Sunday, March 23, 2014

Galaxia's New Luv Class. Attendance: 1.

Of all days I shouldn't be writing on this Sunday night.
But u know me, I don't give a flying squirrel's toosh, I jot without fright.
Wanting to create something that's unique, and definitely outta sight.
Funny thing is that Pre-Post was the gearing up...And now I'm totally about 2 take flight.

To Be Tha Best...Huh.  What am I willing to sacrifice as such?
Our time...Our Money...Or withstanding a bag a chips at Lunch?
Are we willing to face real issues, that may hit our stomach with a strong punch?
Or am I gladly able to fight til we reach my goals...Even if my heart is leaning on a crutch.

My goal is to create something special, that will never be seen in this generation.
That can be This Diary, Or a great time on tha town...This isn't an overnight type sensation.
I'm willing to take a seat stir up tha ultimate Galaxian Creation.
Luv and Fun has been my recipe...Hoping that our inspiration would leave u with Great elation.

Things are changing on a door hinge, no longer do I have 'Failure' as my door stop.
People get all 'Swaggy' of  a possible night of pudding...That's cute, but I got a freezer full of Cherry Pops.
Tha ice on tha stick, just shows that being with us is like Snow being dumped on Coolest Lot.
Don't hate cuz I didn't fall into this lifestyle of Fun...For some reason I dreamed, and simply Flopped.

U think I'm crazy when I say, that I'm done writing, how u can call up all the news, like CBS and ABC.
Have them meet me outside of my Showroom on Jefferson Ave., I'll even speak Spanish for Paparazzi TV.
Cuz tonight I'm fired up, it doesn't take much anymore...Inspiration can come as a size of a Flea.
Ticking away on my shoulders, realizing a little bite, can take me to tha Jet Blue Skies...Where I Wanna Be.

Life can truly...Well, Suck...Especially when u think there's no end to tha struggle.
Crazy folks on tha J-O-B., Classes are kicking my booty, Then a Boyfriend or Girlfriend u got 2 juggle.
Then when u want to speak ur mind to a friend, somehow ur tha one who has to put on tha Muzzle.
Feeling stuck, thinking LMFAO lied when they claim all u got 2 do is... 'Wiggle...Wiggle...Wiggle...Wiggle...Wiggle.'

See there's a next level to life, and right now I'm willing do whatever and whoever to get there.
I'll get into relationships in a moment, but at tha moment, we're headed to Fun Land, so I got 2 steer.
Gotta admit, so many minutes lately, I've felt and said 2 myself, 'Do I really give a Fudge or even care?'
Like, for real...Everythang we've tried seemingly hasn't worked...A blind man has a GF...Is that fair?

What I've learned is that, sometimes life wants to see how u handle a little, before it gives u Mucho.
Can u handle getting soaked when the Sun is supposed to shine...before u get that Burberry Poncho?!
Are u willing to sacrifice for tha sake of  "The Team", even when others are talking reckless wanting 2 be tha Head Honcho.
Getting bruises sometimes is needed for success...I have a gang of Marx, for me wanting to be tha next Galaxian Groucho.

But u got 2 keep on fighting, and take risks when needed, cuz u just never, ever know.
Perfection...Perfection...Hmmm?  That's a MGM Mirage full of lots of dough.
Does that really exists?  I mean, today Wichita State just got a loss to erase their 35 and Oh.
Have I gotten so immune to greatness, to now I see a flawless Tiffany jewel, and all I can utter is..."So?!!"

Bout to get a little personal, about myself here, so please forgive me, but I just have to on this Day of Sun.
See, I've gotten what over 450 posts of my life and style, But tonight might just be tha Best One.
That's been my Ultimate Dream, that everytime ur around us, or read...U think 'This is Tha Prince of Fun.'
Never knowing what ur gonna get...A BB...A full Spray...Or an 'I Gotcha' sign from our Gun!


I'm a very Egotistical person in many ways, like to control myself I'm just short of having to take pills.
We just believe that This Galaxy should revolve around us at times, and not these 'Hot in tha Pan' frills.
Tha Shake of Tha Head has become one of my familiar motions, like when u first taste a Pickle of Dills.
Or even as ur a kid going to tha hated Dentist, and having Homedude say, 'Open Wide, and Stand Still.'

U can just know some things are gonna happen, u can feel them in tha air and in ur blood, and more.
Like, u can see a girl walk out her door looking right, and u can already see Love's referee motion for a late night "Touchdown Score!"
Or u Grandpa keeps on complaining about his left knee hurting, and Yep, Sure nuff, here comes an Afternoon Shower Pour.
Or u go to a Halloween Party here in South Beach, and of course somebody wants to dress as Zeus or Thor.

With that attitude, it can breed strong confidence...That can sometimes feel like it's a total curse.
U see things, and wonder why nobody else cares?  Didn't u see that fool yank that ladies purse?
Or Why come I feel like I'm willing to sacrifice tha last water bottle, so somebody else can quench their thirst.
How come I feel like I can wait to get my candy...While everybody else is fighting like she's tha last Blonde Starburst?

Guess I just feel like This Earth is just my Playground, I mean my real work is on tha other Planets.
Mean, I was originally going to have a place on Mars, but they wanted 'Out of This World' prices to become a tenant.
Then Tha Moon was another option, but it's so exclusive, It didn't even matter that I dropped tha name of Beckham and know how to 'Bend It'.
So I decided to come to this here place I guess, It was Madonna's but when I arrived, 2 Me she decided to "Give It".

What I've been trying to lend are tha words that I learn when I was up in tha Stars.
Dream.  Believe.  'Lick Me Like A Lollipop'...Ooops!  Hey, even tha Heavens listen to Lil Weezy's 16 bars!
But tha big thing is to keep working until you become One of the best ever....By Far.
I know u should know ur market...But I decided long ago...A Ford may be cool for you, but I want to be known as a high powered, Limited Edition Sportscar.

Not realizing that to be that kind, ur gonna need a special type of Fuel.
And how that Fuel costs more than The Regular with tha Gas Attendant there's no need for a duel.
You know what u got into when u were Manufactured...Like when u buy a bar, expect to see some tossed stools.
Or if u were a mix-matched Polka Dot outfit of McQueen, Stella and Nike on tha Red Carpet...U should know that Kelly O. and Joan Rivers are gonna be cruel.

Sometimes we all can forget Who we Are...And begin to define ourselves by what we own.
Or by tha sexy mate that we compete against  to see how far each week their Salad gets Thrown.
Let's be honest here, we sometimes define ourselves by how many mouths in tha club we can make 'Moan'.
While being in class trying to be a Class Clown, trying to leave peeps in stitiches when it's our grades that need to be sown.

Now tha juicy part of this post right...I heard a convo today about 'Who's Tha Best?' at this one sport.
They were discussing on how the number of Championships won determines who's tha best on tha court.
Or if The 'Eye Test' is sufficient enough, knowing that sometimes things happen that puts ur legacy outta sort.
Can u just look from tha People's Choice Helicopter above and see if this person should have his name on an Airport.

I always talk about my Love Life in this Diary and whatever...But recently it's really gotten 2 b2 almost 2 much.
So many people have an opinion on how I should settle down, or it's time...First I gotta find somebody confident enough to Go Dutch.
That includes on Pies....Jump Rope...A Dinner Bill....Important topics as 'On Top one day...Then On Bottom tha next' and Such.
For somebody to be with us, there's a lot of things I consider...One is if I get a chill when we touch.

As of right now, I ABSOLUTELY haven't met that person...Don't care how many gurls we've written about.
Yeah, we've been close...Step by Step...Yada Yada Yada...But Love should make u Sigh...And Shout!
Told somebody tha other day, I won't be with a gurl who's negative, and although she's a '10', constantly shows a 'Four's' pout.
Somebody who realizes that no matter what Life brings...Somehow, Someway we're gonna make it...No Doubt.

So with this Spirit of Romance, a thought hit us...Can we be consider this Grand Romantic if I never find a Wife?
Like does me sending flowers cross-country mean nothing if I don't go 2 sleep with another Human Life?
Should I for tha sake of argument, just get with anybody so that I can be what everybody wants for me, even though it may cause arguments and strife?
Or even though everybody says we look great 2gether, we're not happy, and at night all I can think is, "This Bites."

A person is defined by who they are, and not necessarily who they are with.
That's why I LOOOOVE a couple who calls each other by name, and not just a title like 'My Hubby or My Girlfriend', that's cool to tha Fifth.
You should enjoy tha company of that 'Someone', and around them u shouldn't be so stiff.
If u aren't so free, and more importantly urself...Then u should probably flick that relationship over a cliff.

What I'm talking about is really personal, but how I believe my future relationship is gonna be so fly.
I'm a goofy guy, who's pretty diverse in his interests...Think of me as a Clown who's also into tha Freaky readings of Shakespeare on tha sly.
Then again, I might be that one dancing on tha bar at a Discoteca, while Peter Pan-ing off tha thing to prove that 'If u dream, U truly can fly!'
Yet so daring that I might remix the theme song to Rocky without asking Stallone...all to tha beats of Tha Family Stone and Sly.

Yes, I also believe in a 'Family Affair', but right now, I can't picture us popping out Little Stars running around.
Once u have kids, life changes for real, right now I'm more interested in seeing how my XES EPAT booms Surround Sound.
While playing a US Capital name game, and whoever loses has to flip a piece of clothing on tha ground.
Knowing that I'll get u with tha Capital of Maine?  Which is Augusta...Doesn't Tiger Woods own that Golf Town?

Just saying that tha level of goofiness and fun has to be met, and on those two things I'll never settle for.
Cannot conceive being out with somebody u like, and not holding hands as u walk through tha door.
Or working out with ur mate, and not having them push u for one more set to work ur abs and core.
Or even going to a concert, with like Fitz & The Tantrums, and walk out thinking, 'That was such a bore.'

Guess on tonight, I'm laying down, all u need to know when u see me with this person of God's choice.
I'm very close, very close...So much so that I can feel my Funfetti cake of Celebration getting moist.
Just because it's tha ultimate party to be 'My Gal', it's taken so long, cuz she's been hard at Rehearse.
Not knowing that Every party....Every dose of 'Hatorade' has made her ready 2 be Galaxia's Alter Energy Source.

See Dating and Love is more than just Sex when u think about it...Or more than a hot body.
Both are good, but it takes a lot more to remain in Love's Mafia...and my name ain't even Gotti.
Sometimes u might find urself in a situation when ur stuck lying in bed, and ur mate has to be willing to empty out ur Potty.
While u might be asked to dressed down at a function, just so that others won't become uncomfortable, and think we're just a couple who's Rich And Snobby.

Tonight officially starts a new book, the other day we wrote how we erased our past to a blank slate.
This is Real Talk on this evening, I'm confident in who we are, and know that I'm somebody's 'Can't Wait'.
U should feel tha same way about urself, especially if u've dealt with a endless number of Bad First Dates.
Wondering if you'll ever Meet ur Queen...Whether boy or girl u might wonder if it's better to date a Middleton, Winslet or Hudson named Kate.

So for everybody who thinks I need to do this or that...Please just let me be!  That includes strangers I don't know.
Yes, I have tha ultimate life...Yes, I'm gonna write a book and make a movie...Let's just enjoy tha show.
My Love Life, and all parts of my life has gotten me to where I'm T'd off in a good way....Although...
I feel like those lessons have taken me to the level I need to be at...Where everythang simply flows.

Dreams of one day being tha best, Huh?  Think its possible, or do u think it's a Dream of Pipe?
I got a lot to prove to myself and others...So sick and tired of getting all these unnecessary whips and stripes.
One day, ur gonna say that he was right....Fun And Love wins out...If I had a choice he'll be my Day and Night...
Who's gonna be tha one to get all of Galaxia and This Galaxy?  Who knows But whether it's of Pain or Joy...

...U can bet those tears I've been more than prepared to wipe.

Thanx 2 All Tha Gurls of My Past...Now...

Let My Version of Love and Fun Begin!  And I don't think Nobody's Done It Better.
Rock On!
Austino Galaxia.

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