual every once in awhile...U have to hear somebody vent about something small,
When inside u're thinking...What ur going through don't compare 2 our thangy...No way.
Like how can u....Think I need to start something new right here...
On a thought that caught our mind on today.

How can u be with somebody u...Quote Unquote "Love" or "Like",
Yet every time I see you, ur looking like Tha World is Gonna Come Crashing Down?!!
My mind, just can't comprehend having a boyfriend or girlfriend, and Hate life...
U should be totally and not constantly be illustrating a silly frown.

I'm gonna get real tonight...Cuz I'm T'd off...Cuz I haven't gotten my shot,
So tonight, I'm gonna speak for EVERY FREAKING body who feels tha same way as Muah.
This might be my last post I ever right...Cuz I've said everythang already I feel...
Matter of fact, tonight's post is gonna be simply titiled..."Ta-Dahh!!!"

(We about 2 let it all go...So get ready....Huff....)

Somethings in life, I absolutely cannot comprehend.
Like tha example stated above...Or how UPS rarely Sunday sends.
In tha above statement, u wonder...How come ur with that person then?
U want 2 be in a relationship with somebody who's cool...Not a 'He's alright every now and again.'

Well...Ok, what do tha young folks say..."Galaxia, it's complicated."
Really?...So u rather settle for unhappiness...When u could have just waited.
Sometimes tha "Best"...Isn't necessarily that "First" person u dated.
Patience sometimes reaps rewards...When Impatience exudes u being jaded.

I'm talking to me on that one...Cuz that hits home, like a Tea Kettle.
My Pops and Moms keep on telling me constantly....Whatever u do, Don't Settle.
Like they know that this patience game is getting 2 me...It's in tha DNA of my Ironman Metal.
They know that it's killing me...To not to have found somebody worthy of my best Rose Pedals.

At least found somebody who's mad sexy, cool, and happens to be single.
Tough 2 see potential in girls who may be right for u...but their relationship u can't mingle.
When u see them or think about them, u can't get enough...Like they're a Walking bag of Pringles.
Wishing to God that schoolboy crush will end...Maybe I shoulda listened to Kris Kringles?!

This is getting 2 personal...But I saw a "Prototype" on today...She looks good, no use in hiding.
Maybe she was my 'Perfect Storm'...I think she was...Her beauty rained on my so hard it became blinding.
But I HAD TO go through all that for a realize who's really and truly worthy of confiding.
Sometimes I still want her...Yet I understand that Her Episode brought Strength and Inner reminding.

Like Hey...There's another level u can go to...And how to use Anybody as motivation.
When u have as much experiences and wealth as we do...It's easy to take a silly vacation.
I got tha Abs...I know that hottest chicks...I have a Ball in life...Its tuck in a Jar called Mason.
U feel like ur gonna be tha hottest thang coming...One day u might even have ur own TV Station.

Yet when u go through a scenario, where u want something that no matter what...U can't have.
It can drive u nuts, like I have or can have everythang...But how come I can't buy this price tag.
Others cars are nice and are open to me, but no matter what I can't prop open tha door to this Jag.
Knowing that if u two would to ever get together...It'll be 'Pure Magic' and be on tha cover of Every single Mag.

You move on...But to what, u begin to think, as we do on this hour?
Everythang is new seemingly...Then why do I feel like rain is still hitting tha leaf of my flower?
Or how come cake is being had by all....And I'm still running to every store looking for tha Flour?
Skittles are seemingly endless in other people's Feature Films...But I keep on coming to tha movies with Lemon Heads that are Sour.

It just Don't...Seem...Fair...Sometimes it can boggle ur mind.
Sexiest body...According 2 some...And a fun heart...Nobody better u'll ever find.
I'm just a simple kid, though...No reason to get Goosebumps like R.L. Stine.
We know that we have been prepared to be a Star...And I'm more than willing to share ALL of our shine.

So u think, if I was a Magician, what would I do right now, to create and Live Tha Dream.
Would that include an endless supply of American Pie?  And a Jump Off to lick some Ice Cream?
Could that include our face being plastered in tha sky?  Like how Batman's signal ever so beams?
Why is it that I feel like I gotta do a thousand back flips for somebody 2 notice Tha Craft....It seems.

If reaching a certain level in ur life and Tha World was easy, more people will give it a try.
I don't even really watch tha News...It's so depressing....That's why people think bout life and want 2 cry.
Employment is down...Another Top 1% arrested on drug charges...All u want to do is simply...Sigh.
Thinking if u had that Mate or that Job, u'll never go out like that...I'll be like Catfish jumping on a Fish Fry.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not conceited...I don't think...And trust me, I'm grateful a plenty.
But when u've never gotten a chance at what u've always dreamed...That's a pantie that wrinkles ur Kitty.
Especially when u've been prepared...And have known it...And when people say that ur tha most pretty.
Perhaps I should changed my name...It worked for "TWO-CHAINZ!!"...Formerly a Boy of Ti-...

Like can u have tha dream life and still feel like there's more to live?
This can't be that end all, for real...If so, all of my European Designer clothes I would give.
That includes Diesel, Hugo Boss, Eleven Paris...And those tees that have girls on them so hot that u need to grab a bib.
Wardrobe got u thinking that I invested in Coke...So sweet that I should nickname our closet, Pibb.

It ain't all about material things....Please no matter, don't u ever forget what's we say.
This is coming for somebody who's been practicing Balling for awhile...Still motivated to show we can play.
All while having an attitude of "I want to get 2 know u"...Not caring which draft pick wants to "Lights Off" lay.
Which is a mistake cuz I 'Get It In' with tha Lights On...Cuz Every moment with us, is like Opening Night on Broadway.

Tha last post we wrote, it described us one day being here, while the next being gone.
That's not talking bout death, just that somethang special is happening...I believe that down 2 my bone.
Going from eating White Rice and Bacon Bits...To us eating Kobe Beef for breakfast, even though it's 6 in tha Morn'.
Laughing cuz u now realize ur a living symbol that in Indiana there's a whole lot more than stalks of Corn.

This post is part of tha process, cuz tha road that we on, is tough to even describe.
This is our diary, so I can't hold back my feelings anymore...Ain't even gonna lie.
We just know that if u want to become ur very best...In ur beliefs u have to be willing 2 die.
When u realize that ur willing to die for it, that's actually when u become tha most alive.

Had so many days, we cringe like, "This is too much...I just want a life so simple."
How come I haven't found that Senorita with a Sexy soul, body, and a cute set of Dimples.
Or thinking that I want to eat this half of cake...But it'll mess up my workout, and give me a hated pimple.
Then u think about it ain't supposed to be easy...Yeah, Jack was quick, but he had to learn how to be Nimble.

Life throws u experiences that tests ur Will, like never before, to tha point of u going crazy.
U can't take Tha Push...Tha Rejections any longer...And I gotta still tell somebody bout a life so Daisy?
That's when ur close, and u see what u truly have...When u've been punched and ur eyes are looking glassy.
It's easy when tha Sun is continually shining ur way, but how do u bounce back when it always looks hazy.

As a kid, I used to luv Magic to tha tee...Even had my own Harry Blackstone Magic Kit.
I would practice making cards disappear on tha constant...all in tha palms of my Mit.
Looking at a glass Half Full, or Half Empty is magic itself...For that u don't even need to take a sip.
But going back to my childhood...I would be amazed at those Magicians on TV...In front of tha tube I'd sit.

I had a small black Magic wand...Wondering if I could create an illusion so grand.
Dreams can take u far and to tha stars....U never know where u dreams can allow u 2 land.
Such deception, such perfection...Making bunnies jump outta it wasn't planned.
Then they had tha Most Beautiful Assistants...Perfect smiles, without any fear...And they had tha best cans.

How they do that?  I never knew that was even possible...Until with my own eyes I saw.
We know that there's something more to tha illusion, has to be to cut somebody in half with a saw.
They even used tha same type of object that used to drive folks crazy in tha movie...Saw.
But tha Gimmick was so unique and different...This guy was perhaps tha best I've ever saw.

Maybe that's what my life and other's similar have been...just one big magic trick.
Like all that we've been going through, is to per-fect tha illusion, to that It's Greatness will always stick.
Trying time after time again...Getting closer to that Vegas Primetime show...Our chops forming a impatient lick.
Cuz u know ain't nobody did this trick before...Like D. Blaine breath on hold...This is gonna be so sick.

Only a select few know that u've been trying to get this feat right....Practicing so hard, u've eliminated distractions.
That's what u have to do, when ur life is beginning to gain tha long awaited traction.
Don't hate me for leaving Instagram and Social Media...Just consider it a move of Addition Via Subtraction.
What we are trying to perform is only for members of tha Luv and Fun faction.

Now it's my time...And tha curtain has just gone up, as I saw on those old NBC special shows.
I'm standing by myself for right now, but we gonna make sure after this everybody knows.
Yeah, I can do something really spectacular, like make all of South Beach be covered in Christmas snow.
But for this I'm gonna use a simple Kleenex...Don't laugh, I realize it's not used for magic but just for a 'Blow'.

I'm only gonna do this thang once so pay close attention...See I've been practicing in tha shadows of Luv.
So good, that I have all tha hottest Movie stars and athletes in this place...U'd think I had a sale of good bud.
Nope!  There's just something in tha when Copperfield was at his first Sin City club.
U know it'll never be anythang like it ever again...Like a singer having monkeys and wearing a star glittered glove.

Here's my Kleenex, and as u can see, nothing different just a simple purple color shade.
Nothing in tha front, nothing in tha back...Don't hate cuz in tha Stars it was made.
It's clothed from tha best material, to if I should wash it I have no worry that it'll never fade.
Matter of fact I'm giving it to a World Famous DJ after this...I'll only do this for my Homie...Kaskade. very close attention to my left arm...Don't look at my bracelet, that tha MJ of fashion gave.
Going to simple throw this Kleenex in tha air, and when it fall, somethang will happen that make u cave.
Cave into ur desires of feeling like I do...That u will have all of ur dreams come true...Never again will it stave.
I learned this from two of my favorite magicians...Both of them earlier mentioned with tha names of Dave.'s about to go down in...5.....4....3....2....1....And....Poof!
Is something different?  I see ur eyes and tongue poking out like a huge goof.
Did u see what happened?...All because of a simple Kleenex....that got tossed to tha roof.
U weren't expecting an animal were you?  I didn't bring any that go, "Woof!  Woof!"

U want to know tha difference...See it's simple.  U sometimes have to used this Kleenex as a 'Wow!'
It used to be my cloth of tears, now I use it so do magic, and 2 symbolize a Star's Never Ending Plow.
Tha practice gets tiresome, tha hours alone stink, but it's ur craft that u need to perfect...Trials u have to allow.
Magic is all in ur mind, and u can create the greatest show ever seen or imaginable...

My Final Act has arrived...And I already know I'll be smiling, and ending it by saying, a much anticipated...


Dreams Come True...Always believe that.
No matter what happens...They do

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