Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tha Trick 2 Ur Treat.

I can't help but jot a little something,
On this South Beach Holiday of fright.
Everybody is out all dressed in costumes,
Some of which are not for a kid's sight.

But as I write on tonight briefly,
There's a question that is biting me in tha booty.
What is tha thing I'm most scared of?
For this I might need a gum stick of Juicy...Fruity.

This is our diary, u know so,
I'm sure what we say, is gonna be ultra private.
Things that nobody has heard us say before,
The words may turn u as cold as tha Arctic climate.

Let's get down to it, right now,
No more time for small preludes to destiny.
Just gonna let it rip, in our own way,
On tha count of One...Two...Three.

Halloween as always been a part of my life,
I mean I was born just tha day before.
Last night was fun, kicking it with some friends,
I never get old, so if u ask my age, I may forget tha score.

Having some great Sushi, and some wine,
As well as some laughs that will never be forgotten.
Lately I've been humbled in so many ways,
To be honest, and truthful, I've been spoiled flat out rotten.

Gonna stay on task, and write from our heart,
Just seems like so much is going on, even today.
About an hour ago, I literally saw The King of Pop,
And believe u me, he looked like him in every single way.

As a kid, Sleepy Hollow was my lick,
I used to get chills as I watched that VHS Disney flick.
The orchestrated music, and tha storyteller,
Every year I saw Ichabod Crane, I thought, "How Sick".

He was so cool, yet so goofy looking,
Had that New York swag of old time.
Wearing Knickers and Colonial gear,
Sure his whole outfit didn't cost more than 200 dimes.

But that Headless Horseman, was his foe,
Riding on his horse, in tha darkness of tha night.
I can still see myself be like, "Ick don't cross tha bridge",
Knowing that my worse nightmare was about 2 take flight.

I'm gonna watch that Sleepy Hollow later on,
As I think about it, I wonder what do I fear?
Could it be that I'll have a pimple in tha near morning?
Or that my 15 minutes of fame will have tha shelf life of cheap beer?

We have been put in a lot of crazy situations,
Wondering if it's worth to take tha risk or not.
One time I was the company of hot drunk girls,
While another I was sitting at a table with a Bong and some Pot.

Many have pondered tha question at hand,
What drives you...Success or fear of failure had?
I guess it's a little bit of both, at least with me,
Tha drive within, has become a lot more than just a fad.

Guess I'm sorta weird in many ways,
As a kid I had no problem eating some Elmer's glue.
Also ate a lot of carpet cleaner sprinkle in my day,
Hey, in tha hood, when ur curious, u do what u gotta do.

Am I tha only one who's ever done these things?
Like nobody else had never done or even wonder to try?
Even then I was either crazy or living life on tha edge,
Now my version of risk is eating a large size of Checker's French Fries?

To have the true definition of fun, u can't be afraid,
At least to tha point of not wanting to look silly.
Can't be concerned what other people may think or say,
If u have to rock that fur coat when outside its a 90 degree day chilly.

Man, I feel a girl story coming on right now,
We wasn't even gonna go to this crazy route.
But if we are telling our life like it is, then...
Have to go with tha flow, and not display any kind of pout.

When it comes to love or even 'like',
You must live with any kind of fear or routine.
Meaning you can't be afraid to be spontaneous or fun,
Even though tha results may feel like a kick to your spleen.

As single guy, I have learned a lot about taking risks,
Many times my heart has beated like 90s Miami Bass.
You see somebody u like, and she likes you, u feel it,
In your head u see it playing out with u two face-2-face.

Then that girl throws you a curveball, and everythang stops,
With you thinking, "Hey, that's not in tha script!"
A 3-second tape delay then runs through ur head,
Wondering if you should go ad lib or simply dip.

I'm a romantic at heart, beyond words really,
And people would be surprised at tha things we come up with.
Love Letters, unexpected gifts, and other things,
If I mention them in detail, then I'll be making an intrusion on The Fifth.

Lot of times it has been to make somebody's day,
To do those creative things, has a lot of vulnerability attached.
Would it be too much, would a day at tha Spa be too soon,
Could emailing each other everyday make me seem like a desperate catch?

It's in those moments that you grow though,
And it is then when u have to go and listen to your heart.
Giving some flowers just because may be what ur feeling, 
Then go ahead and do it, that give a convo a simple start.

The Unknown his something we all think upon daily,
Wondering if our life has turned into some "If A, then B" child's book.
The best way to deal with tha monster is to simply embrace it,
Walk up to it, take it's money, and stick it up like a low, down dirty crook!

There's an old saying, that goes like this...
A closed mouth never gets fed.
So if you want something, no matter how awkard ur surroundings,
U have to do something, or u'll be laying wide awake in ur bed.

U know what...Beep it...I'm gonna tell this story,
May have  told it before, but there's some who haven't heard.
The story of taking risks with two sexy beauties here in Miami,
And little did I know, they were close friends like two little redbirds.

(This is so personal, like way too personal...But here we go...)

When I first came to Miami several years ago,
I was enrolled at Miami International Univ. of Design.
Where the teachers were mad cool, dreams were seen in tha air,
And truly where every single girl was dag gone near ultra fine.

There was this girl who caught my eye,
Had blond salt and pepper hair, with a sexy skin.
Later I learned that she was from Argentina, 
On tha first day, she wore this polo, that may me cringe for her 2 be my friend.

Her name was sexy, how she talked was right,
She wore her sunglasses on her head like a movie star.
We had several classes together, that semester definitely,
Had a smile on her to match...her best quality by far.

Her personality was one which u knew she's been around,
And that she was used to having nice things or even top guys.
That wasn't a problem for me, cuz I'm used to tha same thing,
You just substitute "top guys" and instead put in 'hips and thighs.'

One time we had to make a presentation to tha class,
Every one did, and I was tha only guy in a class of like 25.
So when I got up there, it got quiet, and all eyes were on me,
As I stood up there, I felt like Magic Mike at a bachelorette party dine.

I talked about one of my, I guess heroes, JFK, Jr.,
But as I talked I actual called out this girls name in tha speech.
If I recall correctly, I said, "Pretty girls like...such and such...",
Her eyes just lit up, like she just saw a newly ripe Georgia peach.

Afterwards, I sat down, and wonder if it was worth tha risk,
Out of all these beauty queens, I actual called out tha name of this one.
We talked before, but not really, u understand,
So this coulda hurt my chances of some other Saturday night fun.

After that speech, nothing happen...
At least not yet, I must thoroughly admit.
Which brings me to Girl number two, I guess,
In this epic story of us talking about risks, and if it really does fit.

Several months later, and I must say boldly SEVERAL,
Cuz I don't want to feel like this is Pimping 101.
We have been around a lot of cool and pretty girls in our day,
If Sexy girls are tha Moon, then u might as well call me tha Sun.

So I got to know this other girl on another level,
She was fiery in her sexy Cubana type of way.
She would dress like a rich Art collector,
Other girls were D&G, she was Dolce & Gabbana, top notch all tha way.

Short in stature, black hair, with a killer smile,
Now u see, what physical feature I may admire tha most.
She was smart, attempting to get another degree, like me,
Outta tha whole school, and in my mind, she was tha one I wanted to give a toast.

We knew each other a while, talked some, 
And sat right next to each other on tha daily buzz.
I had a busy schedule, but wanted to make some time for her,
Just wondering how to approach where, without attracting tha Miami Fuzz.

Just outta tha blue, we decided to write in impromptu letter,
Coulda been simple, but I wanted 2 leave her feeling impressed.
Almost like somebody showing up on a date with a snapback and jeans,
That's cool, but a button up may be better, to match ur homegurl's Chanel dress.

I wrote it, and on tha sly, slid it over to her,
Her pretty brown eyes, then gave it a hard glance.
She didn't say a single word, as she was trying to decipher it,
I wrote it backwards, so her eyes were doing a right to left dance.

After figuring out what was said, she told me,
"Thanks, but I'm just too busy with things."
She wasn't lying, I know, but she pass up this golden chance,
Plus, she kept my letter, which meant it was worth 2 her more than bling.

The next quarter, I walked into the first day of class,
And there were some girls I had known for awhile.
One which I worked with, Zoila, I miss u girl,
It was a cool class, with tha heat about to turn on its dial.

I look to my left, and it was both of tha girls I mentioned,
Chatting away, as BFF's from another Mutha.
Inside, I was like, this is going to be super interesting here,
Two girls.  Two stories.  Can anybody please help out a brotha?!

This class was going to based on group work,
Tha catch was we allowed to pick our groups of choice.
I put Zoila on top of mine, and I think she did tha same,
Freakin' put it bold, so homedude couldn't ignore my voice.

So we turned in our names of who we wanted,
Then took a lunch break, and I was feeling like a used up toy.
I just wanted to learn a little bit about fashion, that's it,
Now I'm in tha middle of tha stage piece...Death of a Former Playboy.

We get back to class, and all of sit down,
Everybody is waiting for the verdict that's at hand.
The first group was called, and Zoila was in it,
But my name wasn't, and I almost passed out, I needed a fan!

How can two people have each other at tha top of their lists,
Not be enjoying this upcoming class fun.
The groups kept getting announced, finally my name was mentioned,
But tha other members spoken...I knew that I was done.

It was both of the girls, I had past episodes with,
Now all three of us, were gonna be together for at least 3 months.
Working together, talking about each other's lives,
When we all exchanged numbers, I thought everythang was a big stunt!

What was even more mind blowing was this, 
It was something that both of tha girls told me when we all first met.
They said, that both of them wanted me in their group,
I came home later that day thinking, "This is why I don't ever place bets."

I get a free chance to know both of these girls I respected,
They knew who I was, and game recognized game.
Thinking about how bad I wanted them in their own time frame,
Been cool to know one, but now I get two awesome dames.

We had fun that quarter, I know I did,
But it illustrated something about taking risks.
Even when it may look like it may never pay off,
It just may in its own time, and life will give u a unexpected assist.

If u feel something or somebody in ur heart,
No need to hold it in, just let it go, and let tha chips fall.
Rejections just gets u closer to ur end goals,
And provides fuel, that lasts until the DJ in Heaven yells, "Last Call".

What do I fear?  That's a good question.
I guess nothing, because everything will work out if u believe.
That may be a standard or egotistical thought pattern,
But to it, will I always cleave.

Once you get past that illusion, Tha Galaxy is yours,
And you can accomplish absolutely any type of feat.
Then you can live 365 days knowing ur giving ur best,
Knowing u learned fear's trick...and now ur enjoying life's treat.

Live without limits.
Austino Galaxia.

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