Saturday, March 15, 2014

Handcuffs Know No Size!!

What to write upon on this Saturday morning of such?
This diary has gotten outta control...Somewhere it's causing a fuss.
Maybe we should scale things it all this really too much?
Just it's difficult jumping in tha middle of tha jump rope, when nobody's holding ur double dutch.

Today I feel pretty good, although my last workout did me in nice.
Meaning, that I'm hurting so much so...that my balls are needing some ice.
Not cool... waking up in tha middle of tha night, realizing Ibuprofin is all that will suffice.
But to be in tha ultimate shape of ur life...Sometimes means paying tha ultra price.

We've been venting here and there in this diary, not knowing who one day will read.
Love has been our bloodline, but no matter how I cut myself, our body has refused to bleed.
Sometimes have given tha knife to somebody else, but they ignore it like a Baltic Ave. deed.
Failing to realize that I also own Park Place and Boardwalk...See, It's not $, but Fun is all I really need.

Huh.  That's really interesting...All great stories have to have some drama in tha middle.
Like Harry Potter or James Bond, there has to be some drama to make ur fingers twiddle.


U know I ain't feeling what is about to jotted down.
So why fool our self, and really get down to what's really going down.
This diary is supposed to be ultra-honest and real, on how success really goes down.
Might as well tell things like it is...Now, let's be strong, and lay our fear stick down.

How am I gonna react to all that surrounds this life of ours?
Thinking about Success and how it so close but yet...So far.
Perhaps even dreaming for a gurl, who too was sent from Mars.
Maybe I should ask tha WB Network for Veronica...She one I know who can pass my bar.

I giggle to my self cuz our life is definitely worth a TV series...This here is Season Nine.
Tha other day realizing how time flies so fast, and how sometimes it doesn't feel worth a dime.
Stuck in a losing streak like Tha Heat, wondering how come our Championship Pride don't shine.
Hating that all tha good gurls seem taken...How come a gurl can't be Single and Fine.

That's not entirely true, but as of early last week, I played Joe's "Good Girls" like it was outta style.
Like I have to, and are about to do something to push me into tha pool of, "We're getting Buck Wild!"
Can't take this anymore, for real...Not when we've been held back somewhat for more than just awhile.
Definitely not since I got so much motivation store up...Inside of my "I'm a show You" steel files.

Already know I'm gonna talk about this dating stuff...But on today...Not yet.
See, there is so much that we want outta life.  Some we already have...Some we've yet 2 get.
In a few, we'll get into how compliments and free donuts with sprinkles can get a girls panties all wet.
Yeah, that convo is coming in a few, that ain't a suprise...Vegas Line:  Galaxia. Love Talk. 1:2 Bet.

First off, I have to think about how we want to get our body right, like never before.
We're in shape, but u can always improve...Think to begin I need to start with our core.
Then consider what we're eating...Switch up our diet some...And make sure we take a list to tha store.
Cuz them BOGO deals can be ever so tempting...Ho-Ho's and Twinkies try 2 wash upon my South Beach shore!

Ouch!  I'm in pain, but I got to keep writing...just because.
Think I'm gonna have to stay in on this evening, can't risk rest over a temporary buzz.
It's still early in tha day, so who knows...I might get a text like, "Where R U Cuz?"
Partying with some people I know can get u in trouble...I'm already being watched closely by tha Fuzz.

So many times I feel like tha Po-Po will pull me over, while let tha next man slide.
I can be on tha A1A leaving Tha Beach here, and I can get followed for thinking about exceeding 55.
In Coral Gables I got pulled over on my Vespa for no reason...Except being Rich, Beautiful and Under 35.
Maybe it was because I love to ride Sexy Italians...Or maybe because I like to eat their pie?!!

Then one time I was Little Haiti...I get around don't I?  And this dude pulled me over cuz of a seat belt.
One, I was wearing mine...Like Duhhh?!!! When I used to see Crash Dummies commercials I used 2 melt.
Two, U have to just for safety...U see tha Cards, but u don't really see what Father Time has already dealt.
Three, I like to be Swagged Out like Top Gun...Tee Cruising around in our ride, like it's a Jet...One that is Stealth.

When he pulled me over next to this Sandwich Shop off on NE 2, I felt like I Molly Popped.
This has to be some kind of joke...Are u trying to make ur monthly quota so ur career won't stop?
Then I can hear his radio go off in tha background...U'll thought I was Charlie Sheen or even 2Pac.
Gave me a ticket for no reason AT ALL...And just like Salma Hayek on tha beach...I was Freakin' Hot!

Speaking of Hot Mommies...I drive ultra-conservative when I'm in Little Havana, here in tha M.I.A.
Almost like tha Boyz in...Or Sorry... Ninos en Azul are like One Pretty Mamacita is ur Max for 30 days.
 I was at this KFC off of 8th street, and as I was leaving this woman was slowly walking, looking at us in a seductive way.
I thought, she's really, really curvy...I don't know fluent, but I do know that 'Vamos A Jugar' means "Let's Play"!!

One thing I'm learning living down here in Miami is that there are a lot of sexy people...Of all ages.
Like I can just blind flip open an address book....And find like endless beauties on any of tha pages.
Tha thang that we're learning though, is that True and not artificial Sexiness...Can come in different stages.
From Teenagers who have spunk and like to have a good time...To Grandma's who like to be left alone as she does Mazes.

That's why when I see women who are 'Mature' but still doing it...I don't know bout u, but that's So Hot!
Somebody who's still taking care of themselves, but still know tha lingo of today...And can still Booty Pop!
One time somebody asked me what my age limit in dating was...Guess actually dating Babe Ruth would be enough for me to stop.
Wouldn't that be good Bingo talk on Wednesday's..."Top this, Shirley...I had tha Babe, and now Galaxia...Tell me I can't still Twork Hotties Out!"

But if u live down here in Miami, and especially in my hood of South Beach u see that age really is a number.
These dolls take care of themselves...Skateboarding for exercise, while eating salads with two cucumbers.
Some don't party all tha time, but when they do, they GO HARD!...If not, why waste a good night of slumber?
On tha squat machines as if their livelihood depended on it...Wanting to make sure they have great bumpers.

Anytime u can do something to improve urself...If u dig it, then I can get behind u 100%...That's Pure. Love.
I'm about to tread into some Crystal Waters in what I'm about to say, hopefully my toe I won't stub.
Let me do my "Can't See Me" dance...Before I do, and always remember...When doin' tha Fool, Always wear a Glove!
Mine just happens to be glittered like Tha King of Pop...I'm gonna Moonwalk like I'm in Luv's Club.

Gonna talk from my heart here...So what do guys think bout all these things we see with girls in tha 305?
I have heard of so many different diets and things that I wonder if being Thick...Is becoming a Genocide.
Or if Plastic Surgery is tha only bottle we want with a girl....No longer reading tha soul's label for what's actually inside.
Or how about chicks who get their boobs done and show everybody who asks in 'I'm better than you' Pride.

Physical Presence is really obvious down here in Miami, and it ain't going away too soon.
My only thang, and it goes for guys too, is that we put too much pressure on ourselves to not bust our balloons.
Thinking that looking "Versace, Versace, Versace!" is gonna mean and go a whole lot further than an Old Navy Goon.
Or that guys only like gurls who are made up 24/7, to wear u don't know if they are Squirrel or a Raccoon.

I like that cuz Squirrels like to have fun and  play, and they like nuts...And...I better not go there!
Let me just talk from my own personal experiences her, this ain't 'Tha Bottom Line' so have no fear.
Just my opinion cuz we've seen a lot when it comes to sexiness...I have attended Miss Indiana Beauty fairs.
Still remember this Indian girl, with long hair, and attractive legs...Oh, it's good to look in ur rearview mirror.

Throughout this diary, if u notice, when I tell a story about a girl, certain thangs are said for a reason.
We may mention a heritage, a body build, or an attitude, or whatever else that adds spice to tha season.
I say those thangs cuz we like and appreciate gurls of all molds for real...This ain't no future BFF teasing.
Gurls can be attractive in all shapes, sizes and colors...Some u want to buy, but all are on tha market for Leasing.

We have dug sexy girls with: Pink hair...Dark Skin...Blonde with Brown Eyes, just 2 name a few.
What gets us goes beyond just our eyes...Although I will say I still enjoy a wet looking hairdo.
Been around girls who talk about their bodies like no one's around...Saying how they look like a 'Moooo'.
I'm thinking, ur a freakin' size 8, what are u talking about...In this post we're gonna let it all fall through.

I see a lot of girls we know, and we don't know walking around Tha Magic City really mad.
Could be from a boyfriend not giving certain attention that's needed...Or from a day that just started out bad.
Inside, it just puzzles me like...How can a girl who's mad cool, and so pretty look so sad?
Then I'm kind of handcuffed cuz I want to make her day, but her BF would look at me trying to steal tha quote unquote, "Best Thang" he's ever had.

We was kinda tripping before we wrote on today, cuz we know a lot of girls...Wish I knew more Single ones.
Not gonna get into all of that cuz in some ways we see how relationships should be all about Fun.
Yeah, I look, believe u me...But being sexy isn't always based on if u have a tight or super big pair of buns.
Just because a gurl looks like a Bonnie doesn't mean they know how to handle Clyde's Gun.

One thang I find so sexy, is when a girl is confident and knows how to work what has been given.
All these "Sources" claim what...Confidence and a Sense of Humor is what girls look for in guys over Eleven.
Same for guys, at least I do...Seeing a girl's personality shine through, like Tha Good Life she's a Living.
Knowing she has tha Good-Good sauce, but is leary about who's gonna be fortunate to be McNugget dipping.

Or in my case The Big Mac, but she can hold convos about books read or music tha just hit tha shelf.
Talking about fashion and movies...Still shaking her head that Will Ferrell was dressed like an Elf.
Yet her vibe is so enticing that when she has a shorty, she's gonna be discussed as tha most fantasized MILF.
While being so humble, that when she sees u walking 2 tha bus, she's willing to give a friend a needed lift.

I've been caught into looks so much in my life...And it's important, but now...I look for tha entire collection.
Not just somebody who's easy on tha eyes, but someone who's willing 2 create great memories of recollection.
While being so down that when I'm at tha Jukebox at tha Pub, she chooses tha ultimate Dance Selection.
And being so comfortable bout her life, tha she can discuss how it feels to be a Porn Star or Video Vixen.

When I say that I only date '10's'...Trust me, that just doesn't mean in smiles and thin hips.
There are a lot of girls, who can get u to thinking that..."Boy, for one night, I wish I can slip and dip."
What I'm just saying is that if ur a single guy, be open, cuz u be surprised who's flexible enough 2 be flipped.
Even though a CD looks Platinum, it may be 'Aluminum Foil' and have a disc of songs that can be skipped.

Not gonna call out this gal's name...but this one gurl was being real to me about girls here in Miami.
Talking about how some girls think their looks are everythang, acting Booshie like, "Look at Me."
Ain't even realizing that Hot Boyz like Me as seen ur kind all our lives...Hotter ones at that X Three.
Just sad when u hear certain day though those folks will see.

Our Homegurl, Jeannette (What Up!)...But Ms. J, broke it down to me, bout getting a Real Girl.
Which I appreciate her thoughts cuz when u've been 'Out Here' like us...U can want more than tha World.
She can't have this...She has to be that...Or think that ur girl has to wear diamonds and never pearls.
While getting upset that tha one time u see during tha week she has her hair down...When she knows good well, I luv 2 c her hair in curls.

Would I date somebody who has had Plastic Surgery...Or a Stripper...Or somebody who's a Playmate?
Certainly, but what I'm saying is that she has to show she can talk about more than herself on our first date.
Or somebody who KNOWS she's attractive, but finds it refreshing that her looks don't come up when u Conversate.
Somebody who's up on tha World News...Or who's calling home to make sure tha Babysitter isn't late.

I need to wind this down, cuz I need some rest, but Ladies ur beautiful, don't let anybody tell u nothing else.
Know there are some scrub guys that walk by you on tha street or at tha club, like u don't have a pulse.
You don't want those guys anyway, u should settle for tha best u can find and nothing else.
Cuz one day, they'll see that they missed out on a Dime Piece, and now all they can do is cuss.

Keep being you, and doing what will make u happy...and Enjoy just being you!
Don't sweat drinking flower juice to lose pounds or Wonder with ur thick thighs what will I do.
Just continue to be sexy from tha inside out, and I promise all your love dreams will come true.
And if they don't then I guess...Austino Galaxia is wrong, and with me, you can sue.

Now.  That I've said I enjoy tha company of all types of girls...Where does that leave Tha Kid?
Not Sure...All I know is that I'm writing this as tha Hottest Butterfly under tha Glass Lid.
One that has looked out, and found tha Love Game sometimes boring...Like a Tic-Tac-Toe Grid.
But I can see a hand unscrewing tha top of tha jar...And now I wonder...

...Which Galaxian Gurl is gonna utter..."I Got First Dibs."

I Wonder ...Which...One?

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