Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's Gently Approaching...

Oh boy.

Lot going on, so might as well just jump head on into this swimming pool of craziness.  

I wasn't gonna do this, but something is leading me.  I usually don't like to do back2kcab posts in tha same medium per se, but we're gonna let it rip.  Please don't let me make a fool of myself...again. 

Alright, here we go.

Just got in a little bit ago,
From hugging tha block out here in South Beach.
Amazing the things that one sees in tha 'hood,
I saw a small Karate Kid skateboarding with all his reach.

People walking dogs everywhere u look,
U better pick up ur doo doo, I mean don't pollute.
Mamacitas, Gangstas, u name it,
But today I saw this guy walking two dogs in a...suit.

Which makes living down on Fantasy Island all tha more fun,
I mean who wouldn't want to see a sight everyday.
Naked girls, cats that refuse to move off tha walk of side,
Then those desperate guys trying to flirt...using Cubano say.

Tonight I have no idea where this is gonna lead,
The last post I wrote, almost made me just cringe.
Galaxia isn't supposed to be so honest about his feelings,
Especially when a gurl holds his heart in her Love Syringe.

There's a lot of gurls that catch our attention, I must admit,
Only a strong select few get our heart to add an extra tap.
The one that makes u wonder how she looks while she's asleep,
Or better yet what face is illustrated when she...makes it clap.

This diary, whether I want to or not, must be real,
Authenticity is tha goal in everythang u will read.
That could be in us talking about fighting not to give up,
While it could include us talking how to make a heart gladly bleed.

So getting back to our life, it's crazy bro, can't explain it,
Borderline want to say that it's OOC.
Have some expectations of us, which are always fine,
Just don't push us, because my fists can sting like Ali's bee.

Recently I have been asking some many people, especially girls,
How did you know when u met ur boyfriend or "The One."
Many of them just push off their present boyfriends as nothings,
Only later to find themselves trippin' over all of the unseen fun.

In my life, I have been told "Yes" quite a bit of times,
Then for some odd reasons, "No" by a few others.
Back in tha day, I said there were only 2 reasons not to date us,
One ur were Gay, and Two, a relationship with a boyfriend couldn't take it no further.

What got me about these mad cool girls was this,
None of them were what we would call, "Luv At First Sight."
Thinking that these guys were busters, or a dufus,
Man, for these Magic City women u gotta put up such a fight!

Not gonna lie, and once again I shouldn't be saying all this,
But it takes a lot for me to just go "All In", when I don't know ya.
Guess our Ego figures it should be me who is chased,
Seen so much from tha Church girl to tha "Don't take no mess" Puerto Rican Mama.

As I think back to all these episodes, perhaps it was us,
I mean, maybe I was being tested to see how much I was willing to go.
Any girl worth having is not gonna make her catch simple,
That includes thugs, GQ cover boys, or Hollywood actors rolling in dough.

Hmmm...Perhaps that's what this is gonna be about tonight,
Some of our insights to relationships between Venus and Mr. Mars.
Please Lord, don't let tha girl I'm about to get at be reading this,
Now she's gonna make it harder on me like a 5 hour frozen Snickers bar!

Might as well, though just speak upon some of our experiences,
Don't take my words as solid, like I'm some kinda of Guru or Coach.
Oh My Gosh, this is about to get even more wilder, just because,
Tonight we're gonna talk simply about Love and more importantly...Tha Approach.


When guys get ready to walk up to a girl,
Everything is game, and every guy has their thang.
We've heard some guys be a little nervous, which is normal,
While I've heard others be like, "Are u Beeping?" except with tha "F" street slang.

Some guys may argue with me on this, but whatever,
We just believe the best way is to be an absolutely straight up "G".
Give tha girl some options, and let her be tha one to decide,
Honesty from tha Git, is tha best, and later on a guy would see.

But us guys, don't wanna be real, all tha time, I mean,
What if aren't just interested in a wife but actually a slice of dating cake.
I think some guys don't want to leave open tha door for tha gurl to see other guys,
They want her all to themselves, and wouldn't dare chance it that at tha club she'll run into Drake.

Me personally, Don't Give a flying rat's hair,
Cuz u can't be trying to possess a girl like a deed to a house.
When u do that, u show that u lack self-confidence in who u are,
Or in how good ur treating her, u talk like a lion, but have game like a mouse.

Nowadays, girls are becoming more hip to tha game, 
And are flipping it like a condo down here on Collins Ave.
They are showing no feelings after sex, they are hiding feelings of attraction,
Sending mixed messages through text, while tha guy waits for tha call he won't ever have.

We've been real by asking if "lines" really work,
U know tha kind like, "How was ur fall when u fell from Heaven?"
Or tha,"U look so good I wanna drink ur bath water.",
Anything to get them digits...not one, two, but...All seven.

Girls have told me that those lines just don't work,
Maybe it depends if ur under the influence of some lemon Ciroc.
I've seen crazier things happen in my life, I mean, I once saw,
A VH1 dating show of Dimes dedicated 2 a guy who always wore a clock!

Hilarious!  But girls now tell me if I'm lying or not, 
There's like some kind of 19th sense that kicks in when u sense a "Holla".
The convo with ur girls get more intense, tha newspaper comes closer to ya face,
Sometimes ur eyes and a "Fool Please" look crinkles ur mouth like why bother!

This is getting personal, but I remember this one time, in a library,
A woman who knew me, as she was sitting down knew what was about to jump.
Tha moment had spoken, and both of us had some feelings for each other,
She didn't even look up....So calm, although she knew that 2 hearts were about to bump.

Conversation was good, Yada Yada Yada,
I think a female knows before u even say a single phrase.
It's like either u got it or u don't, no between,
If u don't her response can freakin' stay with you for days.

There isn't no game to this thang,
From many people they believe tha moment speaks for both of you.
The rhythm on tha dance floor, or convo near tha aisle of cantaloupes,
Can have u living on cloud nine, and thinking later, "Wow, how time so flew!"

This thang is so unedited tonight, and I just know I need to shut up,
Cuz I can since that this homegurl is reading this with a microscope.
Just believe in telling it like it is, at least u know tha deal,
This is an open book on if ur getting Bishop Don Juan dressed up like Tha Pope!

Take chances, guys and even girls, I must say, 
You absolutely NEVER know who's been watching you all this time.
One time I had a thing for this model-like waitress with a tan and coolness,
Next thing I know it we were talking at a party for hours, with her attention so prime.

Or another time, u think that it's over, and done,
And fate won't give u a second chance.
Low and behold that same one walks by you on tha street,
Even while going to class, when that happens ur soul starts to do tha Cupid dance.

Tonight I'm so embrassed, just, I don't know,
This diary has definitely taken a life of its own.
Discussing insight into how we think and live,
Even how broken opportunities always have a opp to be sown.

Now on a very in-depth personal level, 
What if some girls who I may do tha do read this before I do.
Will they try my patience, just to play games,
Using my words against me like a People's Court sue.

Then I'm thinking this is so weird to even write about this,
Could an episode of love be developing step-by-step.
Guess next post I'll just be calling out tha names of certain somebodies,
Believe u me, I'm close to doing that, those thoughts in our mind have crept.

This is just crazy though, time will surely tell,
I'm meeting a lot of cool guys and gurls who are really just real.
They've been through tha wild relationships or drama,
Now they are seasoned to live and love, and not play tha field.

Which is why I guess I write, cuz this could be something epic,
Tha one nobody could catch, actually being caught.
Hope whoever, friends and lovers are ready for us,

Now after all this jibberish, 
And stories about myself,
How a good approach can easily make u swagged up like a fox.

I now have one question, especially since I know a certain somebody is reading this...
"I'm running for campaign for ur next boyfriend, so can u please do me tha honor...
...Of punching a check mark in Sir Galaxia's Box."

Austino with a kiss.

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